Redevelopment in non-residential premises or non-residential building in Moscow and the Moscow region

Non-residential premises, as well as apartments or private houses, have an initial redevelopment recorded in the Unified State Register of Real Estate and technical documentation. When making changes to the configuration of non-residential premises, or when carrying out work on engineering and plumbing equipment, the owner will have to approve the redevelopment or reconstruction.

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The procedure for approving these types of work for non-residential premises in apartment buildings does not differ from similar rules for apartments, with the exception of a few points. Approvals in premises and buildings not classified as housing stock are carried out in a simplified manner. More details later in the article.

Redevelopment in non-residential premises

Non-residential premises are not intended for residential purposes. Their intended purpose is usually associated with the placement of offices, retail outlets, and other structures. Redevelopment in such premises also involves changing their configuration, however, the approval procedure differs depending on the location of the facility.

The essence of redevelopment is to carry out repairs and construction work, including:

  • installation, transfer or disassembly of door and window openings;
  • installation, transfer or dismantling of internal partitions, walls;
  • redistribution of space between rooms;
  • arrangement of mezzanines within non-residential premises;
  • other types of work.

The purpose of the approval is to ensure the safety of such work, to prevent threats to the integrity and reliability of the building, harm to the health of citizens, property and the environment.

In a non-residential building

Non-residential buildings do not belong to multi-apartment buildings (MAB). Therefore, the procedure for approving redevelopment and reconstruction in such objects will be much simpler:

  • the approval of redevelopment in a non-residential building is not subject to the requirements of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation;
  • in order to legally begin construction work, the owner must order a redevelopment project (or reconstruction project), a technical report on the condition of the load-bearing structures;
  • After completion of the work, the changed characteristics of the object must be reflected on the technical plan, contact Rosreestr or the MFC for cadastral registration.

Additional approvals may be required if the redevelopment involves work on the facades, or if the building is classified as a cultural or historical heritage site.

Expert commentary . Despite the simplified approval procedure for non-residential buildings, the owner is obliged to order a redevelopment project and comply with its requirements when carrying out work. The project can be formalized only by design organizations that are members of the SRO of designers. If you contact the MosOblReg Architectural Bureau, we will prepare all the necessary documentation, coordinate it in accordance with the law, and help you quickly complete cadastral registration.

In an apartment building

Apartment buildings may also have non-residential premises. They can be immediately provided for by the project for the construction of a house, or transferred from non-residential stock. In 2021, changes were made to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation to equalize the procedure for approving residential and non-residential premises in apartment buildings. To carry out this procedure, the owner must:

  • order a redevelopment project (or reconstruction project) and a technical report on the condition of load-bearing structures;
  • Obtain approval from SES and Rosportebnadzor;
  • submit an application to the district administration or through the MFC, attach project documentation, a number of other forms and forms;
  • wait for the results of approval in the interdepartmental commission (IMC), as well as in other departments (for example, separate procedures are provided for the approval of facades of apartment buildings);
  • carry out the work in strict accordance with the project, obtain a commission report;
  • order a technical plan through a cadastral engineer;
  • go through the cadastral registration procedure to enter new information about the characteristics of the premises in the Unified State Register of Real Estate;
  • receive an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate.

To coordinate redevelopments on the territory of Moscow and Moscow Region, the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (Articles 25-29), Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003 No. 2003, and Decree of the Moscow Government 508 will be applied.

Expert commentary . If the redevelopment of non-residential premises affects the common property of an apartment building, you will have to obtain the consent of the apartment owners. For this purpose, a general meeting of owners is held and a protocol is drawn up. For example, this procedure is necessary if you are installing a separate entrance to the street.

Refusal of approval

The town planning department may refuse the owner to legalize the redevelopment on the following grounds:

  1. Government departments do not have sufficient information about the premises - in this case, the applicant is obliged to provide the necessary package of documents within 15 days.
  2. The changes do not meet the requirements, violate building codes, do not comply with GOST and SNiP, and are dangerous - in this case, the applicant may be fined and required to return the premises to its original form or legitimize another project of construction changes.
  3. The project prohibits redevelopment - the applicant will receive a refusal and will not be able to carry out construction work due to the technical condition of the building and the inability to do this.
  4. The Department of Culture issued a refusal to carry out the redevelopment due to the specifics of the building, when the house is a cultural heritage monument. In the refusal, the administration will indicate the reason and type of violation. The applicant will not be able to make changes, and if they are made illegally, they will be fined.

