How to write cassation to the Supreme Court according to the new rules

Cassation to the Supreme Court is the last resort for appealing controversial and unsatisfactory previously adopted court decisions. Therefore, you must take the most responsible approach to writing a cassation appeal, taking into account all the legal and procedural aspects of this document. In the article, our lawyers will describe in detail what requirements the Supreme Court imposes on the complaint, the new rules for its preparation, what mandatory sections it consists of, the features and differences of the second cassation from the first, and will also give examples from their own practice of appealing to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Requirements of the Supreme Court for the content of cassation

Requirements for the form and content of a cassation appeal to the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation are imperatively established by the norms of procedural legislation, respectively, the Arbitration Procedure Code and the Code of Civil Procedure. According to the new rules, the codes establish a mandatory minimum of what, regardless of your arguments, must be indicated in the text of the cassation, namely:

  • that the complaint is being filed with the Supreme Court (address, full name);
  • your data and contact information (full name, passport, address, telephone);
  • data of other participants in the process;
  • information about the acts being appealed, that is, by which courts the case was considered, indicating its number and what conclusions they made based on the results of the trial;
  • a description of specific violations and justification for your position;
  • the result you want to achieve based on the results of the cassation appeal;
  • attachments (copies of documents, court decisions, appeals, cassations).

We note that these requirements are common for writing both types of cassation appeals to the Supreme Court (civil civil procedural procedure and arbitration agrarian and industrial complex litigation). But for appealing arbitration rulings, some features are taken into account. The difference in the text of the cassation appeal under the APC lies in the very essence of the arbitration process, which is professional in nature, that is, it summarizes the knowledge of the rules of substantive law by all participants. In cassation according to the rules of the Arbitration, references to articles of laws are required. Accordingly, the narration style should be more scientific and concise, emotional assessment of any facts is not allowed, the argumentation should be built consistently. The above requirements are not provided for requests to appeal judicial acts according to the rules of civil procedure, but in any case it remains possible to carry out articles of laws and judicial practice on relevant topics at your discretion.

Please pay attention! Procedural legislation does not establish minimum and maximum volumes of a document. The main task when drawing up a complaint is to highlight all the aspects outlined above while compiling it, while preserving both its essence and the position of the applicant.

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Official website of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation

The Plenum of the Supreme Court continues to clarify procedural codes. This time the focus is on cassation in administrative cases according to the rules of the Code of Administrative Proceedings. How to correctly calculate the time limits for challenging and when can they be restored? What documents must be attached to the cassation appeal? Is it possible to supplement it with new arguments? The answers to these and other questions are in our review material.

The meeting of the Plenum of the Supreme Court, as usual, took place in the format of a video conference. We will update the material with a recording of the meeting as soon as it becomes available. The draft resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court consists of 31 points. Following the discussion of the document, Vyacheslav Lebedev decided to send clarifications for revision. At the end of the material there is a link to the current text of the document, and we briefly talk about its most interesting provisions.

1. Cassation without appeal

According to the explanations of the Plenum of the Supreme Court, a cassation appeal in an administrative dispute can be filed not only by a participant in the case in lower instances, but by any person whose rights and interests are affected by the decision in the case.

They have the right to complain to the court of cassation even if the judicial act has not been appealed but has already entered into legal force.

2. Complain to the address

A cassation appeal or presentation must be filed through the court of first instance. If you go straight to the cassation office, the document will be returned to the applicant. But there are exceptions to this rule - if the case is already in the cassation court on another complaint, then the complaint can be filed directly there.

Complaints must be submitted along with copies of them so that the court has the opportunity to send them to all parties to the dispute. If the complaint and documents attached to it are filed electronically, the court, “if technically possible,” must post them on its website.

3. Deadlines for appeal

The Plenum emphasizes that the six-month period for appeal provided for in the CAS is uniform. That is, the parties have six months to complain to both the Court of Cassation and, if necessary, the Supreme Court.

The period begins to run on the day after the adoption of the last appeal ruling and expires on the corresponding date of the last month of this period.

The time limit excludes the time it took the appellate court to draw up a “motivation” in the case. Also, the period will be suspended while the case is being considered in the “first” cassation.

Participants in the process have the opportunity to file a complaint until 24 hours on the last day of the deadline. In this case, the date of filing the appeal is determined by the stamp on the envelope or other document that confirms the receipt of the complaint.

