14 famous personalities who married their relatives (15 photos)

Author: Mr. Jingles

22 February 2021 14:25

Tags: marriages, famous people, interesting facts  



It's amazing how often marriages between relatives still take place these days. And many of the celebrities on this list are not some kind of perverts at all - they are outstanding and respected members of society who either entered into a relationship with a relative by chance, or fell in love at a family celebration and did not care about the rules. Either way, it's pretty weird. So, here are 14 famous people who married their relatives.


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Kevin Bacon


Everyone knows Kevin Bacon, because since his debut in “Menagerie” in 1978, the actor has been actively acting and has appeared in such major projects as “Apollo 13” and “Footloose.” He starred in so many films that there was even a game called “Six Steps to Kevin Bacon”, in which you had to find a connection between Bacon and any other actor in no more than 6 transitions. But Bacon had no idea that he and actress Kyra Sedgwick were connected by something more than marriage—ties of blood. The couple, who have been married for almost 30 years, are relatives in the 9th generation. This was discovered by Henry Louis Gates on the TV show Find Your Roots.

Individual status

  • A bachelor
    is a man who has not entered into marriage, an unmarried man.
    is an old unmarried man (bachelor).
  • Virgo
    - a woman who has not married.
      An old maid
      is a woman who has never been married, is “not in her first youth,” or is not mentally inclined to married life.
  • Divorced
    - a man who has divorced and has not remarried.
  • Divorced
    - a woman who has divorced and has not remarried.
  • Widower
    - a man who did not marry after the death of his wife.
      A straw widower
      is a man who lives separately from his wife for a long time for a reason that depends on her.
  • Widow
    - a woman who did not marry after the death of her husband.
      A straw widow
      is a woman who lives separately from her husband for a long time for a reason that depends on him.
  • A single mother
    is an unmarried woman or widow raising one or more children.
  • Orphan
    - a child or minor whose one or both parents have died.
      An orphan
      is a child or minor whose both parents, that is, father and mother, have died.
  • A foundling
    (foundling) is a child of unknown parents, abandoned to strangers.
  • Henry VIII

    The same mad Tudor who beheaded half of his wives. He wanted to divorce his first wife, but the Pope did not allow it, and then the king disconnected England from the Roman Catholic Church. After which he married again and again and over time he became increasingly fat and crazy. His story has been brought to the big screen several times. Perhaps none of his marriages succeeded because all his wives were his relatives - all six. In chronological order: Catherine of Aragon, relative in the 4th generation; Anne Boleyn, in the 7th generation; Jane Seymour, in the 5th generation; Anna of Cleves, in the 9th generation; Catherine Howard, in the 7th generation and Catherine Parr, in the 3rd generation.

    Why is marriage between relatives considered undesirable?

    The opinion that the closer the parents are in blood relationship, the mentally and physically weaker their offspring, has existed for more than a decade. This fact is explained by the fact that the probability of encountering the same pathological genes is too high.

    We are talking about very serious defects: hemophilia, Down syndrome, dementia and other pathologies of the nervous system.

    If, in an ordinary marriage, the likelihood of having a child with serious disabilities is:

    • Genetic (congenital) defects;
    • Mental retardation

    is no more than 4%, then in a closely related marriage the risk increases 5 times.

    Despite the fact that cousins ​​are not blood relatives, it is also undesirable for them to start a family.

    According to geneticist I. Gershkovich, in such a marriage the following increases compared to unrelated ones:

    • 24% risk of stillbirth or intrauterine fetal death;
    • 34% risk of baby death at an early age;
    • There is a 48% risk of developing fetal deformities.

    Another geneticist, Vladimir Pavlovich Efroimson, identified a stable pattern in the frequency of diseases, congenital deformities, mental and physical disabilities in children born as a result of consanguineous marriages . It is worth noting that his point of view on this issue is shared by specialists in many countries.

    When studying hereditary diseases, great importance is given to consanguineous marriages, when parents have at least one common ancestor. The role of incest is especially significant in the study of rare hereditary diseases.

    One of the mandatory conditions for concluding a marriage contract is the payment of state duty. You can, even if you live in different cities. How the procedure for ending a marriage occurs in this case, read here. From our detailed article you can learn how to divide a car during a divorce.

    Franklin Roosevelt


    Franklin Delano Roosevelt was probably the most influential US president. He is the only president in the history of the country who was elected for 4 terms. He led the country out of the Great Depression with the New Deal, repealed Prohibition, and led the country through World War II. His wife Eleanor was also a prominent political figure and achieved much in the field of human rights. She was a fifth-degree relative of her husband, and President Theodore Roosevelt was her uncle.

