Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region file a complaint

Health problems sooner or later arise for everyone, forcing them to seek help from a medical institution. Qualified personnel will help cope with the disease and give preventive recommendations. However, no one is immune from the incompetence of a specialist, rude treatment, poor quality of medical services, etc. In all these cases, you can file a complaint with higher authorities, whose functionality includes monitoring the activities of clinics, hospitals and other medical institutions.

Hotline of the Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region

Telephone consultations on issues of interest to citizens are becoming increasingly popular, as it significantly saves time and nerves. In addition, this method allows you to quickly and costlessly solve any difficulties that arise. The Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region also accepts calls on the hotline of the Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region.

Moscow Region healthcare hotline phone number

To make a call in order to receive advice or leave a complaint, you must dial 8 496 265 25 01. Another contact number. The city of Moscow has its own contact numbers.

Single telephone number of the Governor's Contact Center. General telephone number of the help center.

A list of numbers for specific questions is presented in the table:

Medical care for adults8
Medical care for children and women8

Individual municipalities in the region have their own additional numbers. So, for example, for residents of Balashikha city number 521-24-81, Voskresensky district 8-496-362-23-80, etc. The full list can be found on the organization’s website.

When making a call, you need to take into account the opening hours of the branch, since not all of them operate 24 hours a day. In addition, the call will be paid according to the tariffs of the mobile operator.

Other methods of communication

In addition to the telephone method of leaving a request, there are others:

  • online application on the official website;
  • letter to the department's email address.

To use the first one, you must:

  • Go to the official website of the ministry
  • Scroll down the page.
  • Select the “Send an appeal to the Ministry” section.
  • Fill in information about the applicant (last name, first name, patronymic, email address).
  • Select a communication method.
  • When choosing a postal form of communication, enter the postal code, locality, street, house, apartment, etc.
  • Write the text of the appeal. Brief and specific. At the same time, excluding the use of obscene speech and other statements of a personal nature.
  • Attach files confirming the essence of the above.
  • Enter the captcha (it is possible to listen).
  • Accept the terms of the user agreement by checking the box.

The second method involves sending a letter to an email address. In the text of the appeal, you must indicate the sender's details, the facts that led to the writing of the letter, and the essence of the issue. The content provides as much specificity as possible, without personal statements or assumptions. Supporting documents can be attached to the letter.

What issues can experts help with?

The Ministry is responsible for the following issues:

  • provision of medications (their availability, delivery methods and other nuances);
  • provision of other medical supplies;
  • quality of service in the medical field;
  • pricing policy of medicines;
  • other questions.

In general, the list of issues of interest to citizens cannot be established accurately. Because new difficulties often arise that require solutions.

How to leave a complaint by phone?

To leave a complaint by phone, you need to call the specified contact and wait for a response from a specialist. After the latter has introduced himself, it is recommended that he also introduce himself and state the essence of the issue.

In this case, you need to reflect the problem clearly and concisely without unnecessary emotions. It is recommended to rehearse your speech in advance (before making a call) so as not to miss important details and at the same time not waste time and money.

If during the dialogue the specialist has questions, he will need to be ready to answer them.

After clarifying the problem, the employee can consult independently, redirect the call or leave a request. When submitting an application, the citizen is given the right to choose an option for providing a response.

On what issues will the Moscow Region Healthcare support not be able to help?

Unfortunately, not all issues can be resolved remotely. Cases often arise that require personal presence. These include direct medical services (treatment, diagnosis, prescription forms and other issues), as well as obtaining advice regarding medical care in another region.

The department will also refuse consultation regarding medical services provided abroad.

Response time and specialist competence

Response times vary depending on the question or issue. This may be a regular consultation, which is provided at the same time, or the receipt of an application and appeal that requires consideration.

The review process takes up to thirty business days. The time period can be increased by delivering the letter (if postal communication is selected).

The response is submitted with the signature of the minister and the seal of the department.

