New validity periods for Russian passports and other changes to them from 2021 and 2022

Features and Benefits

Multifunctional are state and municipal autonomous institutions providing administrative services to the population.

Since 2007, the activities of the MFC have been aimed at simplifying the procedure for obtaining certain services from government agencies:

  • Registration and issuance of internal and foreign passports;
  • Obtaining registration;
  • Registration of individual entrepreneurs and other actions.

Such centers operate in a “single window” format: a wide range of actions is carried out through one inspector, and the citizen is freed from the need to visit various authorities.

The process of obtaining a passport through the MFC has several advantages compared to the procedure for applying to the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Among them:

  • Dynamic service - compared to passport offices, documents are accepted by center inspectors more quickly;
  • Availability of banking and copying services - you can pay the state fee or make a copy of documents on the spot;
  • Convenient opening hours - you can submit passport papers to the MFC from morning to evening on weekdays without lunch breaks;
  • An extensive network of centers and territorial convenience for circulation.

State duty

You cannot pay the state fee at the MFC itself; to do this you need to use the services of one of the banks. However, in each of the centers there is a Sberbank terminal through which you can quickly pay the required fees. The center's consultants will help with payment and registration.

State fee for replacing a passport

In case of passport replacement, the fee will be 300 rubles. Payment can be made either from a Sberbank card or in cash using a terminal. The payment receipt is provided to employees on site, so there is no need to go to the bank to complete the procedure.

Initial registration of a passport at 14 years old through the MFC: procedure algorithm and issuance deadlines

Parents (guardians) of a child can provide assistance and assistance in the initial registration of an identity card for a Russian citizen upon reaching his 14th birthday. At the same time, the presence of responsible adults when submitting papers is not mandatory. Having crossed the age limit of 14 years, a person is given the right to independently sign applications for the issuance of personal documents.

Obtaining a passport at the age of 14 through the MFC involves a step-by-step algorithm of actions:

  1. Collection of all documents that are included in the mandatory package of papers required for the production of a passport;
  2. Contacting the service center to make an appointment with an inspector. You can make an appointment for a specific time over the phone, or you can take an electronic queue coupon directly upon arrival at the MFC;
  3. Payment of state duty at the service center terminal;
  4. Drawing up an application according to the sample proposed by the MFC employee, with an attachment in the form of a package of documents. These actions should be performed after the applicant’s serial number corresponding to the electronic queue coupon number is displayed on the display;
  5. Verification of documents and issuance by the service inspector of a receipt for receipt of papers. You can use it to track the readiness of your identity card;
  6. After receiving notification that the passport is ready, the applicant contacts the MFC for a printed form.

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The deadline for issuing a form confirming the identity of a young Russian will be ready:

  • 10 days after the documents reach the GU VM, if they were submitted at the place of residence;
  • 30 days after processing them at the Main Office of the VM, if the passport is issued not at the place of residence.

Another 4-6 days should be added to these deadlines: during the specified time, the papers will move between the MFC and the passport office.

How can you find out if it's ready?

State authorities officially notify the applicant about the readiness of a civil passport and the need to obtain it.

The preliminary deadlines for issuing a Russian passport are communicated to the applicant when submitting the application. If, after 15 days from the established date of receipt, the passport is not requested, a written notification (in any form) is sent to the applicant about the need to obtain it.

The message also comes via SMS to the phone number or email address that was specified when submitting the application. When submitting an application through the State Services portal, such an invitation comes to the applicant’s personal account.

The finished document will await its owner within three years from the date of registration. If during this time the applicant does not appear, the passport will be destroyed in accordance with the established procedure.

What papers are required when applying for a passport for the first time at age 14?

To produce a child’s first civil passport you will need:

  • A written application for registration of the form (Form 1P) - drawn up when submitting documents;
  • Original and copy of birth certificate;
  • Confirmation of Russian citizenship in the form of a mark on the birth certificate or a special insert (if the child was born outside the Russian Federation);
  • A person's registration document - a certificate of registration of place of residence (Form No. 8), or a certificate of family composition (Form No. 9);
  • Two photo cards 35*45 mm;
  • Receipt confirming payment of state duty.

A teenager's right to receive an identity document is not affected by the fact whether his parents live together or separately. In this case, the list of documents remains unchanged.

Government duty

For the production of an internal passport for a person who reaches the age of 14, a state fee of 300 rubles is charged. Orphan teenagers, as well as persons without parental care, are exempt from payment.

Late receipt of a passport: penalties

Submission of papers for the initial production of an internal passport must take place within 30 days from the date of the teenager’s 14th birthday. In accordance with Article 19.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the absence of an identity card for citizens is an administrative offense.

