How to obtain a residence permit in Russia: conditions and procedure for issuing, documents, extension

Date of publication: 03/05/2019 Number of views: 4401

Author: Ermakov Andrey Valerievich Lawyer, partner of the Legal Agency of St. Petersburg Articles written: 20

Obtaining a residence permit in Russia is a rather complex legal procedure that involves many nuances and exceptions to the rules. If you fall into one of the categories of persons entitled to obtain a residence permit, you can collect the necessary package of documents and send them for consideration to the Main Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs yourself. If you get preliminary advice from a lawyer before doing this, the likelihood of a positive consideration of your application will increase significantly. What to do if you receive a refusal and how can you appeal it? What are the rights and responsibilities of a foreign citizen with a residence permit, what are the deadlines for consideration of the application?

Legal status of residence permit

A residence permit for a foreign citizen is a special document that gives the right to citizens of other countries and stateless persons to reside in the territory of the Russian Federation and work legally. After receiving a residence permit, a citizen acquires permanent resident status and after 5 years can apply for Russian citizenship in the general manner.

Visually, the document is a trip to a Russian passport - a so-called book with a photo and an indication of the person’s personal data. It also contains information about the authority that issued the residence permit, the date of issue and the validity period of the document.

Useful information for persons who have already received a residence permit

Foreigners who become holders of a residence permit must comply with the following rules:

  1. If the residence permit holder left the country for a period exceeding six months, his document may be cancelled. It all depends on the total stay outside the Russian Federation during the calendar year.
  2. Every year, a migrant with a residence permit is required to confirm the fact of his residence in the country.
  3. If the cancellation of the residence permit could not be avoided, the foreign citizen must leave the Russian Federation within 15 days. The document cannot be restored. The entire procedure will need to be completed first, starting with the registration of the temporary residence permit.
  4. If a residence permit is no longer required by a foreign citizen, he has the right to apply to cancel the document.

Having become the holder of a residence permit, a foreigner can apply for Russian citizenship. If a migrant belongs to a privileged category (for example, has a parent who is a citizen of the Russian Federation and lives on the territory of the Russian Federation), then he will have the right to apply for Russian citizenship immediately after receiving a residence permit.

The period for obtaining Russian citizenship from the date of issuance of a residence permit ranges from several months to five years.

Video: how to get a residence permit in Russia

Benefits of a residence permit for foreign citizens

Many citizens of other states permanently residing in Russia do not fully understand what rights this document gives. Why is it needed at all if you can get a temporary residence permit or a work patent? Here are the main rights that timely registration of a residence permit gives:

  • The ability to legally reside on the territory of the Russian Federation for a long time, change place of residence and place of stay only on the basis of one’s own desire;
  • The right to travel outside the Russian Federation without completing additional documents for the possibility of unhindered return back;
  • The right to official employment in any region of the country without restrictions;
  • The opportunity to use free medical care, social support programs, and receive free education on rights equal to citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • The ability to register ownership of residential premises and indicate it as a place of residence;
  • The right to be elected to local self-government bodies, to participate in elections and national referendums;
  • The opportunity to issue an official invitation to visit the Russian Federation for your relatives living in foreign countries;
  • The right to extend the residence permit status an unlimited number of times.

Rights and obligations of residence permit holders

Having received a residence permit, a foreigner becomes a permanent resident.

Rights and privileges

This gives him additional rights:

  1. The right to pension, medical care and education.
  2. The ability to move around the territory of the Russian Federation without restrictions (except for some secret zones).
  3. The ability to freely leave and enter the country without obtaining a visa for foreigners to Russia.
  4. The right to use credit products provided by Russian banks.

The main privileges that a residence permit provides:

  1. Legal residence in the Russian Federation for an unlimited period.
  2. The ability to change your region of residence at your discretion.
  3. Unhindered crossing of the Russian border.
  4. There are no problems with employment, since it is possible to carry out legal work activities regardless of the region of residence in the Russian Federation.
  5. Availability of medicine, education and the opportunity to participate in social programs and projects on an equal basis with citizens of the Russian Federation.
  6. Pension provision.
  7. Possibility of inviting relatives from other countries to visit. Such an invitation will be a significant basis for issuing a visa.

No changes are expected on these points in 2021.