The staff providing consultations are quite competent and educated in the medical field. In addition, an important quality is their correctness and courtesy.


Implications for the physician

A complaint against a doctor to the Ministry of Health leads to disciplinary action. It could be:

  • deprivation of bonus;
  • rebuke;
  • demotion;
  • transfer to another institution or department.

Similar consequences for the doctor are associated with violation of medical ethics. They can be applied repeatedly to the same person. If there is a certain number of reprimands, a doctor can be fired, but such a measure is used extremely rarely.

For your information

A separate issue is the legal complaints against the doctor. The Ministry of Health cannot make a decision on them, since only a court can make a verdict. In this case, the doctor faces a fine, imprisonment, deprivation of the right to engage in medical activities for up to 2 years, or forced community service. Similar penalties are specified in Article 118 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region - hotline - Taxes and law

The responsibilities of medical workers include not only the treatment and prevention of diseases, but also the observance of moral and ethical standards.

You can complain to various authorities about unprofessional actions of specialists and poor service in a medical institution.

Where to go about the lack of specialists, long queues or cases of corruption among medical workers in the Moscow region, read the material from the portal.

  • What healthcare services are available through the public services portal of the Moscow region>>
  • Patients' rights
  • Source: ©, press service of the Odintsovo district administration, Evgenia Demina
  • Patients of medical institutions have the right:
  • - choice of doctor and medical organization;
  • — appropriate conditions for examination, treatment and stay in a hospital or clinic;
  • — the opportunity to consult with specialists;
  • — pain relief with available methods and medications;
  • — obtaining medical information;
  • — receiving food in a hospital;
  • — protection of medical confidentiality;
  • - refusal of medical care;
  • — compensation for harm to health caused during the provision of medical care;
  • - admission of a lawyer, legal representative and clergy to the hospital.
  • Maternity hospitals in the Moscow region. Map>>
  • Appeal to the management of the institution
  • Source: Ministry of Property Relations of the Moscow Region
  • If medical confidentiality was violated in relation to the patient, he was untimely provided
  • assistance or it was not provided in full, an incorrect diagnosis was made or treatment was incorrectly prescribed, as well as in the case of rude treatment or the imposition of paid services, you should first contact the management of the institution.

Contacts and work hours of the head of the department or head physician must be indicated on information boards. Many medical institutions publish on their websites a special form for patient feedback or an email address to which you can send a letter of complaint.

  1. What benefits are available to orphans in the Moscow region>>
  2. Complaint to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
  3. Source: RIAMO

A patient who is not satisfied with the result of eliminating deficiencies on site can contact the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. On the official website of the department there is a special form for citizens’ complaints, which even allows you to attach photographs illustrating the essence of the complaint. In addition, the appeal can be sent by regular mail.

  • According to federal law, a response must be given within 30 days from the date of registration of the appeal.
  • How to get a discounted ticket to a children's health camp in the Moscow region>>
  • Collection of public opinions on the Dobrodel portal
  • Source: RIAMO, Alexander Manzyuk

Residents of the Moscow region can complain about medical care through the Dobrodel portal. To do this, go to the “Create a complaint” section, select the “Medicine” category and the subject of the complaint, and then enter the text of the message and indicate the address of the medical institution.

Within two days, the message is processed, and the moderator can ask clarifying questions. Then the relevant department determines the exact deadline for the response and, at the appointed time, publishes official information about what has been done to resolve the issue.

The applicant can confirm or deny that the problem has been resolved.

The Moscow Region Ministry of Health periodically conducts surveys for residents of the region. So, in October 2021, it collected public opinions on identified problems in medical institutions in the Moscow region. In addition, department specialists regularly monitor comments on social networks.

  1. How to become a blood donor in the Moscow region>>
  2. Hotline of Roszdravnadzor
  3. Source: Photobank of the Moscow region, Alexander Kozhokhin

A complaint against a medical institution can be made orally by calling the Roszdravnadzor hotline by phone. The department's website also accepts electronic messages. They can be sent by clicking the “Submission of appeals for individuals” button. Paper and email complaint letters also require a 30-day response period.

