Where to complain about illegal parking in the Moscow region

Each of us has at least once witnessed a violation of traffic rules. And if in the event of an accident, eyewitnesses show consciousness and are ready to help punish the culprit, then when parking or driving rules are violated, everything is different.

Usually we limit ourselves to swearing and simply turn a blind eye to it, realizing that we still won’t achieve justice. As a result, other people suffer, and boors, feeling their impunity, continue to violate, creating potentially dangerous situations on the roads, and poisoning the lives of others.

In fact, it is possible and necessary to hold people accountable for swine behavior while driving. Here's how it's done.

When can I call the Russian State Traffic Safety Inspectorate hotline?

In the life of every citizen who is in one way or another a participant in road traffic, a situation may arise when the traffic police hotline is urgently needed. For such purposes, it is advisable to have emergency telephone numbers for many government services. But you will need the traffic police number directly if:

  • in the process of interaction between the inspector and the driver, it comes to an offer to give or receive a bribe;
  • when an inspector groundlessly accuses a driver of violating traffic rules, without having any evidence;
  • if the inspector exceeds his official powers;
  • if a driver or an ordinary citizen witnesses a traffic violation;
  • if a citizen became an eyewitness or participant in an accident;
  • if there is information about the incorrect work of the State Traffic Inspectorate or its individual employees;
  • when it is necessary to obtain information about fines and debts.

Complaint about traffic violation

It is permissible to draw the attention of the police to both careless drivers and pedestrians. The first ones are easier: a person is easily identified by the car he drives. The latter are almost impossible to identify. Any attempts to forcefully enter the police station or present documents are regarded as an unlawful act against the person.

What will you need for this?

Advocates of law and order must have a camera (photo, video). Or a DVR. Only clear and high-quality recordings and photographs are accepted. If there are witnesses, their statements must be recorded and attached to the application.

You can contact the traffic police only in writing. A detailed account of the incident is welcome, but without unnecessary epithets and lengthy discussions. The applicant and witnesses may be contacted by police by telephone. But, most likely, you will have to go to the department: you need a signature.

Dear readers! To solve your problem right now, get a free consultation

— contact the lawyer on duty in the online chat on the right or call: +7 (499) 938 6124 — Moscow and region.
+7 (812) 425 6761 — St. Petersburg and region. 8 (800) 350 8362 - Other regions of the Russian Federation You will not need to waste your time and nerves
- an experienced lawyer will solve all your problems!

Attention! When contacting the traffic police in person, the evidence must be printed and copied to removable media. This is done at your own expense. The disk or flash card will not be returned.

How to compose correctly

The text must indicate the make and license plate number of the vehicle. The moment of traffic violation must be clearly recorded. Video recordings larger than 30 MB will not be accepted (it will be impossible to attach and send online). A larger file is posted on the Internet and a link is created.


  1. Driving through a red light can be confirmed by capturing both the car with the license plate and the traffic light at the same time.
  2. Parking, parking, stopping in the wrong place are filmed. The photo will not be an evidence base: you need to convince that the car is standing and not moving.
  3. The intersection is double solid: both the marking lines and the vehicle with identification marks must be visible.

It is advisable to capture the driver's face in the frame. After receiving the data, the traffic police will begin an inspection. They will call both the complainer and the one who violated the rules. The driver can say that he was not the one driving.

If it is not possible to determine the identity of the violator, the administrative case will be closed. Easier with public transport drivers:

  • buses;
  • minibuses;
  • trolleybuses.

Knowing the vehicle number and the date of the incident, you can find out through a transport organization, for example Mosgortrans, who is on shift that day.

Important! The absence of geolocation (location) data on a video communication device is not a reason to refuse to accept a complaint.

When sending a letter by mail or filling out a complaint on paper, you must indicate your address. When contacting online, only the email address where the response will be sent is provided. This is worth paying attention to, since the defendant has the right to familiarize himself with the materials on the case in full. This will include information about the initiator of the proceedings.