    What the law says

    Nowadays, in many countries of the world, marriages between blood relatives based on a certain degree of relationship are not only condemned, but also prohibited by law and equated to a criminal offense.
    This is explained by physical and moral considerations. In Russian legislation, there is Article 14 of the Family Code, which does not allow marriage between persons who are related in an ascending or descending line:

    • parents and children;
    • grandparents and grandchildren;
    • brothers and sisters;
    • adoptive parents and adopted children.

    Despite this, the registry office does not require documentary confirmation or refutation of family ties. Marriage between relatives of the adoptive parent and adopted children is permitted.

    In addition, Russian laws do not prevent the creation of a family between:

    • uncle and niece;
    • aunt and nephew;
    • cousins.

    This is condemned by society, but is not formally prohibited, which means you can marry such relatives.

    Woody Allen


    During his rich career, Allen has worked with a huge number of actors, including Diane Keaton, Sean Penn, Leonardo DiCaprio and Scarlett Johansson. He received four Oscars and the Cecil B. DeMille Award for outstanding achievement in film. But the director has plenty of haters, mainly thanks to his relationship with his own stepdaughter, Soon-Yi Previn, to whom he is still married. There is a 35 year difference between the spouses.

    Conditions and reasons for strengthening ties between relatives

    At the insistence of genetic scientists, in many progressive countries of the modern world, marriage between blood relatives is prohibited at the legislative level.

    The Family Code of the Russian Federation also does not allow blood relatives to join a family union under any circumstances. In this case, even the woman’s possible pregnancy is not a basis for officially registering the relationship.

    In fact, marriages between relatives can be registered. When submitting an application to the registry office, the law does not establish the obligation of newlyweds to confirm or deny existing kinship. If they are silent about the presence of family ties, the marriage will be registered, but subsequently it may be declared invalid.

    Official registration of marital relations between the adoptive parent and the adopted child is possible only if the adoption is cancelled.

    What is a marriage between relatives called?

    Such unions are called inbrand or related. Sexual intercourse between relatives is called incest, which literally translated from Latin means sinful, criminal.

    Thomas Jefferson


    Jefferson was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, author of the Declaration of Independence, governor of Virginia, and the country's third president. He also married his third cousin, Martha Wales Skelton. They had six children, but most of them died in childhood, and Martha herself died at 33. Jefferson never remarried, and it was only after many years that he entered into a relationship with his own slave, Sally Hemings, who bore him at least six more children.

    How is the relationship of persons entering into marriage checked?

    Unfortunately, today no special checks are carried out to determine the status of family relationships of persons entering into marriage.

    To register a marriage, only applications and passports of the future spouses are required. At the same time, it can be quite difficult to determine whether future spouses are relatives using a passport alone. So, for example, a brother and sister who have a common mother, but different fathers, as a rule, have different surnames. Their patronymics are also different. Therefore, it is simply impossible for a registry office employee to determine their relationship.

    Sometimes persons getting married do not themselves know about their relationship, which may occur as a result of various life circumstances.

    At the same time, the law on acts of civil legislation contains a provision that if the head of the registry office has information confirming the presence of circumstances that impede the conclusion of a marriage, he has the right to refuse its registration.

    This means that interested persons who have relevant information and evidence have the right, after the relatives submit an application to the registry office, to present this evidence, thereby preventing such registration.

    Rudolph Giuliani


    It was Rudy Giuliani who transformed New York from a dingy, crime-ridden city into the shining, upscale metropolis it is today. Before becoming mayor of New York, Giuliani prosecuted and fought organized crime. He secured a life sentence for the famous gangster John Gotti, which led to his victory in the mayoral elections. He also took part in the presidential elections, but at some point dropped out of the race. Perhaps because of the information that was made public by the YouTube star Obama Girl, it turned out that Giuliane was married to your full sister Regina Perugia. They divorced in 1982 after 14 years of marriage.

    What are assortative and consanguineous marriages?

    Assortative marriage is a selective close relationship between representatives of different sexes .
    At the moment, the most common form of registration of relationships. Assortativity is a preference in choosing a phenotypically similar partner to create a family (positive assortativity). It may also consist in concluding formal relations between phenotypically different people (negative assortativity).

    This can lead to deviation from panmixia, that is, randomness regarding phenotypic characteristics and equally likely to enter into close relationships. A clear indicator of negative assortative close relationships is considered to be an alliance between two red-haired people.

    In this case, the probability of creating a pair between similar individuals according to many characteristics is considered much lower than expected. If the likelihood of families being formed between similar people is higher than expected, then we are talking about positive assortative marriages.

    It should be noted that these relationships between people with a similar phenotype in terms of genetic effect are similar to those in which close relatives are. Similar phenotypes are the main factor that influences the frequency of formation of many mental pathologies and conditions.

    These include schizophrenia, neuroses, alcohol abuse, mental retardation. The risk of developing such conditions is higher in patients with nosological forms.