  • How to undergo medical examination in the Moscow region>>
  • Complaint to Rospotrebnadzor
  • Source: Photobank of the Moscow region, Alla Fedina

You can protect your rights in the medical field with the help of the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare.

On the Rospotrebnadzor website there is a service “Appeals from Citizens”, and the agency also has a hotline number 8-800-100-00-04.

In addition, a complaint can be sent to the regional service department for the Moscow region, including cases of corruption in a medical institution.

  1. How to get high-tech medical care in the Moscow region>>
  2. Contacting the police, prosecutor's office, court
  3. Source: RIAMO, Nikolay Koreshkov
  4. It makes sense to contact the police, prosecutor's office or court if we are talking about serious violations of the law or criminal offenses:
  5. – causing harm to health (intentional or due to negligence),
  6. - extortion, threats,
  7. - insult to the honor and dignity of a person.
  8. How to get free prosthetics services in the Moscow region>>



Hotline numbers of the Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region:

Emergency and Help Phone Numbers

Operational and administrative service of the Department of Health of the city of Moscow Eye ambulance (adults) Help service of the Department of Healthcare on issues of drug supply Help service on the application of prices for medicines included in the list of vital and essential medicines


The Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region operates a hotline for medicines.

Operators answer calls from 8:00 to 20:00. After 20 o'clock all requests are recorded on an answering machine.

The next day, all recorded questions are answered.

Where else can you file a complaint?

Legislation gives citizens the right to apply to other government authorities to protect their rights and interests. These may include:

  • prosecution authorities;
  • police;
  • Court.

Each of these bodies is vested with certain powers to deal with citizens’ appeals. Thus, it makes sense to contact the prosecutor’s office and the police if a medical institution (a specific doctor or other personnel) receives threats or commits acts of a fraudulent nature (Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), or extorts money from the patient (Article 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) or bribery is required (Article 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Filing a claim in court is advisable when it comes to the need to compensate for moral or material damage caused by the actions/inactions of doctors and medical personnel. In order for the court to accept the application for consideration, it is important to prepare a good evidence base that directly indicates losses and other damage caused to the patient, as well as to focus on specific rules of law and provide legal justification for the fact of the offense committed.

How to write a complaint to the Moscow Ministry of Health?

Health problems sooner or later arise for everyone, forcing them to seek help from a medical institution. Qualified personnel will help cope with the disease and give preventive recommendations.

However, no one is immune from specialist incompetence, rude treatment, poor quality of medical services, etc.

In all these cases, you can file a complaint with higher authorities, whose functionality includes monitoring the activities of clinics, hospitals and other medical institutions.

Drawing up a complaint to the Ministry of Health of Moscow and the region

The procedure for drawing up a complaint is standard: it can be submitted in writing/printed form on paper or sent through a special form for citizens to apply on the official Internet resource of the Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region or the Moscow City Health Department. The following facts may serve as reasons for applying:

  • violation of professional ethics on the part of the clinic staff;
  • violation of the institution's work schedule;
  • overcrowded wards;
  • lack of preferential medications;
  • unsanitary conditions in the institution;
  • disclosure of medical confidentiality;
  • consequences of treatment that aggravated the patient’s condition;
  • corruption, etc.

The appeal procedure can begin by contacting the chief physician, and only then to the Ministry of Health of the region or city (depending on the affiliation of the medical institution).

What to focus on?

When drawing up an application, you must adhere to business ethics, avoiding obscene expressions and insults towards the attending physician, clinic management, etc. In documents of this kind, emotionality does not play any role, but only interferes with an adequate perception of the situation. Principles for presenting information:

  • chronology of events;
  • conciseness;
  • lack of emotions;
  • specificity: indication of personal data and positions;
  • exact address of the medical institution;
  • document details;
  • literacy.
  • How to write correctly?

