Up to what age do children live in a large family? Features, benefits and payments

Increasingly, families are choosing to raise more than two children, as the state is trying in various ways to increase the birth rate in the country. At the same time, federal legislation does not provide precise information about which families can be considered large. Therefore, citizens have to rely on the information contained in regional legislative acts. To do this, not only the number of children is taken into account, but also until the age of the children a large family retains its status.

How many children do you need?

What kind of family is considered to have many children? For this purpose, different requirements imposed by regional authorities are taken into account. Typically, this status is assigned to families with more than three children.

It is allowed for regional authorities to provide benefits to people who have only two children. Typically, such a policy is carried out in cities where there is a low birth rate, so the authorities try to motivate citizens in different ways.

What system of privileges is provided for this preferential category?

Many bills have undergone changes over the years, and those relating to social support for privileged categories of citizens are no exception.

Large families have the right to count on many benefits that will help them cope with possible financial difficulties in such cases:

  • free travel when using municipal transport;
  • a significant discount of 30% when paying utility bills;
  • free hot meals, school and sports uniforms;
  • annual discount of 50% for the purchase of a ticket for all types of transport within the country for children under 18 years of age and their accompanying parent;
  • free provision of medicines prescribed by a doctor for children under six years of age;
  • extraordinary enrollment in preschool institutions;
  • discounts when applying for loans, mortgages, etc.;

There are many pleasant bonuses, such as discounts and free visits to state museums and exhibitions, theaters at least once a month.

In 2021, a mother with many children, by definition in most regions, is raising at least 5 children in her family. Subject to a decent upbringing, such mothers are entitled to early retirement, provided that she raised each of her children until he was 8 years old, and she was already 50 years old.

If there are four to seven or more children in a family, parents are awarded state awards. For those who have seven or more children, this is the Order of Parental Glory, and those who raised, raised or adopted 4-7 children are entitled to a medal of the Order of Parental Glory. There are male and female versions of the medal, which differ from each other. The award is accompanied by a cash reward of 100,000 rubles.

How are children counted?

It is important to know until what age of children a large family can maintain its status. It is taken into account that all children must be minors, so the status is lost if even one of the three children reaches the age of 18.

There are exceptions, since if a child, after reaching adulthood, continues to study full-time at any university, then it is allowed to keep the status until he completes his studies or turns 23 years old.

In some regions, it is allowed to leave the status if an adult child serves in the army.

Sequence of actions to obtain status

At the birth of the third baby, status is not automatically assigned. Its receipt is an application procedure. In order to acquire the above-mentioned status, and with it a number of payments and benefits, it is necessary to collect a set of documentation and submit it to the social protection department located in the territory of residence and registration of the applicant. To implement this event, a visit to the authorized body by both parents is not required. To register a family at a social security institution, it is enough for one of the parents to visit it.

You can submit documentation for assignment of MS status to the MFC at your place of residence.

Set of necessary documentation

In order for a society unit to be recognized as having many children, it is necessary to present the following set of documents:

  • a copy of the applicant’s identity document (passport);
  • an application for assigning the status of large families to a family (the form is issued at the social protection department or MFC);
  • photocopies of a certificate proving the birth of all minor family members;
  • a photocopy of a certificate confirming the official marriage of the parents;
  • photocopies of passports of younger family members who have reached the age of 14;
  • 3x4 photograph of the parent applying (for identification);
  • a certificate from the dean’s office proving full-time study of a student who is considered between the ages of 18 and 23 or another age limit specified in the laws of the region;
  • photocopies of documents confirming the guardianship or adoption of children, if they are part of the family;
  • a certificate providing information on the number of people in the family registered at a given address (issued by the Housing Office or Homeowners' Association);
  • a photocopy of the paper certifying the agreement between the parents or the court decision to determine the place of residence of the children after the divorce process.

When submitting an application, along with the specified photocopies of the documentation, you must have the originals for verification by social security workers or the MFC.
After the employee of the territorial social protection institution accepts the documents necessary for assigning the status, he issues the applicant a temporary paper confirming the MS.

