Obtaining a residence permit in Russia for citizens of Kazakhstan in 2021

Moving to Russia continues to be a hot topic for many Kazakhstanis. Close economic, cultural and family ties, preserved from the times of the Soviet Union, continue to determine emigration from Kazakhstan. Most of those who moved try to legalize themselves in Russia and settle on its soil for a long time. In first place among the reasons for moving to Russia from the Republic of Kazakhstan is the repatriation of ethnic Russians to their historical homeland. It so happened that many Russians settled on the territory of present-day Kazakhstan, and in different years they replenished the population of the vast Kazakh lands. After the republic gained sovereignty, the policy of the new authorities towards ethnic Russians cannot be called unambiguous. It’s harder for Russians to find work, it’s harder to realize themselves. Therefore, they strive to return to their historical homeland. The second main reason is the movement of Kazakhs to Russia for the purpose of employment, education or starting a family. Since 2011, the program for the repatriation of ethnic Kazakhs (oralmans) began to falter. And many of them rushed to the vastness of Russia. In order for a foreigner to immigrate to the Russian Federation, he must obtain a temporary residence permit, and then a residence permit.

How to get a residence permit in Russia in 2021

In order to legally work and live in Russia, citizens of other countries must correctly obtain a residence permit. To do this, a residence permit is issued in the following order:

  1. Residence in the Russian Federation for more than one year with a temporary residence permit patent, without violating the law.
  2. Preparation of a package of documents.
  3. Filling out an application, providing a package of documents to employees of the Main Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

To obtain a patent on a general basis, you must have a valid temporary residence permit.

The process of obtaining special status takes about six months. Given the length of bureaucratic procedures, it is worth preparing in a timely manner

documentation. Only you will be able to achieve a positive result.

Sequence of obtaining a residence permit:

  1. Filling out the application from the Main Directorate of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs strictly according to the provided sample.
  2. Take a Russian language test. Citizens of Belarus, children, pensioners, and foreigners with a diploma from a Russian university pass without an exam.
  3. Provide a medical certificate with a fresh stamp.
  4. Provide a certificate of income 2 personal income tax, which is issued by the head or specialist of the financial institution.
  5. Provide a document confirming ownership of housing or a lease agreement.
  6. Pay the government fee
  7. Check the package of documents.

As stated above, the processing time for the application is about six months. But for certain categories of persons this term is abbreviated:

  1. Participants in state programs – up to 2 months.
  2. Qualified specialists – up to 3 months.
  3. Citizens of Belarus – up to 3 months
  4. Refugees – up to 15 days.

What does a residence permit in Russia give to Ukrainians?

A residence permit is a special status that a migrant acquires.
This is a separate document, similar in appearance to a Russian passport, which currently has no validity period. It can be presented as identification. A residence permit in Russia for Ukrainians provides many opportunities:

  • permanent residence in any region of the country;
  • the opportunity to subsequently apply for citizenship;
  • the right to engage in labor and entrepreneurial activities, without obtaining additional permits or a work patent;
  • enjoy free medical care;
  • TIN, SNILS, compulsory medical insurance;
  • obtaining a driver's license (Russian model);
  • register children in preschool and school educational institutions;
  • receive social benefits, pensions.

But it is worth remembering that at the same time as obtaining a residence permit in Russia, Ukrainians are responsible to the state. The most important of them are to comply with the laws and constitutional provisions of the Russian Federation, indicate truthful data and once a year send a notification confirming further intentions to reside in Russia.

Important! A residence permit is issued untimely, but, as in a regular passport, you need to change your photograph upon reaching 14, 20 and 45 years of age.

Residence permit for pensioners in 2021

The presence of a permit gives pensioners and citizens of foreign countries the right to receive the following types of pensions: insurance, funded, and state pensions. When submitting an application six months after receiving a temporary residence permit, a pension certificate is attached.

When filling out an application a year after receiving the temporary residence permit, you need to collect a complete package of documents and contact the FMS again at your address of residence. It is worth noting that the income certificate is provided by the person who is dependent on the foreign person. If you are earning the minimum wage, you will additionally have to provide a certificate of availability of a bank account.