    Thus, subpopulations appear with high genotypic correlation within them and the risk of these diseases appearing in future children. For example, people suffering from mental retardation who marry people with similar health problems often give birth to children with the same defects.

    Consequently, such parents give birth to more babies than individuals without any deviations. Assortative unions lead to a serious change in the frequency of certain genes in a population, which often provokes a deterioration or improvement in the viability of this population, depending on the direction of preferences.

    Consanguineous marriage is a union formed between representatives of different sexes who have a common relative. Since ancient times, society has had a negative attitude towards such relationships between the sexes. Moreover, some countries oppose such marriages and they are punishable by law.

    Unfortunately, in our society, incest between father and daughter, sisters and brothers is very common. Close relationships between uncles and nieces, cousins ​​and second cousins ​​are also not uncommon.

    There are certain restrictions on this matter, both from religion and by law. Such relationships are categorically not recognized in the countries of Europe, North America and other countries that support Christian traditions. In some Muslim countries, on the contrary, such unions are desirable.

    What is the true danger of consanguineous marriages? Typically, many recessive diseases are found in families where both parents are thought to be carriers of the same unwanted harmful gene. Many known recessive diseases are extremely rare.

    But a completely random coincidence of carriage of one pathological defect on both sides is a very rare event. If a man and a woman who are related are married, then the likelihood of this coincidence increases sharply. This is all explained quite simply.

    Consanguineous couples may have a child with various recessive diseases. In the worst case scenario, every pregnancy will end in miscarriage.

    Essentially, blood relatives are people who share one, two, or more common ancestors. For example, a man and a woman have the same grandparents. As is known, a person is a carrier of at least one harmful recessive gene. That is why it could be passed on to both grandchildren. Therefore, they will be its carriers.

    Greta Scacchi


    This list just had to have someone incredibly sexy, and in the 80s, Greta Scacchi was a real sex symbol. The Australian of Italian descent has appeared in explicit scenes more than once during her film career, including an unforgettable episode from “Presumed Innocent” with Harrison Ford. She was so irresistible that even her cousin Carlo Mantegazza could not resist. They had a son, and not so long ago the couple got married. Their union caused a great stir both in society and in the family, which is why her career quickly faded away.

    Are consanguineous marriages allowed in other countries?

    For example, in Tajikistan, every third family is created according to kinship. Each region of the country has its own reasons for consanguineous unions. In some places it is forbidden to create a couple outside the clan, in others the union is intended to improve the well-being of the clan.

    North Africa and the Middle East lead the world in the number of consanguineous marriages. But here the law “survival of the fittest” comes into play, and with a high birth rate, a high percentage of child mortality remains. Carriers of defective genes often have reproductive dysfunction.

    In Russia there are no exact statistical data on this issue, but the estimated number of consanguineous unions is about 1%.

    Albert Einstein


    The surname Einstein has practically become a household name, synonymous with intelligence and genius. He received the Nobel Prize in Physics and developed many significant physical theories. The majority of the world's population is not smart enough to even understand the true meaning of the formula E=MC2. Such a brilliant man, however, was rather clueless in everyday matters. They say he had a whole closet of identical suits and shoes, and he also painted the door of his house red so as not to get lost. He also married his second cousin Elsa.

    The meaning of close and distant degrees of biological relationship

    Depending on the number of births separating individuals from a common ancestor, the degree of kinship in family relationships is revealed. Moreover, this concept applies only to blood unions.

    There are several degrees:

    1. this includes only fathers and mothers and the children born to them, regardless of their number and gender;
    2. it is established between grandchildren and grandparents;
    3. the third degree is characterized by great-grandparents (great-grandparents), as well as their great-grandchildren. This also includes nephews and nieces, as well as aunts and uncles;
    4. Cousins ​​are included here.

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    Saddam Hussein


    The former Iraqi president was a brutal dictator with many wives, one of whom, Sajida Tulfah, was his cousin. Hussein was a major figure in Iraq, ruling with extreme ruthlessness and allegedly responsible for the deaths of more than 250,000 people. In 2006, he was sentenced to death by hanging.

    The concept of “close relatives” in the legislation of the Russian Federation


    Since the text of the Constitution is the basis of the legislative framework of the Russian Federation, it is first important to understand what it says on this matter. Article No. 51 (stating one of the main principles of criminal law) states the following: “No one can be obliged to testify against himself, his spouse or close relatives.” The exact circle of close relatives is not indicated. It is only indicated that it is determined by federal legislation.

    Below we will look at how the concept of “close relatives” is interpreted by the main legislative acts (Code of the Russian Federation).

    Family law

    Since the RF IC regulates the legal relations of people connected by family and inherent ties, the interpretation of the concept of “close relatives” is necessary in it.

