The procedure for filing a complaint against a taxi, a list of grounds and the legislative framework for submitting a complaint

Home / Complaints, courts, consumer rights / Services and consumer protection


Published: 10/08/2018

Reading time: 8 min



Taxi driver services are very popular among citizens today. At the same time, passenger transportation is often accompanied by cases of infringement of the rights of passengers. Therefore, Russian legislation provides for the possibility of filing a complaint about taxi operations.

  • Grounds for filing a complaint against a taxi
  • Where to file a complaint about a taxi
  • How to complain about a taxi: instructions
  • Procedure for preparing a complaint against a taxi
  • Methods for submitting a complaint

Rules of law to protect rights

The activities of taxi drivers of various types of transport are regulated by the law on the protection of consumer rights and the approved Rules for the transportation of passengers and luggage by road and urban ground electric transport .
These regulatory documents allow passengers to assert their rights and respond to violations in a timely manner.

Legislative acts provide grounds for filing a complaint against a taxi driver. The document specifies a list of authorities where the consumer can turn for help and what responsibility the carrier bears for failure to comply with certain standards.

Who owns the company, how to find out?

Information about the organization carrying out transportation is indicated in a special license issued to the company.
A permit is issued for each vehicle registered with the company. Article 9 of Federal Law No. 69, adopted on April 21, 2011, in paragraph nine, establishes that such a document must be in the cabin of the car when it enters the line. At the passenger's request, permission is provided at any time along the route, as well as immediately before the start of the trip and after its completion.

The company’s details are located on the official website, if available, as well as on the portals of the city hall or departments of the Ministry of Transport. You need to remember the license plate number of the car that was carrying the passenger and enter it into a special form. The system will determine whether the taxi belongs to a specific organization and display the information available about it.

Grounds for complaint

In the realities of modern life, the abundance of taxi services allows passengers to choose quality service and demand correct behavior from taxi drivers. Nevertheless, there are a number of reasons why a complaint is filed against a taxi driver.

Often they complain not so much about the driver as about the dispatchers. They say the order was not accepted correctly, the services were calculated incorrectly. There are many reasons, as well as authorities, so you should understand some of the features carefully.

How to contact Yandex taxi support and complain

When turning to a taxi service, people expect high-quality service, but do not always receive it. This is not surprising, because among all taxi drivers, only 20% are officially registered or work for companies involved in passenger transportation. The remaining 80% earn extra money unofficially and ignore the rights of clients.

The most common case is that a taxi driver deliberately chooses a long route. If billing is done by the minute or by mileage, such actions may increase the cost of payment.

The only thing the taxi driver was wrong about was that he was swearing. The operator always tells you where the route is from and where, the price, and the driver always knows this. At first he is no, then yes.. I ask no or yes.

If extremely serious disagreements arise with the Yandex taxi service, an appeal to the courts is a last resort. The period during which the application will be processed is 10 days maximum.

Driver behavior and service calculation

The first thing that causes indignation in a passenger when he uses a taxi is the rudeness of the driver.
Unfortunately, this situation is not at all uncommon. Rudeness and disrespect for passengers have become the hallmark of our transport services. It is difficult to objectively describe the behavior of a taxi driver, so to be more convincing, you need to take notes on your phone.
Such evidence will be significant when filing a complaint. If there is physical evidence, the taxi driver will no longer be able to deny his guilt.

It is also important to distinguish threats from insults that come from the driver. In each individual case, these are different concepts and, accordingly, the authorities where to complain about taxi drivers are also different. If threats have been made against a passenger, then this is the responsibility of the police.

In case of insults, the client has the right to file a complaint with any authority that supervises the activities of taxi services.

Another reason that is the basis for filing an application is fraud in the provision of services. In order for the client to pay a large amount for transportation, the taxi service or the driver directly choose a long route.

Often the driver turns on the meter before the passenger gets into the car. In this case, the travel time and distance increases, and accordingly, more funds are debited from the passenger’s bank card.

In addition, customer dissatisfaction can be caused by the non-arrival of a car when called. Especially, these situations arise when calling a taxi using a mobile application.

How can I return my TV to the store?

It is important to know how and where to complain about doctors.

And here is a sample of a collective complaint against a manager.

Online services

The complaint procedure for mobile applications for finding a taxi/private driver has a special form. You can consider the circulation process using the example of two popular carriers.


The peculiarity of this company is that it does not have a license, and therefore does not comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The only way to complain to Uber is directly through the app. However, it is an effective and convenient method of filing a claim.

