How to get, change or restore SNILS and where to do it in one day

Does the number change when replacing SNILS

The word SNILS is an abbreviation for “individual personal account insurance number.” SNILS is issued to both residents and non-residents of Russia (Article 1, Clause 1, Article 6 No. 27-FZ).

The main function of SNILS is to record pension contributions to the Pension Fund. However, SNILS is used in many other situations and is often requested along with a passport. An individual personal account number may be asked when visiting a number of government organizations, and sometimes when visiting non-governmental organizations. In particular, SNILS will be needed even to receive the coronavirus vaccine. If you have lost your SNILS, you will have to urgently restore it, since without it there will be problems when finding a job and when applying to some government agencies.

The Ministry of Labor writes in its letters that individual registration in the OPS system does not replace the personal data of a person. It is created to collect all data from the employer regarding the insurance premiums paid. The number itself is attached to an account with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, and not to a specific person with certain full names (letter of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated October 2, 2015 No. 21-3/OOG-3271).

As you can see, SNILS is just an 11-digit code for an account in the Pension Fund. It is provided once and remains with the citizen for life. We will tell you below how to find out your SNILS number. Therefore, by replacing SNILS we now need to understand not replacing the number itself, but replacing the document that contains it. Only the owner’s personal data can change, but not the SNILS number itself. The same applies to the situation when the surname or first name of a citizen changes.

We advise you to write down your insurance number and store it on a secure medium.

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What is the validity period of SNILS, and in what case is it subject to replacement?

A positive point is the fact that SNILS does not expire. An insurance number is assigned to an individual by the state once and forever.

The card itself must be replaced only in special cases. For example, if the owner’s personal data is changed: a typo is found in the data on the place of residence and after that the passport is replaced. Replacement may also be required if it is not in good condition.


The data in SNILS must completely match the information in the passport.

When replacing, the insurance number of the individual personal account remains unchanged.

You should not postpone the replacement for a long time, since according to Russian laws, all personal data of a citizen of the Russian Federation must be correctly displayed in his identity documents. These include: passport, compulsory medical insurance policy and SNILS. All information in these documents must be identical. If any information about an individual changes, all of the above documents are replaced, including SNILS.


It is worth remembering that violation of laws leads to administrative penalties and fines.

In addition to administrative liability, the owner may face many other troubles. Thus, the insurance contributions that the employer made before updating the old insurance policy data will not reach the Pension Fund. Because the Pension Fund of Russia database is updated only after receiving information about replacing the SNILS card, which means that until this time there will be discrepancies in the citizen’s personal data.

Where to get a lost SNILS

Many will be surprised, but the familiar green cardboard with the SNILS number has not been issued for two years, even to those who previously had it. Instead, they came up with the ADI-REG document (Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation dated June 13, 2019 No. 335p). This document contains the personal account number. They switched to this form precisely because of convenience, since it can be requested at any time, rather than waiting weeks for the green card to be restored. ADI-REG can be obtained both on paper and digitally (paragraph 6, part 1, article 14, part 2, article 16 of law No. 27-FZ, clause 53 of the administrative regulations).

If you request the restoration of your green SNILS card, you will be refused. In this case, there is no need to be angry with the pension fund workers. ADI-REG contains all the same data as SNILS in the old form and has the same legal force. However, the old green cards continue to be valid, which does not prevent their owners from requesting the ADI-REG form. This means that owners of the usual green forms do not need to apply additionally to replace their SNILS with a new form.

Now there are several ways to obtain a document about the insurance number of a personal account. The time frame for replacing SNILS and the list of required documents depend on the choice of receipt method. There are three main options for receiving:

  • from the employing organization (only for employed citizens). The employer here acts as an intermediary, he transfers data to the pension fund, and then gives the documents to the employee, which lengthens the process of receiving the service;
  • through the Pension Fund. By default, this is a personal visit, but for advanced citizens with a confirmed account in the ESIA, digital provision of services is also possible;
  • through the multifunctional center (my documents).

Receiving documents on paper does not depend on the place of registration in the passport. Choose any convenient branch and complain if you are refused due to an application “not according to registration”. We will describe below what documents are needed for this.

The easiest and fastest way is to request a notification in your personal account on the Pension Fund website. To access your personal account, you need to log in to your account on the State Services portal. Such an account must be verified. Although the certificate itself is no longer issued, the function on the Pension Fund website is still called in the old way. In response to your request, you will receive an electronic notification - it is legally equivalent to the paper format.

