How can I find out information about a person’s marital status?

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Today we’ll tell you about one non-obvious, but very interesting life hack. Using it, you can determine with a high probability whether a person is married or not. And you don’t need to become a private detective for this. It is enough to have the Internet.

Let's say right away that this is not a 100% method. But still, using this recommendation, in many cases you can get the necessary information - find out the full name of the husband or wife.

We won’t talk about social networks here, since this is the most obvious way to check whether a person is married or not. And not all social network users indicate their marital status on VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and Facebook. Therefore, we will use official sources.

Important disclaimer : do not trust any Internet services that, for money, help you “get through” a person through some dubious database. This is impossible! Since this information is closed and is provided only at the request of the competent authorities in accordance with Art. 13.2 Federal Law “On acts of civil status”. The method described in this article is based on official data from Rosreestr.

Path number 1: simple ways to find out if a man is officially married

You already realized that the person you are interested in does not have a ring on his ring finger, but he did not show the documents. Or they do not have the appropriate marks (which also does not guarantee that the man is officially not married). Let's move on. Any person of the 21st century will immediately say: check social networks! All photographs, geolocations and pages that are interesting to a person will say more than the status established there. But if someone wants not to show their personal life in their profile, then it’s difficult to get to the bottom of it. Especially if it’s a semi-fake account with one stock picture on its avatar. So this version of the test is very superficial and does not give a result close to reality.

Another way is to involve the heavy artillery, that is, the civil services. But there are problems here too:

  • There is no single online database for marriage registrations and divorces.
  • The main government agency for marriage, the Civil Registry Office, does not provide information to third parties. Only the person included in the document can receive a copy of the marriage/divorce certificate (and this is the only option here). In addition, you do not know which branch to contact.

The third obvious method also does not work on the Internet - the services of a detective. This is a completely extreme case when there is no other way. Yes, this happens too! But this is expensive and has its own risks: what if the person under surveillance finds out? It's unlikely to happen without a scandal. Therefore, the problem of how to find out if a man is married is not always solved by the first methods that come to mind.


In Rus', unmarried girls had earrings that were different from those worn by married girls. According to tradition, the girl’s father gave her first earrings on her fifth birthday. They were to keep this gift throughout their lives. And the girls wore elongated earrings, on which there was practically no decor. As for married women, they wore more expensive jewelry, because it was due to their status.

Unmarried girls wore elongated earrings of a simple shape, with virtually no decoration

In what case is a marriage considered dissolved?

Marriage (marital union) is a documented union of people (usually two), concluded to officially confirm the status of the family.

To register or terminate a marriage, you must send an application to the Civil Registry Office. The day of marriage or its dissolution is considered the date of entering information about such an event into the information registers of the civil registry office.

It is also possible to dissolve a marriage (if the parties have disagreements) through the courts . The day on which the court decision comes into force is considered the date of termination of the marriage union.

In addition to the above, registration of termination of a marriage is also carried out with the actual death of the wife or husband.

The civil registry office issues a certificate of divorce - this is the document that is the official confirmation of the termination of the marriage union. A citizen who has previously been married will not be able to enter into a new marriage without the above document until he submits this certificate to the civil registry office.

both have a certificate of divorce , but such a view on this issue is not correct. The fact of termination of the marriage union and the receipt of a confirming document do not have such a connection with each other.

You can learn more about the procedure for declaring a marriage invalid in our article.

Let's sum it up

You can only find out a person’s marital status using passport data about yourself—judicial authorities or civil registry offices simply will not disclose data to you from third parties. If you are still interested in the marital status of someone you know, we advise you to carefully study social networks - there are often corresponding marks or even confirming photographs.

We also advise you to study more detailed information about such a document as a marriage certificate.

How can you find out if your spouse has filed for divorce?

There is even more than one way to find out whether your spouse has filed for divorce without communicating with him personally. The main thing you should understand for yourself is that no one can scam a citizen without his knowledge. Such a decision will be considered fictitious, and any court will cancel it at the request of the person.

If there are no children (divorce goes through the registry office)

If the spouses do not have jointly acquired property or children, the divorce can go through the registry office. Many citizens think that these authorities can divorce them on the first application, and they won’t have to wait for their spouse’s consent, but in reality this is not the case for us.

