Aeroflot hotline, how to write to support?

Aeroflot hotline phone number

To resolve most disputes and issues, citizens will need a single hotline number (there is no charge for the call).

It is also possible to submit a complaint, comment or other issues through other contact centers (including regional branches and points of sale).

Another phone number active among Russian clients:

Share your impressions, leave suggestions or complaints.

Methods for filing claims

A dissatisfied customer can use several ways to file a complaint against Aeroflot. Traditional methods are to send it by registered mail, or submit it in person by appearing at the territorial office of the supervisory authority. In recent years, with the rapid growth of the Internet, all government agencies and large companies have acquired their own websites.

Thanks to this, a dissatisfied airline customer does not need to leave home or workplace to file a complaint. To do this, you need to go to the website of the company or supervisory agency and fill out the electronic application form.

Samples of claims to Aeroflot

All complaints sent to Aeroflot must be written in a purely business style, without emotional manifestations or artistic excesses.

It should contain the following information:

  1. Applicant details: Full name, residential address, contact phone number and/or email.
  2. Defendant's details: name of organization, registered address.
  3. The essence of the problem.
  4. Emerging demands.
  5. Signature of the applicant and date of preparation of the document.

Baggage delay

Flight delay

A refund

Time limits for consideration of a complaint

The time frame for filing a claim and its consideration is established by articles of Federal Law No. 59 “On Citizens' Appeals” and air transportation standards. For example, a complaint about damage or loss of air luggage on international routes must be submitted no later than 2 weeks. For domestic flights, the statute of limitations is longer and is six months.

Aeroflot, in accordance with the provisions of Federal Law No. 2300-1, has a period of 10 days to consider a complaint received, and another 30 days are allotted to eliminate violations.

Question answer

Question: I would like to know what to do if my luggage is detained?

Answer: You need to contact the baggage tracing service with the tear-off tag received when checking in your suitcases. If it turns out that you need to wait several days, it is important to keep receipts for things that you will be forced to buy due to the delay. They will need to be attached to the claim to Aeroflot in order to subsequently demand compensation for unplanned expenses.

Question: My father, who uses a wheelchair, was denied transportation due to the lack of an accompanying person. Is this legal? Where can I complain about this attitude towards people with disabilities?

Answer: To clarify the rules of transportation and the list of services (including special ones) required for passengers with disabilities, please call the number of a specially dedicated line. If they do not correspond to the real situation, submit a claim.

Question: The lunch offered during the last flight was not only unappetizing in appearance, but also not edible at all. Where can I complain in this case?

Answer: Aeroflot does not have a separate line that addresses issues of poor nutrition, so you can complain about this problem using one of the methods indicated above.

Question: How can I get compensation if I miss my connection?

Answer: The amount of compensation for a missed connecting flight due to the fault of the carrier is calculated for domestic flights in the same way as for a flight delay (25% of the minimum wage for each hour). If you want to receive money (and not bonuses or vouchers), you need to ask the carrier’s representative for a note about the flight being late indicating the reasons, and then write a claim to the company’s representative office at the airport of departure or arrival.

Question: What should I do if a conflict arises with airline representatives regarding the transportation of animals?

Answer: You can find out under what conditions Aeroflot transports animals by calling the toll-free number 8 (800) 444-55-55. If they are violated, you should complain in one of the above ways. In case of unpleasant situations during veterinary control at the airport, you can leave feedback on the quality of the point’s work by calling +7 (495) 578-00-02.

Question: We were returning from vacation with our little daughter and after landing we received a stroller with the bumper torn off. How to get compensation?

Answer: You need to record the fact of damage to the stroller or other luggage at the “Lost and found” counter, obtain a report of the damage, and also keep all evidence of the flight. Repair the damaged item at your own expense, and then send a claim to Aeroflot for damaged luggage, demanding compensation, supporting documents and bank details for transferring money. If an item cannot be repaired (for example, a suitcase), you can demand compensation for the full cost only if you have a document from the workshop stating that repairs are impossible, otherwise the company will simply offer payment for repair work.