    A patient’s complaint is the basis for conducting an inspection and taking appropriate measures, which means it must be completed in compliance with all the requirements for this type of document:

    • indication in the header of the addressee of the application and the applicant’s personal data with address and telephone number;
    • a statement of the reason for the appeal in general terms with specific details, without emotional digressions and florid turns;
    • putting forward demands to conduct an inspection, take action against an employee, etc.;
    • listing the attached documents and other evidence of the incident;
    • the applicant’s signature and the date the document was drawn up.

    Filing a complaint on the official website

    The Moscow City Health Service and the Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region also accept requests from patients through a special form on the department’s website, in which the following points must be reflected:

    • personal data of the applicant;
    • contact phone number;
    • postal or email address (depending on the preferred method of receiving a response - electronically or on paper);
    • the essence of the issue is the subject of the appeal;
    • a summary of the problem indicating the chronology of events, the location of the action and all interested parties;
    • background of the issue, if there was an appeal to other authorities to resolve the conflict situation.

    After attaching applications, the visitor must enter a verification code - captcha and agree to the processing of personal data. The response will come twice - the first time the user will be informed about the registration of the complaint, and the second time - about the results of the consideration of the application.

    The functionality of the system allows you to activate the “Preview” option to check the text of the appeal for grammatical and factual errors. If an error is found, you can make appropriate amendments through the “Return to editing” option.

    What is needed to submit?

    When filing a complaint through the form on the website of the Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region, you can attach up to 10 files proving the patient’s case. The volume of each of them should not exceed 5 MB. This can be audio and video materials, scanned copies of certificates, payment receipts, treatment contracts, medical history extracts, etc.

    The volume of the field intended to present the essence of the request has its own limits on the number of characters. Therefore, if the history of the conflict requires a detailed presentation of all the facts, then you can attach it as one of the attachments to the electronic complaint as a text document.

    Thus, if left dissatisfied with the quality of the medical services provided, the patient can always file a complaint with higher authorities, starting from the chief physician of the hospital and ending with the Ministry of Health and the prosecutor’s office. When drawing up a document, they are guided by standard requirements: adherence to structure, logic of presentation, absence of emotions.


    Filing a complaint online

    To file a complaint online, you will need:

    • go to the main page of the ministry and click on the “public reception” section;
    • select “application edit form”;
    • in the window that opens, fill in all fields reliably and accurately;
    • attach the necessary documents, photographs, screenshots of papers;
    • indicate which region the person applying is from;
    • choose the option of receiving the results of the complaint consideration (by mail or email);
    • tick the box confirming familiarization with the procedure for receiving and considering applications”;
    • Click “send request”.

    Before sending the completed form, you should check the correctness of the entered data.

    Within three days, received electronic appeals are registered and, depending on the identified situation, can be forwarded to the territorial offices of the department or other institutions whose competence is to consider the essence of the complaint.

    Where to complain about medicine in the Moscow region

    It's worth keeping in mind here that this does not apply to private hospitals;

    • When a patient is subjected to boorish and insulting treatment from employees of a medical institution.

    Where can I complain about medical staff at a hospital or clinic? It is worth noting here that it does not matter whether the patient complains about the hospital doctor or the clinic doctor. For both named medical institutions there is a general procedure for resolving the conflict.

    Let us consider this order in more detail. To management If a patient encounters rudeness from a health care worker or is dissatisfied with his treatment, he should first contact the head of the department or the chief physician of the medical institution.

    If the doctor has committed a significant misconduct, a complaint can be made to the chief physician.

    Complaint to the Ministry of Health of Moscow and the Moscow Region

    The law lists this right as follows:

    • have access to services under the insurance policy;
    • receive compensation for damages;
    • have permission of a representative;
    • get psychological help;
    • have access to medical


    • appealing the actions of doctors;
    • receive medical and social rehabilitation;
    • require compliance with medical confidentiality.
    • It is absolutely clear that you need to defend your rights in all areas of life.