There are a number of legal nuances:

  1. The registry office will be required to give the spouses a month for reconciliation. By law, the second partner must be officially notified of the time frame allocated for resolving the conflict, but in practice this often does not happen. Such violations can be challenged in court.
  2. Divorce in the registry office is possible only by mutual consent. Forced divorce proceedings always go through the courts.
  3. The existence of a marriage contract is not a reason for the registry office not to notify the second spouse of a divorce or to complete a divorce without him, even if this is stated in the agreement itself. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, any clauses of the contract that contradict the law are automatically declared invalid.

Fortune telling for marriage using a natal chart

Numerology can become a faithful assistant to those who dream of finding out their wedding date.
With the help of this science, you can calculate the age of marriage based on your date of birth. To do this, you need to add together all the numbers of your date of birth. If you were born on June 12, 1991, then the sum of the numbers will be 1+2+0+6+1+9+9+1=29. Add tens and ones: 2+9=11, 1+1=2. Next, you need to find out the sum of the numbers for the coming years, for example, 2021: 2+0+2+0=4, 2021: 2+0+2+1=5 and so on. All that remains for you is to compare the data: birth number 1 will correspond to years with the sum of numbers 1, 4, 5, 7, number 2 - years with the sum of numbers 1, 5, 6, 8, number 3 - 3, 6, 7, 9, number 4 – 1, 4, 7, 8, number 5 – 2, 5, 7, 9, number 6 – 1, 3, 6, 9, number 7 – 1, 2, 4, 8, number 8 – 1 , 2, 6, 8, number 9 – 2, 3, 6, 7.

What data is needed to check whether a person is married or not?

In order to check the marital status of the prospective husband or wife, you need to know:

  • FULL NAME . It is enough to know at least your first and last name;
  • The exact address of the property (or cadastral number) where the person resides or owns. Of course, the apartment where the person lives immediately comes to mind. But this can be not only an apartment, but for example: a plot of land or non-residential real estate.

The search will be carried out specifically on a person’s real estate, namely on the EGRN (Unified State Register of Real Estate) database. It is not possible to make a request by last name; you need the address of the property.

How to find out if a person is officially married via the Internet?

Many resources position themselves as sources of information about the marriage of any person. On the territory of the Russian Federation, disclosure of information is illegal, since it is in restricted access.
That is why you should not use their services. At a minimum, incorrect information will be provided, and at maximum, the scammers will receive money.

In the age of social networks, you can clarify information about the presence of a marriage through user pages. Many openly indicate their status there (single/married), and also post family photos.

However, this method does not give a 100% reliable result, since personal life can change at any time or the user knowingly publishes falsified data.

How to find out online: check whether a person is married or not

There are three ways to find out whether a person is married or divorced:

  1. Using the telephone directory;
  2. Profiles on social networks;
  3. Communication programs such as: Skype, ICQ.

First way

  • Based on the first method, you need to find an electronic telephone directory and search for a person by last name, first name, patronymic;
  • Sometimes such databases record information about who else lives at a specific address and, most often, this is the spouse;
  • It will be easy to recognize by the same last names;
  • This method will work if a married couple has lived together for a long time and is not divorced.

Second way

  • The second method is implemented by searching for a person on social networks.
  • Find out who you are married to or divorced from. This information is usually indicated on social networks under the status “marital status”.
  • By typing your full name into the search, and if the profile is open, you can analyze photographs, walls, records and draw a conclusion based on this information.
  • If the profile is closed, then you can create a “left” page, fill it out to the minimum and add him as a friend, or find an acquaintance who is already friends with him and ask him to let you see the page of the person you are interested in.

Third way

  • Communication programs include marital status fields during registration. Some people fill them out.
  • Knowing the nickname and login of the person you are interested in, you can find and find out his details.

Attention. Don't trust sites that promise to give you all the information if you pay them.

95% of sites with such services are scammers; you will send money, but will not receive information in return.

An advanced way to find out marital status using passport data

In what documents, as a rule, do spouses register together? In the documents for the apartment! Therefore, you can try to get the information you are looking for about whether a man is officially married, using the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN) extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN). The extract is issued electronically or in paper form, the first option is cheaper.

In order to order this certificate, you need to know the exact address of the object being inspected.

When you have the document in your hands, study section 2, which states:

  • copyright holders for this property by name: look at the common surname and children;
  • type of ownership: we are interested in joint or shared;
  • restriction of rights and encumbrance: is there a mortgage.

Analyze this data and find out if your boyfriend has a spouse and children. Thus, using the USRN extract, you can check whether a man is officially married. It is quite possible that it may turn out that the owner is his ex-wife, and the man himself has no rights to the apartment in which he lives.