The procedure for obtaining a temporary residence permit for citizens of Kazakhstan

When applying for the status of a temporary resident of Russia, you must contact the GUVM representative office in the region to which you plan to move. To obtain a permit by a foreigner within the quota for the relevant region, he must submit the necessary list of documents:

  • statement;
  • two color photographs;
  • national and foreign passport;
  • a document allowing you to legally stay in the country;
  • birth certificate;
  • certificate of marriage or divorce;
  • medical certificate;
  • confirmation of successful completion of language tests;
  • receipt for payment of administrative services.

All documents must be submitted in Russian, some will require notarization.

When obtaining Russian resident status, you must undergo a medical examination and tests for knowledge of the Russian language. You can pass the commission only in a medical institution that is accredited by the Main Directorate for Migration and Migration and has the right to issue documents confirming the absence of diseases that pose a danger to society. The medical examination is paid and costs 2900 rubles. for each adult applicant and 2500 for a child. The duration will not exceed three days (taking appropriate tests, obtaining results and examination by specialized specialists).

Proficiency in Russian is confirmed by an official certificate

Taking language tests is also paid and will cost the applicant (applicant) 5,525 rubles. Successful passing is a prerequisite for obtaining Russian resident status. It is conducted by specialists in the field of linguistics, who must determine the applicant’s level of proficiency in the state language of the Russian Federation. Requirements for applicants for resident status are standard. However, in practice, tests are administered with varying degrees of severity to those tested. In some regions they represent a rather complex and scrupulous procedure, while in others they take place as a certain formality.

The cost of registration of a temporary residence permit is 1600 rubles. The status is assigned within a month from the date of filing the application for its issuance.

Registration at your place of residence is also required. This implies the presence of purchased or rented housing, a house or apartment of relatives. This procedure is necessary for registering children in schools and kindergartens, as well as for free use of medical services. When a foreigner lives in this status, he must annually visit the GUVM representative office and confirm his presence on the territory of the Russian Federation.

When obtaining resident status, you need to undergo fingerprint registration, that is, you need to take your fingerprints. The results will be entered into a unified information database. This procedure is carried out with the aim of fully identifying the migrant, and also serves as a significant assistance for the investigative authorities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Video: resettlement from Kazakhstan to Russia

TRP for minors

Russian legislation recognizes a person who has turned 18 years of age as an adult. Before this age, an application for temporary resident status for a minor must be submitted by his parents, and jointly. If the father and mother of a child or teenager are divorced, then the official consent of the second parent will be required. The consent must be in Russian and notarized. If one of the parents is absent, then the second must explain the reason for this and document its objectivity. The objective reason is the death of a parent, deprivation of parental rights, recognition as incompetent, as well as long-term imprisonment in places of deprivation of liberty. After 14 years of age, a minor must confirm in writing his consent to receive Russian resident status. Until this age, the child is exempt from tests for knowledge of the Russian language, as well as from passing a specialized medical commission to determine the absence of socially dangerous diseases.

Status for pensioners

When moving to Russia, pensioners must provide an extract from the pension fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which indicates the amount of their pension benefits. They will also need to provide detailed information about children or grandchildren, if they are Russian citizens. Passing tests for knowledge of Russian is not mandatory for women after 60 years of age and for men after 65. Passing a medical examination remains an inevitable requirement.

For pensioners, upon obtaining resident status, an extract from the Pension Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan will be required

What documents are needed for a residence permit in Russia in 2021

To obtain the appropriate permit, a foreign applicant needs to prepare a complete package of documents. It includes:

  • application in two copies, filled out according to the standard form;
  • original passport;
  • a valid temporary residence permit;
  • four photographs measuring 35x45 mm;
  • medical report;
  • certificate of completion of courses in the discipline “Russian language”;
  • original and copies of the work book, 2NDFL certificate, bank statement;
  • registration document;
  • receipt for payment of state duty.

In some cases, the case may require the following additional documents:

  • marriage certificate with a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • document on ownership of real estate in Russia;
  • a document certifying family ties with a citizen of the Russian Federation.

If one of the above documents is provided in a foreign language, you will need a notarized translation.

Grounds for obtaining temporary resident status in Russia

A citizen of Kazakhstan can settle on Russian soil with the help of:

  • employment;
  • opening your own business;
  • investing significant funds in the country's economy;
  • reunification with close relatives living on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • marriage with a Russian citizen or citizen;
  • studying at a university;
  • obtaining refugee status;
  • work as part of international humanitarian missions or religious denominations.

