Consumer protection departments in Moscow and the Moscow region

Protection of consumer rights in Moscow is carried out by state supervisory authorities, local government bodies, as well as public associations that operate in accordance with the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”.

This page contains information about existing organizations where you can complain and contact regarding consumer rights protection issues in Moscow.

These organizations advise consumers on various problematic issues in the field of consumer protection, help draw up claims or complaints for pre-trial resolution of conflicts, provide legal assistance in preparing statements of claim and supporting cases in court. Legal advice in most organizations is provided free of charge.

Legislation on protection of rights

The provisions of the Civil Code are specified by the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” (hereinafter referred to as the Law). It describes in detail, for example, the following questions:

  • What exactly is the responsibility of a seller who delivers a defective product to a buyer?
  • the time frame within which the client's requirements must be satisfied;
  • ways to protect rights.

Art. 1 of the Law indicates that relations relating to the protection of consumer rights may be regulated by other acts adopted in accordance with the Law. These include, in particular, the Sales Rules relating to certain types of products, approved in 1998 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 55.

Not only individual citizens, but also state and public organizations can engage in consumer rights protection. The procedure for their activities is regulated, first of all, by Chapter IV of the Law, which describes the limits within which they can carry out protection. Their work is described in more detail by regulations on specific government bodies and the Charters of public associations.

Area of ​​responsibility of the consumer rights hotline

Area of ​​responsibility of the hotline for consumer rights
Area of ​​responsibility of the hotline for consumer rights

The consumer support hotline operates for those residents of Moscow and other regions of Russia who have directly encountered deception from sellers. Telephone consultation in many cases will help avoid litigation and lead to a peaceful resolution of the situation. Any problem can be solved if you know which levers to press. That's what experienced lawyers are for.

A conversation with a professional not only helps you achieve justice, but also protects you from wasting time and money. Sometimes one telephone conversation is enough to solve a problem.

In other cases, you will need to come to the office in person several times to draw up an accurate action strategy and calculate the amount of penalties. A professional approach to solving a problem is already half the battle.

The greatest benefit from calling the consumer protection hotline can be achieved when it comes to poor-quality services (medical, tourism) or poor performance of work (construction, installation).

A good reason to contact us would be the purchase of expensive goods that, upon inspection, turned out to be of poor quality.

The situation is different with small trade transactions, when the total amount is small. If you received poor utility services or bought expired food, low-quality clothing, or counterfeit household chemicals, it is easier to contact the seller directly. It is worth writing a claim, threatening to go to court and demanding compensation for material damage. And if this does not help, only then contact the hotline.

Helpful advice

By purchasing an expired food product and keeping the receipt for it, in most situations you can easily return it. You will either get your money back or exchange the low-quality product for a high-quality one. In such situations, calling a hotline is ineffective.

Public reception for consumer rights protection in Moscow

You can submit a written request or receive personal consultation on any issue in the field of consumer rights protection at the public reception of Rospotrebnadzor. Reception of citizens and business entities requiring consultation is carried out at the address: Zlatoustinsky Bolshoi Lane, 7, Moscow, office No. 106.

To make an appointment, you can call the number or send a written request to postal code 107031.

You are able to get your money back, just contact the consumer rights protection society “Legal Supervision” and we will help restore justice.

Useful tips

To make it easier for yourself to find an option and deal with your own problem, it makes sense to get the following tips:

  1. Contact verified entities. Do not ignore the reviews of other citizens.
  2. Get ready. Clearly communicate to the center what assistance is required.
  3. Don't be afraid to ask for support. If there is no representative or acquaintance who is an expert on PZPP, then the consumer union can be a good mediator in solving the problem.
  4. Don't agree to everything. Some services may cost money.

The last piece of advice requires some detail: there are many tempting offers on the market, and each society is looking to steal audiences from its competitors (even though the consumer teams are non-profits). Professionals offer the applicant several options, including paid offers.

Dear readers! To solve your problem right now, get a free consultation

— contact the lawyer on duty in the online chat on the right or call: +7 (499) 938 6124 — Moscow and region.
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What questions can you ask?

If a consumer has complaints against a store or a building management company, he can ask questions about the legality of their actions to the operator of the Rospotrebnadzor hotline. A specialist from the Moscow City Consumer Rights Protection Department will clarify the details of the conflict situation and give practical advice and guidance. Things to ask:

  • what authority checks the activities of the organization violating the law;
  • how to correctly return a defective product to the seller;
  • obtain additional information about a specific product, manufacturer;
  • how to order an independent examination;
  • how to make a written complaint;
  • what is the list of documents that will be needed in the event of resolving a controversial issue through the court;
  • where to submit documents;
  • on what days of the week does the human rights authority competent in a particular area work;
  • addresses and telephone numbers of local branches of Rospotrebnadzor and related organizations.