When they can refuse

Complaining is useless in the following cases:

  • The applicant hides information about his name or provided it with errors.
  • The complaint is not filed on behalf of a direct observer of the offense.
  • Low-quality photos and video materials are presented.
  • Based on the attached footage, it is impossible to determine the essence of what happened and recognize the act as illegal.
  • The postal or email address of the complaining person is incorrect.
  • The text of the statement uses profanity, threats, and insults.
  • The place and time of non-compliance with traffic rules is not indicated.
  • It is impossible to determine the culprit (more relevant to pedestrians, whose identity is practically unidentifiable).
  • There is no way to confirm the fact of the offense. Overtaking at high speed will not be considered an offense: a regular video camera cannot determine this value. It will also not be possible to punish the driver through video recording for a car that is tinted all around - special measurements must be taken to obtain a fine.
  • There is no information about the offender's vehicle.

You can write a statement, but they won’t even open a case.

Attention! You cannot complain anonymously. Police officers may need witness statements.

For what questions can I call?

Hotline employees have in-depth knowledge of traffic rules and regulations governing the activities of State Traffic Inspectorate employees. Therefore, if the question asked by a citizen is formulated clearly and to the point, then the likelihood of receiving advice by phone increases significantly.

By dialing the traffic police hotline number, any citizen can get answers to the following questions:

  • find out why the fine was issued, the notification of which was received by mail;
  • clarify whether the payment has entered the recipient’s account and why the debt is still on the website;
  • get advice from a remote employee on the situation that has happened on the road;
  • find out whether the inspector’s actions towards the driver are legal;
  • what to do if an inspector asks for a bribe.


The violator will be fined for ignoring traffic rules. It is impossible to deprive a driver of a driver’s license for any offense recorded by photo and video recording.

The complainant will also have to answer for false testimony. All work carried out by traffic police officers to verify the information provided will have to be paid for out of their own pockets.

For example, the fine for parking in a disabled space is 5,000 rubles. A person who receives a claim for such an offense may actually find himself with disabilities. It will not be difficult for him to appeal the complaint in court.

Achieving justice is commendable. Not every citizen will want to spend time and money to punish a car thief, but today’s violation can lead to an accident with serious consequences tomorrow. The main thing is not to abuse your rights and responsibilities.

Dear readers! To solve your problem right now, get a free consultation

— contact the lawyer on duty in the online chat on the right or call: +7 (499) 938 6124 — Moscow and region.
+7 (812) 425 6761 — St. Petersburg and region. 8 (800) 350 8362 - Other regions of the Russian Federation You will not need to waste your time and nerves - an experienced lawyer will solve all your problems! Or describe the situation in the form below:

Basic rules of communication

If a citizen tries to call the hotline of any service, then there are good reasons for this and it is likely that the person is under stress. However, when communicating with call center employees, you should behave with restraint, be as collected as possible, and clearly state the pressing problem. The use of obscene speech, insults and threats is prohibited. Please remember that every conversation is recorded.

Before dialing the hotline number, it is worth considering the question you will ask the specialist. This will help reduce the time it takes to obtain the necessary information, and in some cases, qualified assistance. Of course, there are cases, for example, the traffic police hotline is constantly busy, and you have problems with the inspector. You should be patient and dial the number again or contact another service number, where your call will be transferred to the right consultant.

What is the result

If, during the inspection, all complaints noted in the application about the illegality of actions or inactions of a road inspection employee are confirmed, then this document is recognized as justified.

In this case, punitive measures are applied to the police officer, and the injured person is restored to his violated rights.

An official response to a complaint involves issuing an apology to the complainant (there is a provision for this in the administrative regulations).

Moreover, if, as a result of the consideration of all documents and presented evidence, there are also signs of a crime, the citizen’s appeal will be transferred for consideration and the adoption of an appropriate decision to the prosecutor’s office of the region in which the act occurred.