      Where to complain about doctors?

      According to Federal Law No. 2202-1 dated January 17, 1992. everyone can contact the prosecutor's office in order to stop the actions of officials, entrepreneurs, and other persons violating the legal rights of citizens of the Russian Federation.

      How to file a complaint with the prosecutor's office? You can file a complaint with the prosecutor's office in person or online.

      Where to complain about the clinic

      Working hours: Mon-Thu from 9:00 to 17:00, Fri from 9:00 to 15:45.

    • Dial phone (hotline); 8 (495) 627-24-00 (multi-channel); (registration of citizens' appeals).
    • Send the document through any postal company to the address: Rakhmanovsky lane, 3, Moscow, GSP-4, 127994.
    • Fill out the form on the official website The volume of the electronic appeal should not exceed 2000 characters. If there is a need to provide a package of documents or large files for review, it is recommended to choose another method of submitting documents.
    • Information about whether a message has been received and registered can be obtained by telephone (Mon-Thu 9:00 - 18:00; Fri 9:00 - 16:00, lunch 12:00 - 12:45). In special cases, you can also get an appointment with the Minister of Health and his deputies.

    It is important for a patient to know where to complain about unscrupulous doctors

    It must be structured; each fact of violation of rights must be supported by references to articles of the law.

    IMPORTANT. When contacting the judicial authorities, it is advisable to seek the help of an experienced lawyer.

    We write your appeal clearly and concisely To ensure that your appeal does not remain unanswered, adhere to the following recommendations:

    • The document size should not exceed two pages, but it is better to keep it to one.

    There is no need to include a lot of details and your own experiences in the description of events;

  • write a complaint based only on reliable facts;
  • when describing events that take place over a long period of time, follow the chronology of events,
  • in the process of drawing up a complaint, name specific persons who violated your rights.
  • If you believe your rights as a patient have been violated, seek justice.

    Write a complaint about the clinic

    If you are offered to pay for a free service provided under a compulsory health insurance policy, are asked to buy medications necessary for treatment in a hospital, or you are unable to get an appointment with a clinic or change a doctor, then a complaint to the Federal (or territorial) compulsory health insurance fund. Qualified specialists of the fund will help protect your interests, because it is this organization that distributes public money to medical institutions and monitors how it is spent.

    Moscow City Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund: 5.

    The provision of medical care is a service, and therefore violation of the patient’s rights falls under the law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”.

    Where can you complain about doctors and how to file a complaint

    You can complain to the following authorities:

    1. Ministry of Health, local department.
    2. The insurance company that issued your medical policy;
    3. The prosecutor's office.
    4. Police.
    5. Court.
    6. Rospotrebnadzor.

    Complaints against doctors to the Ministry of Health The main ways to file a complaint against doctors to the Ministry of Health:

    1. Write a letter of complaint against a doctor or healthcare institution and send it by Russian Post.
    2. Submit a complaint or appeal online using email.
    3. File a complaint or appeal through the “Citizen Appeal Form” on the website of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
    4. Make an appointment with the Ministry of Health and submit a complaint in person, orally or in writing.
    5. Complain about the actions of doctors over the phone.

    Usually this is the head of a clinic (children's clinic) or hospital department.

    The managers report to the chief physician, who is the head of the entire medical institution. Each medical institution is required to post an information stand on which the full name of the director, other responsible persons, and the numbers of the rooms in which they receive appointments, days and hours of appointment are indicated.

    If there is no information stand, you can complain to higher authorities and supervisory authorities about the medical institution’s violation of current legislation.

    Complaint against a clinic doctor. How to file a complaint? If you are rude, refuse to make an appointment, or try to impose paid treatment, you need to make an oral complaint about the doctor’s actions to the manager.