In your personal account, select the “Submit an application for a duplicate insurance certificate” button.

You can also receive a notification through the nearest MFC, but you just need to clarify in advance the possibility of performing such a service.

When registering a document at a Pension Fund branch or through an employer, you will not need any documents other than the application form. If you want to receive a notification through the MFC you will need to submit:

  • Identification document (passport; for children under 14 years of age - birth certificate);
  • identification document of the legal representative (parent, adoptive parent, guardian, etc.) - for citizens under 14 years of age.

Replacement of a certificate not at the place of registration

On legal forums, the question is often asked about whether it is possible to exchange SNILS in another city. Everyone should know the answer to this, since when we go on a business trip, study or vacation, we take all our personal documents with us. Sometimes we simply lose them, no one is immune from this. If you find your green card is missing, don’t worry. Citizens have the opportunity to fill out an application, provide a package of necessary documents and contact the branch of the Russian Pension Fund at their place of actual residence. Application not at the place of registration is not a basis for refusal to issue a duplicate.

How to find out your SNILS number if it is lost

There are many fake sites on the Internet that offer to find out SNILS using passport data or TIN. Many people think that it is also easy to find out your own or even someone else’s SNILS, knowing your full name. and other passport data. However, only the Pension Fund of Russia has information about the SNILS number. Therefore, an outsider cannot recognize someone else’s SNILS without logging in through the owner’s public services account.

Be careful: sites that offer to find out the SNILS number only by last name or passport number are fraudulent. You will not find out the real SNILS data, but will only lose money or download a malicious virus to your computer. Such fraudulent sites often copy the style and emblems of the Pension Fund of Russia or the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The purpose of such sites is to deceive users.

It is also incorrect to say that in order to receive SNILS you must languish in long lines at Pension Fund offices. But only the SNILS owner who has a confirmed account in government services can find out the SNILS number via the Internet. This can be done in the citizen’s personal account on the PFR website or in the “PFR Electronic Services” mobile application. Login to these services is carried out through an account on public services (USIA). It is in this way that it is possible to obtain a digital document with a SNILS number without leaving home. You won’t be able to find out someone else’s SNILS in this way. The only exception is the case when the child’s mother receives his SNILS in her personal account on the government services website.

The most obvious, but not the easiest way to find out your SNILS is to contact the Pension Fund or MFC branch. The disadvantage of this method is that you will have to spend time on the road and, most likely, quite a lot of time waiting in line at the department. This method was the only one until 2021, when the green form with SNILS was no longer issued. But now, if you have a verified account on the government services website, it is no longer necessary to go somewhere.

If the entry in the Unified Identification and Logistics Agency is confirmed, then you have two simple ways to obtain information about SNILS: on the PFR website or through the PFR Electronic Services mobile application. In any case, such information is provided free of charge. To find out SNILS, simply follow the instructions in the selected service.

What data is collected on an individual account?

From the moment the account is opened, it accumulates all information about the insurance work history of an individual. Such information is necessary for calculating future pensions.

Among other things, complete data of all individual pension accounts are stored in the accounting system of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. There is extended information about each insured individual:

  1. Individual insurance account number.
  2. Full name of the citizen.
  3. His date of birth.
  4. The place where you were born.
  5. Floor.
  6. The address indicated in the registration.
  7. Passport details.
  8. Citizenship.
  9. Date of establishment of the personal number in the pension accounting system.
  10. Full time of working activity, including: insurance experience, work experience in the Far North and places equivalent to it, if any.
  11. Other possible periods of insurance coverage regulated by the law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”.
  12. The amount of wages or other income from which insurance premiums were deducted.
  13. The full amount of premiums accrued by one policyholder.
  14. The total amount of all received insurance premiums per citizen.
  15. Data on the closure of personal accounts of insured persons.
  16. Data on calculated pension capital.
  17. Information on establishing the size of the labor pension.

This information is completely confidential and is not subject to disclosure in public circles.

How to restore SNILS for an employee

When applying for a job, an employee is required to provide a document with a SNILS number (SNILS or ADI-REG form). As we wrote above, it is impossible to restore the green SNILS card in 2021, but instead you can receive a similar ADI-REG document. This can be done through the current employer in the following order:

1. Submit an application to the employer’s personnel service in form ADV-3 (Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2019 N 485p). In it, ask the employer to issue a document confirming registration in the Pension Fund system. The employer has the right to fill out the form, but the applicant’s signature must be handwritten. If the employee cannot personally certify the application due to a long (more than a month) stay on a business trip, long-term illness or other reason, the employer does this, indicating the relevant reasons in the application (clause 19 of Procedure No. 485p). Attach a copy of your passport to your application.

