What information about a land plot can be found by cadastral number?

Does the site need an address?

According to Art. 2, an accurate description of the location of the property allows it to be accurately identified.

The absence of an address is not an obstacle to transactions with a plot that has been assigned a cadastral number. However, in the case of construction and registration of a place of residence, addressing is indispensable.

The addressing procedure does not confirm the right to the site and its compliance with construction, sanitary or urban planning standards.

The codification should be:

  • unique. The same address cannot be assigned to two or more objects;
  • legitimate. The data is entered into .

Each region of the Russian Federation has its own rules for codifying objects. Local administrations have the authority to assign names to streets, squares, avenues, roads and other elements of the road network in accordance with.

To obtain the address of a land plot, citizens submit an application to the local administration. On the basis of (hereinafter referred to as Resolution No. 1221), local government bodies assign an address to the plot, which information is entered into the state address register.

It is impossible to independently select an address, since this is not provided for by law.

Addressing procedure

A legally established circle of persons can submit an application for codification of a land plot, namely citizens:

  • those who have entered into agreements for economic management or operational management;
  • those who have issued permanent unlimited use;
  • having the right of lifelong inheritable ownership;
  • having ownership rights to the plot.

All of them can delegate the decision on how to obtain an address for a land plot to third parties by issuing a notarized power of attorney in accordance with.

Applicants provide a diagram of the location of the plot on the cadastral plan and a cadastral passport if these documents are not available in local government bodies. The submission of other documents is not provided, and their request is illegal, as is expressly stated in.

The procedure for assigning an address involves submitting an application to the local administration or the Multifunctional Center at the location of the site:

  • personally by the owner or representative;
  • by post with a description of the contents and notification of delivery;
  • electronically via the website.

After receiving the documents, the citizen is sent a notification indicating the incoming application number to his personal account on the State Services portal or to the specified email address.

The same is true for assigning an address to a house on a plot of land. In this case, the owner must have permission to build a residential building or a decision to put it into operation.

The codification of all sections includes a certain sequence of elements:

  • name of the country and subject of the Russian Federation;
  • name of urban or rural settlement;
  • name of the locality;
  • name of the planning structure and road network;
  • land plot number;
  • type and number of the building or object of unfinished construction.

For a summer cottage

Many Russians plan to build houses on dacha plots, so they should know whether it is possible to assign an address to a plot of land without a house for further registration at the place of residence or receiving correspondence.

According to , the addressing of land plots, including summer cottages, is carried out on the basis of a decision of the local government. In addition, administrations of municipal districts are vested with such powers in inter-settlement areas.

To obtain a postal address for a summer cottage, the owner needs to submit an application to the municipality at the location of the plot. In the future, the plot number will become the house number.

In a populated area

In some cases, land plots are addressed on the initiative of authorized bodies. This applies to:

  • preparation of documentation for territory planning;
  • planning or surveying the territory to be developed or already developed;
  • approval of the layout of the land plot on the cadastral plan or cadastral map;
  • approval of the territory layout;
  • making a decision on the construction of the addressing object.

Other grounds for assigning an address to a land plot in a populated area are contained in paragraph 8 and paragraph 21 of Resolution No. 1221.

Addressing a land plot in SNT

Art. 21 of the Law of the Russian Federation of April 15, 1998 No. 66-FZ “” defines issues within the competence of the general meeting. Since they do not have the authority to assign addresses, it would be a mistake to assume that the SNT management can identify land plots.

Address clarification or assignment is carried out only by territorial local governments in accordance with the requirements of Decree No. 1221.

Sometimes the SNT does not carry out delineation of the boundaries of land plots, and therefore there are no coordinates on the basis of which they can be registered in the cadastral register in accordance with. In this case, assignment of an address in the SNT is possible only after the land surveying procedure and the signing of an act of approval of boundaries with adjacent areas.

Agricultural land

Art. 77 establishes the concept and composition of agricultural land. This category includes areas located outside populated areas and used for agricultural purposes.

Current legislation does not authorize local governments to assign an address to an agricultural land plot located outside a populated area.

In order for agricultural land to be assigned an address, the plot must be transferred to another category in accordance with.

The address can be assigned either at the initiative of the authorized bodies or at the request of the owner of the property. To do this, you need to fill out an application and prepare documents, most of which are submitted at your request. Submit your application and documents to the authorized body in a way convenient for you.