Algorithm of actions:

  • open the required order;
  • click “Help”;
  • select the item “Unprofessionalism of the driver”;
  • describe the situation.

In the complaint, it is important to indicate the requirement, namely, the return of funds and punishment for the driver.

The response to the complaint comes by email. If employees need more information to make a decision, you can respond to their letter in more detail.


There are two ways to contact this company about an unsuccessful trip:

  • using the review form in the application (opens upon completion of the order);
  • via the feedback form at the link:

The result of such treatment may be a reduction in the driver's rating, up to the need for re-certification.

Traffic violations and vehicle condition

The third reason that provokes complaints is the improper condition of the car.
The taxi service ensures that the vehicle is checked before leaving for the flight.

However, passengers often receive a car in poor condition: either a dirty interior or a technical fault.

And finally, the last reason on the list for filing a claim is a traffic violation. Taxi drivers often reduce the travel distance by committing illegal actions.

Most often you can observe:

  • exceeding the speed limit;
  • talking while the car is moving;
  • intersection of a solid line on markings;
  • driving while intoxicated;
  • driving through a red traffic light.

Institutions for complaint: general provisions

Having become a victim of the above circumstances, the passenger immediately has a question about where to turn for help and how to write a complaint against a taxi.

If a taxi driver commits violations, the passenger should record this fact and call the police.

When reporting a violation to the duty station, the client should indicate:

  • the name of the service that provided taxi services;
  • vehicle registration number;
  • data on the location of the car at the time of the taxi driver’s unlawful act;
  • the nature of the traffic violation.

If a passenger is rude during a trip, he can complain to the service management. However, often a company protects its employees, so such treatment will not lead to the desired result. If such situations arise, the client contacts the body that supervises the provision of services to passengers.

If a client observes fraud in the provision of services, he has the right to contact the police or prosecutor's office. Considering that a car malfunction may threaten the safety of a passenger, the client turns to law enforcement agencies to protect his rights. In addition, a dissatisfied passenger may raise the question of the legality of issuing a license to a transport company before the supervisory authorities.

Each of these bodies must carry out an inspection of these facts and make an appropriate decision.

We act in stages

Before complaining to higher authorities, you can try to resolve the problem with the company management.
To begin, the passenger should contact the customer service department. In case of refusal to comply with the client’s legal requirements, the passenger submits a written statement to the director of the service.

If the appeal is not considered or refused, then the applicant must file a complaint with Rospotrebnadzor. This supervisory body has the authority to redirect citizens' requests to the authorities that issued a license to the taxi service. As a rule, this is the regional Department of Transport and Road Facilities.

If the passenger is refused and the problem is not resolved, justice should be sought from law enforcement agencies. In this case, the response of the Transport Administration or Rospotrebnadzor can be attached to the main complaint to the prosecutor's office.

In addition to contacting the authorities, a dissatisfied user can leave a review about the company’s work on the taxi service’s website. This is often practiced on the Yandex taxi Internet resource, where there is feedback from the consumer. The result of this action is a downgrade of the company's rating and a decrease in customer confidence.

Illegal taxi

I have one friend, Vladimir from Moscow. After working for 5 years, he has been driving on his own, without a license or permit. He says he really likes driving late at night. Few cars, many interesting people to talk to, good extra income.

He consulted with me several times about punishment for such activities. And so, a week ago, he received his first fine for several thousand rubles. Let's figure out what you can be punished for.

Example 1: Alexey works as a taxi driver in his own car. At the very beginning, he made himself a license, but today he left it at home and didn’t notice it. When he was stopped by the traffic police, a report was drawn up against Alexey and he was given a fine of 5,000 rubles due to the fact that he did not have a license with him.

Application form: nuances of proper design

Like any appeal, when drawing up a complaint, it must meet certain rules.
The header of the appeal contains the name of the body to which the application is addressed. This part also includes a description of the applicant’s data indicating the address of residence and contact numbers.

In the center of the page the type of complaint is indicated, in this case it will be the word “Complaint”. Next, the applicant should state the essence of the application, the details of the event that occurred.

It is important to indicate the time of the call, car number, driver information (if this information is available). In addition, the applicant indicates the violated norms of legislative acts.

The final part of the complaint must contain demands. This may include monetary compensation or the use of administrative measures. If there are additional documents, the applicant makes a reference to this in the text of the complaint. The document is marked with a date and a signature with a transcript.

A copy of the application along with the documents is sent to the supervisory authority. The office employee marks the acceptance of the document and indicates the incoming number.

Read how to properly file a complaint.

Follow the link for instructions on how to check an online store for fraud.

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