How to file a complaint with the Moscow Department of Education

The Department of Education (DE) of the city of Moscow is a sectoral executive body that controls the work of kindergartens, schools, vocational schools, universities and other educational institutions. Its activities are carried out on the basis of Federal Law No. 273 of December 29, 2012 “On Education in the Russian Federation”, the Constitution of the Russian Federation and other resolutions and orders of federal executive authorities. If conflict situations arise with the management of an educational institution, you can write a complaint, letter or petition to the city Department of Education.

Reasons for appeal

You can complain to the Moscow Department of Education in the following cases:

  • The emergence of conflict situations with the management of the educational institution.
  • Prejudicial attitude towards the child.
  • Inadequate supervision of a child resulting in injury or injury.
  • Mental or physical violence.
  • Incompetence of the teacher.
  • Problems with enrolling a child in kindergarten, first grade, etc.
  • Difficulties with advancement in the electronic queue.
  • Unfair assessment of student knowledge.
  • Unlawful extortions.

Consequences of filing

If the student’s rights and freedoms are not respected, his parents or he himself can begin to take measures to protect them. This process is regulated by Art. 45 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ.

For teachers

Unlawful actions of a teacher or other employee of a general education institution can be appealed as follows:

  • appeal to the violator’s immediate superior (school director);
  • submitting the dispute to the commission for consideration.

A complaint addressed to the director must be made in writing. When writing it, be sure to indicate:

  1. Full name of the director.
  2. School number and location.
  3. Subject of the complaint (brief description of the incident, full names of the teacher and student, information about possible witnesses).
  4. The essence of the request.
  5. Full name of the applicant.
  6. Date of.

Resolution of a controversial situation is also possible by submitting an application from the student or his legal representative (parent, guardian) to create a specialized commission.

The members of the commission are representatives of students' parents and school staff. They are selected by the parent committee and the competent authority of the educational organization.

Conflicting parties have the right to be present at the consideration of the application. Also, as necessary, witnesses and other persons who can clarify the issue under discussion are called to the meeting. Based on their testimony, legislative acts and regulations of the institution, as well as the results of a comprehensive analysis of the current situation, a decision is made. Its content is mandatory for all parties to the dispute, but it can also be appealed in court.

If the outcome is unsatisfactory for the victim or there is no response from management, the claim is submitted to higher authorities. In this case, both the teacher’s original offense and the director’s inaction are subject to appeal.

For the director

You can send a letter to the district office by mail or email. Municipal authorities also have their own official portals, and some of them have electronic reception desks that provide convenient submission of applications for consideration by competent specialists.

Postal and email addresses and links to department websites can be found on the official portals of the Departments of Education of a particular region (subject of the Russian Federation).

To school

The process of appealing a general education institution is similar to the same procedure addressed to the director. To do this, the applicant also needs to submit a letter to the municipal administration, and in the application itself enter the address and school number, describe the offense and a list of violators with full name and information about their positions.

You can achieve greater effect by contacting the following government agencies:

  1. Regional Department of Education. (for Moscow)
  2. Federal Service for Supervision (Rosobrnadzor).
  3. Ministry (Ministry of Education and Science).
  4. Rospotrebnadzor.
  5. Prosecutor's office.
  6. Court.
  7. Ombudsman.

Satisfaction of a complaint against a school, director or teacher entails the following consequences:

  1. Determination and obligation to implement measures to resolve the dispute.
  2. Revision of the charter and regulations of a general education institution.
  3. Revocation of the license of a private educational organization.
  4. The appointment and application of disciplinary or administrative measures, and sometimes criminal punishment to the perpetrator.
  5. Dismissal or removal from office of the offender.
  6. Compensation for material or moral damage to the victim.

Based on the results of consideration of your application, a certain decision will be made. If the facts stated in the statement are confirmed, the perpetrators will be brought to justice. It can be different. The simplest is that the guilty person will be reprimanded, the most serious is going to court.

The complaint will be considered justified if the teacher:

  • does not fulfill his duties;
  • fails to comply with safety regulations, resulting in a child being injured;
  • violates the school's labor regulations;
  • incites national and religious hatred;
  • does not comply with ethics and morality;
  • does not take into account the child’s health and psychological health in the educational process;
  • underestimates the student's grades;
  • is biased towards the child.

Application forms

The following methods of contacting the Moscow Department of Education are allowed:

  1. Written complaint.
  2. Phone call.
  3. Make an appointment for a personal appointment with an authorized person.
  4. Via the official website


A complaint about violations of rights in educational institutions should be sent in one of the following ways:

  1. By registered mail with notification of delivery of correspondence to the address: 129090, Moscow, st. Bolshaya Spasskaya, 15, building 1.
  2. To an email address (for legal entities).
  3. Submit in person to the reception office of the DO at the address: Moscow, st. Academician Tupolev Embankment, 15, bldg. 4.

