Verifying temporary registration for authenticity: available methods

Sending a written request by mail

The postal method of finding out information: whether temporary registration is valid or not is not the most popular.
This is because it takes a very long time to receive a response. After completing a written application, the migrant sends the request by mail. It may take several weeks for delivery to your local office. It will take several days for FMS employees to find out the necessary information and issue an official response. And several weeks to deliver correspondence to the applicant. As a result, the entire procedure may take a month or more.

In what cases is it necessary to check the registration at the place of residence of a foreigner?

Important. Every person who comes from another country and plans to stay in Russia for more than 7 days must register at the place of his stay (Article 20, paragraph 1, Federal Law No. 109).

The document will be needed when applying for a job, for renting housing, etc. However, the presence of a certificate of migration registration does not indicate the legal presence of a citizen in the Russian Federation.

Sometimes situations arise when it becomes necessary to make sure that the registration of a foreigner is genuine:

  1. The newcomer is not sure of the legality of his own registration. For example, a citizen does not know the laws of the country and turned to intermediaries for help in registering for migration in the Russian Federation.
    If doubting the honesty of the person providing the service, a foreigner can contact the Ministry of Internal Affairs to obtain accurate information about the existing registration.
  2. A national of another country has lost his title document. He does not remember when the permissible period of stay in the Russian Federation ends.
    The migrant is not responsible for violation of migration registration (Article 24, Federal Law No. 109), but may be deported from the country with restrictions on further entry into the Russian Federation.
  3. Verification is necessary for a potential employer, and the question of whether he is obliged to do this disappears by itself.
    He must be sure that he is hiring a person who is legally in Russia.

    If you do not comply with this requirement, the employer will be held administratively liable.

    Important. The penalty for violating the rules of migration registration for a legal entity can reach up to 1 million rubles (Article 18.9, Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

  4. Third Party Request. For example, a foreigner has problems with the law, and the police are checking the authenticity of his documents.

Validity of registration and intermediary companies

Trying to save time and nerves, many foreign citizens turn to companies that provide support services to migrants for help. In their price list you can find, among other things, “obtaining temporary registration at the place of residence.” But why does turning to such companies contain certain risks?

The danger of turning to intermediary companies

The main danger that lurks in cooperation with such companies is receiving a document that is not valid. Therefore, when choosing an office that helps migrants, you need to find out as much information as possible about it and read reviews. The best decision would be to choose a company based on the recommendations of trusted people.

This is important to know: Registration of temporary registration in Moscow and the Moscow region for foreigners and citizens of the Russian Federation



1. On your own or through a representative, contact the Department of Internal Affairs of the Department of Internal Affairs (FMS) of the region where the registration was received, the answer will be issued on the spot, the minus, the truth is that you will receive the answer orally, and you will not be able to prove the legality of your registration anywhere.

2 On your own or through a representative, fill out a special application and receive an official document (an extract from the foreign citizens registration database) of the Federal Migration Service, which will already contain official information about your registration. You have the right to present this document anywhere.

The registration confirmation you receive will indicate:

  • Passport data (full name, date and place of birth, passport series number
  • Confirmation of registration at the specified address
  • Duration during which registration is valid
  • Name of the OMV department (FMS) where the certificate was received
  • Date, signature and seal of the authority.

The request is issued within 3 working days from the date of receipt of the request.

3. Request by mail. You need to draw up and send a written request to the relevant territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (FMS) in which you indicate:

  • Migrant's personal data
  • Personal data of the requester
  • Describe the reasons that prompted the applicant to apply for this information.

Result of the application - Official paper confirming the presence (or absence) of registration in the Ministry of Internal Affairs database (similar to point 2)

4. Checking registration on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - through the form, which is located above the text


1. Expiration of the temporary registration (IMPORTANT! If you register through an intermediary, you need to remember that regardless of the period specified in your registration, you can be deregistered immediately after you have received the registration and paid the money.)

2. Unscrupulous owner (if you registered with the owner at the MFC, it is important to have guarantees that he will not go to the MFC the next day and deregister you for his apartment)

3. Purchasing registration on the Internet (in this case you must understand that you are receiving a 100% FALSE DOCUMENT)

In all these cases, the migrant can be arrested for 2 days, after which there will be a trial where he will be sentenced to Article 18.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses and deported from Russia for a period of 3 to 10 years

In such a situation, the migrant should be especially careful and not agree to sign any documents with the police, especially where it is written that he agrees that he knew that he was using a false registration.

Reasons for invalidity of registration

Identification of inconsistencies in the information provided by a migrant is fraught with additional checks by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. At the same time, migration service employees have the right to detain a foreigner for 2 days until the circumstances are clarified. The main reasons for this:

  • expiration of the temporary registration period;
  • expired foreigner's passport;
  • illegal crossing of the Russian border;
  • falsification of registration made independently;
  • a fake document issued by an intermediary company.