2. After a few weeks, you will receive the document.

If, when hired, an employee does not have an individual personal account (this is possible for those finding employment for the first time), then the employer must register him with the Pension Fund (Part 4 of Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Clause 1 of Article 9 of Law No. 27-FZ).

To do this, you should submit to the territorial body of the Pension Fund a questionnaire of a registered person in form ADV-1 with an inventory in form ADV-6-1 (clause 17 of Appendix 8 to the Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of September 27, 2019 N 485p).

The territorial body of the PFR, within five working days from the date of receipt of the questionnaire, opens the ILS and draws up a document confirming registration (clauses 14, 50 - 53 of the Administrative Regulations, approved by Resolution of the PFR Board of May 21, 2020 N 291p).

The employer, having received this document (notification in the ADI-REG form), issues it to the employee (clause 1 of the Pension Fund Letter of June 28, 2019 N 09-19/13246, Letter of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of May 17, 2019 N 21-3/B-574) .

For what

SNIL is needed in order to:

  • receive state and municipal services electronically. Many federal departments provide their services electronically through the website Also, various constituent entities of the Russian Federation can provide online municipal services: registration at a clinic, kindergarten, and so on. Registration on federal and municipal government services portals is possible only if SNILS is indicated;
  • receive government services and benefits. SNILS is used to form federal and regional registers of citizens entitled to government social services and benefits;
  • reduce the number of documents when receiving government services. SNILS serves as a citizen’s identifier in the system of interdepartmental interaction. Through this system, government departments independently request the necessary documents to provide various services to the citizen;
  • form a future pension. Information about insurance premiums paid by the employer is reflected in the individual personal account. Data on experience and salary are also reflected here. All this information will be needed in the future to determine the size of your pension.

How to restore SNILS for an unemployed person

We have already described above what methods of restoring SNISL exist. However, citizens who are not currently working or who work for themselves (self-employed, individual entrepreneurs) cannot obtain a SNILS document through their employer. So how can they recover their data?

There are two other options left for him - contacting the Pension Fund or the MFC. Moreover, you can contact the Pension Fund digitally if you have a confirmed account in the State Services system. In this case, the procedure for obtaining a document in the ADI-REG form does not differ from the usual one.

Why do you need an individual personal account?

The main purpose of SNILS is the collection of information by the state about a citizen’s labor activity, which will subsequently create a complete picture for the assignment of a pension benefit.

But this is not all of its capabilities. SNILS is also indispensable when exchanging information between government organizations and structures to obtain the necessary services for the insured person. For example, to receive free treatment in public clinics, obtain various types of benefits, and participate in government programs.

But a child will need a “green card” from the Pension Fund in the following cases:

  • admission to any educational institution in the country - insurance certificate data is included in the list of documents for enrollment of applicants;
  • for registration of child benefits, sanatorium treatment, compensation and benefits, as well as when inheriting parents’ pensions.

Restoring a child’s SNILS

We have already written above that if a green SNILS card is lost, a new card will not be issued since 2021. This also applies to SNILS of minors. Instead, the child can receive a new type of notification, which will be similar to the old green card. This can be done by his parents (other legal representatives) if the child is under 14 years of age. Children over 14 years of age can apply to the Pension Fund on their own.

You need to contact the Pension Fund or MFC in person only if you could not find SNILS or you need a paper document. To provide public services, a paper document is not required; it is important to know the SNILS number.

If SNILS is issued for the first time for a child, then to obtain it without visiting the Pension Fund office, you need to send a questionnaire to the Pension Fund body. This can be done through the employer’s personnel service or the unified government services portal by downloading the application form on the government portal. The completed form can be sent in any convenient way to the Pension Fund of Russia.

Is it possible to do without registering SNILS?

This situation is extremely unfavorable for humans. If you do not issue an insurance number in a timely manner, the Pension Fund will not receive information about insurance contributions, which serves as the basis for determining and assigning the insurance and funded part of the future pension. In the future, in order to prove his work experience, a person without an insurance certificate will need to bring to the Pension Fund: a work book, employment contracts and many other documents to assign him a pension. Since some data may be lost, this will cause great trouble in restoring the insurance record for previous periods. And even in this case, this citizen will be included in the compulsory pension insurance system and assigned an individual insurance number.