1. Which real estate objects are assigned addresses

The address is assigned to land plots, buildings, structures, as well as unfinished construction projects (clause 3 of article 2 of the Law on the Address System, clause 5 of the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 19, 2014 N 1221).

At the same time, we note the following (clauses “a”, “b”, paragraph 3 of the said Rules):

1) the address is assigned to the specified objects without fail;

2) it is unique, that is, different real estate properties cannot have the same address. The following cases are exceptions:

— if the same address is reassigned to a new object in place of the canceled address;

— the same address is assigned to the land plot and the object located on it.

The procedure for assigning addresses is given in the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 19, 2014 N 1221.

At the same time, local government bodies (government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation) may locally adopt their own acts, which may establish the specifics of assigning addresses. For example, in Moscow, this procedure is regulated by the Regulations and Administrative Regulations approved by Decree of the Moscow Government dated 02.26.2016 N 58-PP, in St. Petersburg - by the Administrative Regulations approved by the Order of the Committee of Property Relations of St. Petersburg dated 07.20.2016 N 77-r.

2. Who assigns addresses to real estate and who can apply for their assignment

Assigns the address to the property (clause 1, part 3, article 5 of the Law on the Address System, clause 6 of the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 19, 2014 N 1221):

• local government body - as a general rule;

• in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sevastopol are state authorities of the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation, unless these powers are transferred to local government bodies of intra-city municipalities.

For example, in Moscow, such a body is the Department of City Property of Moscow (clause 1.1 of the Regulations approved by Decree of the Moscow Government dated February 26, 2016 N 58-PP).

2.1. Who can apply for assignment of an address to a property

To assign an address to an object, its owner or a person to whom this object belongs under another proprietary right, for example, economic management or operational management can apply (clause 27 of the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 19, 2014 N 1221).

Their representatives can also apply on behalf of these persons (clause 29 of the said Rules).

3. In what cases are addresses assigned to real estate objects?

Addresses are assigned to real estate objects in the cases specified in clause 8 of the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 19, 2014 N 1221. For example, addresses are assigned to land plots when preparing documentation on the planning of the territory (both built-up and subject to development), and to buildings and structures - when issuing a permit for its construction. In addition, an address is assigned if cadastral work is carried out in relation to the property, as a result of which documents for cadastral registration are prepared.

Address assignment can be carried out (clause 7 of these Rules):

1) on the initiative of local government bodies (government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation). Without fail, the named bodies must assign an address at the same time, in cases where (clause 21 of these Rules):

— the layout of the land plot on the cadastral plan of the territory is approved;

— the territory planning project is approved;

— a decision is made on the construction of the facility;

— an agreement on the redistribution of land plots is concluded;

— an agreement is concluded on the development of the built-up area.

That is, in these cases, at the stage of accepting these documents, a decision is simultaneously made to assign an address to the object (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 16, 2015 N 21-03-05/66099);

2) according to your application. You can apply for an address assignment in the cases listed on the approved application form. Thus, on your initiative, an address can be assigned to a property in the following cases:

— formation of a land plot or premises;

— construction (reconstruction) of a building or structure;

— preparation of documents for cadastral registration of a building (structure, unfinished construction project), if its construction does not require obtaining a permit;

- transfer of residential premises to non-residential premises and vice versa.

4. How to prepare an application to assign an address to a property

You can submit an application:

1) with the help of a specialist receiving documents. He will prepare an application for you if you submit documents in person. This follows from the Note provided with the application form;

2) independently. To do this, use the application form, which is given in Appendix No. 1 to Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 11, 2014 No. 146n. It is filled out quite simply. In particular, in Sect. 3.1 you need to indicate the type of property to which you want to assign an address. The main thing in the statement is section. 3.2, in which you need to select the reason (that is, the basis) for assigning the address. Place a “V” next to the required box and provide additional information in the boxes below.

5. What documents are needed to assign an address to a property?

Regardless of the reason for assigning an address, you will need the following documents:

1) identification document of the applicant (his representative). It must be presented if you will submit documents in person (clause 33 of the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 19, 2014 N 1221);

2) power of attorney, if the application is submitted by a representative (clause 32 of the above Rules).

Other documents are not required and can be submitted on your initiative. However, we recommend that you submit them, because if you do not do so, they will be requested as part of interdepartmental cooperation. If you receive a response about the absence of such documents (necessary information), you will be denied an address.

