Conditions for granting a pension for long service to military personnel: minimum length of service and age for registration of military pensions

Issues of pension provision for military personnel are regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 No. 4468-I “On pension provision for persons who served in military service, service in internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system, troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, and their families.”

  • Who is guaranteed a military pension?
  • Types of pension
  • Who is entitled to a long service pension?
  • Who is entitled to a disability pension?
  • Military pension amount
  • Which department should I contact to apply for a pension?
  • General provisions

    A citizen has the right to leave military service and begin receiving a pension if:

    • length of service has been achieved;
    • received a disability group due to illness and (or) injury.

    At the same time, the military retirement age as such is not taken into account; instead, it is the length of service that becomes the determining factor, including taking into account “grace” periods, during which the military is accrued length of service with an increased coefficient - from 1:3 to 1:1.5.

    Let's consider all options for retirement separately. This will give an approximate idea of ​​the age at which a service member can leave the service to enjoy a vacation.

    Requirements for military service for the appointment of a long-service pension

    When assigning a pension according to length of service, one of the requirements regarding military service , namely:

    • having at least 20 years of military service at the time of dismissal;
    • having a total work experience of at least 25 years, of which 12 years and 6 months of military or equivalent service.

    In the second case, we are talking about the so-called mixed experience , when military personnel who have reached the age of 45 are dismissed from service on one of the following grounds:

    • reaching the age limit for service;
    • health condition that does not allow you to remain in the ranks of the military;
    • reduction due to changes in staffing.

    When determining the right to length of service based on mixed length of service, it is necessary to take into account exactly which periods are included in the total length of service. These, according to Law No. 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” and Law No. 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions” include:

    • periods of work included in the total length of service for the period before 2002;
    • insurance periods during which insurance premiums were paid after 2002.

    What periods are included in the length of military service?

    The procedure for calculating length of service for assigning payments to military personnel is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. Military service includes the duration of military service in the relevant positions and departments, calculated calendar for all such periods by summing the number of years, months and days.

    Special conditions for military service determine a special procedure for calculating length of military service - in preferential terms.

    According to Art. 18 of Law No. 4468-1, the periods included in the service include the following:

    • military service;
    • service in the internal affairs bodies and the State Fire Service;
    • in the authorities controlling the circulation of narcotic and psychotropic substances;
    • in institutions of the penal system;
    • in the National Guard of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation;
    • in departments and organizations that remain in military service or are members of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;
    • time spent in Soviet partisan detachments;
    • service in emergency rescue teams, fire protection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;
    • period of forced captivity;
    • time of unjustified serving of a sentence.

    It is important that for persons from the commanding staff and officers of military departments, provided for by current legislation, study time can also be included in length of service in the following order - no more than five years of study with one academic year credited for six months of service.

    Minimum length of service for pension provision

    12 years 6 months this year, subject to the condition of having a total work experience of 25 years .

    It should also be remembered that when assigning a disability pension to military personnel, there is no concept of minimum length of service, since the main condition here will be the period of acquisition of disability, and not the number of years of military service.

    The determination of the disability group, its cause and time of onset is carried out by federal medical and social examination institutions.

    Pension reform hits the army: Putin will repay debts to the military after devaluation

    The pension reform, apparently, has reached the military. In theory, now the entire State Duma Defense Committee should stand up in unison and, taking a step, in a united formation, headed by Colonel General of the Reserve Vladimir Shamanov, leave the meeting room - their demands to the government to solve the problems of military personnel were once again ignored.

    However, such a demarche did not take place, and the State Duma, at a plenary meeting on November 19, continuing the cannibalistic pension reform, adopted a law that again freezes at the current level the amount of monetary allowance to be taken into account when calculating military pensions. The document, part of the so-called package of budget-forming laws, was introduced by the government and was nevertheless approved by deputies in the third reading.

    There will be no increase in military pensions expected from January 1, 2021 - instead there will be only a lip-rolling machine.

