Who is entitled to an early old-age pension (nuances)?

Issues related to the retirement age of Russian citizens are a widely discussed topic in society.

This is largely due to the reform adopted last year, the meaning of which is to push back the deadlines for Russian pensioners to retire.

Every year, citizens will retire later. However, some categories of workers have the right to count on certain benefits and relaxations in this matter; in particular, they can receive pensioner status much earlier than other fellow citizens. This article will discuss which employees have the right to retire before the generally accepted age, as well as the procedure for registering pension payments in this case.

What does the concept mean?

In Russia, as in many countries of the world that provide financial support for older citizens, there is such a thing as “retirement age,” that is, the number of years lived by a citizen, after which he loses his ability to work and has the right to count on a pension.

In 2021 it is:

  • for women – 55.5 years;
  • for men – 60.5 years.

Important! The retirement age increases every year until it reaches its maximum by 2024.

However, certain categories of workers have the right to go on vacation before the legal age. Even taking into account the changes generated by the controversial reform.

To retire early, a citizen must have appropriate grounds. So, in general terms, they are the features of an employee’s professional activity, which is associated with the following:

  • dangerous, complex and difficult working conditions , for example, due to hazardous conditions or working in harsh northern climatic zones;
  • the special social status of a citizen , for example, his belonging to the autochthonous indigenous people of the northern part of the country.

Amount of pension benefits

To find out the approximate size of your future pension, you can use a special calculator on the Pension Fund website. The user provides information about himself, including age, work experience and the number of accumulated pension points. The calculator will give an approximate result.

You can also contact the Pension Fund office directly. Experts will make an accurate calculation of the amount that a citizen will receive if he decides to retire early.

How to calculate

The employee can independently calculate the approximate amount of the pension. There is a special formula, but it is quite general, and you won’t be able to get accurate results with it.

It is necessary to add the fixed payment to the IPC and the cost of the IPC. These indicators vary for each employee. The fixed payment also varies. It can be generally established for everyone, as well as special, for example, for those who have worked for 15 years in the Far North region.

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If a person retires due to length of service, then a different formula is used for him. The amount of payments depends on the salary that the worker received while working. Thus, astronauts are paid 55% of their salary.

What the law says

Issues that are directly related to the assignment of early pension payments are regulated by federal legislation.

Thus, the main regulatory document is the federal law “On Insurance Pensions”. In particular, Article 30 of this law establishes the appropriate circle of persons and the rules for assigning early pension payments.

In addition, the Government of the Russian Federation also carries out legal regulation of this issue, issuing relevant resolutions.

Also, today the regulatory legal acts issued during the existence of the USSR have not lost their relevance. Thus, by the Decree of the USSR Cabinet of Ministers of January 26, 1991, special lists of professional activities associated with difficult and hazardous conditions for health were approved, giving the right to preferential retirement.

Latest news in the field of pensions

Despite changes in the pension issue, proposals with various initiatives continue to be submitted to the State Duma. A bill was introduced to secure the right of a medical worker to retire early due to old age. It will allow medical workers to retire earlier than the statutory period.

A bill was also introduced regarding the resumption of indexation of pensions for those pensioners who continue to work. The authors of the project propose to start indexing in 2022.

Both of these bills are under consideration and have not yet been approved.

It is planned to index the social pension by 3.4%. Its average size will be 10.2 thousand rubles. Recipients of such payments are citizens who do not have enough length of service to apply for an insurance pension.

It is planned to increase pensions for pensioners who continue to work from August 2021. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation will carry out an appropriate recalculation for them, due to which the amount of monthly payments is expected to increase.

Also in August it is planned to index the funded part of the pension. The promotion is carried out automatically. There is no need to submit any applications. Non-working pensioners will only face indexation at the beginning of 2022 by 5.9%. You can expect an unplanned increase in payments only individually if the pensioner applies for a recalculation.

Old age insurance pension

Today in Russia an old-age insurance pension is paid, which has completely replaced the labor pension. The latter took into account only the total work experience. The grounds for calculating the insurance pension, as well as its size, depend on the timing and volume of money transfers by the employer for the employee to the Pension Fund.