4. Reinstate the term for good reasons

The draft resolution contains an approximate list of reasons that may be considered valid for missing a deadline. Among the obvious ones (serious illness, helpless state), the Supreme Court also identifies any “circumstances beyond the control of a person due to which he was deprived of the opportunity to timely file a cassation appeal in court.” For example, the introduction of a high alert regime or emergency situation throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation or in part of it.

The missed deadline can be restored only within 12 months from the date of entry into force of the appealed decision.

5. The duty is not for everyone

If the lower courts exempted the participant from paying the state fee, then there is also no need to pay for filing a cassation appeal.

The cassation appeal must be accompanied by a document confirming the fact of payment of the fee, the applicant’s right to a fee reduction - or a request for a deferment, installment plan or exemption from its payment. Otherwise, the judge will notify the applicant of the need to provide one of these documents.

6. Call from the judge

The judge of the court of cassation may notify the participant in the proceeding about the shortcomings of his complaint. For example, when the documents necessary for the consideration of the case are not attached to it. The participant in the process will be given no more than 20 days to eliminate the shortcomings.

The court may give the applicant a notice to correct the deficiencies “in a manner that ensures its prompt delivery” - by email, telephone or telegram.

If the applicant is afraid that the sent document will not reach the court on time, then he can notify the court about sending the documents - for example, by calling. Otherwise, there is a risk that the judge will return the cassation appeal without waiting for the documents.

7. To the Supreme Court without copies

A complaint to the Supreme Court can be filed either through the court of first instance or directly to the Supreme Court panel.

In the second case, the applicant needs to attach to the complaint copies of the decisions made in the case, a power of attorney and documents on the formation of the representative. If the complaint is filed through the first instance, you do not need to attach these documents. After all, they are already in the case materials, which will be sent to the Supreme Court along with the complaint.

8. Between authorities

The Court of Appeal sent the case for a new trial at the first instance, and the participant in the process appealed the appeal ruling in cassation. What to do in this case? The Plenum orders the first instance to suspend the review of the case and “immediately” send it to the court of cassation.

Also considered is the case when a party is restored to the period for appeal, but the case is already in cassation. Then the cassation court will return the complaint that was not accepted for proceedings, and will leave the accepted one without consideration on the merits.

9. Permanent add-ons

The applicant has the opportunity to supplement his cassation appeal with new arguments. At the same time, for additional requirements, you can even skip the six-month period for appeal: in this case, the additions will still be considered on the same basis as the main complaint. This can be useful if lawyers do not have time to draw up a detailed complaint on time.

If the additions are significant, the court may postpone the consideration of the complaint to another day.

10. From administrative to civil

If, during preparation for the hearing, the cassation judges find out that the dispute between the parties needs to be considered in civil proceedings, then they must make a decision to proceed to consideration according to the rules of the Civil Procedure Code. Such a transition, the Plenum of the Supreme Court emphasizes, may become the basis for replacing a judge or even all judges in the case. For example, if the judges already appointed to the case do not specialize in civil litigation.

What sections does cassation to the Supreme Court consist of?

Both types of complaints to the Supreme Court (under the Civil Procedure Code and the Arbitration Procedure Code) consist of the following semantic sections:

  • The introductory part of the cassation - contains information of a reference nature about the persons participating in the case, the addressee, information about the judicial acts appealed to the cassation.
  • Descriptive - it contains information about the stages of the legal process you have completed; results of the first, appeal and cassation instances; by whom and when complaints were filed against decisions, rulings and resolutions of lower authorities, what were the results of the consideration.
  • Motivational is the main part. Significant violations committed by lower authorities, your position and argumentation are indicated.
  • Petition - it states what the applicant wants to achieve based on the results of consideration of the cassation appeal in the judicial panel for civil cases or economic disputes of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

What is needed to appeal a cassation ruling?

The Supreme Court has regulated a list of what needs to be prepared for filing an appeal. First, you must write a correct cassation appeal that meets the requirements of the Codes of Civil Procedure and Arbitration Procedure and the rules of legal proceedings. Next, decide on the options for appealing to the judicial panel of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation: in person, by mail, the Supreme Court website, the State Services portal or the My Arbitr system.