    “In connection with the Federal Law “On the Federal Budget for 2020 and for the planning period of 2021 and 2022”... it is proposed to extend the suspension of the second part of Article 43 of the Law on Pension Security until January 1, 2021, maintaining the amount of monetary allowance taken into account for calculating the pension “73.68 percent,” says the adopted document. This means that the amount of monetary allowance taken into account when calculating pensions will remain at the level of October 1, 2021, when a very belated and insignificant increase took place.

    And after January 1 of the next year, there will be no changes in payments. So the military was compared to those who became victims of the pension reform.

    This is important to know: Application for long service pension: sample 2021

    The new law, which can only be described as predatory in relation to pensioners, suspends the rule of law according to which monetary allowance is taken into account when calculating pensions from January 1, 2012 in the amount of 54 percent and, starting from January 1, 2013, increases annually by 2 percent until it reaches 100 percent size. At the same time, for some reason, it is forgotten that President Vladimir Putin, back in May 2012, instructed the government to ensure an annual increase in pensions for military veterans by at least 2 percent above the inflation rate.

    If we follow the logic of the presidential decree, then in 2021 military pensions should be indexed by 5 percent. However, Putin also promised civilians not to carry out pension reforms and not to raise the retirement age.

    As “compensation” for freezing the amount of salary to be taken into account when calculating military pensions until January 1, 2021, the government sweetened the pill. As noted in the accompanying materials, the new draft budget still takes into account the increase in inflation and provides for an increase in the pay of military personnel and a number of other categories - by 3 percent from October 1, 2021.

    Expert opinion

    Antonov Viktor Sergeevich

    Practicing lawyer with 8 years of experience. Specialization: military law. Recognized legal expert.

    Accordingly, something will “break off” for military pensioners - again crumbs and only in a year. That is, the government is once again “throwing away” military pensioners with the now catchphrase “there is no money, but you’re hanging in there.”

    During the second reading of the law “On the federal budget for 2020 and for the planning period of 2021 and 2022,” which took place on October 9, the head of the State Duma Defense Committee, Vladimir Shamanov, with the support of his associates, sharply condemned the proposals of the government, which constantly evades legislative implementation fixed pension guarantees for citizens discharged from military service. The conclusion, published on the State Duma website, indicated that from 2014 to 2021, the “increase in military pension” due to the increase in the reduction coefficient did not even cover the level of inflation, not to mention the implementation of the decree of the head of state.

    According to parliamentarians' calculations, under-indexation has already amounted to 20 percent. At the same time, due to the reduction factor, budget savings from 2012 to 2021 amounted to about 2.8 trillion rubles.

    It is likely that the current “freeze” of military pensions until 2021 will significantly replenish the treasury with money taken from retired defenders of the Fatherland. Again, during this time, more than one thousand of them will have time to pass away - pensioners in our country are rapidly leaving for another world.

    It’s also “savings”. There is another reason for freezing pension increases.

    For example, all economists believe that this measure, like the entire pension reform, is aimed at delaying time; the government is waiting for the ruble to devaluate and the national currency to depreciate even more. When the ruble finally collapses, the government will immediately pay off pension debts, including making payments to military pensioners who are heavily in debt.

    There will be more devalued money supply and it will no longer be a pity to give it away, experts say.

    It cannot be said that now, against the backdrop of the adoption of a law that is predatory for pensioners and the entire pension reform in general, the State Duma Defense Committee has “blown away” and stopped defending the rights of military pensioners. However, in the end, it was not possible to butt heads with the government on equal terms - Prime Minister Medvedev’s team once again ignored increasing the level of pay for military personnel and achieved the desired result.

    In fact, they don’t give a damn not only about military pensioners, but also about the army as a whole.

    Legal basis for military retirement

    The standard retirement age in Russia is 60 years for men and 55 for women. But the length of service of military personnel is calculated using a different method. A military man retires after 20 years of service, regardless of rank and position.

    If contract service begins at age 20, then at age 40 a military man can already retire.

    The main laws governing the provision of military pensions are:

    • Constitution of the Russian Federation. Establishes the right of any citizen of the Russian Federation, including military personnel, to receive payments.
    • The federal law on pensions for military personnel and a number of law enforcement agencies, which describes in detail all aspects of receiving pensions for military personnel.