When working in a Russian or representative office of a foreign company, a Kazakhstani will need to provide an official contract with the employer, which must clearly outline all working conditions: job responsibilities, schedule, location, salary and duration of the contract itself.

Registration of business activities or creation of your own enterprise in Russia can also become the basis for obtaining Russian resident status. If ordinary private entrepreneurship allows you to obtain a temporary residence permit, then opening an enterprise with a minimum annual turnover of 10 million rubles gives you the right to accelerated receipt of the status of a permanent resident of Russia. The same rule is also relevant for large investors who have invested the same amount in projects for the development of the Russian economy.

Based on the application for a temporary residence permit, the status of a temporary resident of Russia is issued

A large number of Kazakhstani citizens moved to Russia in order to live with their close relatives. As a rule, in this case we are talking about ethnic Russians who returned to their historical homeland to their families. They have every right to receive the status of temporary residents of the Russian Federation. In this case, an additional document will be confirmation of family ties in Russia.

Entering into an official marriage with a Russian citizen gives the right to accelerated acquisition of the status of a permanent resident or resident of Russia. This method is quite often used in practice for legalization in the Russian Federation. It should be noted that legal consequences regarding immigration occur only upon official marriage.

Kazakhstani students strive to obtain a diploma from a Russian university or college. To obtain temporary resident status, a Kazakh student must submit to the immigration service an agreement to study at a Russian educational institution. It must indicate all the conditions: the chosen specialty, confirmation of payment (if required), duration of study, etc.

A forced migrant who has received asylum in Russia and the corresponding refugee status can obtain a temporary residence permit in Russia. After a maximum of three years, he has the right to become a permanent resident of the country. Members of his family also have a similar right, whom he can legally transport to him.

Representative offices of international humanitarian missions and various religious denominations operate on Russian territory. To obtain a residence permit, their employees must contact the immigration service with a letter of attitude, which must be given by the leadership of the humanitarian mission or religious denomination. It will become the basis for issuing resident status. The letter must confirm the applicant’s duties performed within the framework of the mission or denomination, and must also indicate the period of the person’s expected stay on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Marriage to a Russian citizen gives the right to accelerated receipt of a residence permit

Real estate purchased in Russia is not an independent reason for obtaining resident status. But if it is processed, it will be a significant advantage when the Russian authorities consider the application as a status of a resident of Russia.

In some cases, the status of Russian resident can be assigned by a special government decision to citizens of Kazakhstan who have made a significant contribution to the development of Russia and increasing its international prestige. An example is the Kazakh athletes who achieved victories at international sports tournaments under the Russian flag. As a rule, famous scientists, cultural and artistic figures also become residents of Russia in this way.

Application for residence permit in Russia sample 2021


The completed form is sent in paper or electronic form. When filling out there should be no corrections, strikethroughs, typos, inaccuracies, abbreviations, abbreviations, or empty fields. Initials are written only in Russian or Latin letters, the rest of the information is written in printed Russian letters. You can use ballpoint and capillary pens with blue or black ink.

Here you can download a valid application form for a residence permit for free. Or use the following resources: Public services, portal of the territorial body of the MS.

What it is

A residence permit or residence permit in Russia can be obtained by any capable citizen of Kazakhstan over 18 years of age who has expressed a desire to live and work in the Russian Federation.

An issued residence permit gives its owner the right to legally stay in Russia for five years, enjoying almost all the rights of citizens of the Russian Federation.

After this period, you can extend your stay in the country by obtaining a new residence permit, or apply for Russian citizenship.

Explore in more detail.

What opportunities open up with obtaining a residence permit?

With the receipt of a residence permit, a migrant acquires, and with it, the rights of a citizen of the country, with the exception of voting rights. A residence permit gives you some freedom to move around the country, as well as the opportunity to travel to your homeland without a visa an unlimited number of times. In addition, the migrant has the right. Education, medicine, social services, and banking products are also becoming accessible.

Read on to learn how to better deal with it.

How does hiring with a residence permit work?