Deadlines for consideration of the submitted application

The social protection authority is given a one-month time period to consider and make a decision on an application received from a parent (this is also determined by the legislative acts of the region), for example, in the Penza region only 14 days are allocated for the procedure. After its expiration, the authorized institution is obliged to notify the applicant of the decision in writing. If it turns out to be positive, the parent is issued a certificate.

If the application is rejected, the social security department must justify the reasons for the refusal in writing. If the applicant disagrees with the arguments of the competent authority, he has the right to appeal the decision in court.

Worth knowing! In some municipalities, a certificate is not provided; when applying for privileges and payments, you will have to present photocopies of birth certificates of all minor family members each time.

For how long is the status granted?

The period for which the acquired MS status is valid is also specified in laws issued by local authorities. In some regions, for example, in the Oryol region, it is required to confirm it every year.

The same rule existed until 2010 in the municipalities of Moscow and the region. Then it was replaced by granting status until the eldest child first turned 18 years old, and then the limit was lowered to 16 years of age.

There are territories where large families are assigned for 3 or 5 years, after which it is necessary to re-register.

In the Murmansk municipality, a family is recognized as having many children once and until the eldest child reaches adulthood.

The issued certificate must specify the time period for which the assigned status applies. If there is no mention of this, then it is generally accepted that it loses its effect when the eldest child turns 18 years old.

Which children are counted?

It is important to understand not only up to what age of children a family is considered to have many children, but also which children are taken into account. This includes children:

  • native;
  • officially adopted;
  • for whom the parents have issued guardianship according to the general procedure;
  • reception rooms;
  • husband's stepdaughters.

In the last two cases, there may be exceptions in different regions, so citizens must independently find out information regarding the possibility of adding a particular child to the family.

Circumstances that are grounds for termination of MS status

The status is terminated under the following circumstances:

  • the established period has expired;
  • the child (or several children) began to live separately from the rest of the family (except for the placement of the disabled person in a state rehabilitation center);
  • loss of rights by a father or mother to raise one or more children, or restriction of parents’ rights, as well as cancellation of adoption or guardianship;
  • placement of minor family members in correctional institutions to serve a sentence received by a decision of a judicial authority that has entered into legal force;
  • obtaining by a family member the rights of a capable citizen through the court or by entering into a marriage;
  • divorce of parents, in which the number of children living with each of them will not exceed the minimum threshold established in the legislative acts of the region;
  • change of place of residence with the family leaving the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • death of the baby.

If the termination of the status occurs by decision of the authorized bodies, then they are obliged to notify parents about this within 5 days and provide the rationale for the decision in writing. The father or mother of the family is obliged to inform the local social security department about the occurrence of circumstances that entail the termination of the status of having many children, no later than 30 days from the moment of their occurrence. If, before submitting an application for the status of a large family, you carefully study all the requirements and nuances in your region of residence, then its registration will not be difficult and will not take much time.

  • Tax deductions
  • Accrued benefits at the birth of a child

Which children are left out?

Large family: how many children and what age should there be for this status? There must be at least three children under 18 years of age, but the following children are not included here:

  • to which citizens were deprived of their rights;
  • there are restrictions on rights;
  • guardianship was formalized by persons other than the parents;
  • brought up in orphanages or other government institutions;
  • those who entered into an official marriage or were emancipated before reaching the age of 18;
  • living in educational colonies;
  • in respect of whom the adoption decision has been cancelled;
  • dead.

Additionally, each region may take into account its own requirements regarding the age of children a large family can maintain its status, as well as under what conditions benefits are granted.

Taxes for families with many children

According to the letter of the law of our country, tax breaks are also provided as relief from the state for those families that have the status of large families.

First of all, support of this kind is provided to those representatives of these families who decided to organize, and, in fact, organized:

  • farms of the peasant-farmer category;
  • small businesses;
  • other business organizations.

Unfortunately, this federal initiative, although it should be implemented in every region of the country, in practice is rarely implemented by local authorities. And even in cases where entrepreneurs with many children receive such an opportunity, they will not always be able to use it, since, given the multi-stage reporting requirements submitted to the tax office, it will be much easier to refuse them.