Attention! Citizens conducting business activities also have corresponding obligations to the Pension Fund.

This year (2019) the criteria for calculating an old-age pension are:

  • insurance experience – 10 years;
  • IPC – 16.2.

In the case of applying for an early insurance pension, these requirements are somewhat different and depend directly on the category of beneficiaries, the list of which is very impressive.

It should be especially noted that an additional condition for assigning benefits to employees who worked in difficult and unfavorable health conditions is the transfer of contributions to the Pension Fund by the employing organization at increased rates.

Choosing a pension delivery method and its payment schedule

At his own request, the recipient of the pension benefit can choose the organization that will deliver the pension to him and the method of receiving it. Delivery is carried out monthly on time.

Possible ways to receive payments:

  • at home or at the cash desk of an organization engaged in delivery (Russian Post or another organization with which the Pension Fund has an agreement);
  • to a personal bank account (at a branch cash desk or to a bank card).

If necessary, you can change the organization and method of delivery of pension payments by again contacting the territorial pension fund with an application.

If it is impossible (under various circumstances) for a pensioner to receive a pension on his own, you can draw up a power of attorney for another citizen. If the benefit is received at the post office or at a bank, a power of attorney can be issued in these organizations. It is issued for 1 year, but if its validity exceeds this period, then the pensioner will have to annually confirm the fact of his registration at the place of receipt of the pension.

Is early exit available to the unemployed?

Under certain conditions, a citizen can go on vacation earlier while being unemployed. To do this, he must meet the following criteria:

  1. Age . Men – 57 years old, women – 53 years old.
  2. Insurance experience . Men – 25 years, women – 20 years.
  3. Unemployed status . The citizen must be dismissed from his previous place of work due to staff reduction or due to the cessation of its activities by the employing organization and registered with the Central Employment Service.
  4. Inability to find a job. For example, if a citizen of pre-retirement age has a rare or unclaimed profession.

Pension preferences for indigenous peoples of the North

Preferential maintenance at the expense of Pension Fund funds for representatives of indigenous peoples of the North is determined by Article 11 of Federal Law No. 166. In particular, they can apply for early payments provided:

  1. Evidence of belonging to ethnic groups enshrined in government decree No. 1049 of 10/01/2015.
  2. Achievement of 50 years by women and 55 years by men.
  3. Permanent residence in the traditional territories of peoples.

Attention: when changing their place of residence, these citizens lose the right to preferential payments.
It is being restored after moving to the traditional settlement area. The following is considered proof of belonging to the peoples of the North:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • birth certificate;
  • certificate from the indigenous community.

Download for viewing and printing:
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 1, 2015 No. 1049 “On approval of the list of small-numbered peoples of the North...”

Federal Law of December 15, 2001 N 166-FZ, as amended. dated 07/03/2016 “On state pension provision in the Russian Federation”, as amended. and additional, intro. in force from 01/01/2017

Who is entitled to

Not only people working in difficult or harmful conditions, but also other citizens can apply for state benefits ahead of schedule. These include :

  • Workers of the Far North. Men become pensioners at the age of 60, and the fair sex will have to work until 55. But it is important to have at least 15 years of work experience in the northern region. If a specialist works in areas equivalent to the north, then 20 years of experience is required. The total period of work exceeds 25 years for men and 20 for women.
  • Persons laid off due to downsizing or closure of a company. This applies only to citizens who have less than 2 years left before retirement, and also do not have the opportunity to find a suitable job. Therefore, they have the right to receive benefits early.
  • Unemployed pre-retirees. They will be able to go on vacation early if they are registered on the stock exchange and their work experience exceeds 11 years.
  • By length of service. This right can be exercised by military personnel, civil servants, astronauts and pilots. Each specialist has his own requirements regarding the period of employment, dismissal rules and other factors.
  • According to experience. If a person has worked officially for a long time, then he has the opportunity to reduce the period for obtaining a pension by 2 years. To do this, a man must work for 42 years, and a woman – 37.

Some persons are even entitled to receive a double pension according to their status.