Having chosen the method of appealing the cassation ruling, you need to attach originals and copies of the following documents along with the cassation ruling:

  • In case of personal filing or by mail, prepare copies of the complaint to the Supreme Court according to the number of participants in the legal dispute. Stamped copies of appealed decisions, resolutions, rulings (also by number of participants). State duty - receipt. If necessary, a power of attorney for your representative.
  • Using electronic services, you must select from the proposed list which judicial acts will be appealed to the Supreme Court, provide a cassation appeal, scans of documents upon the sites’ request, and send correctly completed forms.

Unlike the previous processes, at this stage it is not necessary to attach confirmation of sending copies of complaints to those persons who are participating in this proceeding.

After receiving, your complaint against the cassation decision undergoes an initial check, which is carried out by a filter judge. The cassation and attached documents are checked for errors, compliance with legislative norms, and the grounds for its consideration are assessed. In case of a positive decision, an appeal procedure begins in the Supreme Court. If the filter judge finds errors or does not consider the claims in the filed complaint to be valid, you will receive a notice of refusal to consider the case.

What to write in the water part of the cassation appeal

The introductory section of the cassation is the head of the document and one of the most strictly regulated parts. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the list of information that it should contain. It makes no sense to indicate any unnecessary data in the introductory part, since if desired, you can include them in the main text.

First, the appropriate panel of the Supreme Court that will hear the case is indicated. According to the APC - for economic disputes, according to the Civil Procedure Code - for civil cases. The postal address of the RF Armed Forces is also provided. Secondly, information about the applicant is provided. Your full name (if the applicant is a legal entity, write the name, organizational and legal form, INN, OGRN) and status as a participant in the process; address for correspondence, and if a representative submits a package of documents instead of you - all the same data of the representative.

Thirdly, fill out in the same format information about other persons participating in the case and interested parties.

Fourthly, the case number in the first instance. The need to indicate the case number in all instances is not fixed.

How to write a cassation appeal correctly?

In order to win in court, achieve a review of the case or have the court decision overturned, you need to correctly draw up a cassation appeal, taking into account the specifics of the proceedings, the powers of the cassation court, the goals of the applicant and the available data on the case.

Despite the fact that the complaint is drawn up in any form, you should adhere to a number of rules for drawing up this document.

The complaint must indicate:

  • details of the court of cassation;
  • the name of the court that made the appealed decision;
  • information about the applicant and data about the parties to the dispute;
  • case number, place and date of the final consideration of the case;
  • the subject and circumstances of the trial, as well as a summary of the decisions being appealed. In addition, the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, for example, (Article 378), requires that the applicant specifically indicate the essence of the violations of substantive and procedural norms committed by lower courts and provide arguments confirming these facts;
  • the applicant’s requirements with references to the relevant provisions of the law;
  • list of attached documents.
  • if the person did not take part in the trial, then he must indicate exactly which of his rights or legitimate interests were violated by the appealed court decision.

The following materials are attached to the complaint:

  • a certified copy of the appealed court decision;
  • a receipt for payment of the state duty, or documents indicating the right to benefits when paying it, or an application for installment plans, and so on;
  • documents that confirm the fact that a copy of the complaint was sent to other participants in the process, as well as papers or other materials they do not have;
  • a document confirming the right to file a cassation - if the complaint is filed through an authorized person.

Important: the content of a cassation appeal is fundamentally different from the content of the initial statement of claim and appeal. Therefore, there is no need to duplicate information and rely on the sample claim. The cassation appeal is written “from scratch”, taking into account the fact that this authority takes into account exclusively “errors of law”.

Therefore, it is not worth talking about newly discovered facts and circumstances, as well as bringing (and asking to take into account) new evidence in the case.

Descriptive and motivational sections of the cassation

The descriptive section of the cassation appeal to the Supreme Court, like the first, is for reference only. It contains information about all the authorities passed, which is disclosed as follows: judicial act (date of adoption and court); the result of the review; whether it was appealed (by whom, when); what was decided based on the results of consideration of the submitted appeal.

Also, if you wish, you can indicate who filed the claim and when, describe its subject and basis, what position was put forward by the defendant, whose side the judges took.