Contacting the airline

The appeal is considered within 30 days from the date of registration. After this period, the carrier is obliged to provide a written response to satisfy the requirements or reject the claim.

Written appeal

Complaints in writing are sent by mail to the address: Moscow, pos. Moskovsky, Kyiv highway, 22 km, no. 4. The document is drawn up indicating the details of the company and the details of the applicant. The contents describe in detail the circumstances of the violation and the requirements of the injured party. The application is accompanied by papers confirming the facts reflected in the complaint (for example, a boarding document, a baggage tag tear-off coupon) and other materials revealing the circumstances of the violation.


The company's call center operates around the clock, but calls to the number: 8-809-505-47-77 are accepted on a paid basis. Price – from 55 rub. up to 60 rub. 17 kopecks excluding VAT for 1 minute, depending on the region and telecom operator, taking into account the waiting time for connection with the operator. The consumer also needs to be aware that some mobile operator tariff plans do not allow calls to premium numbers.

Complaints about problems with luggage

Any airline client has the right to file claims related to damage or loss of luggage. To do this, you need to collect a package of documents, which may include:

  • passenger statement;
  • act on the identification of damage to luggage that was received during transportation (RIP-original);
  • original receipts confirming the passenger's expenses;
  • original luggage tag;
  • boarding pass;
  • Bank details for transferring compensation.

Payment of compensation

If the carrier’s violations lead to losses or additional expenses, the passenger has the right to include in the claim a demand for financial compensation. The decision on payment is made within the framework of the norms of the Air Code (AC RF) and the Convention in the field of international air transport.

Compensations are not paid for delays or cancellations of flights if they are related to weather conditions, the introduction of martial law or a ban on flights to certain destinations; aircraft repairs after serious malfunctions, staff strikes and other force majeure circumstances.

Amounts of possible compensation in accordance with the norms of the RF CC:

  • delay in delivery of passengers and cargo during domestic flights: 25% of the minimum wage (the indicator used for civil obligations is 100 rubles) for 1 hour of delay, but not more than 50% of the ticket price;
  • loss, damage to hand luggage: in the amount of its value; if the value is unknown - no more than 11 thousand rubles;
  • loss, damage, shortage of luggage or cargo: according to the declared value, but not more than 600 rubles. for 1 kg;
  • loss or damage to the means of transportation of disabled people - in the amount of their value.

Norms Art. 151 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides passengers with the right to compensation for moral damage if physical or mental suffering is caused during the airline's service. For example, a client was late for an important business meeting, while waiting for a flight, the passenger’s health was harmed, etc. The amount of compensation in such cases is not regulated at the legislative level, but is determined by the victims independently.

Compensation for international transport

When flying to EU countries, compensation is paid according to European rules for flight cancellation, delay of more than 3 hours, denied boarding, as well as for a delay of up to 3 hours, provided that the passenger missed the connecting flight and arrived at the final destination more than 3 hours late. The main condition is that the flight must be subject to EU Regulation No. 261/2004. For international transportation, the amount of compensation does not depend on the price of the ticket and is paid if the carrier was unable to prove the absence of his guilt.

For example:

  • errors in scheduling connecting flights;
  • untimely preparation of the board for departure;
  • flight cancellation for economic reasons – few tickets sold, etc.;
  • Overbooking is the sale of more tickets than seats on the plane.

The amount of compensation depends on the waiting time and flight distance.

For example:

  • flight distance less than 1,500 km with a flight delay of more than 3 hours - compensation amount is 250 euros;
  • flight range from 1500 to 3500 km with a delay of more than 3 hours - 400 euros;
  • flight range over 3.5 thousand km with a delay of more than 3 hours - 600 euros.

If a direct appeal to the management of Pobeda LLC did not bring a positive result - the claim was left without consideration, material damage was not compensated, etc., the air carrier’s clients have the right to write a complaint to the authorized bodies.