Civil aviation workers

The basic requirements are for experience, and the conditions differ for different specialists.

ProfessionFloorWork experience in a preferential specialty (years)Total labor period (years)Pension age (years)
Flight crewMen25 (20 if dismissed for health reasons)No requirementsDoesn't matter
Women20 (15 if health problems occur)
Aircraft flight control specialistsMen12,62555
Engineers and technicians involved in aircraft maintenanceMen202555

Amendments to laws are regularly made, so representatives of the above professions should monitor these changes.

Representatives of the intelligence service

These include employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the fire service, the Federal Penitentiary Service or other similar authorities. Each specialist takes into account the following conditions:

ProfessionFloorWork experience in a preferential specialty (years)Total length of employment (years)Pension age (years)
RescuersMen15Doesn't matterFrom 40
Prison workersMen152555
Work in fire protection and emergency servicesMen25Doesn't matter50


They must officially work for 25 years, but can only receive pensioner status after 24 months. From 2023, the payment date will increase by 5 years.

Medical workers

They require at least 25 years of experience if they work in a village or town, and if they work in a city, the period increases to 30 years. But you can’t start processing it immediately after it’s issued, so you’ll have to wait 24 months. From 2023, this period increases to 5 years.

Reference! Such rules apply not only to doctors, but also to nurses.


The same rules apply to them as for doctors and teachers. They will have to wait 2 or 5 years after employment to apply for a pension.

Mothers of many children

If a woman gave birth to more than three children, whom she raised until they were 8 years old, she can apply for benefits early. But 15 years of experience is required, as well as 30 points.

If a mother has raised three children, then she becomes a pensioner at 57 years old. If you have 4 children, the age for going on holiday is reduced to 56 years. Mothers who have given birth to 5 or more children can apply for benefits at age 50.

Disabled people and their parents

Parents of disabled children retire early when the father has 20 years of service or the mother has 15 years of service. The payment can be made by the father at the age of 55 or the mother upon reaching the age of 50.

Disabled people take into account the following conditions:

Type of disabilityFloorTotal experience (years)Pension age (years)
War traumaMen2555
By vision or 1 groupMen1550

Guardians retire early if they have raised a disabled person since childhood, therefore, for every 1.5 years of guardianship, the period of guardianship is reduced by 12 months, but not more than 5 years, and 20 years of experience is also required for a man and 15 for a woman.

More grandchildren means earlier retirement?

LDPR party deputies initiated a bill on early retirement for those elderly people who have three or more grandchildren. The purpose of the innovation is to improve the demographic situation in the Russian Federation by stimulating the birth rate not only in the first, but also in the second generation of Russians.

Modern youth are in no hurry to start families and have children. Their main goal is to achieve a stable financial and social situation. If a second or third child is born in a family, the woman can no longer work. All her time is spent on caring, being at home and raising children.

In this regard, an initiative arose to provide early retirement to elderly men and women who have three or more grandchildren. If there are three grandchildren, grandparents will be able to retire 2 years earlier, that is, for women the age is reduced to 58 years, and for men - to 63 years.

At the birth of grandchildren, the retirement age for one of the elderly will be reduced by 6 months. The maximum period by which retirement can be reduced is 6.5 years. To achieve the maximum reduction, grandparents must have at least 12 grandchildren.

Despite the fact that the bill should make life easier for young families, there are many Russian citizens who are skeptical about such an innovation. Citizens are interested in the following questions:

  1. How will two grandfathers and two grandmothers share early retirement?
  2. Why do those elderly people who refuse to help raise their grandchildren need early retirement?
  3. Who will help young mothers before grandma turns 58?

Citizens also propose returning to the previous retirement age so that no new conditions have to be introduced for an earlier pension.

Other specialists

There are several other professions in which early retirement is granted.