The motivation section is the section of the cassation that needs to be given maximum attention, since it depends on it whether the documents will be submitted for consideration by the relevant judicial panel at the Supreme Court hearing. The reasoning part sets out in detail both the position of the person filing the appeal and the specific errors of the lower courts. As mentioned above, in an appeal in an arbitration case, the arguments of the applicant’s violations and arguments must be supported by articles of the law. When appealing a decision of a court of general jurisdiction, it also makes sense to refer to the rules of substantive law, but this is not a necessary condition.

Pay attention to how easy the text is to understand, if possible, divide it into paragraphs according to meaning and emphasize the main points. The main thing is not to indicate a large number of violations in the cassation of the Supreme Court, but to prove their significance.

Preparing an appeal against the decision of the cassation court

The cassation appeal filed with the Supreme Court is considered the second. The information contained in this document should not copy the text of the first complaint, otherwise you will receive a refusal to consider the case and miss the chance to appeal the cassation ruling.

Arbitration or civil procedural codes do not impose strict requirements for the content of a cassation appeal to the Supreme Court. However, when writing a complaint, our lawyers recommend following this plan:

  • Document header. Here we write which board of the Supreme Court you are applying to (civil, economic disputes) and its address. Your name and name and who you are in the court case - plaintiff, defendant. Details of the remaining participants, indicating the plaintiff or defendant.
  • Name of the document - Cassation appeal against decisions, appeal decisions, cassation rulings, indicating the numbers of acts and the date of their announcement (i.e. acts that will be appealed to the Supreme Court).
  • The beginning is a descriptive section in which you notify which stages have been completed, what judicial acts have been adopted on them with numbers and dates, and cite the decisions made.
  • The main section is motivational, in which it is necessary to legally correctly describe the errors of the courts and, more importantly, prove their existence, referring to the articles of the laws of the Arbitration Procedure Code and the Code of Civil Procedure. There is no need for a long list of all violations, only the most significant ones. The description of the violations must be stated in such a way that the filter judge finds them convincing and sends your case for further proceedings.
  • The last section is your requirements in cassation. For example, cancellation of all decisions, partial cancellation, new consideration of the case, changes in judicial acts. In the latter option, the Supreme Court panel itself adopts a new cassation ruling, without returning to the lower courts.
  • At the end are the documents attached to the complaint.

We note that in your complaint do not ask for a re-evaluation of evidence and a review of the circumstances of the case. This is not part of the general powers of judges of the Supreme Court, which means this request in cassation will not be taken into account.

According to our practice, the result of appealing the decision of the cassation court 100% depends on the preparation of the motivational section. Our lawyers recommend that you indicate the page numbers of archival documents in which you found errors. You should not attach copies of these pages, as it is more likely that the judge will request the case from the archive and study its essence in more detail, which can have a positive impact on the decision.

What to ask for in the final section of a complaint to the Supreme Court

The final section, the petition, contains the actual appeal to the Supreme Court, that is, what you want to achieve from filing a complaint. Goals could be:

  • Cancellation of all issued acts and a new consideration (in the event that none of them is rendered in your favor);
  • Partial cancellation of acts, despite the fact that some of them remain in force (if some of them were adopted taking into account your requirements);
  • Changing acts, which entails the adoption of a new resolution by the Supreme Court itself (if an error in the interpretation or application of substantive law is justified);

A request in cassation may depend both on the nature of the violations at the stage of first instance, appeal and cassation, as well as on the completeness of the examination of evidence and other individual reasons.

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Preparation of cassation appeals in the Supreme Court. Appeal to the Supreme Court. Lawyer for complaints to the Supreme Court.

A case from my own practice

As part of the case, I filed a petition to conduct a handwriting examination of the authenticity of my principal’s signature on a document provided by the plaintiff.
The court of 1st instance refused to order an examination, and in its decision indicated that there was other evidence in the case confirming the plaintiff’s position, and that the defendant’s signature was similar to his signature in the passport and in the power of attorney for the representative. The appeal upheld the decision. The extrajudicial expert research we did, which confirmed we were right (unfortunately, we did it after the court’s decision), was not included in the case in the appeal, and the corresponding petition was rejected. In the cassation appeal, I referred to the importance of evidence in the form of a document with a disputed signature for resolving the case (the plaintiff’s entire position was basically based on this document), as well as the fact that in order to give an opinion on the authenticity of the signature, special scientific and technical knowledge is required , which the court itself does not have, so only an expert or specialist can give such an opinion. He also referred to the existing expert opinion.