The received refusal can be challenged in court only if the applicant is confident in the legality of the changes made or in compliance of the redevelopment with state requirements.

A sufficient list of grounds for refusal to approve construction changes is indicated in Part 1 of Article 27 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

Redevelopment, redevelopment and reconstruction of non-residential buildings and premises are concepts that are close in meaning, but different in essence. Our team will help you understand the following issues: what reconstruction is and how to arrange the entrance group to an apartment building.

Redevelopment of non-residential premises should be carried out after legalizing this process at the documentary level. For unauthorized changes to the floor plan, the owner bears administrative responsibility and is obliged to pay a fine; the citizen will also have to dismantle the construction amendments made or legalize a new construction/repair project.

How is redevelopment different from redevelopment or reconstruction?

Construction work on real estate can be carried out as part of redevelopment, reconstruction or reconstruction. Let us highlight the main characteristics of these types of work:

  • redevelopment involves changing the configuration of the room;
  • reconstruction includes changes in the location or characteristics of engineering, electrical and other networks, plumbing and other equipment;
  • Reconstruction means changing the parameters of a building, its height, number of storeys, area, replacement or restoration of load-bearing structures.

Since reconstruction involves impacts on load-bearing structures and elements and may pose a threat to the integrity of the building, a building permit must be obtained to carry it out. The issuance of such a document is not within the competence of the MVK, therefore the reconstruction project must be addressed to the State Construction Supervision and Expertise Service, the Committee for State Control, Use and Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments (if the house is classified in this category).

Expert commentary . As part of the reconstruction, work may be carried out that falls under the concept of redevelopment and reconstruction. Requirements for their implementation will be provided for in the reconstruction project. If you need to obtain permission for reconstruction, design documentation can be ordered from the MosOblReg Architectural Bureau.

What can and cannot be done when redeveloping a non-residential premises

The list of requirements for the safe redevelopment of residential and non-residential premises is no different. As a rule, the purpose of such work on non-residential properties is to comply with legal requirements for certain types of activities:

  • for non-residential premises in apartment buildings, a separate entrance (exit) must be provided;
  • requirements for the area of ​​premises, compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards may be provided for by licensing conditions (for example, an alcohol license is issued if there is ownership of a non-residential property or a lease agreement);
  • It is prohibited to place production on the premises of the MKD, and when arranging cafes, shops and a number of other establishments, it is necessary to obtain the opinion of the Federal State Institution “Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology of Moscow” and the authorities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Requirements for the types of permitted work and the organization of their safety will be provided for in the redevelopment project. The designer is responsible for the project’s compliance with regulations and regulations. If the work is carried out without a project, the redevelopment will be considered unauthorized (illegal).

In a non-residential building

Ensuring the safety of construction work in a non-residential building rests with the owner and designer. Based on the intended purpose of non-residential premises, the following types of work cannot be performed as part of redevelopment or reconstruction:

  • As part of the redevelopment project, you cannot carry out work that falls under the concept of reconstruction (for example, increasing the number of floors, expanding the area of ​​the building, adding or building on new elements);
  • it is impossible to influence load-bearing structures not provided for by the design;
  • it is prohibited to carry out reconstruction that restricts the supply of utility resources to other objects (for example, to nearby houses);
  • It is prohibited to carry out work that leads to a violation of the strength or destruction of the load-bearing structures of the building, disruption of the operation of engineering systems and equipment.

Although non-residential knowledge is not used for the residence of citizens, during construction work it is necessary to take into account fire safety rules and the provision of utilities. Compliance with all requirements must be confirmed by the head of the design organization. It is necessary to submit the project for approval to municipal departments only if there is an impact on the facades of the building.