ProfessionFloorExperience according to special conditions (years)Total experience (years)Pension age (years)
Tractor driversBenefit not available
Work on expeditions, on field geological exploration or prospecting work, as well as on survey, hydrological or forest management work, etc.Men12,62555
Work in the textile industry with high severity and intensityMenBenefit not available
Women20Doesn't matter50
People working in locomotive crews, organizing transportation and traffic safety on the railway, as well as truck drivers in mines or minesMen12,62555
Public transport driversMen202555
Timber rafting and logging workersMen12,62555
People working in mining operations related to the extraction of mineralsMen25Doesn't matterDoesn't matter
Ship workersMen12,62555
Persons working on fishing vesselsMen25Doesn't matterDoesn't matter
Machine operators involved in loading and unloading operations in portsMen202555
Miners, miners, excavation machine operators and tunnellersMen20Doesn't matterDoesn't matter

Such preferential conditions are due to the complexity of the specialists’ work.

Rights of persons retiring early

The rights of a person who, in accordance with the law, claims pension preferences, are protected by the state.

  1. Thus, the government of the Russian Federation has adopted regulations regulating the work with documents of these individuals. Order No. 258n dated March 31, 2011 approved the list of types of labor activity that are subject to confirmation when applying to the Pension Fund authorities ahead of schedule.
  2. In addition, employees of the Pension Fund can assist in obtaining certain documents necessary for granting a pension.

Attention: information on periods after 2002 related to preferential periods is at the disposal of the Pension Fund.
As a rule, it does not require confirmation. Download for viewing and printing: Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2011 No. 258n “On approval of the procedure for confirming periods of work giving the right to early assignment of an old-age pension”

How is the total calculated?

Early appointment is calculated using the general formula:

  • SDP = PIK x C x K + BV x K, where:
  • SLP - amount of early pension;
  • PIK - the total amount of earned pension coefficients;
  • C is the price of one point on the date of pension assignment;
  • K - increasing coefficient;
  • BV - basic payment for the year of appointment.

An example of early retirement

Citizen S. was dismissed due to staff reduction from the enterprise at the age of 53:

  1. The woman worked all her life in this organization as a specialist in rare insects, having received the specialty of entomologist in her youth.
  2. She registered with the employment authorities on time, providing all the necessary documents.
  3. In the region of residence there was no organization that required an entomologist.
  4. The woman went to interviews regularly.
  5. I did not refuse vacancies due to the lack of them.
  6. Taking into account her age and the rarity of her profession, specialists from the Employment Center offered her an early pension.
  7. The woman agreed because there was no hope of finding a job.
  8. She contacted the Pension Fund of Russia with a package of necessary documents.
  9. The Pension Fund made a positive decision to grant an early old-age pension.

Attention: citizens often have several preferential reasons for receiving early payments from the Pension Fund budget. You can learn about them by consulting with a specialist from this body.

Reasons for exit

To retire early, the beneficiary must meet the following criteria:

  • reaching the required age (depending on the category);
  • the presence of sufficient work experience giving the right to early accrual of a pension;
  • payment by the employer of insurance premiums in the required amount for the entire period of work.

For workers in hazardous industries

If a person works in hazardous work, there is a significant negative impact on his health. Therefore, he can issue a government payment ahead of schedule. At the same time, there are 2 lists of works for which there are differences regarding the rules for obtaining benefits.

Attention! If a specialist gets a job under hazardous conditions, then it is advisable to study the requirements of the law in advance in order to calculate the period of rest.

Men receive benefits at the age of 50, and women can receive benefits from the age of 45 if they worked for the required period in industries that are included in the first list. This includes underground work or hot shops. The following conditions are taken into account:

Work experience in hazardous industriesTotal period of work

Every 12 months of harmful work allows you to reduce the age for applying for a pension.

The influence of special experience on age

Even if a person has worked in hazardous work for only 12 months, this still allows him to retire before the standard period. Therefore, the following nuances are taken into account:

Man's experienceRetirement ageWoman's experienceBenefit registration age

To receive payment, you must prepare documents confirming the availability of special experience.

Northern experience

Another category of citizens who can retire early are those who work according to northern seniority. At the same time, they take into account the periods when a citizen works constantly for a full working day. Full-time work is understood as performing work in such working conditions under which the right to early retirement appears, at least 80% of the working time.