5.1. What documents can you submit on your own initiative?

The set of such documents will vary depending on which property needs to be assigned an address and why. So, you can submit, in particular, the following documents (clauses 34, 35 of the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 19, 2014 N 1221):

• title document for the object to which an address needs to be assigned;

• an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate, if the object is registered in the cadastral register or if other real estate objects are formed from it. Let us note that it is the extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate that is currently issued instead of the cadastral passport specified in clause 34 of the said Rules;

• a diagram of the location of the land plot on the cadastral plan of the territory, if the address is assigned to the land plot;

• permission to construct an object in the case of assigning an address to a building (structure) under construction and (or) permission to put the object into operation;

• decision of the authorized body to transfer residential premises to non-residential premises or vice versa, if the address is assigned as a result of such transfer;

• act of the acceptance committee on the reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of the premises, if new premises are formed from it.

See also:

• What is a cadastral passport of a real estate property and is it used now?

• How to prepare and approve the layout of a land plot on the cadastral plan of the territory

If you do not submit the specified documents, the authorized body will request them (their copies or the information specified in them) in the manner of interdepartmental interaction (clause 35 of the said Rules).

Please note that this list may be clarified by the regulations of local government bodies (government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation) regulating the procedure for assigning addresses. To avoid adverse consequences, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with it.

5.2. Do I need to pay a fee for assigning an address to a property?

No, addresses are assigned to real estate objects free of charge (clause 4 of the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 19, 2014 N 1221).

6. How to submit an application and documents to assign an address to a property

The application and the documents attached to it are submitted to the authorized body at the location of the property. You can do this in the following ways (clause 31 of the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 19, 2014 N 1221):

1) submit them personally to the authorized body or through the MFC;

2) send by mail with a list of the contents and a notification of delivery;

3) send electronically through the Unified Government Services Portal (regional portals) or the address system portal (https://fias.nalog.ru/).

When submitting documents in person to the authorized body, you will be given a receipt confirming their receipt. In other cases, you will be notified in other ways (clause 36 of these Rules).

7. How a decision is made to assign an address to a property (to refuse to assign it)

First of all, the authorized body must (clause 19 of the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 19, 2014 N 1221):

• determine the possibility of assigning an address to the property;

• if necessary, inspect its location.

Only after this is a decision made on assigning an address. It must be accepted within 18 working days from the date of receipt of the application. If you submitted documents through the MFC, then this period will be calculated from the date of transfer of your application to the authorized body (clauses 37, 38 of the said Rules).

Please note that by regulations of local government bodies (government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation), this period may be reduced. For example, in Moscow it is 10 working days (clause 2.7.1 of the Administrative Regulations, approved by Decree of the Moscow Government dated February 26, 2016 N 58-PP).

The assignment of an address to a property is confirmed by a decision of the authorized body. Within three working days from the date of its adoption, it must be included in the state address register (clauses 20, 25 of these Rules).

You will be notified of the assignment of an address to the object in the way that you indicated in the application (clause 39 of the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 19, 2014 N 1221).

7.1. In what cases can it be refused to assign an address to a property?

Assignment of an address may be refused if there are grounds specified in clause 40 of the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 19, 2014 N 1221. Thus, you will be refused in the following cases:

1) you are not the person who has the right to apply for assignment of an address;

2) an interdepartmental request for the provision of necessary documents received a response about the absence of such a document and (or) information, while you did not submit the necessary documents on your own initiative;

3) documents required for submission were issued in violation of the established procedure;

4) there are no provided grounds and conditions for assigning an address to the property.

The refusal is formalized by a decision, which must indicate the reason for the refusal (clause “c”, clause 19, clause 41 of the said Rules).

The decision to refuse to assign an address is drawn up in the form given in Appendix No. 2 to Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 11, 2014 No. 146n. You will be notified of such a decision in the same manner as if a positive decision was made. You can appeal the refusal in court (clauses 39, 43 of the said Rules).

Application and documents

A comprehensive list of documents for obtaining government services for identifying a land plot is specified in Resolution No. 1221. The set consists of:

  • documents of title: certificate of ownership, inheritance,
  • the court's decision,
  • decision of local government bodies on granting an allotment for use or ownership, and so on;
  • cadastral passport - extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate indicating the main characteristics of the site;
  • layout diagram on the cadastral plan containing information about the area and boundaries of the plot;
  • certificate of absence of information in the state cadastre on the object of address.
  • The municipality requests documents necessary for assigning an address from the organizations in whose possession they are.