Perhaps one of the most expected results of obtaining a residence permit is the opportunity to get a job without a patent or. Hiring foreign citizens with a residence permit is no different from employing Russians. Just like Russian citizens, migrants are provided with a social package, an insurance certificate from the Pension Fund, an employee’s personal card, and a work book are issued.

Since a migrant with a residence permit becomes a resident, he is obliged to pay taxes and insurance premiums in accordance with the procedure regulated by law.

Check out the information.

On registration of foreign individual entrepreneurs in Russia

Russian legislation does not prohibit foreigners with a residence permit from engaging in individual entrepreneurship, but requires them to register with the state at their place of residence. This is a requirement of the tax service, since registration of an individual entrepreneur is possible only by territorial reference to the place of residence.

The registration procedure is generally similar to that which a Russian citizen would undergo. A simplified taxation system is applied to foreign individual entrepreneurs, and registration with the Pension Fund and other funds is carried out by the tax inspectorate.

Obtaining Russian citizenship

The procedure for foreign citizens to obtain Russian citizenship is entirely regulated by Federal Law No. 62 “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation.” However, the procedure for simplified acquisition of citizenship has undergone changes, according to the new Federal Law-134, adopted in 2021.

General procedure

There is a general admission procedure for foreigners wishing to obtain Russian citizenship in 2021.

Article 13 of Federal Law 62 states that upon admission the applicant must meet the following criteria:

  • Have lived in the country continuously for at least 5 years.
  • Willingness to comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Constitution.
  • Having a legal source of income.
  • Fluency in Russian and proof of your knowledge.

To obtain a Russian passport, you need to prepare a standard set of documents and submit it for consideration to the authorized territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. It includes:

  • Completed application.
  • Residence permit.
  • Passport or other identification document.
  • Birth certificate.
  • Certificates of marriage and birth of children, if available.
  • Extract from the house register.
  • Certificate of passing the Russian language exam.
  • Source of income.
  • Receipt for payment of state duty.
  • 4 photographs.

The standard period for consideration of applications in the general manner is 1 year. The state fee for filing an application is 3.5 thousand rubles.

Video: quick ways to obtain Russian citizenship

Find out from the video:

  • what programs exist for obtaining Russian citizenship;
  • what documents need to be prepared;
  • who has the right to obtain a passport in a simplified manner.

Simplified procedure for admission to Russian citizenship

In 2021, some visitors from Ukraine can count on a simplified procedure for obtaining Russian citizenship. This program is aimed at making the procedure faster and easier for those citizens who fall under its scope. The simplified scheme differs from the general one in several conditions:

  • The required standard period of permanent residence in the country is reduced or this condition becomes optional.
  • Russian language exams are cancelled.
  • You do not need to prove that you have income to support yourself and your family.
  • There is no need to renounce your existing citizenship.

There are a number of categories of applicants who can obtain a passport under a simplified scheme without renouncing their previous citizenship and observing a 5-year period of residence in the Russian Federation, the most common among them:

  • citizens of Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Moldova;
  • persons whose parents have Russian citizenship and permanently reside here;
  • persons who previously had Soviet citizenship, but did not obtain citizenship of another country;
  • those born in the RSFSR and who previously had USSR citizenship;
  • those who have been married to Russians for at least 3 years; if there are children in the marriage, there is no time limit;
  • parents of incapacitated Russian children;
  • have received higher education in accredited universities of the Russian Federation and have been working in their specialty for at least 1 year;
  • native Russian speakers;
  • citizens of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Moldova or Ukraine.
  • Resettlement Program participants;
  • entrepreneurs working in the Russian Federation for at least 3 years, whose payments and tax deductions total at least 1 million rubles per year;
  • investors;
  • in-demand specialists who have worked for at least 3 years in Russia;
  • WWII veterans;

The simplified procedure also applies to residents of the city of Sevastopol and the Republic of Crimea, which were part of Ukraine, but became part of the Russian Federation, as well as residents of the self-proclaimed republics of the LPR and DPR according to the Decree of the President of Russia of April 24, 2021.

From July 2021, citizens of the LPR and DPR only need to provide the authorized body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia with a document on permanent registration in one of the republics or an identity card containing this information. These papers will be the basis for admission to Russian citizenship.

The simplified legalization procedure differs in that a foreign citizen receives citizenship much faster. An application for a residence permit is immediately submitted. Documents are reviewed within three months. There is no need to obtain a temporary residence permit in Russia.