In simple words, if an employee has been assigned part-time work during certain periods of his working life, but the duration of work remains within 80%, then the citizen can qualify for early retirement.

Retirement dates according to northern seniority for men :

Year of birthAge and year of pension assignment
I half of 1964: from 01.01 to 30.0655.5 years in the second half of 2021
II half of 1964: from 07/01 to 12/3155.5 years in the first half of 2021
I half of 1965: from 01.01 to 30.0656.5 years in the second half of 2021
II half of 1965: from 07/01 to 12/3156.5 years in the first half of 2022
196658 years old in 2024
196759 years old in 2026
196860 years old in 2028

women retire according to northern seniority :

Year of birthAge and year of pension assignment
I half of 1969: from 01.01 to 30.0650.5 years in the second half of 2021
II half of 1969: from 07/01 to 12/3150.5 years in the first half of 2021
I half of 1970: from 01/01 to 30/0651.5 years in the second half of 2021
II half of 1970: from 07/01 to 12/3151.5 years in the first half of 2022
197153 years old in 2024
197254 years old in 2026
197355 years old in 2028

An employer can set a part-time pay for an employee when performing work on a part-time basis or on a full-time basis when working part-time. If a pre-retirement employee cannot provide documents confirming a suitable work schedule, then the period of employment on a part-time schedule will not be taken into account when calculating the northern length of service.

For example, in 2021, an employee worked at the company for 6 hours 24 minutes a day, which is 80% for a 40-hour 5-day work week. Then all days will fall into the “northern” period. But if he works 7 hours 3 days a week and 4 hours on two more days in the same week, then only three days with a seven-hour schedule will count towards his seniority.

Can early exit be denied?

Rarely, there are situations when an employee is denied pension payments early. This is mainly due to the provision of an incomplete package of documents giving the right to benefits, and, accordingly, to the inability to confirm the preferential length of service.

In addition, this problem may be associated with dishonesty of the employer who does not pay insurance premiums in full.

You can challenge the Pension Fund's decision to refuse to grant a pension early in court.

Payment of pension upon change of residence

If a pensioner has changed his place of residence within the territory of the Russian Federation, he must promptly report this fact to the territorial pension authority located at the citizen’s new place of registration or stay in order to make changes and transfer the pension payment file.

The pensioner must inform the pension authority about a change in place of residence, regardless of the method of receiving (delivery) the pension.

To do this, the pension recipient must provide:

  • documents confirming registration;
  • or an application with the actual address of residence (if the pensioner has not yet registered in the new place).

How to apply

If a citizen has accumulated the required length of service and collected points, then he needs to independently engage in the process of processing the payment. For this purpose, a complete package of documents is prepared and an application is drawn up and submitted to the competent authorities.

Attention! You can track your work period and points yourself through the State Services portal or your personal account on the PF website.

Documents and application deadlines

You can apply for a pension through PF or MFC branches, and you can also submit applications and other documentation through electronic services.

Documentation is prepared for this:

  • passport;
  • employment history;
  • SNILS.

Pension Fund employees have basic information about places of employment. If for various reasons data is lost, then the citizen will have to prepare employment agreements, extracts from orders or other certificates confirming official periods of work. The documentation is reviewed within 10 working days, after which the citizen is notified of the decision made. The pension is assigned from the moment the application is submitted.

Payment calculation

To determine the amount of early pension, the standard formula is used:

Fixed payment + IPC * price of one point.

For each citizen, these indicators are individual, so the calculation is carried out for each future pensioner. If a person applies for a long-service pension, then earnings for periods of work are additionally taken into account.

Registration of early pension

To apply for early retirement, you must adhere to the established algorithm of actions. You should find out the list of required documents, the timing of consideration of the application and the specifics of situations when a citizen receives a refusal.


The early retirement process consists of the following steps:

  1. Collection of required papers. Among them there must be documents confirming the employee’s right to early retirement;
  2. Writing a corresponding application and submitting it to the Pension Fund;
  3. Receiving a decision on a submitted request;
  4. Submitting a package of necessary papers, if this has not been done previously;
  5. If the decision is positive, the citizen writes an application with a request to transfer pension accruals to the MIR card. It must be issued in advance, or contact Pension Fund employees who will help in obtaining the card.