Responsibilities and restrictions

Responsibilities of the residence permit holder:

  1. Annual notification to the territorial body of the Main Directorate of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (where the residence permit was issued) about your residence in the territory of the Russian Federation in the prescribed manner (in person, by mail or through the State Services portal).
  2. Tracking the duration of your own stay outside the Russian Federation and ensuring that it does not exceed 6 months in total during the calendar year. Failure to comply with the deadlines may result in the cancellation of the residence permit.
  3. Availability of the financial ability to provide for yourself and your relatives within the limits not lower than the subsistence level established for the subject of the residence permit. If a migrant is not capable of this, then his residence permit may be revoked.

Restrictions imposed on residence permit holders

  1. A foreign citizen cannot apply for vacancies in municipal bodies and be involved in public service.
  2. You cannot be a crew member on a ship that flies the Russian flag.
  3. A migrant is prohibited from being part of the crew of a Russian warship.
  4. A foreign citizen cannot fly a civil aviation aircraft.
  5. The law does not allow such persons to work in organizations involved in ensuring the state security of the Russian Federation.

Residence permit holders cannot visit “closed” areas

  • military camps;
  • closed administrative-territorial facilities;
  • organizations with regulations on foreigners visiting their territory.

What is needed to obtain a residence permit in the Russian Federation?

The most pressing question that our lawyers are asking is: how to quickly obtain a residence permit in order to legally reside and work in the country. To approve an application for a residence permit, it is necessary to meet a number of criteria and fulfill a number of mandatory conditions:

  • Have a valid temporary residence permit and stay in Russia for at least 12 months from the date of receipt of the temporary residence permit;
  • Collect the necessary package of documents, which we will talk about a little later;
  • Contact the territorial body of the Main Department of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with an application and a collected list of documents.

If we consider obtaining a residence permit on a general basis, then the key condition is the presence of a temporary residence permit and residence in Russia for at least a year. It is important to remember that the procedure for obtaining a residence permit can take a long time, up to six months. We recommend submitting your application and documents at least one year before the expiration date of your temporary residence permit. Otherwise, you risk not having time to complete all the documents.

Residence permit for pensioners in 2021

The presence of a permit gives pensioners and citizens of foreign countries the right to receive the following types of pensions: insurance, funded, and state pensions. When submitting an application six months after receiving a temporary residence permit, a pension certificate is attached.

When filling out an application a year after receiving the temporary residence permit, you need to collect a complete package of documents and contact the FMS again at your address of residence. It is worth noting that the income certificate is provided by the person who is dependent on the foreign person. If you are earning the minimum wage, you will additionally have to provide a certificate of availability of a bank account.

Stages and order of legal procedure

Obtaining a residence permit can indeed take quite a long time (the process of consideration, not the collection of documents). If you do everything according to the law, then there should be no difficulties or hiccups. So, if you have a temporary residence permit, a foreign citizen needs:

  • Fill out an application in the prescribed form to the Main Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • Pass the mandatory Russian language proficiency exam and receive the appropriate certificate. This rule does not apply to minors, citizens of the Republic of Belarus and pensioners. As an alternative, you can provide a document on education of a Soviet model or a Russian educational institution.
  • Provide an authorized employee with a temporary residence permit;
  • Pass the appropriate medical examination and obtain a certificate;
  • Fill out a certificate of income in Form 2 of personal income tax from your employer, provide a bank account statement or other evidence of legal income;
  • A document confirming the availability of personal, related or rented housing when living in the Russian Federation for more than 36 months;
  • Pay the state fee and attach the payment receipt to the rest of the documents.

Submitting an application and issuing a residence permit

Foreign citizens who already have a residence permit must, during its validity period, apply for an indefinite residence permit, and those who intend to obtain such a document for the first time have the right to do this no earlier than after 8 months of residence in the Russian Federation on the basis of a temporary residence permit, and not later than 4 months before its expiration date.

An application to replace a current residence permit is drawn up in any form and submitted to the territorial body of the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation with the following documents attached:

  • a document proving the identity of a foreigner;
  • 2 photographs measuring 3.5x4.5 cm in black and white or color;
  • receipts for payment of state duty in the amount of 5,000 rubles;
  • certificate of successful passing of an exam in the Russian language, history and fundamentals of Russian legislation.

If a positive decision is made based on the results of review of the documents, the applicant is notified. After this, you can pick up a residence permit at the territorial office of the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. All foreign citizens over 14 years of age receive a residence permit in person.

Information about children under 14 years of age is entered into the residence permit of the legal representative. As soon as the minor turns 14 years old, he receives his own document.

Actions after the application is approved

After receiving a residence permit, a foreign citizen must, within 7 working days, apply for registration at the place of residence to the territorial body of the Main Directorate of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation at the location of the residential premises. This is done for the children by their legal representatives.