Moreover, their common children, to whom your chosen one pays child support, are also registered in this apartment. Most likely, you are faced with a real swindler who does not need you, but your living space. Therefore, if you find out that in fact the man with whom you want to connect your life is officially married, you should be wary.

And you need to think about the goals that a person has. How transparent and noble are they?

How to find out if there was a divorce?

In accordance with Russian legislation, information about marriage or divorce is not provided to anyone except persons who want to register or are getting divorced.

If the question concerns information about an upcoming divorce, details can be found if you have a marriage certificate, which will need to be presented at the registry office or in court.

In accordance with the law on the protection of personal data, information about marital status cannot be disclosed by employees of government agencies.

Through the registry office

  • the spouse is serving a sentence of more than three years;
  • declared missing or deceased.

In the future, the spouse who was not present at the divorce has the right to clarify information about his marital status. To do this, you must submit an application requesting a duplicate of the divorce certificate. You should attach your passport and marriage certificate to your application and specify the reasons for your absence from the divorce proceedings.

Through the court

Sometimes unilateral divorce occurs through the courts. This is due to possible disagreements between spouses. Either spouse can legally initiate a divorce.

Procedure for obtaining documents

The only reliable way to obtain information about registered/dissolved marriages is to personally contact the civil registry office. This can only be done in person.

Algorithm for preparing a request:

  • submission of a handwritten application to the territorial branch of the registry office (you can contact not only the division where the union was registered, but any department);
  • provision of the necessary package of documents;
  • payment of state duty.

An analysis of Internet requests shows that in Russia there are many online services that offer personal information about the family relationships of citizens for a fixed fee. Third-party resources cannot have such information, so no one can guarantee the authenticity of the data.

Sample application for a marriage certificate

To the Central Civil Registry Office of Kamyansk

from Krasnoperova Tamila Semenovna,

Born 02/12/1964, living: Kamyansk,

st. Prokofieva, 15a


In connection with the consideration of the paperwork on the inheritance of material assets, I ask you to provide a certificate of registration of the marriage of my father Sevastyanov Semyon Antonovich, who entered into a marriage on October 1, 1959 in the city of Kamyansk.

02/01/2019T. S. Krasnoperova

Required documents

A citizen must have the following documents with him:

  • personal passport;
  • a copy of the personal document of the person whose marital status is of interest;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • confirmation of the grounds for applying to the registry office (court decision to appoint guardianship, birth certificate).

Documents are submitted with originals and copies. This will speed up the process of accepting the application for consideration.

Payment of state duty

According to the provisions of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the amount of state duty in 2021 is 200 rubles. To pay the fee, you will need to take the details of the territorial civil registry office where the applicant is applying.

If you need to receive several response forms, then 200 rubles will be paid for each of them.

Definition of a civil registry office division

When filing an appeal, it does not matter in which territorial department the marriage union was registered. The answer to the request is provided after analyzing the data on the territory of the Russian Federation. If you need to clarify the division of civil registry authorities, you can use the following methods:

  • submitting the appropriate application;
  • engaging a notary authorized to send requests on behalf of individuals to government agencies.

Request response form

The legislation provides for 3 forms of response to a request for information about a person’s marital status:

  1. A person is in a registered marriage - a certificate will be prepared in form No. 35. The document contains the full name of the citizen, the date of registration of the marriage relationship, the full name of the person with whom the marriage was registered, the number of the document on registration of the marriage relationship.
  2. Certificate of termination of marriage. The document is marked “copy” or “duplicate”. It all depends on who is requesting the document and for what purposes.
  3. Certificate of divorce.

Is it possible and how to replace a marriage certificate?

How to pay the state fee for registering a marriage?


Divorce is a troublesome and not very pleasant matter. Therefore, spouses often make such a decision and quickly divorce, trying to erase each other from their memories. It is not uncommon for a situation to arise when one of the spouses does not want to get a divorce.

Often women only talk about the divorce process, but are in no hurry to actually carry out the action. If she nevertheless decides to proceed, then in the case of the claim she acts as a plaintiff. Accordingly, a copy of the claim is sent to the spouse. And at the moment of receiving such a document, he is notified of the commencement of a divorce action.

If a person does not receive any documents, then the claim was not filed or did not reach for certain reasons. To clarify this information, a person has the right to apply to the court at the place of registration. In some situations, you can clarify the information at the place of registration of the plaintiff.