In addition to all of the above, a person without SNILS will not be able to register on the unified portal of government services. This entails the impossibility of making an appointment with a doctor, placing on a waiting list for a kindergarten, paying state fees at a discount, etc. Services that can be obtained electronically without leaving home will have to be requested at each authority by contacting them in person.

Problems will also arise during employment, since each enterprise makes pension contributions using the insurance personal accounts of its employees. The law obliges the employee and the employer to register all changes in data on the insurance period in the state pension insurance system.

This document will also be required if:

  1. Registration of a certificate for receiving maternity capital.
  2. Submitting a request for a consumer or mortgage loan.
  3. Receiving benefits for medications.
  4. Participation in government programs.

Deadline for receiving a new SNILS

The recovery time for SNILS depends on which method of receipt was chosen. If the method of receipt through the employer is chosen, then the employer is obliged to send the data and completed questionnaire to the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation within two weeks from the date of receipt of the application. A notification containing SNILS will be generated within 5 days, after which it will be handed over to the employer, who, in turn, will issue it to the employee.

If you choose the method of independently contacting the Pension Fund or MFC, then the notification can be issued up to 5 working days. But, as a rule, you can receive it on the same day of application. If you do not want to wait a long time, then it is better to apply for SNILS yourself.

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Why should children apply for SNILS?

Having this document will allow you to take advantage of various benefits.

  • Medical assistance, both emergency and planned, in full.
  • Benefits and social programs that provide compensation and bonuses in preschool or general education institutions.
  • Guarantees from the state granting the right to free trips to sanatoriums, drugs in pharmacies, treatment, and the like.

It is also necessary to queue up for kindergarten or receive other services, remotely, through an online portal. So it is convenient not only for regulatory authorities, but also for parents.

How long is the document valid?

Parents who are concerned about how to obtain SNILS for a 14-year-old teenager or a newborn child need not be afraid of bureaucratic difficulties. You only need to open a personal account once - it is created for life and subsequently you will not have to re-register anything, even if you move to another region.

For adults, when starting official employment for the first time, it is even easier: if they do not yet have an individual number, the employer is obliged to take care of obtaining it.

Replacement is required only when updating personal data (last name, first name). And there are no difficulties with where you need to order a duplicate, pick up the SNILS pension certificate for your child, and receive its corrected version - in any branch of the Pension Fund or MFC. Please note that each of these services must be provided free of charge and in real time, that is, upon request. True, in the case of a multifunctional center, you will still have to wait a little: while its employees coordinate all interdepartmental issues, this usually takes several working days (up to 5).

An insurance number is a mandatory and useful document; it is not difficult to issue it and receive a notification in your hands, at any age and without penalties. If for some reason you did not open an account for the newborn yourself, the state did this, your task is to receive a document indicating the identification code.

How to submit an application through State Services

Parents usually resort to online services. To do this, it is necessary that the applicant (the teenager himself or his authorized representative) be a registered user of the portal. Next you need to perform several steps.

  • Select “Authorities” from the menu.
  • In this section, follow the link “Pension Fund”.
  • Select the appropriate category from the list of services provided and click on the “Sign up…” button.
  • Fill out the suggested items.
  • Decide on a suitable date for transferring documents and click on “Confirm”.

Then, on the appointed day, visit the Pension Fund: receipt of SNILS for the child from the pension fund will take place precisely at the time specified in the electronic form. For everything to work, you must leave a current phone number where you can be contacted.

Where to get an application

A reminder for those who do not yet know how to obtain SNILS for a child in a pension fund after 14 years of age: the form can be downloaded at any time from the official website of the Pension Fund. When filling it out, indicate:

  • Full name of the person in whose name the account is created;
  • the gender of that person;
  • full date and place of birth;
  • passport information;
  • registration (residence address);
  • citizenship;
  • contact number (mobile).

Words should be entered in block letters so that they are as legible as possible. All this must be certified by the signature of the person applying to open an account.

Sample application

Errors are unacceptable - the application will be rejected if they occur. A correctly completed form ADV-1 is what is needed to receive SNILS for a child.

What is needed to obtain SNILS for a child over 14 years old, what documents to submit

The required minimum includes:

  • a questionnaire drawn up on behalf of the teenager himself (and not one of the adults), filled out and signed by him;
  • a photocopy of the internal passport of the Russian Federation (of the person for whom the account will be opened).

If a Russian citizen is under 14 years of age, his official representative is required to submit his identification card, as well as the birth certificate of the person who needs the individual number.

Many Pension Funds today accept applications electronically and even enter relevant data into the form themselves, which is quite convenient.

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