If the documents are filled out incorrectly or are missing, the application will not be accepted until all the shortcomings have been eliminated.

List of documents

One of the main conditions for successfully obtaining a residence permit is timely and correct submission of documents. The list above may vary individually, but you will definitely need most of the items listed:

  • Statement of the established form;
  • Temporary residence permit;
  • 2 (for stateless persons) or 4 (for foreign citizens) photographs of 35x45 format;
  • Certificate of completion of a medical examination, accompanied by a certificate of absence of HIV infection;
  • Identification document of the applicant;
  • Documents confirming the availability of official income and means of subsistence;
  • Receipt for payment of state duty;
  • A document confirming registration in rented, owned or related housing.

It is important to note that if any of the documents were issued by authorities of another state in a foreign language, you need to order a translation and have it certified by a notary.

Necessary documents for obtaining a residence permit

A foreign citizen submits all documents for a residence permit in person. If he is incapacitated, then this procedure is carried out for him by a guardian. There are several ways to obtain a residence permit.

In general order

If a foreigner receives a temporary residence permit under a quota, he submits an application and a package of documents for a residence permit in the general manner. The process is lengthy.

You need to take into account the nuances:

  1. Documents for a residence permit should be submitted no earlier than after 8 months of residence in the Russian Federation on the basis of a temporary residence permit and no later than 4 months before its expiration date.
  2. An application for a residence permit is processed within 4 months.
  3. Residence permits are issued without a validity period, with the exception of highly qualified specialists and members of their families.

Master list of documents

To obtain a residence permit in 2021, you will need to collect the following documents:

  • application for residence permit in 2 copies;

Minors and incapacitated citizens have their own application form

  • 4 photos of standard size 3.5x4.5 cm;
  • RVP;
  • identification document of a foreigner;
  • a document confirming knowledge of the Russian language;
  • a medical document confirming the absence of HIV and other dangerous infections;
  • a receipt for payment of state duty in the amount of 5,000 rubles;
  • a document confirming the presence of a legal source of funds for living in the Russian Federation.

and a sample filling can be found on our website.

All foreign documents in the language of the migrant’s country are accepted by the territorial divisions of the Main Directorate for Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation after they are translated into Russian and notarized.

For a child

A child who applies for a residence permit with guardians must collect:

  • application for residence permit in 2 copies;
  • 4 photos measuring 3.5x4.5 cm;
  • birth certificate;
  • if the child is already 14 years old, his consent to reside in the Russian Federation is required;
  • medical certificates;
  • a document confirming that the child’s legal representative has a legal source of funds for living in the Russian Federation;
  • national passport if available.

For participants of the State Program for the Resettlement of Compatriots

Participants in the State Program for the Resettlement of Compatriots, who can count on the issuance of a temporary residence permit without taking into account quotas, after receiving it and registering it, have the opportunity to apply for a residence permit.

To do this they need to provide:

  • application for a residence permit in 2 copies (the child must provide a separate completed form);
  • 4 photos measuring 3.5x4.5 cm;

Photo requirements for documents

  • document proving the identity of a foreigner.

Having received a residence permit, a participant in the State Program for the Resettlement of Compatriots can apply for Russian citizenship.

For highly qualified specialists

Highly qualified specialists (HQS) applying for vacancies in Russian companies can apply for a residence permit without first obtaining a temporary residence permit. But the residence permit will be valid only during the validity of the employment contract.

If the contract is terminated early, the residence permit will be legal within a month. If during this time the foreign specialist does not conclude a new employment agreement, he will be forced to leave the Russian Federation.

Documents that the HQS will need to obtain a residence permit:

  • application for a residence permit in 2 copies (a separate form must be filled out for children);
  • 4 photos measuring 3.5x4.5 cm;
  • identification document of a foreigner;
  • employment contract with the Russian side;
  • children: birth certificate;
  • spouses: marriage certificate.

Although this option may not seem the most suitable, it is worth seriously considering for specialists planning to obtain Russian citizenship in the future.

For Russian speakers

Native speakers of the Russian language are exempt from going through the procedure for obtaining a temporary residence permit

In order for a foreign citizen to be recognized as a native speaker of Russian (NRL), he undergoes an interview with a commission appointed by representatives of the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation after the migrant submits an application.

The commission recognizes that the foreign citizen is a citizen and makes a decision. It is unlimited and after its registration a foreigner can apply for a residence permit.