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In an apartment building

The list of requirements for construction work in residential buildings is significantly longer. For this purpose, the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and Gosstroy Resolution No. 2003 are applied. When redeveloping non-residential premises in an apartment building, additional prohibitions are established:

  • it is prohibited to dismantle smoke and ventilation ducts or restrict access for their operation;
  • it is prohibited to seal access points to meters and devices that allow shutting off the supply of cold or hot water to apartment buildings;
  • it is impossible to expand the area of ​​the premises at the expense of the common property of the apartment building unless permission from the owners is obtained;
  • it is prohibited to carry out work on load-bearing structures and walls that is not provided for by the project and that exceeds the maximum permissible load standards;
  • devices cannot be installed to limit the supply of utility resources to public networks;

This is only an approximate list of restrictions under which the redevelopment project will not pass approval. Illegal (unauthorized) construction entails a fine and a claim to restore the original characteristics of the object. To eliminate any problems with approvals, promptly contact our office for documentation. We carry out projects in strict accordance with the regulatory framework of the Russian Federation and Moscow, we coordinate documents in all departments.

Legal settlement

If the town planning department refuses to give a citizen consent to carry out redevelopment, he can file a claim in court. If the redevelopment complies with legal standards, then the court will issue a positive response to the owner for construction work.

Where to contact?

To initiate a lawsuit, you must apply to the district court with a claim to legalize the redevelopment. The basis for the appeal is Article 29 of the Housing Code on the consequences of unauthorized redevelopment.

What documents should I provide?

Along with the statement of claim, the owner provides a package of documents:

  • refusal of the administration to approve;
  • personal documents of the applicant;
  • certificate of ownership of real estate;
  • new and old technical data sheet with changes displayed;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate;
  • When the premises are located in an apartment building, plans of neighboring apartments (above and below) are provided; they can be requested from the design and inventory bureau.


The court considers the application within 10 working days, after which it appoints a construction and technical examination. On the appointed day, the commission evaluates the housing for compliance with the following standards:

  • sanitary;
  • firefighters;
  • construction

If they comply, a conclusion is issued on the admissibility of the safety of the redevelopment. If the decision is negative, the inspector will issue a refusal indicating the reasons . Then the owner can appeal to the court after eliminating the violations, for example, when replacing the floor, waterproofing was not installed - it needs to be corrected. From the beginning of the judicial review to the receipt of the certificate of compliance, it takes from 1-3 months, taking into account construction work.


Filing a claim is accompanied by payment of a state fee, which is 1000 rubles.

Algorithm for approving redevelopment in a non-residential building

To approve or legalize redevelopment in a non-residential building in 2021, follow the algorithm of actions indicated below.

Ordering initial documentation - USRN extracts

To prepare the project, you need to obtain cadastral information for the building. This information is not contained in the technical passport of the BTI or other document, but in the USRN extract. The owner or the designer can receive this document. The USRN extract will contain information about the copyright holder and the initial characteristics of the object.

Expert commentary . If you have a technical passport for a building previously issued by BTI, the designer can use this document for information purposes. However, technical passports do not have legal force in 2021, and there is no need to make changes to them after redevelopment. There is also no need to contact the BTI for approvals.

Sample USRN extract

Measurement and survey work

To produce a project, it is necessary to carry out measurement and survey work at the site. The owner must provide access to the designer's representatives to the site. During measurements and examination:

  • the actual state of load-bearing and other structures, the current characteristics of the building and premises are established;
  • locations for construction work are determined, permissible loads on structures are calculated;
  • diagrams, drawings, and photos of facades are drawn up.

Measurement work is carried out using professional equipment, which allows us to obtain the most accurate data on the characteristics of the object.

Sample outline after measurements by our company

Preparation of a redevelopment project

After analyzing the initial data and carrying out measurement work, the project will be drawn up. Its content includes the following blocks:

  • information about the design organization, its membership in the SRO;
  • explanatory note;
  • a list of construction work that will be carried out in the building;
  • architectural, structural, volumetric and other solutions;
  • measures to ensure work safety;
  • requirements for the quality of building materials, their fire safety;
  • requirements for the collection and disposal of construction waste and storage areas for materials;
  • graphic and photo materials, reflecting the initial data and upcoming changes.

The reconstruction or redevelopment project must be approved by the head of the design organization and the customer. The document must be submitted for approval only for planned work on the façade of the building. In this case, approval in St. Petersburg goes through the Committee on Urban Planning and Architecture (KGA).