If a man finds out about the divorce process, then there are several options for the outcome of events:

  1. he has the right to agree to the claims;
  2. he has the right to maintain family relationships.

This will depend on the wishes of the spouse. If the decisions coincide, then the court immediately makes a decision. If the positions are different, then the spouse voices the position in the court, and on the basis of this the court makes a decision.

As a rule, the authority gives time for reconciliation of the spouses if it considers it necessary. The maximum period for reconciliation is 3 months. In the absence of the possibility of a peace agreement, action will take place.

The law does not prohibit a spouse from filing a claim for an action. It is best to use the allotted time to minimize conflicts and disagreements. In any case, the claim is considered even if the second party objects.

This is regulated by the Constitution of Russia on the right to choose. Therefore, a man only has the opportunity to dissuade his wife from a rash act. This requires a re-examination after three months.

The court independently decides to postpone the hearing. If there is a need to preserve the family, then you can ask for this in court.

Commentary on Article 14 of the RF IC

The commented article reveals four circumstances that prevent marriage.

First. Marriage is not permitted between persons, at least one of whom is already in another registered marriage. Another registered marriage is understood as a previous registered marriage that has not terminated (due to the court declaring one of the spouses dead; by dissolution of the marriage at the request of one or both spouses, as well as at the request of the guardian of the spouse declared incompetent by the court).

According to Art. 26 of the Federal Law of November 15, 1997 N 143-FZ (as amended on July 18, 2006) “On Civil Status Acts”, when submitting a joint application for marriage, it is necessary to present a document confirming the termination of the previous marriage, if the person (persons) was previously married <1>.


<1> Northwestern Russian Federation. 1997. N 47. Art. 5340.

Second. Marriage is not allowed between close relatives - relatives in a direct ascending and descending line, as well as between full and half brothers and sisters. Relatives in a direct ascending line are the father and mother, their parents, etc., in a descending line - children, their children, etc. Full-blooded brothers and sisters are those descended from a common father and mother, and half-brothers are either a common father (half-blooded) or a common mother (half-brother) <1>.


<1> Full-grown // Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language: In 4 volumes / Ed. D.N. Ushakova. M., 1935 - 1940.

The prohibition of marriages between close relatives is dictated by medical-biological and moral-ethical considerations related to both concern for the healthy offspring of spouses (since the risk of having children with serious illnesses as a result of such marriages is very significant), and to the natural rejection of incest by civilized modern society. Relationships of more distant degrees (uncle and niece, cousins, etc.) can theoretically pose a danger to the health of the children of future spouses, but to a lesser extent, therefore, by law, it is not an obstacle to marriage <1>.


<1> Pchelintseva L.M. Commentary on the Family Code of the Russian Federation. M., 2006. ATP “Garant”.

Third. Marriage is not allowed between adoptive parents and adopted children, since their relations are equal in personal non-property and property rights and obligations to relatives by origin (Part 1 of Article 137 of the RF IC).

Fourth. Marriage is not permitted between persons of whom at least one person has been declared incompetent by a court due to a mental disorder. This situation is justified, since an incapacitated person cannot understand the meaning of his actions or manage them, and cannot consciously express consent to marriage. Therefore, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, for example, stipulates that after a person is declared incompetent, transactions are made on his behalf by his guardian (Part 2 of Article 29 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). From here it logically follows that such a marriage is prohibited.

How can you tell if a person is divorced?

Our legislation quite thoroughly regulates issues related to divorce. Although occasionally unexpected nuances occur. For example, a situation may arise when it becomes unclear whether a couple has been divorced or whether they are still officially married. Why does this happen and what needs to be done in order to finally be sure that the divorce has taken place?

Rules for filling out a personal T-2 card

In order to obtain a personal T-2 card, you need to collect a package of documents that are listed in the list below:

  1. passport (sometimes you can use another document that proves your identity);
  2. labor;
  3. military ID;
  4. SNILS;
  5. a document confirming graduation from an educational institution;
  6. a certificate confirming registration with the tax authorities;
  7. The order of acceptance to work.

If you need any additional certificate, you must inform the personnel service and be given time to prepare it.

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How the divorce process works: you didn’t know about the divorce

If spouses have minor children or jointly acquired property that will have to be divided, the application is submitted to the court. The registry office divorces only when there is consent of both parties.

You might not know that you are divorced , since divorce is possible unilaterally if one of the factors applies:

  • one of the spouses is declared missing;
  • there is documentary evidence of incapacity;
  • if the husband or wife is serving a prison sentence for more than 3 years.