As part of the Federal Law No. 58-FZ of March 18, 2020, which came into force, citizens of the Republic of Belarus and Ukraine who are fluent in Russian are no longer required to undergo an interview with the commission, but they are not exempt from other requirements to confirm their NRN status.

Documents to be provided:

  • application for residence permit in 2 copies;
  • 4 photos measuring 3.5x4.5 cm;
  • a medical document confirming the absence of HIV and other dangerous infections;
  • document proving the identity of a foreigner.

For those wishing to obtain refugee status

For foreigners wishing to obtain refugee status, given the haste with which they left their homeland, some concessions are provided, so first of all they should be provided with:

  • a free-form application requesting to provide them and their relatives (if any) with a residence permit;
  • 4 photos measuring 3.5x4.5 cm;
  • identification document of a foreigner;
  • marriage and birth certificates.

On August 2, 2021, the President of the Russian Federation adopted Federal Law-257, which supplemented the existing Federal Law-115. The law has already entered into force. You can read its full version by following the link.

Video about the adoption of Federal Law-257:

Documents for obtaining a residence permit in a simplified manner

In a simplified procedure the following is served:

  • application for residence permit in 2 copies. The document must not contain errors or corrections. All fields must be completed. The signature is placed when submitting the document;
  • 4 photos measuring 3.5x4.5 cm in color or black and white.
  • identification document of a foreigner;
  • a receipt for payment of state duty in the amount of 5,000 rubles;
  • income certificate confirming the minimum subsistence level in the region of residence;
  • a document confirming the legality of stay in the country;
  • a medical document confirming the absence of HIV and other dangerous infections;
  • certificate of successful passing of the exam in the Russian language, history and fundamentals of legislation of the Russian Federation. Such tests are arranged for groups of people in educational institutions. The cost is up to 6,000 rubles, depending on the region where the exam is held. Upon successful completion of the tests, the foreigner receives a standard certificate.

The application for a residence permit can be downloaded from the official website of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs using the link.

Deadlines for granting a residence permit and possible exceptions

Once you have successfully submitted your documents and passed the testing and medical examination, all that remains is to wait. A legitimate question arises: how much? According to current legislation, the official period for consideration of an application cannot exceed 6 months. For some categories of citizens this period can be significantly reduced:

  • For qualified specialists – up to 3 months;
  • For political refugees – up to 15 working days;
  • For citizens of the Republic of Belarus who do not have a temporary residence permit – up to 3 months;
  • For native Russian speakers – up to 2 months;
  • For participants of the state resettlement program – up to 2 months.

Exam on knowledge of the Russian language, history and fundamentals of legislation of the Russian Federation

The majority of foreigners applying for a residence permit in the general manner must receive a certificate confirming their knowledge of the Russian language, the history of Russia and the fundamentals of Russian legislation.


The document is issued after passing the combined exam, which includes tests:

  • Russian language (75 minutes to complete);
  • history of Russia (30 min.);
  • legislation of the Russian Federation (30 min.)

Testing costs approximately 5,300 rubles. If the exam is not passed, or the foreigner violated the rules when taking the tests, the money will not be returned.

The following are exempt from issuing a certificate:

  • disabled migrants;
  • children under 18 years of age;
  • participants of the State program and members of their families;
  • women over 60 years of age;
  • men over 65 years old;
  • highly qualified specialists;
  • foreigners who received their education during the USSR;
  • foreign citizens who have received NRN status;
  • citizens of the Republic of Belarus;
  • foreign citizens who have a parent (adoptive parent, guardian, trustee), son or daughter who is a citizen of the Russian Federation.

To be allowed to take the test, you need to pay for the exam and present your migration card with your passport to the examiner. The certificate is valid for 5 years.

The document will not be suitable for obtaining Russian citizenship; you will have to pass the tests again

Reasons for possible refusal

Despite the fairly simple and clear principle of obtaining a residence permit, foreign citizens are refused quite often. As our work practice shows, the most common reason is errors in filling out the application form or the presence of missing documents in the list. Such reasons are easily eliminated and are fraught with only temporary delays. There are also cases when the applicant receives a refusal due to non-compliance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 115. According to the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation, a refusal can be issued for the following reasons:

