The procedure for assigning a cadastral number to a land plot

The cadastral number must be assigned to all real estate objects without exception, in respect of which the procedure for their registration in the state real estate cadastre was completed.
This requirement is established by Art. 5 Federal Law No. 221 “On the State Real Estate Cadastre”, adopted on July 24, 2007. It also applies to land plots.

The cadastral number is a sequence consisting of 19 digits.

It consists of 4 parts, which are separated from each other by colons. Each of them has a specific meaning: these are the numbers of the district, district, quarter and, finally, the land plot itself.

Using this code, you can find out all the most important information regarding a specific piece of land, including its quantitative and qualitative characteristics. Also, this detail can serve as one of the ways to confirm the owner’s ownership of the land.

We will look at where to get the cadastral number of a land plot if it is not available in this article.

Why do you need to get it?

The need to obtain a cadastral number for a land plot is due to the fact that:

  1. The presence of such a number with the owner serves as confirmation of the fact that the site is in his ownership . This makes him the full owner of his land and gives him the legal right to dispose of it at his own discretion: a purchase and sale transaction can be made with the plot, gifted to another person or bequeathed to heirs.
  2. It must be presented to the Federal Tax Service in order for land tax to be calculated correctly .
  3. The cadastral number is a means of identifying a land plot . Knowing it, an interested citizen will be able to accurately determine its size, boundaries, location, as well as the quality of the lands within the site and their purpose.

It is still possible to try to dispose of a plot that is not registered in the cadastral register, but this is not in the interests of either party to the transaction.

In this case, the potential buyer loses interest in purchasing it, since he cannot receive official confirmation of information regarding the most important characteristics of the site.

Moreover, the absence of a cadastral number may lead to disputes regarding the determination of the owner of land ownership , and municipal authorities in such a situation have the right to raise the question of recognizing it as illegally seized.

In connection with these reasons, the owner of a plot of land who has not yet received a cadastral number for it should be interested in doing this as soon as possible.

In what cases is cadastral registration required?

The law provides for situations where registration of an object is mandatory. We are talking about the following points:

  • the object has not previously gone through such a procedure;
  • all rights to property are registered for the first time;
  • the buyer purchases a building or land as part of a mortgage loan, and the assignment of an individual number is a requirement of the banking institution;
  • the building has undergone redevelopment or its characteristics have been changed.

To be sure that the documents submitted are correct, after registration is completed, you must check the cadastral number with the one registered in the property’s passport. The data must be the same. The cost of completing documentation depends on the complexity of the service provided, while the state duty is only 2 thousand rubles.

Reasons for receiving

The general basis in all cases should be the fact of ownership of land if it was obtained legally .

If the land was acquired in violation of the procedures established by law, or, more simply put, appropriated, the citizen who illegally owns it cannot, except in cases established by the legislator, register it in his name and become the full owner.

to legalize a land plot and obtain a cadastral number for it based on the right of actual ownership in a situation where:

  • the land was allocated for use during the years of the USSR to persons who are no longer alive at the moment, the documents for it were lost, and the procedure for re-registration of the allotment was never carried out;
  • land ownership was purchased before the current legislation came into force, but there was no re-registration;
  • the plot was received as if by inheritance, but this is not documented (for example, the deceased expressed his will orally);
  • The settlement administration agreed to use the plot.

In the listed cases, municipal authorities often meet the needs of persons who own plots of land and use them for their own personal purposes, if this does not contradict the purpose of the land.

If the land has actually been in use for 15 years and no one has made any claims to its ownership , there should be no problems with its legalization.

In all other situations, the grounds for assigning a number to a real estate object should be considered:

  • execution of a document that confirms a citizen’s rights to land;
  • availability of a certificate confirming the right to inherit;
  • issuance by the administrative commission of an act giving permission to use the property;
  • changing the purpose of an object when land ownership should be used for other purposes;
  • a court decision that was made in favor of the applicant (his extract will be required).

Practical example of the content of the issue

Let's consider what information can be hidden in a standard number. For example, let's take the following number: 51:01:1203001:145.

  • 51 is the number of the district where the building is located. In our case we are talking about the Murmansk region;
  • 01 – district of the specified region – Kola;
  • 1203001 – this block contains the code for the zone, allotment and quarter;
  • 145 is the number of the building itself.

The number is generated personally for each object and cannot be changed in the future.

How is KN assigned?

These rules are defined in Section 2 of Order No. 877 of the Ministry of Economic Development dated November 24, 2015.

Let's take a closer look at them.