    It is contained in Article No. 14. Close relatives of a citizen include:

    • His parents
    • His children
    • His grandparents
    • His grandchildren and granddaughters
    • His full and half brothers and sisters

    Administrative legislation

    If family legislation regulates exclusively legal relations between family members, then administrative law covers a broader sphere of social life.

    Therefore, the interpretation of the term “close relative” in Article No. 25.6 of the Code of Administrative Offenses is also somewhat expanded. In addition to the categories listed in the previous section, it includes

    • Adopted children and adoptive parents

    Their mutual rights and responsibilities from the point of view of administrative law are identical to the rights and responsibilities of natural parents and children.

    Criminal procedural law

    Criminal law further expands the circle of people who are considered close relatives. In the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, the family circle is considered in the context that the Constitution has defined - people who cannot be sworn in and forced to testify against a person close to them, even if that person is a criminal.

    This is the most comprehensive list of “close relatives” specifically defined by law:

    • Spouses
    • Children and parents (regardless of whether they are blood or “legal” - adoptive parents)
    • Siblings (full and partial)
    • And also grandchildren/granddaughters, grandparents

    All of them have a constitutionally enshrined right to refuse to testify during a criminal trial against their close relative. Also, close relatives have a priority right to visits with prisoners in pre-trial detention centers or penitentiary institutions.

    Housing legislation

    The Housing Code of the Russian Federation does not use the concept of “close relatives” at all. To some extent, it is replaced by the concept of “family members”. It is both wider and narrower at the same time.

    On the one hand, Article No. 31 defines a very narrow circle of family members of the homeowner, which is essentially identical to the list of first-line heirs:

    • Spouse
    • Children
    • Parents

    On the other hand, according to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the owner has the right to accommodate an almost unlimited circle of people in his living space, regardless of the degree of relationship with them. And any of them receives the status of “family member”.

    Tax law

    The Tax Code of the Russian Federation “does not reinvent the wheel.” Article No. 217 (clause 18.1), regulating tax privileges for close relatives, refers for a list of such to the previously mentioned Article No. 14 of the RF IC. That is, the points of view of tax and family legislation on the concept of close kinship completely coincide.

    According to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, close relatives have many tax preferences: transactions between them are not taxed, inheritance and donation too. And even the duty on inherited property has been reduced several times. Doubled in percentage terms (0.3% for close relatives, 0.6% for all others). And tenfold when calculating the maximum duty (for close relatives it is 100 thousand rubles, and for people not related to the testator by family ties - 1 million).

    Edgar Allan Poe


    Edgar Allan Poe's work has always been considered creepy, so it's not surprising that he married his cousin Virginia when he was 27. However, the fact that she was only 13 at the time is also creepy. The tragic romantic themes in Poe's violent and bloody works were most likely inspired by Virginia's difficult battle with tuberculosis and her subsequent death.

    We are second cousins

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    Jesse James

    Jesse James, one of the most notorious bank robbers of the Old West, was a true monster. Even before robbing banks, he joined a group of Confederate Army guerrillas during the Civil War. Together with his gang, he killed and mutilated hundreds of Union soldiers and their sympathizers with extreme cruelty. During one of the battles, James was shot and nursed by his own cousin, Zerelda "Zee" Mimms. The girl was named after James' mother. They had two children, shortly after which Jesse James was shot by a member of his own gang.

    People's opinions

    One of the employees of a special institution for children with disabilities reports: “A terrible burden falls on the shoulders of parents who, albeit unintentionally, gave birth to a terminally ill child. Their own relationships suffer. It happens that they put the child in the corner of the room and try not to pay attention to him, to live their own lives, since they cannot help him in any way. Even worse, they have other children, perhaps also with disabilities, playing Russian roulette with genetics.”

    Other staff members add: “Children are kept alive through advanced technology. All beds in intensive care wards are occupied by children born in incestuous marriages. They will never become full-fledged people. They are unlikely to learn to speak. Severe health problems result in thousands upon thousands being spent on keeping them alive. And the problem is that people just won’t get the courage to say: “That’s it, stop marrying your relatives,” because it’s not politically correct.”

    Charles Darwin


    Darwin is best known for his theories about evolution, particularly for popularizing the term natural selection. Despite all the research that Darwin himself did, he clearly did not care about the negative consequences of incest, since he married his cousin Emma Wedgwood. The couple had ten children.

    Which relatives have the right to start families from the point of view of the law?

    Relatives not directly listed in Art. 14 The UK has the right to freely enter into official marriages on the territory of our country. Uncles and nieces, aunts and nephews, cousins ​​- all these persons can create families due to the fact that the law does not contain relevant prohibitions.

    Moreover, among some peoples inhabiting our country, marriages between cousins ​​are considered not only normal, but also more preferable than unions concluded with unrelated persons.

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