  • The applicant poses a threat to state security, certain categories of citizens, or advocates changing the current constitutional system by force;
  • Persons involved in terrorist or extremist activities, as well as providing financial support to prohibited organizations;
  • Deportation within the last 10 years or deportation within the last 5 years before applying for a residence permit;
  • Providing false documents or deliberately misrepresenting personal information;
  • Foreign citizens previously convicted of committing serious or especially serious crimes;
  • Persons who have an outstanding criminal record for crimes committed on the territory of Russia or abroad;
  • Violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation within a year prior to filing the application;
  • Bringing to administrative responsibility for violating the rules of stay or work on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • Lack of evidence that a foreign citizen has an official source of income and can support himself and his family without government financial support;
  • Lack of residential premises for registration when living in Russia for the last 3 years;
  • Fictitious marriage for the sake of obtaining a residence permit;
  • HIV infection, drug addiction or dangerous infections that may pose a threat to others.

General provisions

“A residence permit is a document issued to a foreign citizen in confirmation of his right to permanent residence in the Russian Federation, as well as his right to freely leave the Russian Federation and enter the Russian Federation. A residence permit issued to a stateless person is also a document proving his identity.

A residence permit is issued without limitation of validity, with the exception of a residence permit for a highly qualified specialist and members of his family, which is issued for the duration of the work permit issued to the specified highly qualified specialist.

The procedure for issuing a residence permit is established by Federal Law No. 115-FZ of July 25, 2002 “On the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation” and the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the provision of public services for issuing residence permits to foreign citizens and stateless persons residence, replacement of foreign citizens and stateless persons with a residence permit in the Russian Federation, approved by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated June 11, 2021 No. 417.

An application for a residence permit is submitted by a foreign citizen to the territorial body of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs, including in the form of an electronic document using public information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet, including the “Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions)".

A residence permit can be issued to a foreign citizen who has lived in the Russian Federation for at least one year on the basis of a temporary residence permit. An application for a residence permit is submitted no earlier than eight months after the first year of residence in the Russian Federation on the basis of a temporary residence permit and no later than four months before the expiration of the temporary residence permit.

Without obtaining a temporary residence permit, a residence permit is issued to: 1) a foreign citizen born on the territory of the RSFSR and formerly a citizen of the USSR;8) 2) a foreign citizen who has not reached the age of eighteen years and whose parent (adoptive parent, guardian, trustee) is a foreign citizen and permanently resides in the Russian Federation; 3) a foreign citizen who has not reached the age of eighteen years, receiving a residence permit together with a parent (adoptive parent, guardian, trustee) - a foreign citizen; 4) a foreign citizen who has a parent (adoptive parent, guardian, trustee), son or daughter who is a citizen of the Russian Federation and permanently resides in the Russian Federation; 5) a foreign citizen who has reached the age of eighteen, in accordance with the legislation of a foreign state, recognized as incompetent or limited in legal capacity, receiving a residence permit together with a parent (adoptive parent, guardian, trustee) - a foreign citizen; 6) a foreign citizen who has reached the age of eighteen, in accordance with the legislation of a foreign state, is recognized as incompetent or limited in legal capacity and whose parent (adoptive parent, guardian, trustee) is a foreign citizen and permanently resides in the Russian Federation; 7) a foreign citizen recognized as a native speaker of the Russian language in accordance with Article 33.1 of the Federal Law of May 31, 2002 No. 62-FZ “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation”; a foreign citizen who himself or a relative in a direct ascending line, whose adoptive parent or spouse was subjected to illegal deportation from the territory of the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, as well as a relative in a direct descending line, adopted children or the spouse of the specified foreign citizen who presented a certificate of rehabilitation issued by the internal affairs body, the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation or the court; 9) a highly qualified specialist and members of his family in accordance with Article 13.2 of the Federal Law of July 25, 2002 No. 115-FZ “On the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation”; 10) a foreign citizen who, at least six months before the date of application for a residence permit, carried out labor activity in the Russian Federation in a profession (specialty, position) included in the list of professions (specialties, positions) of foreign citizens and stateless persons - qualified specialists who have the right to be granted citizenship of the Russian Federation in a simplified manner, approved by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing and implementing state policy and legal regulation in the field of employment and unemployment. At the same time, during the specified period of labor activity in relation to such a foreign citizen, the employer must accrue insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation; 11) a foreign citizen who has successfully completed a state-accredited higher education program in the Russian Federation on a full-time basis and has received a document on education and qualifications with honors; 12) a person who resides in the Russian Federation and whose citizenship of the Russian Federation has been terminated; 13) a person who resides in the Russian Federation and in respect of whom the decision to acquire citizenship of the Russian Federation has been cancelled, with the exception of persons in respect of whom this decision has been canceled on the basis of a court verdict that has entered into force, establishing the fact that the person has committed at least one of the crimes (preparation to a crime or attempted crime) provided for in Articles 205, 205.1, part two of Article 205.2, articles 205.3 - 205.5, 206, 208, part four of Article 211, articles 281, 282.1 - 282.3 and 361 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, or at least one from crimes (preparation for a crime or attempted crime) provided for in Articles 277 - 279 and 360 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, if their commission is associated with terrorist activities; 14) to the person specified in part one or three of Article 41.1 of the Federal Law of May 31, 2002 No. 62-FZ “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation”.

