Restoring a passport if lost: cost and timing of the procedure

Russians receive a passport at the age of 14 and are required to have it throughout their lives (subject to replacement in cases established by law).

The absence of a passport is unacceptable; if it is lost or damaged, you should immediately contact the passport office, and if it was stolen, write a corresponding statement to the police.

The owner of the passport is responsible for the proper storage of the document. This concerns the preservation of its appearance, as well as preventing loss. If the passport is damaged or lost, the owner is obliged not only to contact law enforcement agencies, but also to bear responsibility.

Legislative framework for 2021

The Code of Administrative Offenses (No. 195-FZ dated December 30, 2001, as amended on June 23, 2021) contains Article 19.16, which states that if a passport is lost or deliberately damaged, a citizen is obliged to pay a fine in the amount of 100 to 300 rubles.

Replacement of a passport is regulated by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 851 dated November 13, 2017. This document specifies the type of service for passport restoration, as well as a set of necessary papers, the lack of which may result in a refusal to restore, the amount of the state fee, the timing of the service, etc. .P.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 828 of 07/08/1997 established how a passport is issued and replaced, and also established the procedure for using the document. Here is a description of its form.

In connection with the coronavirus infection pandemic, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation issued Order No. 410 dated 06/09/2021. It states that if a citizen lost his passport (or the document was stolen) in the period from February 1 to July 15, 2021, then it will be be considered a valid reason when applying for passport restoration. These are force majeure circumstances.

Fines for different cases

What the fine will be depends on the circumstances. If a teenager aged 14-18 years loses a passport, then a fine is imposed on his parents or guardians. However, practice shows that in such situations a warning is most often issued.

In some cases, the passport and visa service officer decides to impose a fine at his own discretion. If he decides that there was no malicious intent in the citizen’s actions, he may limit himself to a warning.

When staying with an invalid passport

When a person has lost his passport, but did not notify about it, he will have to pay a fine of 3-5 thousand rubles. (Muscovites) and 2-3 thousand rubles. (for other regions). The same fine will be imposed if the absence of a passport was discovered by a police officer during a document check.

If you don't have a residence permit

If there is no registration mark, the citizen will have to pay from 2 to 3 thousand rubles if he lives in any region of the Russian Federation except Moscow. The sanction for Muscovites is greater - its amount is 3-5 thousand rubles.

In this situation, whether or not a person has had a residence permit for a long time or the fact of being deregistered from their previous place of residence does not matter if the Russian has not yet managed to obtain a new registration. The main thing is that there is no such mark in the passport.

The violation is recognized as committed upon the fact, and not on any date, i.e. if registration ended a week ago, then the fine is issued on the day this fact was discovered. In other words, if you do not pay it immediately, you will have to pay again according to new instructions as many times as this fact is discovered. The main thing is to correct the identified violation.

If lost in another city

Here, the size of the fine depends on how quickly the citizen reported the loss of the document. If you apply immediately, it will cost 100-300 rubles; if you delay the application, it will cost from 2 to 5 thousand rubles.

If the document is stolen

If a document is stolen, the fine will be from 100 to 300 rubles. The sanction also applies in this case, since the police regard the theft as improper storage of the passport.

It may be that the person did not have the opportunity to report the theft as soon as possible. Then you should indicate this fact in your statement to the police, proving that the reasons for the late application were truly valid.

Information to be provided

The passport contains mandatory and additional information.

Must be specifiedFits according to the user's wishes
- full name;

- Date and place of birth;

- floor;

— information about registration at the place of residence, as well as deregistration;

— mark of military service (from 18 years of age);

— information about children under 14 years of age;

— information about registration or divorce;

— information about previously issued passports.

- blood type and Rh factor;
- TIN number.

Other information not provided for by law is not entered into the document, otherwise it is considered invalid.

When a fine can be avoided

In some situations, you can legally avoid paying a fine if you lose your passport.

  • If the document is missing for a valid reason. Such a reason could be a traffic accident due to which a person was taken to the hospital. In general, any incident that results in health problems can be a valid reason. However, you will have to prove this fact by providing medical certificates, certificates, and extracts.
  • The fact of being on a business trip may serve as a mitigating circumstance. In this case, only a warning is possible. You will need proof of travel on official business: an order from your place of work, transport tickets, a hotel bill, etc.
  • A valid reason is a serious illness or death of a close relative. If the loss of a passport coincides with a similar incident, then the citizen may not be physically able to contact the passport and visa service with an application to restore the document. But the incident with a loved one will also have to be documented.
  • The case when a person came there immediately after losing a document remains at the discretion of the passport and visa service specialist. Only a warning is possible.

It is important that even if there is a good reason for the loss of a passport, the circumstances of the event must be documented.

Military personnel are allowed to apply for a lost passport not in the general manner, but at the time when they were actually able to do so.

Where to get details

Many citizens are interested in where to get the relevant details. State fees for lost passports are transferred to passport offices. Or rather, to the regional Ministry of Internal Affairs. This is where you can find out what details are required to deposit money into the state treasury. Most often, this information is located in passport offices on special stands. It describes in detail the situations in which one or another state duty is paid. For the loss of a passport or when replacing an identity card due to age - this is not so important. The details will be the same in both cases.

The fine for loss of a passport must, as a rule, be transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. You can check the relevant details at your local police station. They are usually issued after filing an application for loss of passport.

What to do in case of loss

If you lose a document you will have to:

  1. Submit an application to the passport and visa service.
  2. Pay the state fee.
  3. Pay a fine, if imposed.

In the header of the application please indicate your full name. head of the PVS department, as well as full name. citizen and his address at the place of registration. The text should indicate under what circumstances and where the document was lost (or write “under unknown circumstances”), as well as the series and number of the passport, when and by whom it was issued. The date of the application and signature should appear at the bottom.

