Where to get a certificate of registration at the place of residence, form No. 9, sample

Certificate of registration in form No. 9 is a document that indicates who is registered in the living space of the apartment at a given address as of the date the certificate is issued.

The paper will mention everyone who is registered and deregistered, regardless of whether the registration is temporary or permanent. Minor citizens are also included in the number of residents.

Certificate of registration by f. No. 9 - a document required under various circumstances; without Form 9 it is impossible:

  • Conduct real estate transactions;
  • Privatize housing;
  • Apply for a loan or mortgage;
  • Obtain the right to use benefits or allowances;
  • Prepare documents for maternity capital;
  • Enroll your child in kindergarten or school, etc.

This document has a prescribed form. There is also an expanded form of this document, an archived version, which displays information about everyone who was registered at this address from the moment of commissioning, and when deregistration was carried out.

An archival version is necessary in cases where it is necessary to identify the presence of citizens who have the right to reside in this living space, but are currently absent - in particular, those sentenced to long terms, those who went to another city to study full-time, etc.

Identifying such citizens is very important for someone who buys an apartment. It is important to keep in mind that the validity period of the document is short (from 7 to 30 days), and at the legislative level the duration of validity of this particular document is not limited in any way.

In real estate transactions, experts in this field believe that within 7 days the number of registered properties can change significantly, both in one direction and the other.

Where and when is help required?

Certificate Form 9 will be required for:

Advertising from partners

  • privatization of real estate;
  • receiving housing subsidies;
  • registration of various child benefits for low-income families;
  • purchasing an apartment (to check the history of transfer of rights);
  • use of maternity capital;
  • collection of alimony through the court;
  • change of place of registration;
  • military registration;
  • getting a job in a government agency, etc.

Sample, contents and validity period of form No. 9

Certificate of residence in Form No. 9 includes information about:

  • registered persons (along with the date of registration at the address);
  • property owners;
  • premises (number of rooms, area, etc.);
  • degree of relationship between residents.

The certificate of registration in the apartment must have the seal of the issuing authority with a clear imprint and signature of the responsible executor (sample of correctly completed form No. 9).

Promotional offer

The citizen is provided with up-to-date information at a given time. If information for a previously past period is required, a request is made for an archival extract.

A regular certificate about residents registered in an apartment is issued for 10 days. If the organization for which the document is being drawn up has established a shorter validity period for Form 9, then the citizen has the right to protest this.

Who can obtain a certificate of family composition?

The issuance of the document is regulated by Federal Law 5242-1 (dated June 25, 1993). You can get a certificate of family composition:

  • owners of living space;
  • those who are registered in the facility;
  • residents with temporary registration;
  • parents or guardians of a minor resident of the apartment (subject to the provision of a birth certificate);
  • a third party with a power of attorney;
  • representatives of law enforcement agencies and security forces upon official request;
  • lawyers and notaries.

The information contained in the document is protected by the law on the protection of personal data of individuals.


The registration information document is issued free of charge. If there are arrears in utility bills and rent, employees may refuse to issue paper under Form 9, but such actions are illegal.

Providing housing for orphans and children without parents. Find out more

Poor people in Russia: prove it and get government support. Follow the link

Conditions and procedure for obtaining preferential mortgages for large families. Read

Where can I get a certificate on Form 9

You can obtain a certificate in Form 9 on the public services portal or from the following organizations:

  • Passport Office;
  • district administration (if housing is departmental or non-privatized);
  • Homeowners' associations and housing cooperatives (the document is drawn up by the chairman);
  • multifunctional centers.

It is most convenient to issue a document through the MFC because:

  • no need to look for a chairman or adjust to the work schedule of the passport office;
  • the citizen is personally present when receiving the extract;
  • submitting an application takes 15 minutes;
  • documents from the HOA are not always legitimate;
  • there are interruptions on the government services website, and MFC offices work within the established schedule;
  • You can make an appointment with a multifunctional center employee in advance via the Internet.

Who is authorized to issue the document

Where can I get a Form 9 certificate? In the Department of Move-In and Registration of Citizens at the location of the living space, in the passport office or housing office. The service for issuing a certificate is provided free of charge upon personal application to the organization that is authorized to issue registration information.

The system works differently in different regions of Russia, so before asking for help, check the operating hours of a particular organization and the opening hours for visitors.

How to obtain a certificate of family composition from the MFC

A certificate of registration (form 9) is issued on the day of application, provided that the documentation is complete.

List of documents

To receive a certificate in Form 9, you must provide:

  • citizen identity card;
  • certificate of home ownership (or rental agreement for a municipal apartment);
  • house register (in the case of private housing construction);
  • power of attorney from the owner of the object (if the document is received by a third party).

In addition to providing a set of documents, you need to write an application () and indicate in it the following information:

  • MFC details;
  • Full name and passport details of the applicant;
  • exact wording of the request;
  • date of;
  • personal signature of the citizen.

Government duty

As for the cost of issuing a document, there are no state fees provided for by law.

Contacting the passport office

A registration certificate in Form No. 9 is issued according to the data taken from the registration card. Of course, the most logical thing to do is go to the passport office to get it. You can take it in two ways:

  1. By contacting the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs directly to the specialists of the passport office, who are entrusted with the responsibilities for providing such services.
  2. By coming to the housing office, TU or HOA at the place of service of the residential premises.