    It is quite possible that this will be enough to solve your problem.

    There are two ways to complain to the prosecutor’s office about unauthorized actions of doctors via the Internet:

    1. Send an application to the prosecutor's office by email.
    2. Through the public reception on the official website of the prosecutor's office.

    How to compose it correctly? The statement must be written briefly, clearly and to the point, eliminating emotions from the text. It should be borne in mind that the number of characters in the message when contacting the prosecutor's office through the Internet reception should not exceed 2500 characters.

    The prosecutor's office is required to register your appeal within the period established by law, conduct an inspection and provide a response based on the results of the inspection in accordance with Federal Law No. 59-FZ.


    Sending a complaint via mail

    The procedure for considering incoming applications is regulated by Federal Law No. 59 of May 2, 2006 and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 452 of July 28, 2005.

    All incoming personal data of applying citizens is stored and processed taking into account the norms and rules of the legislation on personal data (Federal Law No. 152 of July 27, 2006)

    All letters should be sent to the following address: Moscow, Rakhmanovsky lane, 3, GSP-4, 127994.

    You can get information about registering letters by calling 8 (495) 627-29-93.

    24-hour hotline of the Ministry of Health

    Many people have health problems. To prevent people from being left alone with them, there are help and support services for those who urgently need it. You can ask a question without leaving your home - by phone.

    What is the hotline of the Russian Ministry of Health

    The hotline created in 2011 by the Ministry of Health was called “Healthy Russia”. Qualified specialists advised people free of charge and around the clock via multi-channel telephone on the following issues:

    • healthy lifestyle;
    • problems associated with drug, tobacco and alcohol use;
    • physical activity;
    • health insurance.

    The purpose of creating a hotline was to provide information support to persons with a health insurance policy at any stage of providing them with medical care. In January 2021, the list of issues on which consultations are held has been expanded.

    A section dedicated to the procedure for undergoing medical examination has been added to the hotline rubricator.

    By calling 8-800-200-0-200, qualified specialists will answer all questions related to the timing of preventive and clinical examinations and the procedure for conducting them.

    What you can find out on the hotline

    Most often requests are on the following topics:

    • everything related to a healthy lifestyle, including proper nutrition, physical training, giving up bad habits - smoking, alcohol abuse, drug use;
    • questions about compulsory medical insurance, how, where and when you can get a policy, what medical services are included in the insurance;
    • list of subsidized medications and its updating, who is included in the category of beneficiaries, how to document the receipt of necessary medications;
    • information about the work of medical staff and the medical care provided, including health centers;
    • complaints about poor quality of service;
    • extortion of a bribe.

    Simple questions can be answered immediately; if information verification is required, the request is recorded and considered within a few days. After all the circumstances have been clarified, the person will be called at his contact number.

    How and where to call

    Multi-line phone number - 8-800-200-0-200. It works without interruption, around the clock, calls from any phone within Russia are free.

    The load on the line is very high, in order to get through you need to spend a lot of time. Sometimes the connection does not occur even within half an hour, the call is dropped and you have to start all over again.

    The line is least busy at night - usually from 8 pm to 6 am. But even at this time it is not always possible to get through by phone.

    There is also a paid multi-channel phone number - +74956272400. It is also open 24/7, but you will have to pay for the call. Two help desk numbers are suitable for both Russians and foreign citizens:



    The call is paid. You can complain about the work of medical institutions or specific health workers by calling +74956272993.

    To monitor the work of the health service, hotlines of the relevant departments have been created in each region. Moscow and the Moscow region are the leaders in the number of inhabitants.

    Hotline of the Moscow Department of Health

    It was created specifically for residents of the capital. Each area of ​​activity has its own number:

    • problems related to medical care are resolved by calling 8, it works around the clock; you can complain about the fact that it was not provided on time or not fully by calling the same number;
    • if you need to receive medications on the basis of benefits, contact by phone from Monday to Thursday from 8:00 am to 17:00, excluding lunch break from 12:30 to 13:15, on Friday - until 15:45;
    • for the provision of medicines;
    • on issues related to vaccination.