Typical mistakes when obtaining a residence permit

As experts note, mistakes come in a variety of forms, but most of them are made due to ignorance of the legal side of the process, or a desire to save money on the help of specialists.

There can be many reasons why a residence permit is refused. At the same time, receive a refusal only if there are grounds provided by the legislator.

The grounds for refusal to issue a residence permit are established in Art. 9 of the Federal Law “On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation” dated July 25, 2002 No. 115-FZ (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 155).

These include:

  • ban on entry into the country;
  • undesirability of being under the auspices of Rospotrebnadzor or the Ministry of Justice;
  • repeat offenses within 3 years;
  • exceeding the length of stay;
  • ignoring migration rules;
  • the presence of an infectious disease that is life-threatening;
  • using false documents or reporting incorrect information about yourself, etc.

The same applies to the circumstances for refusal to extend a residence permit.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Question No. 1. What privileges are possible for subjects of Kazakhstan with obtaining a residence permit?

With the issuance of a residence permit, citizens of Kazakhstan acquire the status of permanent residents. A residence permit gives you some freedom to move around the country, as well as the right to travel to your native land without a visa an unlimited number of times. In addition, social services, medical care, and banking products become available to the migrant.

Question No. 2. How is the readiness of a residence permit checked?

So, if, according to your calculations, the time for issuing a residence permit has come, and you have not yet been notified about this, you can find out about the readiness of the decision on the official portal of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or personally contact the department that is considering your application with a question. But the latter method will require a lot of free time.

Video: specifics of obtaining Russian citizenship by Ukrainians

Find out from the video:

  • what options for obtaining Russian citizenship exist;
  • how to quickly get a passport;
  • how to protect yourself from scammers.

Migration card

The document is issued at the border immediately after entering the country. If his family immigrates with a citizen of Ukraine, migration cards are filled out for each person, including minor children.

A migration card allows you to stay in Russia for 90 days in total for six months, after which an extension of your stay in the country is required.

The renewal of registration of foreign citizens in Russia after September 15, 2021 is described in detail in this video.

Citizens of Ukraine have the right not to register in Russia at their place of residence for three months. However, an exception has been made for immigrants from the DPR and LPR - for them the period has been doubled (180 days) on the basis of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1744. But registration will be needed to submit documents to the authorized territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation when obtaining citizenship.

Migration card of the Russian Federation

Obtaining a temporary residence permit

Citizens of Ukraine, after arriving in the country in 2021 and completing migration registration (registration at the place of temporary residence), can apply for a temporary residence permit in Russia.

Such a document gives the right to work and reside only in the region where the temporary residence permit is issued. At the same time, foreigners can count on all social benefits and medical care. The validity period of the temporary residence permit is three years, the document cannot be extended.

The legislation of the Russian Federation strictly controls the question of how many temporary residence permits can be issued to foreigners annually in each region through a quota system.

Temporary residence permit

It is easier to issue this document outside the allocated quotas. The following categories of citizens of Ukraine can apply for them:

  • children whose parents (guardians) live under a temporary temporary residence permit in Russia;
  • children who receive temporary residence permits together with their parents;
  • a person who has a spouse - a citizen of the Russian Federation, subject to living with him in the same subject of the Russian Federation;
  • an incapacitated citizen together with guardians or parents;
  • investor in the Russian Federation;
  • a soldier while serving in the Russian forces;
  • a participant in the State Program for the Voluntary Resettlement of Compatriots and members of his family;
  • citizens of the former republics of the USSR who received education in Russia in state organizations of higher and secondary education under state-accredited programs;
  • citizens of Ukraine recognized as refugees or granted temporary asylum in Russia;
  • migrants in Russia on the basis of international treaties;

Other categories of applicants, citizens of Ukraine and stateless persons, also have the right to count on receiving a temporary residence permit outside the quota. On August 2, 2021, the President of the Russian Federation adopted Federal Law-257, information about which was published on the website of the Government of the Russian Federation: https://www.kremlin.ru/acts/bank/44554. You can view the full version of the law on our website.

For those citizens who do not have the listed grounds, they apply for quotas for obtaining temporary residence permits, which are not always enough.