Many families with many children would like to receive the tax exemption due to them, however, due to the complexity of obtaining the exemption, it is not always possible to achieve this

The most popular and desired tax break for many large families is exemption from paying the following taxes:

  • for owning a vehicle;
  • for owning a piece of land.

According to the law of the capital of our country, number 33, issued on July 9, 2008, regulating the taxation of vehicles, only one of the parents can be exempt from paying the tax fee for a car or other vehicle. Provided that this parent owns several cars, he will only be able to get rid of paying taxes on one of them.

To try to get rid of the designated tax burden, parents must contact the tax office of their city, simultaneously submitting an appropriate application and attaching a certificate that confirms the status of a large family.

Specialists from the designated structure will check all documents and subsequently make a positive or negative decision regarding the payment of transport or land tax. This application will subsequently need to be submitted every year, thus confirming that the status of the social unit has remained unchanged. Provided that next year one of the children becomes an adult, or was placed in the care of one of the parents during a divorce, or died, the tax benefit for the family will be cancelled.

For parents with many children, all the same tax benefits are available as for parents of one or two children.

In addition, parents who decide to have more than three, etc. offspring can take advantage of the standard tax deductions for all people with children. So, for example, every parent can receive a deduction for a child, reducing the personal income tax deducted from wages, by contacting their employer directly and collecting all the documents necessary for this.

Requirements for families

What kind of family is considered to have many children? As a standard, the same requirements are imposed on it in different regions:

  • adults and children must be Russian citizens;
  • the family must have official registration in the region where it is planned to receive various benefits and concessions from the state;
  • citizens must raise the optimal number of children provided for by law;
  • children must live together with their parents, and if adults decide to divorce, then the children must stay with someone else and live together with him;
  • Even temporary residence of children in any educational institutions is not allowed, and it is also usually not allowed to maintain status if the child serves in the army.

Under certain conditions, people who have not yet reached the age of 18 are allowed to enter into an official marriage, but in this case they are not considered minors. A large family – how many children? There must be at least three children, all of whom must be minors.

Which family is considered to have many children?

According to a presidential decree issued back in 1992, determining the status of a large family and the corresponding conditions rests with representatives of regional authorities. Thus, in each subject of the country this figure will be individual, and such local features as:

  • the nationality of the people living within its borders;
  • cultural features of the region.

Simply put, for some nationalities a large family will be considered such if there are more or fewer children in one unit of society than for others.

A family that at one time acquired not one or two children, but three or more, is able to receive some state benefits. Such families receive the status of large families

In most regions of our country, the category of parents with many children includes those citizens who had three or more children born or adopted into the family (or both). However, this rule, as we have already said, is not relevant for all regions. So, in Ingushetia, for example, a family will be recognized as having many children only if it has 5 or more offspring.

In most constituent entities of the Russian Federation, a family with three children receives the status of a large family. However, in other regions, to obtain this title it is necessary to give birth to four - five offspring or more

However, these inflated figures in many regions are gradually decreasing, as today the government is increasingly thinking about how difficult it is to support a child. For example, quite recently in the Republic of Mari El only those parents who had four children were classified as having many children. However, for several years now this figure has decreased by one offspring, and parents of three can now obtain this status.

Mother of many children award

How to register a status?

Having understood what a large family is, what requirements are imposed on it, as well as what assistance is provided from the state, you can start applying for the appropriate status. To do this, you need to contact the social security authorities of the region where citizens live.

To obtain this status, you need to prepare the following documentation:

  • parents' passports;
  • marriage certificate, if the parents have officially registered their relationship;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • Saints for the birth of all babies;
  • an extract from the house register, on the basis of which one can understand whether adults live with their offspring;
  • if one of the children is over 18 years old, but is studying full-time at a university, then it is required to obtain a certificate from this institution;
  • if the children are not relatives, then it is necessary to prepare documentation confirming that guardianship has been issued over them or they have been officially adopted.

An application for assignment of the appropriate status is also required. It is signed by either the mother or the father.

Financial assistance to large families

Social assistance, as well as material payments, are provided to young families in accordance with both the Presidential Decree mentioned above and Federal legislation.