If, based on the results of consideration, the application is found to be unfounded, a written official response is also sent to the citizen. This document should explain the illegality of all claims made by the motorist, as well as the possible procedure for appealing the response.

If a complaint sent to the court or to the higher management of the traffic police is not supported by significant evidence, such as witness testimony or video recording, it may well be that the management is simply covering up for its employee.

In this case, if the application was initially submitted only to the traffic police, it makes sense to send it to the court. An official response must be attached to the documents, as well as your counterarguments regarding what happened.

Unified and regional traffic police telephone numbers

In addition to the all-Russian one, regional communication channels and hotlines are provided.

All-Russian hotline. Reception is carried out around the clock. 8(800)222-74-47 Specialists will receive information:
  • about a crime that is being prepared or has already been committed;
  • traffic offenses;
  • demanding a bribe;
  • unsubstantiated accusation of violating traffic rules;
  • evacuation of a car in the absence of legal grounds;
  • arbitrary withdrawal of rights.

The call center does not provide advice or information.

Telephone staff will answer:

  • complaints;
  • critical reviews.

The service is contacted to resolve issues related to traffic rules, emergency situations and actions of traffic police officers.

Hotline, Moscow +7(495)623-70-70
Hotline of the Moscow State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. Calls are accepted on weekdays and weekends, regardless of the time of day. +7(495)974-01-11
Duty department

Saint Petersburg

Yekaterinburg city +7(343)262-77-00
Krasnoyarsk +7(391)226-85-91
Nizhny Novgorod +7(831)246-42-47
Kazan +7(843)533-38-88
Separate channel for requests about fines (for Muscovites) +7(495)694-92-29 Any questions regarding fines.
Regional communication channels have been created for the traffic police MREO Information is provided about the work of institutions, addresses, work schedules of examination and registration departments, and the vehicle inspection department.
Moscow +7(495)953-28-63
Saint Petersburg +7(812)573-27-52
Helpline of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (unlike the hotline, you do not need to provide personal data). The regions have their own call centers. 8(800)250-02-35 For reporting crime and corruption.
Reference number 102 for mobile devices,

02 for stationary devices

To report crimes and offenses committed by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Hotline of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia 8(800)222-74-47
Department of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Moscow Region +7(495)288-81-71

Before submitting a request, the call center operator will ask you to provide the vehicle registration certificate number or driver’s license details.

The list of helplines of regional divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is indicated on the portal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation https://mvd.ru/contacts/sites.


  1. The Federal Law “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation” dated May 2, 2006 No. 59-FZ lists the rights and obligations of those applying to government bodies, as well as the receiving party.
  2. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated September 12, 2013 No. 707 (as amended on December 1, 2016) “On approval of the Instructions on organizing the consideration of citizens’ appeals in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation” contains requirements for registration, responsibilities of police officers, rules for registration and consideration.

Alternative methods of communication

On the website of the State Traffic Inspectorate https://gibdd.rf on the “Contacts” page, you can submit an appeal with a question, suggestion or complaint by first filling out a form in which you should indicate the region, full name, email address and the essence of the appeal. If necessary, you can attach documents in electronic form: files in document, video and photo formats. The appeal will be sent to the regional office.

To check traffic police fines, a mobile application has been developed for Android and iOS, which allows you to check fines from anywhere in the Russian Federation where there is Internet access. Using this program, you can receive alerts about new fines and make payments at a discount.

A convenient SMS service has been created for Muscovites: information about fines can be obtained by indicating the STS number or driver’s license. First option: fine Series Number STS. Second option: fine SeriesVUNNumberVU to number 7377.

The hotline receives many requests every day, so waiting for an answer sometimes takes a lot of time and it is not always possible to get through the first time. If all operators are busy, after a long wait the system prompts you to leave a message on the answering machine. Most reviews about the work of the telephone service are positive: the high competence of its employees is noted.

Additional communication channels greatly facilitate the interaction of citizens with the traffic police service, but not in all situations they can form a full-fledged alternative to a hotline.