When an employee reaches the age of official retirement, he will need to reissue some documents.

Required documents

To apply for a pension, both preferential and standard, you need to write an application. It is accompanied by a work book, passport and SNILS. The rest of the information related to work experience should be in the Pension Fund. Employers send data on tax deductions for their employees to the authorities every month.

But if for some reason the Pension Fund cannot find the necessary information, it can request the following documents from the applicant:

  • Employment contract;
  • Personal account and statements related to salary payments;
  • Various extracts from orders;
  • Civil contracts;
  • Certificates confirming the specifics of working conditions and the nature of the work.

Copies of personal accounts may also be required. All provided papers must be properly completed. It is necessary to have the contract number and the date of its issue. Information about the employee is indicated, including full name, date of birth, title of his position, and the period during which he held it.

The application can be completed in advance. Just download it from our website below.

Where to contact

To submit an application, you can contact the Pension Fund branch at the citizen’s place of residence. Registration is also carried out through the MFC. You can submit your application online. To do this, use the State Services portal. You need to register, confirm your identity, find the desired service from the list on the website and submit an application.

Deadlines for consideration and appointment

Pension Fund employees have 10 days to review the application. Only working days are counted. After this, the applicant receives a decision on this issue. The pension begins to accrue from the moment you apply for it, but not earlier than the day when the right to receive it arose.

Grounds for refusal

The applicant may be denied an early pension. The reasons for this are the following:

  1. There are no sufficient grounds for granting an early pension;
  2. Lack of the required amount of experience, including general and special;
  3. The applicant has not achieved the established amount of pension points;
  4. The applicant did not provide the package of documents in full;
  5. Incorrect entries in the work book. They may be illegible or faded with age;
  6. The applicant is not officially employed. His work is unofficial and he cannot apply for early leave;
  7. The job title is spelled incorrectly;
  8. The necessary data of the applicant was lost due to various factors, including fire, natural disaster, etc.;
  9. The information in the provided documents is incorrect or insufficient.

In these situations, the applicant is denied a preferential pension. The Pension Fund employee notes the reason why the decision was not made in favor of the citizen. If possible, the applicant may try to rectify the situation and resubmit the application.

Mothers of many children

For those women who gave birth and raised five or more children before reaching the age of 8 years, the state guarantees the opportunity to retire earlier than expected.
To do this, you must reach the age of 50 and have an insurance period of at least 15 years, which, in addition to work, can include other non-insurance periods, including childcare for children up to one and a half years old, but in total no more than 6 years. It is also necessary to have the required IPC value. Those women who do not meet the above criteria are awarded an insurance pension on a general basis or a social pension.

The only exceptions are those who gave birth to two or more children, but worked in the North.

To retire, they must reach their 50th birthday. Their total insurance experience must be at least 20 years, of which they must work 12 years in the Far North or 17 years in areas equivalent to such territories.

Where to submit an appeal

If there are grounds for early registration of a pension benefit, you should contact the regional office of the Pension Fund with a package of supporting documentation.

  1. Citizens who have a confirmed account on State Services can make an appointment online through their Personal Account on the portal.
  2. You can also submit your application through the nearest MFC branch in person.
  3. When submitting an application remotely, you will need to visit the office or branch later, after receiving confirmation. Original documentation is required to verify whether the requirements for early transition to state support are met.

If you need to find the address of the nearest MFC or Pension Fund branch to submit an application, use the official online resources of the Pension Fund or State Services.

With significant work experience

If a woman has 37 years behind her and a man has 42 years of total experience, then such a worker can go on vacation two years before the retirement threshold . From 2021 to 2023 age will increase from 61/56 to 65/60. But in any case, a worker will be able to stop working if he is at least 55 years old (woman) and 60 years old (man).

For example, Maryaseva A.A. in 2021 he will turn 60 years old and his experience will be 43 years. Despite the fact that the minimum pension threshold will be 61 years old, Maryasev will be able to apply for a pension.