To register a temporary residence permit, you must submit to the authorized territorial department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at your place of residence:

  • application for issuing a temporary residence permit,
  • national passport,
  • medical certificate confirming the absence of dangerous diseases,
  • documents confirming the right to obtain a permit,
  • 4 color photos,
  • receipt of payment of state duty - 1600 rubles.
  • bank statements (as proof of regular income).

The authorized body will consider the application and make a decision. The authorized body notifies the applicant of the decision made.

Video: how to legalize in the Russian Federation

Find out from the video:

  • what stages need to be completed before obtaining citizenship;
  • difficulties faced by immigrants;
  • where to apply to obtain legal status in Russia.

Resident card

The next step in obtaining Russian citizenship is obtaining a residence permit. It gives you the opportunity to live and work in any region of the Russian Federation, without additional permission from the state.

A residence permit gives more opportunities to citizens of Ukraine, including:

  • Receiving social benefits and allowances.
  • The opportunity to open accounts in Russian banks, receive loans and use their other services.
  • Pension provision.

The main advantage of having a residence permit is the possibility of obtaining Russian citizenship.

Residence permit in the Russian Federation


In order for a foreigner to have the opportunity to obtain a residence permit, he needs:

  1. Write an application for a residence permit in the Russian Federation in two copies.
  2. Attach copies of your identity card, migration card, receipt for payment of state duty (5,000 rubles).

Additionally, attach documents for children, marriage certificate, bank statements, medical certificate and certificate of no criminal record (for visa countries).

The period for consideration of an application for a residence permit and the period for its preparation depend on the specific basis and range from two to four months. Therefore, you should submit documents in advance so that the temporary permit does not expire before receiving a residence permit.

Legal assistance in obtaining temporary residence permit, residence permit and citizenship

Migron, a specialized legal agency for Ukrainian citizens in Russia, can help you obtain:

  • RVP,
  • residence permit,
  • NRY,
  • Russian citizenship “turnkey” from the very beginning until receiving a passport.

Over 6 years of work, we have helped more than 2,500 foreign citizens obtain Russian citizenship.

  • Address: Moscow, Kurskaya metro station, st. Zemlyanoy Val, building 7, office 219
  • telephone: +
  • Find out how to obtain Russian citizenship on the website migron.ru

The need for annual notification for a residence permit

Obtaining a residence permit imposes certain obligations on the owner: for example, it must be confirmed every year, that is, the migration services must be notified of one’s presence in the Russian Federation. This must be done within a certain period of time - no later than two months after the end of the calendar year after receiving a residence permit. You will also have to write an application and collect documents, a list of which can be found on the page dedicated to this issue.

Read more about how to get through.

Is it possible to restore a residence permit?

If your residence permit is lost, has become unusable or stolen, you must take steps to restore the document within ten days. In case of theft, you must first contact the local department of the Department of Internal Affairs with a statement, and then, as in the case of loss, the application must be submitted to the territorial department of the GUMVD.

Read in detail about the list of documents for restoration of a residence permit in Russia.

Within a week, the victim’s statement is verified. If the information is confirmed, he is given a duplicate.

Important: it is impossible to restore a residence permit after its cancellation.


Foreigners who receive a residence permit on a general basis are required, along with other documents, to present to the Federal Migration Service a certificate of passing tests in the Russian language, the fundamentals of law and the history of Russia. This condition is contained in Federal Law No. 15 of 2015. The document is received after passing exams, which include testing on:

  • Russian language;
  • history of the country;
  • Russian law.

You can only take the tests for a fee; their cost is 5,300 rubles. If the assessment is unsatisfactory, the foreigner loses money. He will not be able to return the invested amount even if the testing rules are violated.

The certificate must not be presented:

  • children under 18 years of age;
  • disabled people;
  • old age pensioners;
  • participants of the state program;
  • native Russian speakers;
  • foreign nationals who graduated from universities of the USSR or educational institutions in Russia;
  • citizens of states where Russian is one of the official languages.

What to do when a residence permit is received

Having received a residence permit, a foreigner must put a stamp on the document indicating registration at the place of residence in Russia, and then every year do not forget to inform the Main Directorate for Migration and Migration that he still lives at the same address and has legal sources of cash income.

We suggest exploring possible options for action after obtaining a residence permit.