    Pension provision for military personnel is regulated by the law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 N 4468-1, according to which, at the expense of the federal budget, a serviceman can be assigned a pension for length of service, disability, and his family for the loss of a breadwinner.

    Military personnel are entitled to three types of pension benefits after leaving service:

    • According to length of service. Appointed with at least 20 years of military service, as well as on preferential terms.
    • According to mixed experience. Relies on officers who have served in the army for at least 12.5 years. Additionally, periods of civilian employment are taken into account. Total experience of at least 25 years.
    • Due to disability.

    Innovations in the law

    The innovations affected Article 13 of this standard. To receive a military pension, a citizen must:

    • Resign from service after reaching 45 years of age.
    • Work experience in the army and the listed industries must be at least 25 years.
    • If the service age limit is reached, a pension can be assigned if there are 12.5 years of specialized experience in calendar years.

    Pension benefits will be increased for military workers. This will take place from the moment the law comes into force, that is, from 10/01/2020.

    Despite the existing decision of the Government to freeze the salary index until 01/01/2020, the process of converting wages into pension assistance was initiated by the President of the Russian Federation.

    An increase of 6.3% was taken into account when forming the Federal Budget for 2021.

    The issue of indexing military pensions has been considered for several years. The increase in security was carried out annually by 2%.

    The growth of the downward index made it possible to implement this mechanism. It was planned that this would happen until the estimated payment was equal to 100% of the salary.

    However, this process was suspended.

    In 2021, payments to the military were indexed by 4% with the expectation that the increase in military pensions in October 2021 will take place due to changes in the cash allowance index and adjustments to the inflation factor.

    Age and length of service

    The right of military personnel to retire based on length of service is regulated by Law of the Russian Federation No. 4468-1 of February 12, 1993. In accordance with this law, a serviceman may have:

    • length of service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
    • length of service in the RF Armed Forces and work experience in the civilian sphere (mixed experience).

    The order of pension rights for military personnel depends on this:

    • with pure length of service, the age of the serviceman does not matter;
    • with mixed service, the retirement age of a military personnel cannot be less than 45 years on the day of dismissal.

    How to choose a pension plan in a non-state pension fund

    A pension plan in a non-state pension fund is a program that determines the amount of contributions and the period for receiving a pension. You can choose a plan yourself from the list offered by a non-state pension fund.

    To choose the most suitable pension plan, pay attention to the main characteristics:

    Initial paymentThere are pension plans where you first need to contribute a large amount, and then pay a little more each month. And there are also tariffs where you can accumulate from scratch.
    Monthly paymentsThe amount you need to pay every month. Most tariffs require a minimum investment amount. Some NPFs allow payments only once a month.
    Accumulation periodThe period during which you will pay the amount monthly. However, it is not necessary to pay contributions until retirement. You can pay for several years, and the remaining time your money will be reinvested and increase your bottom line.
    Age for receiving a non-state pensionYou can set your own age for receiving old age payments, but this can not be done until the official retirement age. Also note that the longer you save, the larger the payout will be.
    Payment periodSavings can be fixed-term or indefinite. For urgent ones, you determine the period yourself. The money remaining in the account continues to be invested, so the pension is periodically indexed. With an unlimited period, the pension accrues until the end of life.
    NPF profitabilityThe higher the profitability, the higher the pension. But sometimes an NPF can go negative, although this rarely happens. Any investment is a risky undertaking, so choose plans that invest not in the most profitable, but in the most stable assets - bonds, precious metals, shares of state corporations.

    These are the main points on which you need to choose a NPF tariff plan. All conditions are stated on the websites, you can study them and choose the most profitable and convenient for you.

    Retirement table by year of birth

    For men


    1959611 year (but you can retire 6 months earlier)2020
    1960622 years (but you can retire 6 months earlier)2022
    1961633 years2024
    1962644 years2025
    1963 and younger655 years2028

    For women


    1964561 year (but you can retire 6 months earlier)2020
    1965572 years (but you can retire 6 months earlier)2022
    1966583 years2024
    1967594 years2025
    1968 and younger605 years2028

    Resignation due to disability

    The receipt by a citizen in military service of an injury, injury or disease for which disability is assigned is the reason for the assignment of a military disability pension.