List of documentation for verification

To verify the information in the application, you must provide:

  • identification document (usually a passport);
  • employment history;
  • other documents confirming the person’s experience;
  • certificate of salary and its average amount for 60 consecutive months;
  • certificates and documents confirming the change of surname;
  • other documents that can confirm the right to early retirement;
  • certificates and certificates of the presence of disabled family members.

If documents are submitted for verification through a representative, his personal documents and confirmation of authority (notarized power of attorney, certificate of a guardian, etc.) will be needed.

Social categories of citizens

Today, groups of the population that have the right to take early retirement are legally defined, and in this case, not their work experience (work in harmful or difficult working conditions) is taken into account, but their social status in society: mothers of many children; guardians or one of the parents of disabled children or people with disabilities since childhood; some categories of unemployed; representatives of small indigenous peoples of the Far North engaged in subsistence farming; midgets; disproportionate dwarfs; visually impaired people of group 1; persons who have become disabled due to military trauma; mothers of 2 or more children who worked in the Far North.

Forgery of documents

Providing fictitious and forged documents to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is far from new. Often citizens bring fakes out of ignorance that almost all information will be subject to total control.

Please note that such violations are subject to not only administrative liability, but also criminal liability. You should not assume that we are talking only about work records. They can also be punished for falsifying certificates, extracts and orders that have minimum values ​​for the assignment of state pensions.

Thus, for providing a false document, citizens will face punishment in the form of administrative and criminal liability, which are enshrined in Article 19.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses and Article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The maximum penalty is imprisonment for up to two years.

Health status

When assigned disability group 1, 2 or 3, a person has the right to receive pension payments. When applying for a pension, it is not taken into account whether the disabled person is currently working or not. The only condition that is necessary for assigning an insurance pension is the presence of an insurance period, and its duration does not matter.

This means that even one working day will be enough for a person with disabilities if a deduction was made from the salary to the Pension Fund.

In addition to the disability pension, you are entitled to a monthly cash payment, the amount of which depends on the disability group.
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Employer's actions

The employer must issue a work book and salary certificates upon the employee’s request, but no later than 3 working days. Moreover, the work permit must be issued against receipt (Article 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The employee must return the document three days after returning the labor document from the OPFR.

After submitting the papers to the PF department, the employee sends another application in any form to the organization where he worked. This time to generate individual information about the employee. The employer must provide personal data about the employee to the territorial office of the Fund and to the employee himself no later than 10 days. The employer provides (clause 36 of the Instructions approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 14, 2009 No. 987n):

  1. Information about the citizen’s insurance experience in the SPV-2 form.
  2. Inventory of data provided according to form ADV-6-1.

When accepting the application, make sure that the employee indicates the expected date of assignment of pension payments. This is necessary for the formation of SPV-2. In some cases, the form will have to include length of service that the employee has not yet completed.


The employer is obliged to provide assistance in obtaining pensions to contractual employees.

How to calculate insurance experience

The length of service includes not only periods of work for which the employer made pension contributions, but also periods of social activity or activity significant to society. We wrote in detail about which periods are included in the total length of service and which are not in the article “We calculate the length of service for a pension, taking into account the latest changes.”


Let us clarify about parental leave from 1.5 to 3 years. Disputes on this issue do not subside. Some Constitutional Courts recognize that the period must be included in the insurance period, since the employment contract for this period is not interrupted. The same explanation was given by representatives of the FSS (Letter of the FSS dated 09.08.2007 No. 02-13/07-7424). But Pension Fund employees continue to exclude the period of child care from one and a half to three years.

Algorithm for submitting an online application

You can apply for a pension by mail, through a personal visit to a fund branch, or via the Internet. To submit an online application, proceed as follows:

  1. Go to the Pension Fund website.
  2. Log in to your account.
  3. Select the pension assignment section.
  4. Fill out the form provided with basic information.
  5. Submit an application for verification.

After verification, the Pension Fund will send a notification and invite you to submit the original documentation. Instead of the Pension Fund branch, you can verify documents through an employee of the MFC branch. Changes in the process of assigning pension benefits are monitored from your personal account.

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