    How to submit an application

    An application for assigning an address to an allotment is submitted by a citizen who has the right of use/ownership.

    After receiving the package of documents, municipal officials inspect the location of the plot and determine the possibility of addressing. Based on the information received, a decision is made. The applicant is notified of this by sending a Resolution on assignment of an address or refusal in electronic form or on paper.

    Sample application for assignment of address approved

    The Cadastral Chamber explained how numbers are assigned to real estate properties

    The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the assignment of a unique digital code to all registered real estate objects - a cadastral number, which allows the identification of all objects.

    The cadastral number is assigned by the rights registration authority once during state cadastral registration in connection with the formation or creation of a property or when entering information about a previously registered property into the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN). This number does not change and is not repeated over time and on the territory of the Russian Federation.

    For the purpose of its assignment, the territory of the Russian Federation is divided into cadastral districts, districts and blocks, which makes it possible to unambiguously determine the location of objects in the country. For example, cadastral number 29:09:010101:1 means that the object is located in the Arkhangelsk region (region 29), in the Lensky district (cadastral district 09), in cadastral quarter 010101; and has a serial number - 1.

    The exception is objects that are located on the territory of several cadastral division units, for example, linear objects - roads, power lines, pipelines. For such objects, “Conventional” units of cadastral division are created, with the accounting number “0”.

    All registered real estate objects have been assigned a cadastral number and currently all information about the objects is contained in a single database - the Unified State Register of Real Estate, which was formed in 2021 by combining two resources - the state real estate cadastre and the Unified State Register of Rights.

    At the same time, old land certificates, technical passports or cadastral passports of capital construction projects contain numbers whose name and structure do not correspond to the “modern” cadastral number.

    This is due to the fact that until 2000, land plots were assigned conditional numbers, on the basis of which their registration was carried out. This number can be seen on the old land title certificate. Before 2012, capital construction projects were assigned inventory or cadastral numbers during the technical accounting process carried out by the Bureau of Technical Inventory.

    During the process of “land reforms” that occurred in 2000 and 2012, the accounting of land plots and capital construction projects was transferred to the cadastral registration authority. As, accordingly, all information about previously recorded objects.

    The body carrying out state registration of rights also kept records of objects according to registration numbers, which are indicated in the certificates of registration of ownership.

    As a result of all the changes that have occurred in land legislation, real estate objects that previously had a conditional, inventory or registration number were assigned a cadastral number. Previously assigned numbers are not canceled, in this case they are considered previous.

    At the same time, knowing the conditional number, you can find out whether information about the property is contained in the Unified State Register of Real Estate and whether it has been assigned a cadastral number.

    You can do this on the official website of Rosreestr: https://rosreestr.ru/, using the “Reference information on real estate online” service, or submit a corresponding request to the rights registration authority or multifunctional center.

    If you have not found your object, or information about it is not available in the Unified State Register of Real Estate, you also have the right to contact the multifunctional center with the necessary documents.

    Result of the procedure

    The assignment of an address is formalized by a municipality employee in the form of a Resolution, which is issued to the applicant. The document indicates the cadastral number of the plot and the structural elements of the address listed above.

    The resolution to assign an address is given to the citizen in person or sent in the manner specified in the application:

    • by mail;
    • through a personal account on the State Services website;
    • to an email address.

    Negative answer

    The conditions under which the applicant will hear a negative answer are established by law. Clause 40 of Resolution No. 1221 contains a list of grounds:

    • the applicant does not have legal rights to the site, he is not an authorized representative of the owner or user;
    • the response to the interdepartmental request does not contain the information necessary to assign an address to the site, and the applicant cannot provide this data independently;
    • errors were found in the documents submitted by the applicant;
    • there are no conditions for addressing.

    The form of the refusal decision was approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 11, 2014 No. 146n.

    Appealing a refusal

    A citizen who has received a decision to refuse can seek protection of his rights in court. To do this, he needs to file a claim to invalidate the decision of the local government with a demand to oblige the defendant to assign an address to the site.

    This category of cases is considered by the courts in the manner prescribed. In such cases, the courts establish the legality of municipal decisions.

    If the refusal to assign an address does not have the grounds provided for in paragraph 40 of Resolution No. 1221, the court will oblige the local authority to carry out the procedure for addressing the site.

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