    Moreover, we are talking not only about diseases and injuries that appeared during service, but also if:

    • the circumstances arose within 3 months from the date of the military man’s dismissal from service;
    • circumstances arose after 3 months, but provided that their occurrence is directly related to military service.

    The duration of service itself no longer matters. Even after serving a few days after enlisting in a unit and receiving an injury, illness or injury, military personnel can retire. The age can be any, the main condition is the actual performance of military service.

    Pros of NPF

    The main advantage of participating in NPF programs is the provision of a tax deduction. A refund of part of the funds paid can be issued for a deposited amount of up to 120 thousand rubles per year. For example, if you transferred 100 thousand rubles to a non-state pension fund in 2019, then in 2021 you will be able to return 13 thousand rubles.

    File a tax deduction by filing a 3-NDFL declaration or through your employer. If you want to take advantage of the deduction through your employer, the money will be available this year. But 13% will not be withheld only if contributions to the NPF are transferred from wages at your request.

    There are corporate co-financing programs for non-state pension funds. In this case, one part of the contributions is paid by you, and the second by the company for which you work. This is a voluntary decision of the employer, so the NPF is chosen not by you, but by the company. Employees receive the second pension under the same conditions as if they paid contributions on their own. They are entitled to both government and corporate payments.

    Conditions for retirement of military personnel

    In order for a contract serviceman to become a long-service military pensioner, one of the following conditions provided for in Article 13 of Law No. 44681 must be met:

    • at least 20 years of service on the day of dismissal from the ranks of the RF Armed Forces;
    • age 45 years and 25 years of total work experience, of which the length of service is at least half (12.5 years).

    A service member can also retire if none of these requirements are met, but he is ill. In this case, the pension will be assigned based on disability.

    If the required conditions are not met, then the serviceman can simply resign to the reserve or resign, and the pension will be assigned to him on a general basis upon reaching the established retirement age. In this case, military service will be taken into account in the citizen’s total insurance (work) record.

    Pension for disabled people

    Disability pension benefits for military personnel can be of several types:

    • insurance (except for cases where disability was caused by illness or injury received during service);
    • social (if the military man has no insurance experience at all or does not have enough insurance);
    • military (if the person received a disability due to a service injury or as a result of an illness received during service).

    It is better to apply for this type of payment within a year after receiving the ITU conclusion that assigned the disability group. In this case, the pension will be assigned from the day the person is recognized as disabled.

    The amount of pension pay for disabled military personnel is assigned based on their length of service. If the disability was received due to a military injury, it increases the length of service salary by 300% for the first disability group, by 250% for the second, and by 175% for the third. If a disease acquired during service has led to disability, an increase in the length of service pension is made in the amount of 250% for disabled people of the first group, 200% for the second, 150% for the third. If a disabled person is awarded the “Resident of Siege Leningrad” badge, he can count on additional increases, which depend on the established size of the social pension: 200% for disabled people of the first group, 150% for the second, 100% for the third.

    How to calculate length of service for retirement

    The length of service of military personnel for the right to receive a military pension in accordance with Article 18 of Law No. 4468-1 must include such periods as:

    • serving in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, including conscription.
    • serving in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the state fire service, the Ministry of Emergency Situations;
    • service in institutions of the criminal correctional system;
    • service in drug control authorities;
    • period of study at military universities;
    • the period of study in civilian universities is counted as a year for 0.5 (in general, no more than 5 years are counted);
    • period of captivity;
    • period of participation in hostilities;
    • time of unjustified detention with deprivation of the status of a military man, subject to subsequent judicial rehabilitation.

    In some cases and in some territories, length of service is considered with an increasing factor. For example, one calendar year for one and a half or even two years of service.

    Military personnel have the right to a preferential pension upon reaching the age of service, but there are also categories of employees equivalent to them who also have the right to a preferential pension for long service. These are, in particular:

    • employees of search and rescue and parachute aviation services;
    • employees of the air force, civil defense forces, air assault units;
    • citizens who served under contract abroad;
    • persons whose performance of official duties involves an increased danger to life.