Public reception opening hours:

  • Monday-Friday: from 8.00 to 20.00;
  • Saturday: from 9.00 to 15.00.

Healthy! What mistakes should be avoided when drawing up a written complaint, read the article “How to write a complaint correctly”

Phone call

The Moscow Department of Education has several telephone lines for receiving calls from the public:

  • To answer citizens' questions and requests, the unified information service of the city of Moscow operates around the clock: +7 (495) 777-77-77.
  • To resolve issues related to registration of correspondence, you should call or +7 (495) 366-66-80.
  • For questions regarding receiving correspondence from legal entities, calls are accepted to the number.

Personal reception

The reception of citizens is conducted by the head of the Department of Education, Kalina Isaak Iosifovich, the first deputy and deputy heads. Reception schedule:

More detailed information is provided on the official website of the DO at:

To make an appointment, you must fill out a special form:

Applications from citizens are accepted from Monday to Saturday at the Department's reception desk.

Note! An incorrectly drafted application may be grounds for refusal to make an appointment. The document must contain the applicant's contact information, date, signature and a brief summary of the appeal.

For a personal appointment, you must bring an identification document with you.

Where else can you complain about a school teacher or school?

Let's consider other authorities.

To supervisory authorities (Rosobrnadzor, Rospotrebnadzor, prosecutor's office)

Complaints about unlawful actions of school employees are accepted by:

  1. Department of Education. Monitors compliance with students' rights. The rules for filing an application are general; you need to describe what happened in essence. The application must not be anonymous.
  2. Rosobrnadzor. Receives complaints not only about schools, but also about departments. You can complain by sending a letter or online on the Rosobrnadzor website.
  3. Ministry of Education and Science. You can send an application by mail or leave an electronic application on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science.
  4. Rospotrebnadzor. You should complain to this department if sanitary standards are violated. For example, violations in the preparation or storage of food, shortages or underestimation of meat and dairy products in portions. Scheduled inspections are carried out once a year. A justified complaint may result in an unscheduled inspection. If violations are detected, the caterer faces a fine and an order to eliminate the violations. You can complain by sending an application by mail or appearing in person at the territorial office of Rospotrebnadzor.

To law enforcement agencies

You should complain to law enforcement agencies if there are signs of an offense. If the applicant has previously complained to other departments that did not take proper measures, he can contact law enforcement agencies with a complaint about the actions of officials.

After consideration by the prosecutor's office, the guilty person may face administrative punishment, or the case may be brought to court.

To court

You can file a claim yourself. It is not necessary to contact other departments in advance. This can be done if there are material claims against the guilty party

To go to court, it is important to confirm your words with documentary evidence, including confirming the amount of damage caused.

Important! If the amount of material damage is less than 50,000 rubles, the case will be considered by the magistrate court. If more - regional

Sample documents

Prosecutor's full name,


Applicant (full name, address for reply)

Application (complaint)

I, Full Name, am the parent of a child studying at ____ school.

Extortions are made illegally at school. Money to replace old wooden windows with plastic ones is collected from parents. Parents are also required to pay for painting walls and replacing desks. The children of those parents who did not hand over the money are put under pressure. I consider these demands illegal. I request you to check these facts.

Date Signature, transcript

Internet appeal

There are two ways to submit a complaint electronically:

  1. Through the electronic reception at:
  2. Using the resource “Appeals to the head of the department” at:

Steps to apply online:

  1. Select the “Electronic Reception” item in the “Citizen Appeals” menu on the Department of Education website or use the direct link
  2. Familiarize yourself with the basic rules for filing electronic appeals.
  3. Indicate the applicant's full name, contact information, and briefly outline the content of the complaint.
  4. Select the type of appeal - from an individual or legal entity.
  5. Indicate the desired method of providing a response - by email or postal address.
  6. Enter the text of the request.
  7. Attach additional files if necessary.
  8. Send a request.

The form for citizens to contact us on the website of DO Moscow looks like this:

Complaint form Complaint form Complaint form

To contact the head of the Moscow Department of Education, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Study the rules for filing appeals and become familiar with the procedure for their consideration.
  3. Specify the subject of the appeal.
  4. Fill in the appropriate fields with your full name, phone number, e-mail, and educational institution.
  5. Write the text of the complaint.
  6. Attach additional files no larger than 5 MB.
  7. To send a letter.

