Why is a marriage certificate issued and how can one obtain it?

What is a document and why might it be needed?

Information about marriage is recorded in the internal documents of the registry office. Records of marriages are required to be recorded and stored, so even after time has passed, they can be accessed.

The marriage certificate is an extract from the archive books of the registry office. It may be needed in the following situations:

  • When assigning a pension.
  • To prove the fact of a change of surname by one of the spouses when changing marital status.
  • When assigning social benefits.
  • To prove kinship with the deceased when resolving issues of inheritance of property.
  • If the marriage certificate is lost or damaged.

Payment options

State Services allows you to pay for a certificate of absence of marriage directly from the portal. A financial transaction can be carried out:

  • according to the transfer scheme using details from a bank card with payment systems MasterCard, Visa, Mir;
  • from the Webmoney electronic wallet;
  • from the balance of a mobile phone of federal operators.

When preparing an information document under other schemes, payment is made at the cash desk of a financial institution using the details. Or through the online banking service through a transfer from a bank or card account.

Form and content

The document can be drawn up on Form 27 or 28:

  • Form 27 is issued in a situation where a marriage is registered and valid between a man and a woman.
  • Form 28 for marriage registration is issued after a divorce, that is, when the marriage is dissolved, taking into account current legal norms.

The contents of these certificates are almost identical. Form 28 differs only in the presence of information about the fact of divorce. The document includes the following information:

  1. Serial number.
  2. The name of the archive of the civil registry office that issued the certificate.
  3. Full name of each partner before and after registration of the marriage relationship.
  4. Date of marriage.
  5. Date of issue of the certificate.
  6. Signature of an authorized person and seal of the organization.

Upon receipt of the document, you must immediately check that your personal data is filled out correctly, so that you do not have to order it again later.

How long is it valid for?

According to the requirements of Russian registry offices, the validity period of a certificate of absence of marriage is 3 months. At the time of submitting documents to resolve the issue for which the document was drawn up, it must be valid.

However, according to the requirements of some states, the deadlines can be reduced to 30 days. This is relevant if the purpose of obtaining a certificate was to carry out the procedure of marriage with a foreigner in a foreign country. The need for more up-to-date information is due to the fact that claims for marriage after publication of an event in the media can be filed within a month.

Sample certificate of absence of marriage registration.

Where can I request it?

Help can be obtained in various ways. A citizen can submit a request through:

  • MARRIAGE REGISTRY . Civil status acts on divorce and marriage are stored in the archives of the organizations where they were issued. Upon request, the registry office can issue the necessary certificate. The application can be submitted in person or by mail. When sending documents by mail, you will need their notarized copies.
  • State Services Portal . A verified account will be required to submit a request. You can confirm it by mail, through Sberbank Online or in another way.
  • MFC . You can make an appointment in advance or go through the electronic queue. After receiving the documents, the center specialist issues a receipt, using the number of which you can track the status of the application.

Applying through government services

Today, the electronic application filing system is very developed. The government services portal is actively used for this purpose. Step-by-step instructions on how to submit an application to the registry office:

  1. To carry out all kinds of operations, you must register. The site provides a fairly simple registration form that anyone can go through.
  2. Confirmation of the specified passport data. As a rule, it occurs through a message with a certain code on a mobile phone.
  3. Entering the received code provides the right to use the site's services.
  4. Select the service you need.
  5. Filling out an application electronically.
  6. Next, choose a method to obtain a certificate. The options are as follows: mail or personal visit to the registry office.
  7. A message will await you in your personal account when you can pick up the certificate.

How to get a?

Data from the archive books of the Civil Registry Office are confidential. Providing reference information is possible upon request only from those persons who have the right to access such information.

These include:

  • Citizens whose marriage has been recorded.
  • Close relatives of the deceased whose former marital status is being requested. Relationship must be confirmed by relevant documents.
  • Guardians or trustees of an incapacitated person.
  • Representatives of the above persons on the basis of a power of attorney confirmed by a notary.
  • Investigative officers acting legally.

Let's take a closer look at the algorithm for obtaining a document.

Receipt through the registry office and MFC

  1. Write an application for the issuance of a certificate of form 27 or 28. The document must contain correct data and be drawn up without blots or grammatical errors. It should include the following information:
      The name of the registry office department where the request is sent.
  2. Full name, passport details and place of residence of the requester.
  3. Full name of partners at the time of marriage.
  4. Information about the registry office where the relationship was registered.
  5. Date and number of the relationship registration act.
  6. Reason for receipt.
  7. Date of application.
  8. Applicant's signature.
  9. Pay the state fee. The amount of payment is determined by Article 333.26 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation - 200 rubles. Payment details can be found on the website or found at the registry office. There are categories of persons exempt from payment:
      Citizens who take a certificate for the assignment or recalculation of pensions and benefits.
  10. Categories of persons established by Article 333.35 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (participants of the Second World War, heroes of the USSR and the Russian Federation, prisoners of fascist concentration camps, etc.).
  11. Collect the necessary documents and submit them to the authorized body. To request a certificate you will need the following documents:
    • Passport.
    • Statement.