The latter has the following laws in this regard:

  • “On state benefits for citizens with children”;
  • “On additional measures of state support for families with children.”

It turns out that in addition to payments and concessions provided specifically for large families, parents can also receive benefits of the standard category, which are intended for any citizen with children. So, we are talking about the following payments:

  • maternity benefits;
  • a one-time payment, which is due to women who decide to register early in pregnancy;
  • one-time payment at the birth of an offspring;
  • maternity capital for parents of two children;
  • monthly allowance allocated for child care;
  • other payments specified by the legislation of the country.

The amount of each payment, as well as the conditions for receiving it, are stipulated by law. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that large families can receive all standard benefits in an increased amount.

Benefits for families with many children are enshrined in law, each type is specified, and all the nuances of obtaining it are specified.

Under what conditions is it impossible to renew a certificate?

Status is granted for one year only, after which the necessary documents must be submitted again annually to confirm that the family meets all requirements. Can a family with three children have many children if one child is already 18 years old? Under such conditions, the status is terminated, so citizens will not be able to count on benefits or payments.

Other reasons for this are:

  • the children were sent to a boarding school or orphanage, as well as to other similar institutions;
  • the adoption is canceled by a court decision;
  • parents were deprived of their rights to their children;
  • the wards were emancipated or legally married;
  • the children were sent to an educational colony, for which there must be a court decision;
  • the end of the year for which the certificate was issued, since to renew the status you must again contact the social security authorities with the necessary documents.

The certificate is issued only for a year, during which you can use various support measures.

Providing housing for large families

According to the Presidential Decree, government officials in our country are obliged to assist large families in acquiring housing. So, they are provided everywhere:

  • loans for the purchase or construction of housing on preferential terms;
  • interest-free loans for construction;
  • subsidies for the purchase of housing or building materials.

All these actions are carried out for the most part in the course of specialized regional programs, the purpose of which is to provide Russian families, especially those recognized as large families, with decent housing.

To receive assistance from the state, parents are required to contact the local administration of the city in which they live with a statement containing a request to assign them the status of those in need of housing or improved living conditions.

To receive benefits due to your family, go to the local administration and submit an application there with the appropriate content

Provided that the requested application is satisfied, the applicant will receive a certificate confirming that he is a participant in the program, the purpose of which is to provide housing for large families.

Please note: large families have priority in the queue, therefore, even if a family with 1-2 children is in line before them, citizens raising a larger number of offspring will be the first to receive an apartment.

Next, the certificate is submitted to the municipal authority. Based on it, he will issue a certificate according to which he can receive social housing, or a subsidy for the purchase or construction of it. The amount of such a subsidy can be equal to as much as 90% of the cost of housing, which would meet the needs of a particular family in accordance with the standards.

Of course, you need to take into account that such a cost will be calculated at the lowest prices on the market, and therefore, if a family has received a certificate somewhere in Moscow, you need to prepare for life in the most remote areas.

If a family receives housing that is municipal property, then the right to live in it is given by the corresponding social tenancy agreement. However, the desired property can be privatized in the future.

Most often, when participating in a housing program, a large family is faced with a choice:

  • whether she will receive social housing;
  • or he will exercise the right to allocate a plot of land on which he can subsequently build a personal home.

When receiving housing that is owned by the municipality, the family draws up a social rental agreement

Features of using the ID

It is presented in the form of a special paper containing information about a large family.

The social service worker must explain important points to applicants:

  • which families are considered large and why;
  • what benefits and allowances are provided;
  • what is the meaning of the certificate;
  • how to properly register your status.

If they have this certificate, citizens can apply for various types of support, including benefits for housing and communal services, free meals for children in educational institutions, or other relief measures.

Pension for large families

The federal legislation of our country also provides additional benefits for citizens with many children, which relate to the calculation of pension benefits. Thus, the insurance period of either mother or father can include all periods spent caring for each of the offspring from their birthday to one and a half years. For all children, no more than 4.5 years can be accumulated.

In addition, women who are over 50 years old, have given birth to more than five children in their lifetime, and have raised them with dignity, can count on early receipt of a labor pension. However, even in this case they are required to have at least 15 years of insurance experience.