Expert commentary . The legal basis for redevelopment is only the project. Sketches, drawings made by the owners or another person, or design projects are not such a basis. A design project can be used for redevelopment if it provides for all the requirements for the safety of the facility and the planned work. Samples and examples of documents that form the basis for approvals can be found on our website.

Preparation of a technical report

A prerequisite for approval of redevelopment is the preparation of a technical report on the condition of the building’s load-bearing structures. This document is drawn up after the actual inspection of the structure by a representative of an expert organization. The technical report must confirm the maximum permissible load limits that must be observed when carrying out repairs.

Preparation of a technical plan

Carry out construction work and repairs in accordance with the project; the owner must receive a technical plan. It is this document that is the legal basis for conducting cadastral registration and entering updated characteristics of the building into the Unified State Register of Real Estate. A technical plan is drawn up following the rules:

  • You can order a technical plan only through a cadastral engineer who has a qualification certificate;
  • the engineer will study the initial and design documentation, conduct a survey of the facility, and obtain actual characteristics after the redevelopment;
  • the information received will be reflected in the text and graphic block of the technical plan.

You need to order a technical plan not only when coordinating upcoming work, but also when legitimizing redevelopment that has already taken place. The completed document will be submitted to Rosreestr in electronic form.

Expert commentary . If you apply for redevelopment approval from the MosOblReg Architectural Bureau, the preparation of all required documents will be included in the turnkey service. We deal with projects and technical plans of any complexity and coordinate them in the shortest possible time. A sample and completed example of a technical plan can be found on our website.

Technical building plan sample

Registration of changes in Rosreestr and receipt of an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate

The final stage of approval or legalization of redevelopment work is to contact Rosreestr or the MFC for cadastral registration. This procedure in 2021 follows the following rules:

  • an application for cadastral registration and a technical plan must be submitted to Rosreestr or the IFC;
  • according to the submitted documents, the information of the Unified State Register will be updated;
  • the owner will receive an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate with the actual characteristics of the property.

Registration of an extract from the Unified State Register for cadastral registration is free. If registration of rights is carried out simultaneously with cadastral registration, the amount of the state duty will be 2000 rubles. (for citizens), 22,000 rub. (for legal entities).

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Expert commentary . To order all the necessary documents for approval of redevelopment or legalization of unauthorized work, contact the MosOblReg Architectural Bureau. Experienced specialists will help solve even the most complex problem and coordinate documents with the MCA and other departments in the shortest possible time.

Coordination of redevelopment of retail space

Legislative standards for retail premises, the need to ensure fire safety, competition and much more are pushing business owners to redevelop or reconstruct commercial premises.
The decision to change the layout may be inspired by the need to increase the area for more efficient trade through warehouse space, the owner’s need to increase the rating of the retail facility compared to competitors, or to increase purchasing power. An outdated design or layout that does not solve the assigned tasks, changes in legislation in the field of approval of redevelopment of premises - all this prompts the business owner to make various changes in planning decisions.

Thus, it is often necessary to remove extra walls or move them so that the target room is enlarged at the expense of others, create additional openings or expand them. All this affects the design and technical characteristics of the building as a whole. For this reason, you have to order a redevelopment project and go through a complex procedure for obtaining permission.

Algorithm for approval of redevelopment in an apartment building

When coordinating or legitimizing redevelopment in the premises of an apartment building, it does not matter whether the object has residential or non-residential status. Amendments were made to the RF Housing Code to provide for the same approval rules. For objects in St. Petersburg, the norms of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003 No. 2003 will be applied.

Ordering initial documentation - USRN extract, floor plan, explication

The owner can order project documentation. Accordingly, if several persons own non-residential premises, all of them must agree to the redevelopment. Such consent is drawn up in an application or in the form of a notarial document.

To complete the project, initial documentation for the premises and building will be requested - extracts from the Unified State Register of Real Estate, floor plans, explications. These documents indicate the location of the premises on the floor, the placement of walls, door and window openings, separate entrances, and equipment.

Measurement and survey work

As with the preparation of a project for a non-residential building, premises in an apartment building must be inspected by experts. The actual condition of the object and supporting structures will be analyzed, and the work locations will be determined. Particular attention is paid to compliance with the requirements for the placement of certain types of objects (for example, to obtain a license for alcohol, you need to prove that the premises are more than 100 meters away from schools, hospitals and other social facilities).