Thus, delaying the acceptable time frame for obtaining a passport for a teenager is fraught with financial sanctions in the amount of 2-3 thousand rubles (depending on the region) for his parents (guardians).

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Please note: if the month-long deadline for the initial registration of a passport is missed, it will be impossible to obtain the document through the MFC. In this case, the request for a passport will be accepted exclusively by the GUVM authorities (passport office).

It is here that a decision is made on administrative penalties for late receipt of the form. Punishment can be avoided if the applicant can prove that the deadlines were missed for a good reason (for example, due to illness, etc.).

If a fine is imposed, it must be paid within the next 60 days. Ignoring regulatory requirements will result in a doubling of the fine.

There is nowhere to register: how possible is a full life in this case?

To understand why registration in a passport is needed, it will be enough just to name a few reasons why a person’s life without registration can turn into complete hell, and solving simple everyday problems into pressing and intractable problems.

Restrictions on obtaining credits and loans

In order to be able to obtain a loan or credit from a bank, permanent registration is required. Many banks may additionally require borrowers to have permanent residence in the region where the bank itself is located.

Registration at the place of residence (temporary) will allow you to take out a loan, provided that your passport contains a stamp indicating permanent registration in another region. If this is not the case, then at best the loan will be issued for a period that will not exceed the duration of the temporary registration.

In this case, there is a way out for Sberbank clients who participate in salary projects and pensioners who receive payments on cards. Such categories can receive a consumer loan without a time limit.

It should be noted that credit restrictions are not the worst thing that can happen if you don’t have a registration date in your passport.

Lack of access to social programs, services and paperwork

Particularly serious consequences in the absence of registration in the passport will be felt when it is necessary to apply for social benefits or obtain the necessary document. Practice shows that without registration in the passport it will be impossible to:

  • apply for medical services (we are not talking about emergency medical care), register for medical services at a local clinic, obtain a health insurance policy;
  • design ;
  • register with the tax office;
  • get a well-paid job;
  • obtain a driver's license;
  • register the car;
  • apply for a pension;
  • receive social benefits;
  • register your child for kindergarten or school.

In addition, we should not forget that a meeting with law enforcement officials may result in a fine for living without registration.

Are there any grounds for refusing to issue a passport?

MFC employees may refuse to accept passport documents to an applicant in the following cases:

  • There is no personal information about the person in the application, or deliberately false information has been submitted;
  • The applicant's Russian citizenship has not been confirmed;
  • The package of papers is not presented in full;
  • There is no information about payment of state duty;
  • Personal photographs do not comply with the format approved in the requirements;
  • The child’s personal documents issued in another country are not translated into Russian.

Migration legislation states: any other reasons cannot serve as a basis for refusing a request for a civil passport. If the employee still refuses to assist, the applicant has the right to file a complaint with the management of the MFC, as well as with the prosecutor’s office.

The initial receipt of a passport by a teenager aged 14 years can be carried out through the MFC. Contacting the office somewhat simplifies the procedure for filling out the form: you can submit papers and receive a completed passport here at a time convenient for the applicant.

A teenager can fill out a form confirming his identity independently, without the presence of his parents. An application for the production of a document must be submitted within one month after reaching the 14th birthday.

A blow to the institution of marriage

Information about the abolition of the mandatory stamp in the passport surprised a number of experts. Thus, the chairman of the Women’s Union of Russia, Ekaterina Lakhova, in a conversation with the Telegram channel “Radiotochka NSN”, said that she did not understand the reasons for this decision.

- Who pushed for this? This is not clear to me. What was done well in its time, in the last century, cannot be thrown away and crossed out,” she said.

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Lakhova believes that such marks in the passport are important, among other things, for strengthening the institution of family.

— If we are talking about family policy, about strengthening and developing the family, about responsible parenthood, then this step should be noted in the most important document. Information about children is very important,” said the chairman of the Women’s Union. “Today they are the priority when making decisions in public policy; such an article even appeared in the new Constitution.

At the same time, she admitted that she did not see the absence of a stamp in the marriage passport as an opportunity for any new abuses.

Psychotherapist, TV presenter and writer Natalya Tolstaya also said that she considers the new rules dangerous and “helping to deceive women.” In her opinion, because of these rules there will be “more unhappy unions.”

“Once again, the infantile behavior of men and women is encouraged,” she said. — The new rules bring nothing but a blow to the institution of marriage.

Other famous people also spoke out about the new rule. For example, mixed style fighter Alexander Shlemenko, who is raising four children with his wife, expressed confidence that “there is nothing reprehensible in deciding and having such a choice,” since only the real relationship between husband and wife is important, and not a mark in the document.


Photo: IZVESTIA/Konstantin Kokoshkin

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