Also read

What to do if your passport is invalid on the FMS website

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Important: the application must be submitted only handwritten. It is prohibited to type it on a computer and print it, after putting only a personal signature.

You also need to fill out an application in form DP-1.

Having accepted the application, the PVS specialist will issue the citizen a temporary identity card. On the appointed day, you must return to the service to receive a new document.

When your passport is stolen, you should first contact the police and file a statement. It indicates all the circumstances of what happened. Then you need to go to the PVS,

The procedure for restoring a document

First of all, you should go to the passport and visa service at the place of registration (permanent or temporary) to notify the employee about the loss of the document.

This must be done in order for the passport to be invalidated. Even if after some time a person finds it, it will no longer be possible to use the document. This is done to prevent the possibility of fraudulent activities.

The following documents are required to be submitted to the passport and visa service:

  • application (drawn up on the spot);
  • two photographs of a special format;
  • receipt of payment of state duty (1500 rubles);
  • if there are good reasons - supporting documents;
  • in case of passport theft - a certificate confirming this fact.

A citizen may be required to provide additional documents:

  • military ID;
  • marriage or divorce certificate;
  • documents for children under 14 years of age;
  • confirmation of registration by an extract from the house register.

In addition to the passport and visa service, you can contact the multifunctional center with an application and documents for passport renewal. However, if other documents are required from a citizen, he must obtain a written refusal to accept documents from the passport and visa service officer. Next, you need to notify the management of the service, and if the issue is not resolved, you can go to court.

If a person needs an identity card while a new passport is being prepared, then it can be obtained from the migration department. This is a thick A5 sheet on which all the citizen’s data is indicated (full name, registration address, date of birth, number of the lost document, reason for issuing the certificate). A photograph is pasted onto it, and the owner puts his signature.

The completed certificate is certified with the PVS seal. The document is issued for the period necessary to obtain a new passport (10 days). However, if the document was stolen or lost in another city, the procedure may take up to 60 days. Therefore, a temporary certificate is issued for this period.

A temporary certificate allows you to perform all actions that require a passport (buy tickets or draw up documents). However, it is better to have another document confirming your identity (military ID, driver’s license, etc.).

When receiving a new passport, you should carefully check all entries made in it for errors. If there are any, you should immediately submit an application for their correction. But the incorrectness of the entry will have to be proven with documents.

Reference. In case of refusal, the citizen has the right to sue. However, in practice this usually does not happen: all issues can be resolved by contacting the head of the passport and visa service department.

Procedure for replacing a Russian passport if lost

  • 4 photos 45x35, made in accordance with the requirements regulated by the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Migration Service, put into effect on the basis of Order of the Migration Service N391 of November 30, 2012;
  • papers confirming registration (apartment map or house register);
  • payment document (or its details, since the provision of this document in the original or in the form of a photocopy is not mandatory), confirming the payment of the fee;
  • military ID (if the person is liable for military service);
  • marriage/divorce certificate (if applicable);
  • metrics for children, if any (for marking the appropriate pages);
  • valid international passport;
  • notification coupon, which was mentioned above.

If you lose a document, you shouldn’t worry too much about falling under this article. After all, it is very difficult to apply this point in relation to a person who has lost his passport and has not issued a new one for a long time, since it is impossible to prove when the document was lost (unless, of course, the applicant himself admits that more than 1 year has passed since the loss). th month).

Terms and procedure for payment of fines

The law establishes that the fine must be paid within 60 days from the date of receipt of the notice. In the first 10 days, a citizen has the right to appeal the decision if he considers the sanction illegal. To do this, you should submit an application addressed to the head of the PVS, indicating the reason for the disagreement. Thus, the period for payment of the prescription may increase to 70 days.

Three ways to pay the fine:

  • in cash at a branch of any bank or Russian Post;
  • through the public services portal, while maintaining the payment notification;
  • non-cash payment from your current account or plastic card.

In the latter case, you can use online banking, a mobile application, a terminal or an ATM. However, please note that it may take up to three business days for your payment to be processed, so it is best to pay in advance. All necessary details are indicated in the fine order.

How to return the state duty

Refunds for state fees can be obtained from the Federal Migration Service. To do this, you need to contact the FMS office. You need to have your passport with you, and you also need to print out a receipt confirming the fact of payment.

Return Guide:

  1. Contact a service employee. He will issue a statement. All fields are required.
  2. Fill it out and check. Give it to the employee.
  3. Receive a refund within 30 days.

The application must be written in detail. Since 2021, there have been a lot of cases of refusal of returns due to errors in the form. A sample is available on the FMS website or directly in the office. It can also be downloaded here. There is no additional charge for refunds.

Liability for failure to pay a fine

If a citizen does not pay the fine within the prescribed period, the punishment for this will be determined by the court. The penalties are:

  • administrative responsibility;
  • doubling the fine;
  • arrest for up to 14 days or correctional labor.

The main thing is to report the loss of the document as quickly as possible. This will allow you to avoid a fine or limit it to its minimum amount.

Also, a citizen will not be able to travel abroad if the order is unpaid.

A Russian passport is the main document of a citizen of the Russian Federation. It should be treated with care. This is specified in legislative acts. In case of loss, in most cases you will have to pay not only the state fee for issuing a new document, but also a fine. Its size can vary from 100 to 5000 rubles.

Imposing sanctions and appealing the decision in court

The resolution based on the received application comes into force 10 days after its issuance. This time is provided to appeal the act in court. The owner of the document may disagree with the decision and punishment and file a claim.

The absence of a complaint results in the decision coming into force. This imposes an obligation on the owner of the lost document to carry out the punishment. In this case, pay a fine for losing your passport.

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