Note! All applications are checked and, if they comply with legal requirements, are published on the official website of the subsidiary in the section “Citizens' Appeals”. The last name, first name, patronymic of the author and the name of the organization specified when filling out the form will also be publicly available.

The applicant's contact information is not disclosed in accordance with Federal Law No. 152 “On the Protection of Personal Data.”

In a number of cases, the application remains without consideration and publication, in particular:

  • In the absence of personal information of the applicant.
  • If there are insults (How to write a complaint about insult) or threats to the life of an official or members of his family.
  • If an official response has already been provided on this issue.
  • There is a court decision that has entered into force on the issue specified in the application.
  • The response to the appeal requires the disclosure of state or legally protected secrets.

This procedure is provided for by Federal Law No. 59 “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation.”

Important! Notifications about the progress of the complaint will be sent to the email address specified when submitting the application.

How to write a letter to the Department of Education

According to Federal Law No. 59 of May 2, 2006 “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation,” the following requirements are imposed on letters to the Department of Education:

  1. Availability of the applicant's full name and postal address.
  2. The essence of the problem should be stated in compliance with the rules of the Russian language, concisely, without unnecessary emotions.
  3. Availability of the applicant's signature and date of preparation.

Applications in which:

  • information about the applicant is not provided (anonymous letter) or incomplete or unreliable information is provided;
  • there is obscene language, offensive statements, threats to life, health or property;
  • the text is written illegibly;
  • a court decision or sentence is being appealed;
  • the answer implies the disclosure of state secrets;
  • Responses to the appeal had already been given previously and the repeated letter did not provide new facts about the case.

Example of a complaint against a class teacher

If pressure is exerted on a school student by the class teacher or school administration (How to write a complaint against a school, teacher, director) due to low academic performance and a decrease in the high statistical indicators of the educational institution, you should file a complaint with the educational institution using the following form:

Complaint against the class teacher

Authority's powers

To navigate the list of questions that can be addressed to the department, you need to know its area of ​​competence. Basic rights of the Moscow department:

  1. Monitoring the implementation and compliance with the provisions of legislative acts relating to education.
  2. Development and issuance of instructions and orders.
  3. Creation of methods for educational institutions.
  4. Distribution of budget funds, control over their use.

An appeal to the Moscow DO can be made in case of any discrepancy with the legislation on the listed issues.

Basic Concepts

Knowing the area of ​​personnel responsibility helps to correctly assess the situation.

No.Job titleJob responsibilities
1.Head teacherEducational work at school must be organized to the required level.
Responsibility for financial and economic activities.

High-quality and safe conditions for the education and training of students.

Respect for the rights and freedoms of children, creating conditions for this.

Contact with other organizations.

2.Head of kindergarten.Manages all activities of the institution.
Monitors the implementation of the educational program.

Organizes and leads the work of the team.

Works with parents and staff.

Conducts hiring and firing of employees.

Monitors the sanitary, hygienic and fire conditions of the institution.

3.TeacherTrains and educates students.
Responsible for the level of training of students.

Communicates with the parent team.

4.Kindergarten teacher.Carefully supervises children in groups, strictly adhering to instructions.
Monitors the health of children.

Plans and conducts classes, together with other employees carries out work within the framework of programs.

Strictly adheres to the established regime and schedule of classes, organizes leisure activities for groups.

Cooperates with parents on issues of raising children.

If controversial situations arise on any of the issues, citizens have the right to file a complaint. In cases where the violation is classified as criminal, an application is submitted to the appropriate structures. These include the prosecutor's office, courts, and police.

Collective claim from parents

The best effect when filing a complaint against the school principal will be achieved if it is initiated by several parents at once.

The structure of a collective complaint against a director consists of the following details:

  1. against whom the claim is being made;
  2. destination;
  3. name and address of the school;
  4. Full name of the parent, his contact information;
  5. Main thought;
  6. the essence of the request;
  7. subject of request
  8. signatures of applicants, date.

At the top of the document it is indicated to which institution the claim is addressed, by whom and to whom it was made. It is necessary to write the full name of the educational institution, the initials of the director, as well as the details of the applicants. If there are a lot of them, you can generalize, for example, “parents of students in grade 5 “A”. The main idea should describe the essence of the problem. After the word “Complaint”, as a rule, the narrative part begins from the next line with the following words: “We, representatives (parents) of students of grade 3 “b” of secondary school No. 2 of Yekaterinburg...”.

After stating the problem, the essence of the request is indicated, and additional references are made to the legal framework. At the end of the document, the initials and signatures of the parents must be recorded, and the date must be indicated.


A collective complaint against the director should be filed in two copies.

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