The legislative framework

  1. Air Code of the Russian Federation
  2. Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated June 28, 2007 N 82 (as amended on January 14, 2019) “On approval of the Federal Aviation Rules “General rules for air transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo and requirements for servicing passengers, shippers, consignees” (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on September 27. 2007 N 10186)
  3. Regulation (EC) No. 261/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11.02.2004 “Establishing common rules in the field of compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding, cancellation or long delay of a flight and repealing Regulation (EEC) No. 295/91[ 1]
  4. Law of the Russian Federation dated 02/07/1992 N 2300-1 (as amended on 07/18/2019) “On the protection of consumer rights”

Baggage tracing service

  • Your serial number.
  • Last name.

If you have any questions about locating your baggage, or if you want to make changes to the application you filled out, you need to call the phone number indicated on the certificate indicating that the baggage never arrived

It is very important that the client retains the baggage tag tear-off slip and boarding pass

If you were flying on an international flight and upon arrival at Sheremetyevo did not find your luggage, information about its location can be found by contacting +7(495)7538641. If a federal flight was carried out, then information can be found by calling +7 (499) 5006552.

Information about those things that were found directly on the territory of Sheremetyevo can be found by calling +7 (495) 5787464.

General information about luggage can be found by calling +7(495)544-33-25 and.

What do you need to get it?

You can obtain a certificate by writing a corresponding application. It can be printed or handwritten. A sample application can be found on the official website of the air carrier or you can write it yourself. It must include:

  • Last name, first name, patronymic in full
  • Day, month, year of birth
  • Address at the place of registration and actual
  • Passport details: series, number, by whom and when issued, department code
  • Information about a specific flight: route and date, air ticket number
  • Request for a certificate
  • Date of preparation
  • Personal signature and its decoding.

Not allowed on the application:

  • Invalid data
  • Errors or typos
  • Blots or corrections.

If these rules are violated, the airline employee has the right to refuse to accept the application.

To order an Aeroflot flight certificate, you must have a Russian citizen’s passport or a foreign passport with you when applying for it.

Registration of the form is a paid procedure, the cost is determined by the tariff established in a particular region. Usually it costs between 600-800 rubles. You can pay for the service at an Aeroflot representative office or a Sberbank branch.

How to properly file a complaint for damage or theft of luggage

The application procedure is standard, however, in this case it is important to prepare documents confirming this fact, the list of which includes:

  • air ticket;
  • receipts and checks confirming baggage check-in.

To be able to demand financial compensation and reimbursement for damage to the suitcase from Aeroflot, the injured party will have to list the contents of the suitcase.

In this case, you need to remember one unpleasant side. Despite the possibility of receiving compensation, difficulties constantly arise with confirming the contents of luggage, which is why the likelihood of a positive result is practically equal to zero.

The only correct decision would be to file a claim in court. As a rule, this significantly increases the chances of success for the injured party.

Where to complain about an airline in Russia in 2021

Roszdravnadzor hotline, how to write a request
Sometimes a simple step is enough: calling the company’s hotline. If it was not possible to resolve the problem peacefully (for example, the claim is rejected by the manager), but the passenger is confident in the legality of his demands, you can (but not necessarily) inform him that he will go higher with his complaint.

Sometimes this may work and the air carrier will agree to pay damages.

Complaint to the Consumer Rights Protection Society (CPS)

This authority was established to verify statements and claims from consumers to manufacturers or organizations that sell goods or provide services. In order for the application to be considered, you should contact one of the consumer rights protection departments: regional or central in Moscow.

If the company proves guilt, it draws up a report and sends it to the authorities that are authorized to proceed with the case further. Be it a financial penalty or criminal proceedings.

A complaint to the OPP is submitted in one of the following ways:

  • A written request sent by registered mail with notification of receipt by the addressee. Evidence of the harm caused should be attached to the letter.
  • Notification via email (email can be found on the organization’s website).
  • Personal contact with the OPP employee and provision of the necessary documents.
  • Telephone complaint to the OPP office.