    The last two telephones operate only on weekdays from 8 am to 8 pm.

    What questions can be answered:

    • provision of medical care, its efficiency and quality;
    • everything related to health;
    • provision of medicines, including benefits;
    • treatment in sanatoriums and resorts;
    • vaccination.

    The telephone number of the unified information service of the city of Moscow is 8 (495) 777-77-77. There is a hotline in every administrative district.

    About the department

    The Moscow City Health Department is a sectoral executive body of the capital subordinate to the Moscow Government. Included in the Social Sphere Complex.

    The department implements state policy in the field of protecting the health of Muscovites and other citizens located in the capital, and also studies the health status of the population, develops priority areas and city programs for the protection of health and drug supply to the city population.

    The Moscow City Health Department carries out executive and administrative functions in relation to bodies, institutions, organizations and health care enterprises, pharmacy enterprises subordinate to the Moscow Government, and manages the property of this system within the limits of authority.

    The territorial bodies of the Department are the health departments in the administrative districts of the city of Moscow.

    Complaint to the Ministry of Health: sample 2021, nuances of drawing up and sending

    Many citizens have to deal with poor-quality medical care, violation of patients' rights, as well as rudeness and rudeness of doctors. One of the effective ways to restore justice is to appeal the actions of medical personnel to the Ministry of Health.

    In this article we will consider in what cases you can file an appeal to the Ministry of Health, how to correctly write and submit a complaint, how long it takes to consider it, and where to go for help in filing a complaint.

    When can you file a complaint with the health department?

    The reasons for filing a complaint with the health authority are varied. The subject of the proceedings are serious violations that can lead to deterioration in the citizen’s health.

    In practice, the following situations become reasons for contacting the Ministry of Health:

    • poor-quality provision of medical services (violation of procedures and standards);
    • charging for free medical care;
    • refusal to admit a patient;
    • refusal to provide emergency medical care;
    • failure to provide medical documentation;
    • violation of ethics and deontology (rudeness, rudeness);
    • disclosure of medical confidentiality;
    • failure to fill out a medical card or indicate incorrect information in it;
    • refusal to provide preferential medications;
    • extortion of a bribe.

    It is important that the citizen has evidence confirming the presence of one of these circumstances. In this case, the complaint will be justified and penalties will be applied to the guilty person.

    You should know! Before filing a complaint with the Ministry of Health, we recommend trying to resolve the issue through the head of the department, deputy chief physician for medical treatment, or chief physician.

    These persons promptly consider citizens' requests regarding the provision of medical care.

    For example, residents of Moscow and the Moscow region can call the numbers listed on the website of the city health department

    How to write a complaint to the Ministry of Health?

    The complaint can be drawn up in any form outlining the circumstances describing the main points of the conflict. In order to correctly write a document, we suggest using step-by-step instructions developed by the lawyers of our website.

    Step 1 – Filling out the request header

    Drawing up a document begins with filling out the “header”, which is placed in the upper right corner of the A4 sheet. The applicant writes the exact name of the executive authority dealing with health issues. The position and full name of the authorized official and the location address of the department are also indicated here.

    Next, fill in the patient information:

    • FULL NAME;
    • residential address;
    • contact information (phone, email).

    Important! It is advisable to indicate your exact date of birth, since to carry out an investigation into the complaint, a specialist from the Ministry of Health requests medical documentation from the medical institution. Identification of the applicant among persons with similar full names is carried out by date, month and year of birth.

    Step 2 – Description of the conflict situation

    The main part of the appeal sets out the essence of the conflict. The citizen indicates the following information:

    • circumstances of receiving medical care;
    • position and full name of the medical worker;
    • a list of violations and a description of illegal actions;
    • references to the rules of law that are violated.