It is not so easy to receive a payment from the state for a large family, even one that seems to have every reason to do so

What benefits are offered?

What does a large family need? What benefits and payments are prescribed by the state? People with this status should independently find out about the assistance that can be provided to them by regional authorities.

In most regions the following relaxations are offered:

  1. Discount on payment for housing and communal services equal to 30%. If a large family lives in a house that does not have central heating, then expenses for the purchase of fuel for heating will be compensated in the amount of 30%, but the costs of materials must be within the limits established in a particular region.
  2. The opportunity to receive various medications for free, but they must be prescribed only by attending physicians for children under 6 years of age. They are issued free of charge only with a prescription.
  3. Parents and children can travel on intracity transport free of charge.
  4. If you need to purchase tickets for railway transport, plane or various types of water transport to visit sanatoriums, then a 50% discount is provided when paying for travel. This assistance is provided only once a year.
  5. Children are placed in kindergartens first, therefore, upon reaching the appropriate age, they can be sent to this preschool institution, regardless of the existing priority.
  6. Schoolchildren are offered free meals at school, and funds for these purposes are transferred from the local budget.
  7. Children are provided with a free school uniform or clothing that replaces it, but is used during school hours. Additionally, even sports uniforms may be offered. Clothing should be intended for the entire period of children's schooling.
  8. Children from large families are primarily sent to medical sanatoriums, health camps or other similar institutions until they reach adulthood. In this case, there must be appropriate medical indicators. It does not matter what departmental affiliation the selected institutions have.
  9. Children can receive free medical care in both medical and preventive institutions owned by the state or municipality. They are given prosthetics and other orthopedic products free of charge if they need these items.
  10. Every month, children can visit various museums, exhibitions or other cultural institutions or events for free.
  11. Such a family can count on receiving a preferential loan or a loan without accruing interest, but the funds must be used for the purchase or construction of housing. They can be spent on purchasing building materials, but this fact must be documented.
  12. If a large family lives in difficult conditions, for example, standards for square footage per person are not met, or people are forced to live in emergency housing, then they are promptly provided with living quarters owned by municipal authorities.
  13. The family is offered a garden plot or vegetable garden, the size of which cannot be less than 0.15 hectares.
  14. Parents are offered employment opportunities based on their specialty and experience. They can count on a flexible schedule, represented by part-time or weekly work. Some citizens, if they have certain skills, can work from home.
  15. Parents can receive free skills training in a specialty in demand in their region of residence.

Benefits offered may vary by region.

Child benefit by September 1

Support for families with children in 2021 will be provided from the regional budget. Conditions for receiving benefits may vary depending on the region. Payment is provided for the purchase of school uniforms and stationery.

President Vladimir Putin announced a state payment of 10,000 rubles for each schoolchild in August of this year.

There is also an additional allowance for school uniforms for families with many children in the amount of 3,000 rubles .

At the same time, we should not forget about other assistance to families with children. Thus, from April 2021, a new benefit for low-income families for children from 3 to 7 years old is in effect.

Who is denied a certificate?

There are a number of reasons why the right to receive a certificate is lost.

  • Deprivation of rights. If parents are deprived of parental rights, then the status of having many children is not granted. If only one of the spouses is deprived of rights, then the second can count on benefits.
  • Emancipation of the child. If one of the heirs is recognized as legally capable ahead of schedule (for example, gets a job early or starts his own family), then from that moment his parents cannot count on the status of having many children.
  • Deprivation of liberty. If a parent is serving time in a colony, then he is not entitled to status or benefits. It turns out that the concept of “large family” applies only to parents who actually take part in raising their offspring. After the end of the sentence, the right to receive status returns.
  • Finding a child in a boarding school. If at least one of the three children is being raised in a boarding school (for example, for the disabled), then the parents cannot obtain status.

Often a mother or father is rejected due to a low standard of living. This applies to alcoholic families who are registered with the guardianship authorities. This measure is temporary until the guardianship authorities cease to control the life of the family and are confident in favorable living conditions.

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