Filing a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor

Rospotrebnadzor branches are located in all administrative districts of the Russian Federation and are designed, in particular, to monitor the quality of services provided by organizations. If Rospotrebnadzor reveals violations, it even has the right to impose restrictions on the company’s activities.

A complaint can be made as follows:

  • Personally visit the department and explain the essence of the matter to the official. Upon filing a complaint, a commission is organized to review the circumstances of the incident.
  • By phone with an authority employee. It is difficult to provide any evidence, but you can get advice on the next steps.
  • Fill out the electronic form on the official website You can find it in the “Appeals” tab.
  • Write a complaint and send it by mail with notification of receipt. It is appropriate to attach all documents proving the client’s case.

Sample of filling out an electronic form on the website

Expert opinion Egor Kirillovich Grigoriev Legal consultant with 7 years of experience. Specializes in criminal law. More than 3 years of experience in protecting legal interests.

In case of detection of dangers for the normal travel of a passenger, a threat to health or life, it is necessary to immediately report violations to the authorities of Rospotrebnadzor.

Appeal to the Federal Air Transport Agency (FAVT)

Rosaviatsia is a specialized organization that acts on behalf of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. It is designed to control all the nuances associated with the work of air carriers operating in the Russian Federation, including the quality of the services provided. This is the main relevant body that supervises and guides the aviation industry.

FAVT branches operate in 15 federal districts, which covers the entire territory of Russia

Air carriers are under supervision, regardless of whether they operate in the domestic market or organize international air travel. If the Federal Air Transport Agency during its investigation reveals serious violations on the part of a certain company, the latter may even face revocation of its license, not counting other disciplinary measures.

You can file a complaint with the FAVT as follows:

  • Write an appeal to one of the FAVT branches with notification of delivery to the addressee. Attached documentary evidence of the air carrier's guilt is welcome.
  • Electronic appeal to the e-mail of the Federal Air Transport Agency [email protected]
  • Registration of a complaint on the official website of the FAVT
  • A telephone call to a representative of the Federal Air Transport Agency.
  • Make an appointment at one of the FAVT branches. During a personal conversation, you can comprehensively cover the problem and answer questions that arise in connection with it. This will significantly simplify the investigation procedure and speed up the process.

However, it will not be possible to compensate for the damage caused through the fault of the air carrier through the Federal Air Transport Agency. This organization deals exclusively with matters related to the operation of the airline itself and does not mediate in disputes between it and clients.

How to contact the contact center?

Aeroflot has created its own contact center for its customers, which operates around the clock.
Here you can always get professional advice and hear the answer to your question.

Operators will help resolve unusual situations, tell you the flight time and the availability of free seats on the flight of interest.

You can work with the staff to resolve the issue of missing luggage, ticket replacement and other situations.

8(800)4445555 is a federal toll-free number for all residents of Russia. You can call it completely free of charge and at any time. It is available to both individuals and businesses.
*555 - this number is available to subscribers of Tele2, Megafon, MTS and Beeline. The call is free.
8(495)2235555 — customer support number in Moscow. Payment for the call will be made according to the tariffs of the current telecom operator.

Aeroflot offers toll-free telephone numbers of its services for vacationers outside Russia.

The call is free and at any time. The company's official portal contains a detailed list of contacts with air carrier employees. Support is provided in different languages.

Belarus - 882000110792 Italy - 800905668 Estonia - 8002043 Great Britain - 08000260033 Poland - 800400390 Austria - 0800068828

Why choose Aeroflot?

To get to your destination without any problems, you need to choose the right airline.

Aeroflot has extensive experience in working with passengers, so it offers only the most comfortable conditions.

The main advantages of the company include:

  • There are rarely flight delays;
  • friendly and welcoming service staff;
  • convenient flight schedule;
  • clear baggage payment system;
  • the ability to return tickets with minimal penalty fees;
  • regular promotions and special offers for customers;
  • low prices for additional cargo.
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