The second method is the most common because it is extremely convenient both for the applicant and for the institution itself. A management company or HOA has its own passport specialist who deals with issues of registration, deregistration and, accordingly, issuing all kinds of certificates in his profile.

You can receive a certificate upon presentation of your identity document. The passport officer may require you to fill out a standard application form, which indicates the address of the premises and the name of the applicant. But most forms are issued upon verbal request, especially since their completion is automated by a computer system and does not require much time or effort.

A request to issue a certificate may be refused if the applicant has no legal relationship with the housing. Sometimes passport officers refuse due to debt, but this is arbitrariness and such actions have no legal basis.

Other forms of certificate of registration and registration

There are several varieties of this document:

  • the main one, which discloses data about all registered (including temporarily) family members;
  • Form 2, which contains information only about one registered resident;
  • Form 3, if no one is registered in the living space;
  • Form 12 – archival extract, contains information about all persons ever registered (for the entire existence of the object);
  • Form 4 – at the request of a notary.

Form 7 - accompanying document

Often, when applying for a certificate of family composition, people take an extract in Form 7, which describes the technical characteristics of the housing:

  • floor and number of storeys of the building;
  • footage of the room;
  • number of rooms;
  • ceiling height;
  • year of last major overhaul;
  • date of construction;
  • building wall material, etc.

Form 7 is provided free of charge upon request of the applicant and is issued within 2 days. The certificate is valid for up to 1 month from the date of receipt.

About paper work books

The idea of ​​legislators, namely a complete transition to electronic ones (ETK) and the abandonment of paper labor documents, did not work. According to the Pension Fund of Russia, as of December 29, 2021, 6 million out of 47 million workers under employment contracts agreed to the ETC.

12.8% is a drop in the sea of ​​paper personnel documents. Therefore, we still had to update the requirements for paper versions, eliminate inconsistencies and cancel outdated instructions.

From January 1, 2023, all employees who have retained a paper work record, whose book has expired or has become damaged, must be issued a document in a new form (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2021 No. 1250). This means that there is no need to change everything, but only when necessary. If you still have the TK-V work series in your storage until the end of 2022, then you can issue old forms in 2023.

The following changes can be noticed in the new forms:

  • On the title page it became possible not to indicate the employee’s middle name and the organization’s seal.

  • the number of pages has changed.
Work book section Number of spreads
Job details 14
Information about the award 7
Operating information in the insert 12
Information about the award in the insert 5

This is where the visual changes end. Let's move on to the specifics of the maintenance and storage procedure. By the way, it applies to old forms from September 1 of this year:

1. Remote workers were allowed to send the book by mail, and not just bring it in person to receive a new entry.

2. Writing is still allowed with pens with light-resistant ink or stamps. You can fill out a document in a combined way: enter some information with a stamp, and enter some manually.

3. Any personnel change, other than dismissal, must be noted within 5 working days. The notice of dismissal must appear on the employee's last working day.

4. In column 4, to reflect the transfer from temporary work to permanent, you must enter both orders at once: on the transfer to temporary work and back to permanent.

5. Information about part-time work can be entered not only by the main employer (on the basis of someone else’s order), but also by the employer at the place of combination. Upon dismissal, a part-time worker can contact the second employer so that he can immediately put two o’s and “about dismissal”, i.e. it is no longer necessary to observe the chronology of events.

6. If there is no space on the title page of the work book to make an entry about the issuance of a subsequent insert, such an entry should be made on the title page of the first insert (clause 33 of Section VI of the Rules).

7. We decided when to hand out the paper book. Upon dismissal - definitely no later than the day of dismissal. When switching to ETC - within 3 working days from the date of submission of the application.

8. There is no need to force employees to sign a record of their dismissal. It is mandatory to put a stamp (if any) and the signature of the head or responsible employee of the personnel service.

9. Using our own developed form and without wax seal, we continue to keep journals:

  • blank book forms and inserts in them - all information about the receipt and use of forms;
  • work books of employees and inserts in them - work books accepted for storage.

There is no need to start new journals from September 1 if the old ones still have empty pages.

10. On the title page, in the “education” line, only information about completed education is entered.

The rewritten new Rules lack some requirements. For example, you don’t have to familiarize the employee with his signature on his personal card with every entry made in the work book. There is also no need to make a record in the book about the employee serving a sentence in the form of correctional labor.

If all your employees have switched to ETC, then you may not need the previous checklist. But definitely all employers need to familiarize themselves with the rules for filling out the SZV-TD.

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Special cases of obtaining a certificate of registered persons

Depending on where the document is provided, it may have different content. For example, when receiving a subsidy, a certificate from the place of residence must contain information about everyone registered in the living space, regardless of the degree of relationship. If the paper is drawn up for the board of guardians, it contains information only about members of a particular family.

Certificate of family composition for a child

If you need to receive an extract from the MFC about the child’s place of residence in Form 9, this can be done by one of his parents (or guardians). To do this, you need to come to the public services center and present the following documents:

  • identification;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • certificate of child registration in form 8 (if available);
  • USRN extract or other housing title documents.

If a minor is over 14 years old, then he must appear in person to receive these documents or issue a notarized power of attorney for his parent (guardian).

Form 9, if the husband and wife are registered in different places

If the husband and wife are registered at different addresses, then they need to take two separate statements in Form 9 indicating information about each spouse.

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