Where can you complain about a rule violator?

Complaints are accepted in person or electronically against traffic violators only at the State Traffic Inspectorate. No other structures will deal with this issue.

At the traffic police

You need to contact the traffic police department, depending on where exactly the traffic rules were violated. The rule of territorial jurisdiction applies.

The completed complaint form must be accompanied by:

  • photographs - print in advance (at least 5 pieces);
  • video - on a CD or memory card.

You can post all the information on the Internet (after restricting access to the material). Write a link in the text of the complaint, noting that you can use it to view the evidence base.

For your information! In the text of the appeal, it is necessary to refer to the traffic rules clause that was violated.

Via the Internet in electronic form

There are several applications that can be used to send statements to traffic police officers. They are currently working in test mode, mainly in Moscow and the Moscow region or on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan:

  • Assistant to Moscow. The complaint can only be filed in the capital. Violations of parking rules are recorded.
  • Dobrodel. Residents of the Moscow region use it. Here we select the “People’s Inspector” tab. The fields are filled in according to prompts and pop-up lists. The list of reasons for which you can file a claim is limited.
  • People's Inspector. At the moment, the program operates in the Republic of Tatarstan.
  • SPOT. You can complain about improperly parked cars, bad roads, or non-compliance with road signs.

You won’t be able to write to the inspector through State Services. Internet applications are convenient because to send a complaint you do not need to separately search for its sample. Minuses:

  • most applications are in the testing stage;
  • the choice of offenses is limited.


Like any other call center, the traffic police records calls and further analyzes the most frequently asked questions. This helps in identifying serious gaps in the work of the State Traffic Inspectorate. The top 3 included the following questions from citizens:

  1. The motorist sold the vehicle and does not know whether the new owner has registered it. How to check registration so as not to later become debtors for fines and transport taxes due to the buyer’s negligence.
  2. A traffic police officer stopped the driver for allegedly violating traffic rules and offers to resolve the issue without drawing up a report, hinting at a bribe. What should I do?
  3. As a result of an accident due to the fault of the other party, serious damage to the vehicle was caused. Where to go to resolve issues of compensation for damage?

Actions after filing an application

After the application has been drawn up, it is advisable to take it for review by a competent lawyer or notary. This specialist will be able to check the correctness of the documents and the compliance of the articles listed in the text of the document, on which the motorist relies in his complaint.

Only after a person with a legal background verifies that the application is filled out correctly can the car owner certify it with his signature.

In addition, at the end of the application, the driver can list the contact information of his witnesses so that traffic police or court officers can contact them to confirm the information contained in the document.

In some cases, the documents referred to by the applicant are at the disposal of traffic police officers or other officials. In this case, the citizen has the right to file a petition with the court to obtain such evidence. But at the same time, it is necessary to explain to the court why he cannot present these documents and things on his own.

After receiving such a statement, the judge sends appropriate requests to the institutions where the evidence is located and requests it for consideration during the court hearing.

After the owner of the vehicle has drawn up his statement regarding the unlawful actions of the traffic police officer and a petition to obtain evidence (if necessary), he can submit these documents to the court.

The transfer of documents can be carried out either by mail (it is necessary to send it by registered mail with a mark of delivery to the addressee), or by personally transferring the documents to the court office (it is necessary to obtain a specialist’s note on receipt of all papers).

Do not forget that when filing a claim in court, you must pay a state fee. At the moment, the amount of such payment is 15 percent of the minimum wage (each region has its own minimum wage).

Of course, the applicant can leave his complaint to the management of the traffic police officer who committed unlawful actions and humiliated the motorist, however, as practice shows, such an appeal rarely ends in a positive result. Most often, the complaint remains unconsidered or the motorist is denied his request to hold the police officer accountable.

In those cases where the policeman is promised to be held accountable, the punishment is expressed in the form of a reprimand or deprivation of part of the bonus.

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