I assessed this point as a violation by the courts of Part 1 of Article 79 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation (on the appointment of an examination when resolving issues requiring special knowledge in various fields of science), which led to a violation of Article 60 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation (since without an examination, a controversial document is considered admissible evidence only based on from the position of the plaintiff and the opinion of the judge, it is impossible) and part 1 of article 12 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation (on violation of the equality of parties in civil proceedings). I summarized all this in the reason for the cancellation - as a significant violation of the rules of procedural law due to their incorrect application.

The cassation instance, not having the right to examine new evidence, but agreeing that an examination was needed, canceled the previous judicial acts and sent the case for a new trial to the district court, citing Articles 12 and 79 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation. The cassation, in my case, did not use the right to accept new evidence due to a violation of Article 60 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation.

Thus, all interpretation is in your hands.

Why the Supreme Court may refuse to accept an appeal

As in any court, in the Supreme Court, the complaint will undergo an initial check for the presence of the minimum necessary information mentioned above. If any information is missing, you will be given a period to eliminate the violations, after which the complaint will be forwarded for further investigation.

In our experience, a feature of the consideration of cassation in the Supreme Court is that the court hearing considers only such appeals that have been verified by a special judge - a filter. It preliminarily determines whether the violations committed by the courts are sufficient for the Supreme Court to issue a ruling on them. If he finds the arguments presented insufficient, you will be refused to accept documents for consideration by the judicial panel.

Procedure for filing a cassation appeal, content of the complaint, return of the complaint

As previously noted, a cassation appeal or presentation is submitted directly to the cassation court, which must necessarily contain:

  1. the name of the court to which they are filed;
  2. the name of the person filing the complaint, presentation, his place of residence or location and the procedural position in the case;
  3. names of other persons participating in the case, their place of residence or location;
  4. an indication of the courts that considered the case at the first, appellate or cassation instance, and the content of the decisions they made;
  5. an indication of the court decisions that are being appealed;
  6. an indication of the nature of the significant violations of substantive law or procedural law committed by the courts that influenced the outcome of the case, with the presentation of arguments indicating such violations;
  7. request of the person filing the complaint, presentation.

Among other things, it should be noted that the cassation appeal of a person who did not take part in the case must indicate what rights or legitimate interests of this person were violated by a court decision that entered into legal force.

If a cassation appeal or presentation was previously filed with a cassation court, it must indicate the decision taken on the complaint or presentation.

The cassation appeal must be signed by the person filing the complaint or his representative. The submission must be signed by a prosecutor who has the appropriate authority.

The cassation appeal must be accompanied by:

  • a power of attorney or other document certifying the authority of the representative, if the complaint is filed by the representative;
  • copies of court decisions adopted in the case certified by the relevant court;
  • copies of the cassation appeal according to the number of persons participating in the case;
  • a document confirming the payment of the state duty in the cases, procedure and amount established by law, or the right to receive benefits in the payment of the state duty, or a court ruling granting a deferment, payment by installments, or a reduction in the amount of the state duty.

An important feature of the cassation court is that failure to comply with the requirements for the content and format of a cassation appeal or presentation is grounds for their return.

The grounds for returning a cassation appeal or presentation are also cases when:

  • a cassation appeal or presentation was filed by a person who does not have the right to appeal to a cassation court;
  • the deadline for appealing a court decision in cassation has been missed and a court ruling on the restoration of this period that has entered into legal force has not been attached to the cassation appeal or presentation;
  • a request was received for the return or withdrawal of the cassation appeal or presentation;
  • The cassation appeal or presentation was filed in violation of the rules of jurisdiction established by Art. 377 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation.

The cassation appeal or presentation is returned within 10 days from the date of its receipt by the cassation court. The return of a cassation appeal or presentation entails the possibility of re-applying with a complaint or presentation after the circumstances that served as the basis for the return have been eliminated. However, this is possible within the six-month period for cassation appeal provided by law.

How and when to submit a written complaint to the Supreme Court

First, you need to correctly calculate the period within which you can file a cassation appeal. According to the Civil Procedure Code, it is 3 months from the date of the decision of the cassation court, according to the Arbitration Procedure Code - 2 months. If you meet the deadline, you can choose any of the methods of appeal to the RF Armed Forces :

  • Personally to the office;
  • By post - by letter;
  • By filling out a special form on the “My Arbitrator” website (for arbitration cases).