Design work - development of architectural solutions, water supply and sewerage, fire safety measures

Requirements for the content of the redevelopment project for premises in an apartment building are provided for by Government Decree No. 508. The designer will indicate:

  • a list of architectural, constructive and other solutions that will be observed during construction work;
  • fire safety requirements;
  • locations of construction materials and waste;
  • instructions on providing the premises with water supply and sewerage.

When performing work, the contractor or owner cannot deviate from the requirements of the project. Otherwise, the work will be considered unauthorized redevelopment, which will entail a fine and other sanctions.

Expert commentary . To approve or legitimize work in non-residential premises of an apartment building, a technical report on the condition of load-bearing structures is also required. If the work has an impact on the facades or common property of the house, the consent of the owners of the apartment building and the permission of the KGA are additionally obtained.

One of the options for the architectural solutions section

Submitting documents for approval to the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology

To confirm compliance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements, the project is transferred to the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology. The list of standards and requirements will differ depending on the intended use of the premises. For example, when placing a cafe in an apartment building, sound insulation and compliance with food handling regulations will be checked. If you open a store selling alcohol, in order to obtain a license for alcohol, you must comply with the standards for the area of ​​​​the premises where it will be stored.

Sample conclusion of SES

After receiving the conclusion for a sanitary examination, submit documents

To approve the project, documents are submitted to the district administration or through the MFC. The final approval takes place through the MJI, which operate on the basis of Government Resolution 508.

Obtaining permission for construction in MZHI and MVK

The interdepartmental commissions include experts in the field of construction and architecture. Review of documents according to the norms of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation cannot exceed 45 days. This public service is provided free of charge. If the project complies with the requirements of the law, the owner will receive approval and will be able to begin work. The agreement will indicate the period within which all work must be completed.

MVK conclusion on redevelopment

Carrying out repair work and taking new measurements

Repair, installation, disassembly or transfer of structures and equipment in non-residential premises can be carried out strictly within the framework of the project. If additional types of work are required, the owner needs to make changes to the original project and go through approvals again. After completion of the work, it is necessary to conduct an inspection, record changes in characteristics, obtain an act from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and a technical plan.

Submitting documents for approval of work to the Intercontinental Water Committee and obtaining a certificate

To confirm that all work was carried out strictly according to the project, you need to contact the MVK. If the volume and quality of work correspond to the previously issued approval, an acceptance committee report will be issued. This document will be required to obtain a technical plan and undergo cadastral registration in Rosreestr.

Preparation of a technical plan and submission of documents for registration to Rosreestr

To record the changed characteristics of a non-residential premises, you need to order a technical plan through a cadastral engineer. When ordering turnkey approvals from the MosOblReg Architectural Bureau, the production of a technical plan will be included in the total cost of services.

Having received the technical plan, it must be submitted along with the application and the acceptance committee report to Rosreestr or the MFC. Based on these documents, cadastral registration will be carried out, and updated characteristics of the object will be entered into the Unified State Register of Real Estate.

Technical building plan sample

Obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate

The final stage of approval is obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register. This document will confirm that all stages of approval were successful, and the register reflects the actual characteristics of the premises.

The main factors influencing the cost of legalizing redevelopment in a store:

  • Type of work performed (changes in load-bearing or non-load-bearing walls, transfer of premises for their intended purpose, transfer of appliances in the bathroom and many other changes in the aggregate);
  • The presence of violations in the completed redevelopment regarding construction, sanitary standards and the requirements of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate;
  • Type of house: old houses, panel houses, brick houses or monolithic ones - each type has its own specifics when legitimizing;
  • The county in which the house is located;

Redevelopment of non-residential premises in an apartment building completed before 2021

Until 2021, the norms of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation on the approval of redevelopment formally applied only to residential premises of apartment buildings. Therefore, owners of offices, shops, cafes, restaurants and other facilities could avoid liability for illegal redevelopment. From 2021, articles 25-29 have removed the mention of the word “residential”. Therefore, the approval rules for residential and non-residential premises have become the same.

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Since the law does not have retroactive effect, for redevelopment that was not legalized before 2019, you can obtain a technical plan and an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate on the basis of the project and technical conclusion, i.e. without contacting the MVK.

