In 2021, the retirement age will change, pensions and taxes for the rich will increase

Retirement age is changing

If in 2021 Russians retired at 55.5 (women) and 60.5 years (men), then starting next year this will happen a year later. In 2028, the retirement age for women will be set at 60 years, for men at 65 years. But if a person cannot find a job, he will be able to retire two years early.

“Confirmation that a person cannot find a job reveals My health.” The order of the Ministry of Health on this comes into force on January 1.

It states that in addition to paper certificates and medical reports, their electronic counterparts, signed with an enhanced digital signature of a doctor, become valid. It is noted that electronic medical documents can be accessed both in person and remotely. To do this, you need to register, go through identification and authentication on the government services portal. But paper ones, as before, are issued to patients according to their passport, signed by the doctor, certified by his personal seal and the seal of the medical organization (if any), and its stamp is also affixed to them.

Why pension reform is so necessary

The main task that such a reform should solve is to avoid pension collapse, when there is no money to pay a pension. If we do without pension reform, we will have to increase insurance premiums by 1% every year or reduce the size of the pension that will be paid.

For 2021, the pension is already not large, and its additional reduction will entail the transition of many residents below the poverty line. Many people already don’t have enough to pay for medicines and housing and communal services; they have to look for the cheapest products and deprive themselves of any joys just to survive.

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Increasing insurance premiums won't help either. Employers will not like this and many will go into the “shadow”, prefer not to register workers, and minimize their official salary in order to save money. Some enterprises will prefer to automate production so as not to pay so many fees.

As of September 2021, you had to work 9 years to retire. In 2021, this has increased to 11 compulsory years, and by 2025, you will need to work a minimum of 15 years to qualify for an old-age pension.

It is also not advisable to solve the problem at the expense of the budget, since oil will not always sell well, so the decision was made to raise the retirement age.

The government promises that the number of working pensioners will decrease, new jobs will be taken by the generation of the 1990s, so it will become possible to index pensions for the working population.

The list of waste for which recycling is required is expanding

From January 1, another part of the list of waste that is prohibited from being buried without recycling comes into force. The document was adopted by the government back in 2021. The list itself consists of three parts: first, the requirements regarding scrap metal came into force, then - waste paper and plastic, and now the time has come for equipment and batteries.

“Today, 20% of the total volume of solid municipal waste is sent to sorting facilities,” said Deputy Prime Minister Victoria Abramchenko, speaking at a meeting of the State Council in December. — By 2024, this figure will be more than 50%, by 2030 — 100%. By 2024, 12% of solid municipal waste will be used for recycling, and by 2030 - 50%.” The planned increase will occur, among other things, due to electronics sent for recycling.

Retirement age table (first, hard scenario)


Date of BirthDate of retirementAgeHow much did you want to increase

Hunting with bows and crossbows is allowed

The new hunting rules, which come into force on January 1, contain several very important changes. One of the main innovations is permission to use bows and crossbows. Previously, such silent weapons were prohibited.

Another block concerns the rules of hunting in the dark. On the one hand, it will be possible to use light devices, thermal imagers, and night vision devices when hunting ungulates, bears, wolves, jackals, foxes, raccoon dogs, badgers, and beavers. But at the same time, the hunters themselves will need to wear clothes with reflective elements. This is done to reduce the likelihood of accidentally injuring any of the participants in the hunt.

New buildings are equipped with smart electricity meters

All apartment buildings for which construction permits were issued after January 1, 2021 must be equipped with smart electricity meters. The responsibility for installing them rests with the developers. The law on this comes into force on January 1, 2021.

Electricity meters will be connected to the Internet, which will allow consumers to interact with electricity suppliers on the same principle as is now the case with Internet providers, cellular operators and digital television. Smart meters will send electricity consumption data to energy supply companies, freeing apartment building residents from the obligation to manually submit monthly readings.

An expanded list of essential medicines comes into effect

On January 1, a government order to expand the list of vital and essential drugs (VED) comes into force. It has expanded to almost 800 titles.

The list, in particular, includes drugs for patients with multiple sclerosis, hemophilia and Gaucher disease: taliglucerase alfa, ocrelizumab, simoctocog alfa and emicizumab.

In 2021, the government expanded the list of vital and essential drugs by 23 items to 758 items. In October 2021, the list was supplemented with three anti-Covid drugs: favipiravir, levilimab and olokizumab. From the changes in the Vital and Essential Drugs it also follows that the list will include a drug with the international nonproprietary name remdesivir, included in the temporary recommendations of the Ministry of Health for the treatment of COVID-19.