    Answers to frequently asked questions

    Where should former military personnel apply to receive a pension?

    To military commissariats located at the place of residence of pensioners, in accordance with Article 51 of Law No. 4468-1. At the same time, citizens applying for pensions are required to provide reliable information about themselves.

    Will the reduction factor be canceled in 2021?

    No, but it will be promoted.

    Does disability received during military service affect the size of the pension?

    Affects. Disabled persons who received injuries of groups 1 and 2 are entitled to a pension of 85% of their salary; disabled people with diseases of groups 1 and 2 – 75%.

    Two pensions instead of one: what time do military personnel retire?

    A military pensioner may refuse to receive a military pension, opting for a regular one, assigned according to age and length of service. The state has provided for the possibility of obtaining a military pension, old-age payments, and seniority payments, combining them.

    In order to be able to one day receive two pensions instead of one, that is, old-age payments and a military pension, a number of conditions must be met:

    1. A labor pension for the military will be issued to those categories of citizens who, upon completion of their military service, continued to work in a civilian manner, under a contract, and so on.
    2. The retirement age if a person continues to work will be sixty years for men and fifty-five for women.
    3. After completion of military service, a labor pension can be assigned additionally to those who have worked for at least five years in civilian life.

    Working after completing his own military service, a person has the right to leave his current job at any time. However, if he worked for less than five years, then he will have to be content exclusively with a military pension, even when the real age already corresponds to the retirement age. When calculating pension payments, the years that were taken into account when calculating a military pension will not be counted.

    Maintenance for the lost breadwinner

    Having become disabled and having lost a breadwinner in the person of a child, grandchild or spouse, a military man can count on appropriate payments.
    To do this, you must reach 60 and 55 years of age (for men and women, respectively) or have one of the disability groups. Survivor pension payments can be of several types:

    1. social (if the assistance received from the breadwinner was the dependent’s only income);
    2. insurance (if, along with help from the breadwinner, which was the main source of livelihood, the person received other pension payments).

    For the wives of deceased military personnel who did not remarry, this type of payment is assigned in addition to any other type of pension.

    Retirement of military personnel on a general basis

    If a serviceman retires from the ranks of the RF Armed Forces without achieving the required minimum length of service of 20 years or a combined length of service of 25 years, he completely loses the right to a military pension. Therefore, to acquire the right to pension payments, he will have to reach the required retirement age. From January 1, 2021, its gradual increase began over 5 years for both men and women in order to achieve:

    • for men - 65 years;
    • for women - 60 years.

    Currently, the retirement age has been increased by 1 year, but taking into account the benefits of the transition period, pensioners in 2021 will be able to become:

    • women upon reaching the age of 55.5 years;
    • men upon reaching the age of 60.5 years.

    At the same time, receiving an insurance pension does not limit the former military man’s right to continue working. Also, the pensioner will be able to reinstate himself in service and earn a military pension. While the pension for military personnel with 25 or 20 years of service is not paid if he is reinstated in service.

    Retirement age for military personnel: will there be an increase in 2021?

    An increase in the retirement age for military personnel is expected from the reform, which has become relevant since the beginning of 2021. Many people know about this, but not all people have yet managed to clarify the issue in detail.

    Will benefits for military personnel be canceled in 2021, what changes will occur in pension issues for military people? What will happen if the pension is issued at a transitional moment? These and many other questions require answers.

    How is pension for military personnel calculated for length of service?

    When calculating pensions for military personnel, the following are taken into account:

    • salary for military position;
    • salary according to military rank;
    • long service bonus;
    • other allowances, for example for working with classified materials, etc.

    Pensions are calculated using the regional coefficient to the salary for persons who have served in the Far North and equivalent areas for at least 15 and 20 calendar years, respectively. In this case, a reduction factor of 0.7223 is applied, which is valid until October 1, 2021.

    Payments to family members

    The rules of pension provision provide for payments to family members of military personnel in the event of the death of the breadwinner due to old age or death during participation in hostilities. Monetary allowances to widows are paid under the following conditions:

    Subsidy for military personnel for housing

    • the presence of children under fourteen years of age and the absence of a permanent place of work;
    • confirmed disability group.