    The text should be concise and succinct. If the application is written by hand, you need to make sure that the handwriting is legible and easy to read.

    Step 3 – Formulation of the pleading part of the complaint

    The complaint ends with specific demands for an inspection of the medical worker. If a fee is illegally charged for free medical care, the patient has the right to ask for assistance in returning the money.

    At the end, a list of applications is compiled, which includes supporting documents. Then the applicant’s signature and the date of filing the application are placed.

    Samples of complaints to the Ministry of Health

    For convenience, our specialists have developed sample complaints that can be submitted in various situations. We suggest you choose the appropriate form and fill it out in relation to your problem.

    If difficulties arise when drawing up an appeal, it is advisable to entrust this issue to a qualified lawyer.

    How to file a complaint with the Ministry of Health?

    There are several ways to submit an appeal to the Ministry of Health. Let's look at some of them so that we can choose the most suitable one.


    The easiest option is to visit the department and submit a complaint to the employee responsible for receiving incoming correspondence. One copy of the document is accepted for registration, the second copy is affixed with an incoming stamp, after which it is returned to the applicant.

    By mail

    If a citizen does not have time to visit the department, he can send documents by mail. You should issue a registered letter with notification and use the services of the Russian Post or courier service. After receiving the correspondence, a notification with a note from the addressee is returned to the sender.

    Through the Internet

    Currently, the possibility of filing a complaint via the Internet is available in the Russian Federation. Thus, a citizen can use the electronic application form on the website It will be enough to fill out the required fields and attach supporting documents.

    Via hotline

    Medical institutions are required to post on their stands and websites information about hotline numbers, by calling which the patient can leave their request and receive a quick solution to the problem.

    You can use the Russian Ministry of Health service, which allows you to find a hotline phone number for a specific region. Similar information is posted on the Roszdravnadzor website rosminzdrav.


    How long does it take to process a complaint?

    Received requests are registered within three days. Then they are transferred to the responsible employee, who must conduct a check and provide a response within 30 days. If the violation is confirmed, the perpetrators will be subject to disciplinary punishment.

    Legal assistance in filing a complaint to the Ministry of Health

    Usually, conflicts with medical workers cause a lot of negative emotions. In order to feel confident and effectively protect your interests, we recommend entrusting this issue to a qualified lawyer. If you are sure that a medical professional is violating your rights, contact the specialists of our website. They will contact you and answer all your questions.

    Didn't find the answer to your question?

    In order to quickly find out how to solve your particular problem, please contact our lawyer for a free consultation in the online chat on the right or call the following numbers: All citizen requests are accepted online. This is a fast and free way to get advice from an expert lawyer on any issue.


    Procedure for personal appeal

    The main Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation provides for the current reception of citizens and reception carried out by the leadership of the department:

    · Current reception is carried out by specialists of the department, whose competence includes working with citizens’ appeals. You can contact the department without an appointment at the address: Moscow, st. Neglinnaya, 25.

    • Personal reception by management is carried out according to a developed and approved schedule, taking into account the content of the complaint and jurisdiction to resolve issues.

    Personal reception is carried out taking into account the following rules:

    • a citizen must have an identity card with him;
    • Reception is carried out on a first-come, first-served basis;
    • persons conducting the reception have the right to clarify the reasons for the application, the essence of the issue, and get acquainted with the documents;
    • it is allowed to involve employees of relevant departments of the ministry as experts;
    • at a personal meeting, a citizen has the right to submit a written complaint or state the essence of what happened orally, on the record;
    • a note of acceptance is made on the written request, indicating the date and signature of the responsible person;
    • If upon reception it turns out that the appeal is not within the competence of the ministry, the citizen will be given an explanation of where and in what order he should apply.

    The result of the review is reflected in the applicant’s admission card. If a citizen does not have the opportunity to personally visit the main department, he can contact the territorial unit at his place of residence. Every month, all incoming requests are sent to the main department.

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