Pension application instructions: use for free

ConsultantPlus experts have compiled many instructions that will help you apply for a pension and understand the new rules and latest changes. We've collected the most useful ones. Register using the link to get free access to them.

  1. Latest changes in the pension system.
  2. How are old-age pensions assigned?
  3. How to apply for an old-age insurance pension.
  4. Power of attorney to receive payments at Russian Post.
  5. How to calculate length of service to assign payments.
  6. Features and benefits for northerners.

Labeling of clothing becomes mandatory

From January 1, labeling of light industry goods becomes mandatory. First of all, it includes men's, women's, children's outerwear and sportswear, as well as home textiles of all types. The relevant customs codes are listed in the government order dated April 28, 2021.

According to the document, the following types of light industry goods are subject to labeling: items of clothing, including workwear, made from natural or composite leather; blouses, blouses and blouses, knitted by machine or hand knitting, for women or girls; coats, short coats, capes, raincoats, jackets (including ski jackets), windbreakers, windbreakers and similar items for men or boys; coats, short coats, capes, raincoats, jackets (including ski jackets), windbreakers, windbreakers and similar items for women or girls; bed linen, table linen, toilet linen and kitchen linen.

Minimum prices for alcohol are increasing

From January 1, 2021, minimum purchase and retail prices for vodka, brandy, cognac, and champagne will be increased in Russia. Thus, for a 0.5 liter bottle of vodka the minimum price will increase by 5.7% - from 230 to 243 rubles, for 0.5 liter brandy - from 315 to 324 rubles, for 0.5 liter cognac - from 433 to 446 rubles. Champagne with a volume of 0.75 (as well as other products made from wine, grape, fruit, cognac, Calvados, whiskey distillates) will rise in price from 164 to 169 rubles.

There are fewer pensioners

Bill No. 1258296-7 “On the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for 2022 and for the planning period of 2023 and 2024” was published on the State Duma website.

The bill plans to increase revenues to the Pension Fund and achieve a surplus (the excess of income over expenses) as early as 2023.

At the same time, the forecast table for the number of pensioners causes surprise, not in the best sense of the word:

Moreover, we are talking about reducing the main category of pensioners - recipients of insurance pensions.

But when discussing the pension reform in 2021, the government, the State Duma and the president justified raising the retirement age, talking about the fact that Russia is rapidly aging, the number of elderly people will grow every year and there is no other way out but to raise the retirement age.

New rules for transporting children's groups on buses will come into effect

Children over 10 years of age will be able to travel on buses, but with mandatory seat belts. Updated requirements for road transportation of children's groups will come into force on January 1, 2021.

There are other requirements for transporting children's groups by bus. The trip organizer must submit a notification of transportation to the State Traffic Inspectorate unit at the district level no later than 48 hours before the start of transportation in intercity traffic and no later than 24 hours before the start of transportation in urban and suburban traffic.

If three or more buses are traveling at once, an application is submitted to have the buses escorted by a State Traffic Inspectorate patrol car. Children under the age of seven cannot travel for more than four hours.

The contents of car first aid kits are changing

Sterile bandages and a sterile dressing bag, as well as small bandages, will be removed from the current first aid kit. Also, bactericidal adhesive plasters are removed from it, and the narrow roll-up patch is replaced with a wide one. But another package of sterile wipes is added. They are supposed to be applied to the wound, if anything happens, and bandaged with non-sterile bandages.

The kit also includes two non-sterile non-woven masks and another pair of gloves. But motorists do not need to urgently change their first aid kit. Old first aid kits can be used until their expiration date, but no later than January 31, 2024. Drivers will be able to replenish the first aid kit themselves as needed.

Making it easier to apply for housing subsidies

Even debtors will be given subsidies to pay for housing and communal services. Only those whose rent debt has been collected by the court and the debt is confirmed by a judicial act that has entered into force will not be able to issue them. In addition, those wishing to apply for subsidies no longer need to provide certificates of absence of debts - the authorities themselves will request this information. However, the president is about to sign a law that proposes to postpone the introduction of this procedure for six months - until July 1, 2021.

Who was not affected by the reform?

The retirement age has not been increased for:

  • current pensioners (“recall from pension” is not expected);
  • working in hazardous industries (miners, metallurgists, railway workers - that is, all those who are entitled to early, well-deserved rest “for harmful activities”);
  • mothers of many children (who have at least five children) and mothers of disabled children;
  • disabled people.

We wrote more about all the president’s proposals to soften the pension reform in the article “Putin is changing the pension reform.”

For people who have already become pensioners and are waiting for the promised increase in its size in 2021, we have prepared a simple calculator that will help determine the amount of payments.

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