    The calculation is based on the amount of the minimum pension of a military personnel (salaries according to rank and position + bonus for length of service). The percentage due to the widow is calculated as follows:

    • 40% – death due to old age or illness after transfer to the reserve;
    • 50% – death during the period of service.

    During divorce proceedings, a military pension is taken into account as a source of income, subject to alimony payments to the wife and minor children.

    Which new categories of citizens will become pensioners early?

    In addition to people whose pension conditions have not changed in any way, there are categories of citizens for whom the reform provided the opportunity to receive a pension earlier than the new period. In particular, the new version of Law No. 400-FZ made it possible to assign an old-age insurance pension to mothers with many children with insurance experience of 15 years, who gave birth and raised four children before the age of 8, from the age of 56 (clause 1.1, part 1, article 32 ), three children - from the age of 57 (clause 1.2, part 1, article 32).

    At this time, they can become pensioners if they earn the required IPC amount. It should be noted that when determining the right to an old-age insurance pension, a woman’s children are included, in accordance with Part 3 of Art. 32 of Law 400-FZ, those in respect of whom the court has deprived her of parental rights or canceled the adoption will not be taken into account.

    Disadvantages of saving through non-state pension funds

    Disadvantages of pensions in NPFs:

    1. If you terminate the contract early, you will be charged a penalty. You will receive maximum profit if all terms of the contract are strictly observed. The fine is not assessed only if the investor dies before reaching retirement age. The invested money can be withdrawn in full by his heirs.
    2. Non-state pension funds work as intermediaries; they transfer money to management companies. That is, the investor pays a double commission: to the management company for investing funds and to the NPF for servicing the individual account. The commission significantly reduces the final profitability.
    3. For most pension plans, the payment amount and date cannot be missed. Otherwise, the NPF may terminate the contract with you or transfer you to a less favorable pension plan.
    4. NPFs are not insured by the Deposit Insurance Agency. Therefore, if a non-state pension fund is liquidated, it will be difficult to return the payments made.

    If you decide to transfer pension savings to a non-state pension fund, choose proven companies with high ratings and positive customer reviews.

    Pensioners have the right to receive all types of pension payments on any bank cards. You can receive offers from such Russian banks as Sberbank, VTB, Tinkoff, Post Bank and Alfa Bank.

    The most profitable cards for pensioners →

    about the author

    Klavdiya Treskova - higher education with qualification “Economist”, with specializations “Economics and Management” and “Computer Technologies” at PSU. She worked in a bank in positions from operator to acting. Head of the Department for servicing private and corporate clients. Every year she successfully passed certifications, education and training in banking services. Total work experience in the bank is more than 15 years. [email protected]

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    The procedure for assigning pensions to military personnel

    It is necessary for eligible citizens to apply for a military pension in accordance with the departmental affiliation of the institution in which they serve. Work on organizing pension provision for military personnel is carried out by authorized departments of the following departments:

    • Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation;
    • Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;
    • Federal Penitentiary Service;
    • Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation;
    • General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation;
    • Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

    The deadline for assigning military payments is set within 10 days from the date of receipt of all missing documents. The date of assignment of this type of pension is the day following dismissal from service.

    To establish a pension payment, it is necessary to submit a number of documents , namely:

    1. document proving identity and registration at the place of residence;
    2. certificate of periods of service included in length of service;
    3. military ID;
    4. employment history;
    5. document confirming the presence of dependents;
    6. awards.

    The obligation to submit the listed, and if necessary, clarification of some circumstances and additional documents may be assigned to the applicant himself. If these documents are included in a special list according to which such information is requested as part of the provision of public services, then the information is received through interdepartmental interaction channels without the participation of the applicant.

    Required documents

    To assign payments based on age, you must submit an application to the MFC or the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. This can be done in person, using the services of the post office or Internet portals (“Gosuslugi” or PFR). A working pensioner can do this through his employer, and those for whom none of the above methods are suitable can, by registering a power of attorney with a notary, use the help of third parties.