In these situations, no action is required from the other party. It is enough to submit a document confirming one of the above factors.

- that's another matter. One of the spouses can apply unilaterally at any time. The court will accept the application and the case will be considered in the prescribed manner. If the other half does not appear at the hearing, a decision may be made without his participation. It depends on the reasons for the divorce that the spouse provides. If there is a confirmed fact that the applicant has not lived under the same roof with his spouse for more than six months, the court will most likely divorce the spouses.

The court decision will be sent to the address of the second party. As a rule, the decision is sent to the address where the spouse is registered. If it is not appealed within a month, the decision to divorce will be entered in a special book. From this moment the divorce officially takes effect.

The passport will be stamped and a divorce certificate will be issued. This document must be obtained: a divorce certificate is needed for various operations: registration of guardianship, adoption, child benefits. To get a visa or apply for benefits, you will be asked to provide a certificate of divorce.

Ornament and color of clothing

The ornament on women's clothing said a lot about the status of its owner. Thus, the image of a chicken could be seen on the clothes of married women, and white swans were embroidered by unmarried girls. The blue sundress was worn by girls who were preparing for a wedding, and the red one - only by those who were married. If there was a drawing of a frog with horns on the apron, it meant that the girl wanted to give birth to her first child.

The pattern on clothing could tell a lot about its owner

Information about the property of an individual from the Unified State Register

There is no optimal way to find out what property a person has.
You will have to contact several authorities, make different requests, and collect a complete picture from fragmentary information. The first step you can take is to contact the Unified State Register of Rights. Let’s assume a situation where the wife found information about the ex-husband’s ownership of an apartment that he bought during the marriage. Such housing for divorced partners is considered jointly owned and must be divided. A similar situation may arise in the event of the death of a relative. One of the heirs may suspect that part of the property of a deceased relative is being hidden from him.

The extract contains the following information:

  • type of real estate;
  • date of registration of property;
  • cadastral number;
  • condition of property: presence of encumbrances or other restrictions on use.

The certificate is valid for 30 days from the date of issue. The certificate itself is issued within 3-5 days after the documents are accepted.

The certificate can be issued by contacting the Unified State Register directly or sending a request through the State Services portal or to the MFC. This information is publicly available and can be obtained by any citizen. Please note that in this way you can determine what property the owner owns, and not who is the owner of a particular object.

Practical tips that may come in handy

  1. Talk to neighbors and friends of the person whose marital status you are trying to find out.
  2. Analyze photos and information on social networks.
  3. Evaluate the car (make, availability of a child seat).
  4. Find out how you spend your weekends and vacations.
  5. Where he prefers to dine and have fun.
  6. Pay attention to the place of your meetings: what it is, where it is, what it looks like.
  7. Think about your conversations on the phone and his responses to calls in front of you.
  8. Use the services of a private detective.

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Can a cohabitant legally confirm his position as a family member?

This is only possible in court. But, unfortunately, most often this right is not used at all in order to act in the best interests of each other. There are situations when people who live together see the best for each other in different ways.

Most often, former cohabitants in court demand to establish the fact of cohabitation in order to divide jointly acquired property. But an unregistered marriage does not give rise to any rights and obligations of the spouses, including rights to common property. And courts consider such cases based on the norms of the civil code.

An example from judicial practice. A man and a woman entered into a religious marriage without registering with the registry office. They maintained a common budget, made deposits in banks, took out loans and opened retail outlets, and also agreed to purchase an apartment as shared ownership. But then they quarreled - and the woman entered into an agreement to purchase an apartment in her own name. The man did not agree and filed a lawsuit in court, where he asked to recognize his ownership of half of the apartment.

But the court did not support the man. The purchase and sale agreement was drawn up on behalf of the woman, and her partner was not named in it. An apartment would be recognized as common property if a man and a woman agreed to buy it together and the man also invested his money in its purchase. He could not confirm this with an agreement or receipts. The court did not take into account the arguments that since they lived together and ran a joint household, the property should be divided into two. If there is no registration of marriage, there are no rights of spouses to division of property arising from it. The apartment was not recognized as common property, and the woman remained the only owner.


  1. The law does not prohibit cohabitation without registering a marriage.
  2. But an unregistered marriage does not legally give rise to any joint responsibilities.
  3. Without marriage registration, many benefits will not be available. And we are not just talking about jointly acquired property.

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