Procedure for appealing a refusal

If you fall into one of the listed categories and are denied a residence permit, you must respond immediately. It is important to remember that this problem must be solved before the temporary residence permit expires. Otherwise, within a few days you will be deported from the country and you will be able to re-apply for a residence permit only after 10 years! That is why it is important to seek legal support from specialists who will help you appeal the refusal through administrative or judicial means.

For an administrative appeal, a lawyer representing the interests of a foreign citizen files a complaint against the actions of employees of the Main Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who made an erroneous decision or made an official error in the process of reviewing documents. This complaint is submitted to higher authorities, so the likelihood of a positive resolution of the issue is quite low. The prospects for appealing the refusal in court are much higher.

The main condition is to timely and correctly draw up a statement of claim, clearly defining the scope of the plaintiff’s demands and providing sufficient evidence. The judge will act as an independent expert who will evaluate the evidence provided, the arguments of the parties, and then make a decision. If serious errors are discovered in the actions of the Main Directorate of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the court will not only demand that they be eliminated, but also issue the foreign citizen a residence permit. A good strategy for litigating the issue is to file a motion to temporarily stay the refusal. An experienced lawyer will be able to provide such protection measures to his client, which will give more time to collect evidence and prepare for the court hearing.


As you know, many foreign representatives obtain a residence permit not only for the sake of permission to reside legally, but also in order not to obtain a work permit on the territory of the Russian Federation.

In itself, obtaining a work permit is a rather complex, costly and very lengthy process. Having received a residence permit, a foreigner will not have to wait for a work permit to be issued, because he can legally find a job without it.

When applying for employment in Russia, the employer does not have the right to demand a military ID from foreign citizens with a residence permit, since representatives of another country are not required to undergo military service in accordance with legislative acts.

Foreign residents with residence permits are not always treated with loyalty. Therefore, foreigners need to know their rights.

Firstly, upon employment you will need to obtain a certificate of insurance from the state pension fund of the Russian Federation. It is on this certificate that taxes are paid to the Russian state budget. Its size is thirteen percent.

It is necessary to conclude a contract that regulates the number of hours of work per day, the amount that will be received per hour or month, main responsibilities, conditions of employment, and the like.

The duration of the employment contract depends directly on the employer and the employee.

A foreigner with a residence permit in 2021 has the right to obtain a personal card.

When a foreign resident is employed, a decree is issued on his employment within three days.

Employment contract and work record book

Residence permit for children

Another question that concerns many is how to draw up this document for family members who have not reached the age of majority. After the father/mother has received a residence permit, the child is registered as a member of the family, but you don’t have to wait and submit the child’s application at the same time. The package of documents differs little, but it is important when the child reaches the age of ten.

Important: an indispensable condition, without which the documents will not be accepted, is that the child (over 10 years old) consents to reside in the Russian Federation with a notary.

You can find out about the decision to grant a residence permit in person by contacting the department where the citizen submitted the documents or the central office. This can also be done online, on the website of the Main Department of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

What does a residence permit in Russia provide: the pros and cons of a residence permit.

Who can obtain a residence permit?

Foreign citizens or stateless persons (stateless persons) can apply for a residence permit in Russia, but it is available only if they meet the following conditions:

  • foreigners who have received a temporary residence permit;
  • owners of temporary residence permits, as well as participants in the “Voluntary Resettlement of Compatriots” program (with supporting documents);
  • people with refugee status (seeking asylum);
  • highly qualified employees with family members;
  • having a certificate of proficiency in Russian;
  • people whose citizenship was terminated for any reason;
  • incapacitated people if their guardians (assistants) have Russian citizenship.

The basis for issuing a residence permit in Russia is also birth in the Russian Federation, if the parents (one or both) are citizens of the Russian Federation, the spouse, children have citizenship, and there is a constant and sufficient level of income.

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