Important! All documents are scanned and attached as the corresponding fields are filled out.

The concept and essence of cassation proceedings

Significant transformations that affected the essence of the cassation instance are associated with the Federal Law of December 9, 2010 No. 353-FZ “On Amendments to the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation.”

The main features of the cassation review stage before January 1, 2012 were:

  1. the object of cassation appeal was considered to be decisions and rulings of the court of first instance that did not enter into legal force (with the exception of decisions and rulings of justices of the peace);
  2. the case in cassation proceedings was always considered by a higher court in relation to the court that considered the case at first instance by the court;
  3. cassation proceedings were aimed at checking the legality and validity of judicial decisions of lower courts.

Currently, the essence of cassation proceedings is that, being a stage of the civil process, it is the activity of the cassation court to verify the legality of judicial decisions of the courts of first instance, appellate and cassation instances, as well as court orders.

The main features of the modern Russian system of cassation proceedings are as follows:

  1. a cassation appeal is filed by interested persons against a decision of the court of the first, appellate and cassation instances that has entered into legal force;
  2. the activities of the cassation court are the activities of the third instance court;
  3. according to Art. 387 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, the cassation court checks only the legality of court decisions;
  4. Before applying to the cassation court, it is necessary to comply with the rule on using the appellate method of verifying court decisions

Mistakes that are made when writing a cassation

At the stage of writing and submitting documents to the second cassation, the applicant may encounter difficulties and questions that are caused by a lack of legal knowledge and experience in appealing to the Supreme Court. Errors that prevent the consideration of an appeal in court often result from ignorance of the peculiarities of proceedings in the Supreme Court, its powers and the limits within which the court has the right to examine the complaint.

The most common reason why you may be denied consideration of a cassation appeal is a description of a problematic situation without indicating those violations for which the Supreme Court is, in principle, authorized to study cases, that is, it simply describes the situation. You also cannot ask the court to do something that it does not have the right to do (going beyond the scope of consideration), for example, including those arguments that were not the subject of consideration earlier. It is highly likely that you will receive a letter of refusal if you argue your position without legal justification, based on personal judgments about fairness.

Assistance in appealing to the Supreme Court

There can be many mistakes; they can be made in any section of the cassation. To avoid this, professional help is needed. The lawyers of the Kakhiev and Partners bureau know the features of this process, have experience in cassation appeals and can help you competently present your position, taking into account the subtleties that exist in the process of appealing the second cassation. The assistance of lawyers who are competent in protecting the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and legal entities in the Supreme Court will not only help you save time, but will also provide an opportunity for a productive presentation of your position in the Supreme Court, which will allow you to further protect your rights.

Chances of appealing the decision of the cassation court

Review of the case in the Supreme Court is your last chance to appeal the cassation decision, achieve the annulment of judicial decisions and restore violated rights on substantive and procedural grounds. More often, refusals occur precisely because of incorrect filing of the cassation appeal, insufficient arguments and the formation of significant evidence.

The chance of appeal directly depends on a convincing and correctly formed cassation, in which the emphasis is correctly placed, articles of the laws of the Arbitration Procedure Code and the Code of Civil Procedure are applied, indicating obvious violations of lower authorities (first, appeal, cassation). Also increasing the chance of winning is knowledge of the “tricks” of legal proceedings in the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.

Litigation is always a complex process that requires a competent approach, especially when it comes to appealing to the Supreme Court. Therefore, you should not do this alone, look for answers on the Internet, read template complaints and study articles of codes. Each case is individual and requires careful consideration. Seek help and advice from specialists with experience in preparing and filing cassation appeals to the Supreme Court.

Legal assistance in the Supreme Court

So our team of lawyers, led by lawyer Roman Narimanovich Kakhiev, has been specializing in cases of appeal to the Supreme Court for more than 15 years. Citizens and legal entities from all regions of Russia turn to us every day for advice, assistance in preparing cassation appeals and other issues. Over many years of work, our specialists have learned to analyze a case at all stages of its proceedings, so they can quickly identify violations committed in the proceedings, correctly formulate a position in cassation and carry out the appeal procedure at a high level.

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