  1. A cadastral number (hereinafter - CN) must be assigned to all plots, information about which is subject to inclusion in the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN): in the case of the formation of a new plot , for example, when it was formed into a single whole from other plots; in the process of adding data about a previously registered site to the Unified State Register .
  2. CN is given to a land plot in the cadastral quarter within which it is completely located . With a large area of ​​land ownership, it can occupy several cadastral districts. In such a situation, the cadastral number is assigned in the quarter with the accounting number “000”. The boundaries of this quarter must coincide with the boundaries of the All-Russian cadastral district. When a property is located in several cadastral districts (belonging to one cadastral district) or in several blocks of one cadastral district, it will be allocated a CN in a quarter that has the serial number “0”, the boundaries of which in this case will coincide with the boundaries of the district or district.
  3. If, during the process of inclusion in the Unified State Register, it is impossible to establish the cadastral quarter or area of ​​location of an already registered object, it will be assigned a number in the quarter with the number “0”, the boundaries of which coincide with the boundaries of this area or district.
  4. The cadastral number must be written as decimal numbers consisting of Arabic numerals. It consists of groups of numbers separated by a colon, indicating the registration number of the cadastral quarter and the serial number of the object located on its territory.
  5. If a site has been deregistered, its CN cannot be used again to assign it to another object .
  6. Once a cadastral number has been assigned to a land plot in accordance with established rules, it is not subject to change, even in cases of changing the cadastral division or assigning a number in a quarter in which it is not located.
  7. If the rules for registering a CN regarding the meaning and recording of its numbers and dividing marks are violated, and also when it turns out that another object has the same number, it is assigned a new number, which must be the next in order within the cadastral quarter.

Meaning and documents

Without a cadastral number, it is impossible to register ownership of a land plot, apartment, non-residential premises, object, or other real estate. There is no way anyone can get around this rule. An example of this is the inability to manage one’s property. Without registration with the Cadastral Chamber, it is impossible to redevelop an apartment that is not registered, to build non-residential premises on your own plot, it is impossible to sell such a property, exchange, donate, bequeath, entering into inheritance rights will also be problematic. All actions with an object that is not registered with the state are illegal.

The registration number is entered into the certificate of ownership, cadastral passport and plan. The passport contains detailed characteristics of houses, land, apartment premises, and any real estate for which it is issued. Without a cadastral passport and plan, it is impossible to carry out any official transactions.

Receipt procedure


To obtain a cadastral number, you first need to prepare the necessary documents :

  • a certificate confirming land ownership or an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate;
  • a document that is the basis for acquiring the right to use real estate (this can be a purchase and sale or lease agreement, a certificate of inheritance, a deed of gift);
  • if the land ownership is located on the territory of a gardening association, a certificate of membership in this association will be required;
  • if you need to rent an object from the state or municipality, you must obtain the written consent of the municipality and other tenants, if any;
  • when one of the owners is a minor, it may be necessary to obtain the consent of the guardianship authority;
  • a duly certified certificate of assignment of an identification code;
  • technical plan;
  • boundary plan;
  • identification document of the interested citizen (civil passport.

The technical plan and the surveying procedure can be ordered from a geodetic company , making sure that such work is permitted by its license.

In certain situations, the owner of the land does not have the opportunity to act personally for himself. In such cases, according to the described procedure, a representative may act on his behalf, for whom it is necessary to issue a power of attorney certified by a notary.

Where is it issued?

A cadastral number can be obtained by submitting a package of documents to the local branch of Rosreestr or to the MFC .
A prerequisite is preliminary land surveying; to carry out this procedure, you will need to contact a geodetic company.

An agency official will ask the applicant to complete an application, also called a request.

Its form can be downloaded by following the link

Then the citizen must be given a receipt for payment of the state duty. Its size today is 200 rubles .

An employee of the institution takes the documents, in return for which he gives the applicant a receipt. It must contain a list of all transferred papers, as well as the date when you can pick up the extract with the cadastral number. If you submit an application through the MFC, you can receive the finished document there.

As of 2021, cadastral passports are no longer issued as they have been abolished. Now the applicant is given a single extract from Rosreestr.

Deadlines for preparing an extract

If there are no errors or inaccuracies in the documents, the extract will be made within 21 working days . If inconsistencies are found in the papers, this can greatly delay the procedure.

The finished extract with the cadastral number looks like this:

Online issuance

Today such an opportunity exists. To use it, you need to go to the Rosreestr website by entering in the address bar of your browser, and then going to the “Individuals” section (for citizens).

In the window that opens, on the right we find the link “State cadastral registration” and follow it.

In the form that opens, mark the items we need and move on, following the instructions displayed on the screen.

After completing all the steps (there are 4 in total), an application will be submitted to register the land plot for cadastral registration.

When the documents are ready, they can be obtained at the applicant’s choice:

  • as a link to an electronic document;
  • in the form of a regular paper document (in the division of the body for registration of rights, in the MFC, or by sending by mail).

You can get an extract for an already registered object by selecting the corresponding command on the right side of the window in the previous screenshot (it is the top one in the column). A page will open with a form to fill out, where you must enter the relevant information.

Next, you should go through 3 more steps, following the instructions.

After completing the form and confirming the entered information, the request is sent for processing.

Depending on the user's choice, the finished statement will be received :

  • as a link to an electronic document;
  • to the e-mail address.
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