A complete set of documents for registering such redevelopment changes:

  1. Project documentation developed by a legal entity or individual entrepreneur with an issued SRO permit;
  2. Contract agreements for the performance of work concluded with an organization that has SRO approval to carry out construction work;
  3. Agreements for the implementation of construction control over the execution of work, concluded with an organization that has a certificate of admission to such work, issued by a self-regulatory organization.
  4. Certificate of acceptance of work by the customer.
  5. Detailed conclusion of a cadastral engineer.

The position of Rosreestr is reflected in this suspension, which our specialists received:

notice of suspension of a previous suspension

Do I need to get approval for the redevelopment of the store?

A question that the owner himself must answer. But we will give arguments why it is worth agreeing on the redevelopment:

  • Fine for a legal entity from 300 thousand rubles. In addition, you will be required to coordinate the redevelopment in the store, which will take a lot of time and a decent amount of money. For the amount of the fine, you can agree on redevelopment or make a very significant part of it.
  • Knowing that the owner himself is breaking the law by not coordinating the redevelopment, the owner is constantly in a state of tension, awaiting inspection by regulatory and inspection services.
  • Uncoordinated redevelopment can be dangerous and lead to accidents: news reports most often report accidents in houses and apartments that occurred due to uncoordinated redevelopment. If the collapse occurred due to improper redevelopment, the owner faces criminal liability.
  • Renting and selling a store with illegal redevelopment is most often a problem for the owner.
  • The likelihood of receiving a secured loan from a bank is low if the redevelopment of the store has not been formalized.

The main difficulties in coordinating redevelopments

An attempt to independently approve the redevelopment of a non-residential property in St. Petersburg is fraught with a refusal from authorized departments. The most common reasons for refusal include:

  • lack of owner consent to carry out construction work;
  • violation of building codes and regulations, SNiP, and other standards;
  • deviation from the project when performing repairs;
  • submission of an incomplete set of documents;
  • deterioration of the characteristics of premises in apartment buildings, which threatens damage to the building.

Rosreestr may refuse to conduct cadastral registration on the grounds specified in Federal Law No. 218-FZ. For example, suspension and subsequent refusal are possible if the characteristics of the premises do not correspond to previously received cadastral information.

You can learn more about the reasons and consequences of refusal of approvals during a consultation with our specialists. We will prepare documents and coordinate them even in the most difficult situations.

Cost and terms of approval

Let’s summarize, we’ll tell you how much it costs to approve a redevelopment and in what time frame you can obtain the necessary documents:

  • the timing and cost of measurements, project preparation and technical conclusions depend on the complexity and volume of work (prices and timing will be determined after studying the documentation);
  • review of documents at the MVK is free for up to 45 days (there is no fee for review at the MVK, and the cost of services is agreed upon at all stages, you can clarify the gender by calling the MosOblReg bureau);
  • approval by the MGA is free, within 30 days;
  • the timing and cost of producing a technical plan are determined by the terms of the contract with a cadastral engineer (the price will depend on the urgency and complexity of the work);
  • Cadastral registration is carried out free of charge, up to 5 days in Rosreestr and up to 7 days through the MFC.

You can find out how much it costs to develop and approve documents from our specialists. Preliminary prices for services and examples of previous work can be found on our website.


Redevelopment of non-residential buildings is carried out on the basis of a design and a technical report on the condition of the load-bearing structures. If the non-residential premises are located in an apartment building, the owner needs:

  • obtain the consent of the owners of apartment buildings for work related to the impact on the common property of the house;
  • order a project and technical report;
  • undergo approval by MZhI, MVK, MKA, Rospotrebnadzor and fire supervision authorities;
  • carry out work in strict accordance with the project;
  • receive a certificate from the acceptance committee;
  • order a technical plan from a cadastral engineer;
  • undergo cadastral registration in Rosreestr, receive an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate.

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A full range of services for coordinating construction work in non-residential premises and buildings is provided by the MosOblRegAs Architectural Bureau. We make project documentation, conclusions, design projects, technical plans of any complexity. During a consultation with our specialists, you can find out how much the approval costs and how long it takes to receive the necessary documents.

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