  12. Receipt for payment of state duty.
  13. In some cases:

  • Documents proving relationship with the deceased person and his death certificate.
  • Documents proving the right to act on behalf of the incapacitated person.
  • A notarized power of attorney, if the certificate is obtained by a representative.
  • Get the document .
    The certificate can be obtained by the applicant himself in person or by his representative with a notarized power of attorney. The document can also be sent by mail. During a personal visit, a completed form can be issued on the day of application. If the request was made in the archives of the registry office of another locality and it was necessary to send it by mail, you can receive the document within a period of several days to a month.
  • How to order through State Services?

    Receiving a document through State Services occurs according to the following algorithm:

    1. To submit an application, you need to go to the service catalog and select “Family and Children”.
    2. In the “All services” section, expand the “Services in your region” item. Select a location if it is determined incorrectly.
    3. Next, in the “Registration Office (name of region)” section, select the item “Issue of a repeated certificate/certificate of state registration of marriage.” After selecting a service, information about its receipt will open. If services are provided only non-electronically, you will have to issue a certificate in person at the registry office; if it is possible to receive the service electronically, proceed further.
    4. You need to click on the “Get a service” button so that a window with an application appears.
      Filling out the application begins with choosing the type of document (certificate) and the registry office of the application (i.e., where the data is stored). Next, fill in information about the applicant (full name, passport, place of residence). Information is automatically filled in from your account on the portal. Then information about marriage registration is entered. Next, you will need to select the division of the registry office where the applicant wants to receive a certificate. The registry office address will have to be filled in manually. Additional information automatically includes email and phone number. After selecting the method of providing information about the status of the application, click on the “Submit Application” button.
    5. Next, you will need to pay a state fee. The state fee for the service will be 200 rubles. After this, the application goes into processing. If an application is submitted on a weekend, it will be registered on the next working day.
    6. The certificate can be obtained in person at the specified registry office. By proxy, another person can receive it. Upon receipt, the applicant must show his passport, receipt of payment of the state fee and other (if necessary) documents. The document must be sent no later than the business day following the day of registration of the application. The applicant receives a message about this.

    The divorce procedure involves quite a lot of documents, including an application for divorce, including for State Services, a certificate of divorce and its duplicate, as well as a certificate of divorce.

    In what cases can they refuse to provide

    The issuance of a certificate may also be refused if the application is filled out incorrectly or if it contains an incomplete set of papers.

    In some cases, the government service of issuing a certificate of absence of marriage may be refused. This is due to the fact that the registry office issues it only for the period of time during which the applicant was registered in the region that the establishment serves. It is worth considering that a request for information about events that occurred after 1985 is possible. Since until this time, information is not stored in the registry office due to the lack of a common archival database.

    How long is it valid?

    The certificate of state registration of marriage is unlimited . It loses relevance only when the citizen’s marital status has changed. Notarized copies of a document have the same force as the original. They can be produced if the document is needed by several people or is used very often.

    Let's summarize. A marriage registration certificate can be obtained on forms 27 and 28. It can be ordered by contacting the registry office, MFC, or sending a request through the State Services portal. The state fee for obtaining a document is determined by law and is 200 rubles.

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    When independently obtaining a certificate of absence of marriage, the state fee is the only expense for the applicant. Without payment of this payment, the submitted set of documentation will not be considered, and, as a consequence of this, the requested paper will not be processed and issued. The state fee for issuing certificates, the preparation of which requires requests from the archives, corresponds to 200 rubles. Additional costs may include:

    • translation of the certificate into the native language of the state of the institution for submission to which it is intended - from 500 rubles;
    • document certification - from 800 rubles;
    • affixing an apostille to the Civil Registry Office - state duty and possible costs of up to 1,300 rubles.

    Sometimes the person interested in obtaining a certificate does not have the opportunity to independently resolve documentary issues. Then you can contact a specialized company, whose specialists will complete all the work for an amount of 2,000 rubles. Additionally, you can order a certificate delivery service to your address.

    Rules for writing an application

    You can find the application form at any relevant institution. Its form is prescribed in the legislation of the Russian Federation. Unlike applications in other bodies, the civil registry office has its own form, which reflects the name of the body.

    The application is filled out like this:

    • enter the full name of the institution where the issuance will be made;
    • Full name of the applicant, his actual address of residence and place of registration, passport details;
    • name of the application (available on the form);
    • text requesting the issuance of Form 28 and a certificate of conclusion of their union;
    • In the text, indicate the full name of both married citizens;
    • the name of the civil registry office where the registration was made;
    • purpose of receipt;
    • date of.

    The application must not contain errors, strikethroughs or corrections. You must write in legible handwriting.

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