Employment with a residence permit

An existing residence permit makes it much easier for a foreigner to find legal work. He can work not only where he lives, but also in any region. For example, if a migrant lives in the Moscow region and finds a job in the capital, the state will have no claims against him or his employer.

Read in more detail about all the features that work with a residence permit has.

Registration of individual entrepreneurs in Russia by foreigners

When registering as an individual entrepreneur, a foreigner must have a temporary residence permit or temporary residence permit. The procedure itself is very simple. The registering tax office will require a Russian translation of the passport and residence permit with a copy; their details will need to be indicated in the relevant sections of the application.

Find out in more detail about the intricacies of the process of registering an individual entrepreneur as a foreigner.

Lending to foreign citizens

No Russian bank guarantees the issuance of a loan to a citizen of another state. Their representatives do not hide the fact that the lack of Russian citizenship is one of the risk factors when assessing the solvency of a potential borrower. However, such a client may be favored by the presence of a salary card, a stable income, deposits or current accounts with a substantial balance, a positive credit history (if banks do not lend, you can first contact a microfinance organization).

In order to protect itself as much as possible, the bank can offer a foreigner a loan at a higher rate, or require collateral or a guarantee from a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Read more about how a residence permit holder can apply for a mortgage.

Is it possible to extend a residence permit?

To legalize his position in Russia, after a five-year period, a citizen of Kazakhstan can apply for Russian citizenship or renew his residence permit.

The procedure for extending a residence permit is no different from the initial receipt: it also requires collecting documents, writing an application, and paying a state fee.

The only difference is the review period. When extending, it is limited to two months, so you need to start the procedure no later than two months before the expiration of the residence permit.

Get helpful tips on how.

A citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan needs to know about residence permits

A residence permit gives a Kazakhstani citizen almost the same privileges as citizenship. But there are nuances that you need to know about.

Features of hiring

A citizen of Kazakhstan who has issued a residence permit does not need to obtain a work permit. When applying for a job, the applicant must have with him:

  • residence permit;
  • Migration card;
  • SNILS;
  • Identification;
  • Diploma.

The employer informs the organization that a Kazakhstani with a residence permit has been accepted into the assigned department of the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Registration of individual entrepreneurs and business

A foreigner with a residence permit can be an individual entrepreneur. Business registration is carried out at the place of registration, a simplified taxation scheme is used. Registration with the Pension Fund is required.

Lending nuances

Russian banks issue loans to foreigners on special terms. Tighter rules are associated with increased risks for financial institutions. Commercial organizations are more likely to enter into transactions with citizens of Kazakhstan than government organizations.

A residence permit in Russia for foreign citizens from the post-Soviet space helps to arrange their lives, receive a stable income and social guarantees. Registration of this document allows you to take advantage of most of the rights of residents and decide for yourself which country’s citizenship is preferable.

Pitfalls of the procedure

In some cases, Kazakhstanis have problems collecting and submitting a set of papers to receive the service. A negative decision and refusal to provide a residence permit is also possible.

Why documents may not be accepted for consideration and how to avoid this

To avoid any difficulties when submitting papers, you need to collect a complete package according to the list provided on the websites of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and State Services.

Documents may not be accepted for the following reasons:

  • They are not filled in correctly;
  • Their form does not correspond to the established one;
  • There are some marks and corrections;
  • Expired.

In addition, papers will not be accepted without prior appointment.

Who may be denied a residence permit?

The reasons for refusal to issue a residence permit are regulated by Federal Law No. 115, where they are clearly indicated:

  • The activities of a foreigner are associated with a risk for the population of the country, he opposes the laws prescribed in the Constitution, is suspected of extremism or is associated with terrorist organizations;
  • The Kazakhstani was deported from Russia;
  • The foreigner provided deliberately false information in the papers;
  • The applicant has a criminal record for particularly serious crimes, as well as those related to the distribution of narcotic drugs;
  • The applicant twice over the last year committed actions that had consequences in the form of administrative punishment (in the Russian Federation);
  • The Kazakhstani has been outside Russia for six months;
  • A foreign citizen does not have residential premises;
  • The applicant entered into a fictitious marriage;
  • A citizen of Kazakhstan is infected with HIV or has other diseases dangerous to society.
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