Consultants of the Moscow Rospotrebnadzor hotline promptly process consumer requests. By following the advice of a consultant, you can quickly hold unscrupulous manufacturers accountable. What benefits does a person get by seeking counseling? If the fact of violation is proven, the seller will not only return the money, but also pay a fine. As practice shows, most situations can be resolved peacefully, avoiding lengthy court proceedings.

Nuances when calling the hotline

When planning to dial the Rospotrebnadzor hotline number in Moscow, you need to remember a number of important points. A call to the hotline of the consumer rights protection department will bring the expected result in the event of an obvious violation of the rules for the provision of services - in a car service center, travel agency, or banking organization. This also includes issues related to contract repair work. The issues of purchasing low-quality expensive goods - household appliances, jewelry, production equipment - are successfully resolved.

Additional Information

It is better to resolve smaller conflict situations yourself. This may include the purchase of expired products, perfumes, household chemicals and clothing. By acting intelligently and remaining calm, you can achieve justice without involving human rights organizations. A direct contact with the seller will help here; most conflicts are resolved on the spot. If the expired product was purchased in a supermarket, it is enough to keep the receipt. The seller will be obliged to issue a return or exchange the product for a similar one of good quality. Large hypermarkets are interested in preserving their reputation, so problems of exchanging expired goods are almost always resolved in favor of the buyer. If a peaceful resolution of the conflict is not possible, you will still have to contact the Moscow Rospotrebnadzor hotline. Once information about the violation is received, the application will be registered and sent for consideration. Based on the results of the inspection, the offending manufacturer may pay a fine or suffer a more serious punishment.

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How to apply?

Consumer protection associations operate on a voluntary basis, and visitors are allowed without observing strict rules.

When can I contact the center?

People come to the center at any stage of the problem. A common case is the need for protection against abuse by a store.

Citizens have the right to freely sign up for consultations with the organization’s specialists and ask for help. But you can contact the centers not only regarding violations. If you have any questions or need to make a complaint, then it makes sense to contact the association that performs the coordination function.

Who can ask the association for help?

Membership in an association or union is not necessary to request help. Any citizen who has problems with a counterparty has the right to contact the association and ask for advice and mediation.

How a public organization can help

The result of the work of a public organization directly follows from the tasks that it sets for itself. ZPP societies provide assistance in all areas, from ordering an examination, filing a claim, to analyzing contracts, and searching for violations.

Important! The quality of services directly depends on the competence of citizens and specialists belonging to the union. There is a standard rule that applies to all market participants: the more reliable the reputation, the more efficient the work.

How does the union help?

The center comes to the rescue in various ways. If examination results are needed, the association will help schedule an inspection. Do you need to draw up a purchase and sale agreement correctly? The union will give advice on how to correctly write documentation and specific points of the transaction.

In what cases will support not be able to help?

The support service does not provide assistance to guilty suppliers of goods and services in situations where they want to hush up a conflict with the consumer. Also, the operators of the consultation center do not provide information on how to sell substandard goods. Making such a request risks further proceedings, including in court. Since the sale of substandard, expired goods is a direct violation of consumer rights and the laws of the Russian Federation, as it poses a danger to the lives of its citizens.

Alternative ways to contact or file a consumer complaint

Existing alternative types of communication for sending a request:

  • writing an electronic appeal in the appropriate form presented on the Rospotrebnadzor website;
  • use of the “Virtual Reception” service.

A complaint to Rospotrebnadzor can be submitted electronically, through the “Virtual Reception” service.
If you have questions related to violations in the housing and communal services sector, the user can look for answers to them on the State Services portal.

Qualified Rospotrebnadzor employees with one or another specialization will help solve the problem; you can contact them on the institution’s website.

Hotline numbers

Unified Consulting Center of Rospotrebnadzor

8 (800) 555-49-43

free call, 24/7

Help line of the central office of Rospotrebnadzor
8 (800) 100-0004

The call is free, opening hours: 10.00-17.00 (Moscow time)

Operational headquarters for control and monitoring of the situation with coronavirus in Moscow
+7 (495) 870-45-09

opening hours: 08.00-21.00 (Moscow time)

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