    To establish professional payments based on length of service, documents must be submitted at the place of last service.

    The following documents must be attached to the application for any type of pension:

    • passport;
    • papers confirming experience (professional, civil or mixed);
    • certificate of salary or allowance;
    • papers confirming incapacity for work (if there are serious reasons);
    • documents on the presence of dependents (if any);
    • documents on change of personal data (for example, for women who changed their last name).

    To establish savings payments, it is enough to take your passport, SNILS and account details to which the pension will be received to the NPF. Military pensioners will need a certificate confirming the presence of a disease that prevented them from continuing to serve. Disabled people must provide an ITU conclusion. When applying for insurance payments, you must take SNILS with you. To apply for payments for the loss of a breadwinner, you must provide the Pension Fund with papers on the length of service and the individual industrial complex of the deceased.

    Amount of long service payments and purpose of bonuses

    Payment of pensions to military personnel is carried out monthly for the current thirty-day calendar period from federal budget funds.

    The basis for calculating the assigned benefit for military service is the amount of monetary allowance, the value of which depends on:

    • official salary (military or civilian);
    • salary according to military or special (excluding promotion) rank;
    • bonuses for length of service;
    • indexation amount determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

    The size of the pension payment is determined as follows :

    • 50% of the amount of salary - if you have at least 20 years of service;
    • 50% of the corresponding salary - if you have a total work experience of at least 25 years, of which 12.5 years are military service;

    But the amount of allowances due differs significantly in both cases:

    • for each year of service exceeding 20 years - 3% of the amount of salary, but not higher than 85%;
    • for each year of service exceeding 25 years - 1% of the established salary.

    It is worth noting that in case of resumption of service, the payment of pension benefits is suspended, and in case of subsequent dismissal, the calculation is carried out taking into account data on the length of service and total length of service at the time of the last dismissal.

    In addition, certain categories of military personnel are provided with additional allowances from the calculated pension amount depending on:

    • presence of disability group I or 80 years of age;
    • number of disabled dependent family members;
    • participation in the Great Patriotic War.

    Summarizing the innovations of the state

    When considering the issue of increasing the minimum length of service to 25 years, after which one can receive a military pension, it is necessary to note other innovations. The state plans to increase the percentage of monetary allowances considered when assigning a person a pension from 50 to 65 percent, respectively.

    This will also increase the total amount.

    Regarding the appointment of a pension after length of service. At the moment, it is planned to retain the right to receive a pension after 20 years of service, but only if the employee reaches the age limit for the employee.

    Or for health reasons, if unfit for duty. A number of other situations are also considered when a person receives the right to receive a pension after 20 years of service.

    It is planned to increase the pension along with length of service. And also provide bonuses to those who have served for 25 years or more.

    Right to work

    Retirement (due to disability or length of service) in the military occurs much earlier than the civilian retirement age. This allows a retired military personnel to acquire the right to a second pension - insurance. But to receive a second pension, a serviceman must fulfill 3 conditions.

    1. Serve a minimum number of years in civilian life, and military service will not be counted as it is taken into account when calculating the length of service of a military pension. Therefore, in 2021, a military retiree will need 10 years of service, and in 2025, 15 years of service.
    2. Earn the minimum amount of IPC (pension points). In 2019, 16.2 points are needed, and by 2025, the IPC must be at least 30.
    3. Reach retirement age. Starting from 2021, retirement ages in Russia are gradually increasing by a year every year. From 2024, the retirement age in the Russian Federation for applying for an old-age insurance pension will be 65 years for men and 60 years for women.

    A retired military serviceman who does not have time to earn experience or points by the generally established age will be able to continue working until the required indicators can be achieved. In addition, experience and points can be purchased quite officially by entering into a voluntary legal relationship with the Pension Fund.

    Having worked the minimum required number of years, reached retirement age and at the same time accumulated a sufficient number of points on his personal account, a military pensioner will be able to receive 2 pensions at once.

    1. A military pension, which is paid by the department where the citizen served and earned a military pension.
    2. Insurance pension, which is paid through the Pension Fund.


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