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For violations, liability is provided, which will involve not only the persons who issued the false document, but also the foreigner himself.

What is the penalty for false registration?

If it is discovered that the temporary registration certificate turns out to be a fake, the migrant faces a fine for fictitious registration of foreign citizens in the amount of up to 500 thousand rubles, correctional labor for up to three years, or imprisonment for the same period. Therefore, it is recommended to check your registration certificate as soon as possible.

The role of the FMS base

The modern FMS database was created to store migration changes that retain the responsibility of citizens to notify the state structure of their location (enshrined in Federal Law No. 5242-1, Art. 3). Despite strict accounting, freedom of movement for citizens of the Russian Federation remains unshakable (Article 1).

FMS migration information as part of recording temporary registration of citizens:

  • control of the movement of residents;
  • accounting for the arrival of migrants;
  • participation in the deportation of undocumented citizens;
  • issuance of a ban on entry into the country.

Since April 2021, the FMS has been abolished, but the database with data on Russian citizens and its guests remains.

Management of electronic information was transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which now took on the additional function of recording migration changes. These issues are now dealt with separately by a department - the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The place of temporary registration can be not only an apartment, but also other premises suitable for habitation. An example is a hotel number.

Available ways to obtain information

A foreign citizen receives registration from the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs at the place of planned residence. Next, the data about it is entered into the FMS database and assigned a digital code. This code indicates the legality and authenticity of the registration.

The very need to verify the authenticity of registration is due to the fact that many scammers offer intermediary services for its registration. But in reality, they simply issue fake registration documents to customers.

Benefits of verification - who needs it?

Certain groups of people may benefit from receiving information through the FMS database.

  • foreign citizen. After submitting documents no later than 7 days from the date of entry, a guest of the country can track the progress of registration. Another motive is to verify the authenticity of a permit already in hand, issued through an intermediary.
  • employer. To hire a foreigner, you must provide information about the certificate that gives temporary registration. Studying a document using the FMS database guarantees protection of a person from fines that are assessed when employing citizens of other states with fake documents. landlord. Renting out housing to persons without permits is a direct violation of Russian law.
  • internal migrant (citizen of the Russian Federation). Staying in another region for more than a 90-day period is prohibited (Federal Law “On the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to freedom of movement...”, Article 6), so the importance of registration for this group of persons is also relevant. Residents of the country check registration for similar reasons as foreigners - to control the actions of the intermediary who has undertaken to register the applicant.
  • recipient of the loan. Banks may not give a loan if a person stays for a long time at a location other than his/her primary residence. Establishing the fact of false registration threatens the applicant with blacklisting.

Considering the admissibility of verification not only by individuals, but also by legal entities, the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs allows obtaining information about the authenticity of both (the data is freely available).

Even a legally issued registration document cannot be valid if it is expired or canceled early. The last type of changes can only be determined through the FMS database.

Registration process

Checking the readiness of the RVP

Registration of foreign citizens involves informing the territorial body of the Federal Migration Service upon the arrival of the receiving party. The timing of the production is also limited. Basically, the rule speaks of placement within the first 7 days, except for some countries that have special conditions (Tajikistan and the EAEU). To do this, the foreigner submits a notification.

Such an obligation is accepted by the party that accepts the foreigner for this time. From the moment of confirmation of registration, the foreigner will have 3 months. to be able to stay in the country, and then must leave. He can re-enter or extend his stay if necessary.

To complete the registration, you must provide a foreign passport and other documents available depending on the requirements for a visitor or Russian citizen.

According to government decree No. 809, registration must be completed if a person does not live in the territory of his permanent residence for more than 90 days.

Important! As for foreigners wishing to come to another country, they must independently worry about their future visit and take all steps towards legal entry and stay. Also, the responsibility for assistance should be provided by the receiving party, which is most often involved in filling out documents, indicating the address, etc.

How to spot a fake registration?

The application form for MU itself is a simple piece of paper with a stamp. Fortunately or unfortunately, there are no watermarks on it. However, you can understand that it is “wrong” by indirect signs.

At registration address:

  • It can inspire suspicion if, for example, you are registered by an employer or educational institution, and the address on the form is a private apartment or house that does not coincide with any legal address of the receiving organization. This can also happen when registering at a hostel or dormitory, if more people are illegally accommodated there than they are supposed to.
  • And vice versa: if your migration card indicates a private purpose of entry, and the address on the form indicates an industrial or commercial premises.
  • Non-existent address. If you are registered at a legal address, check using Google or Yandex maps whether such a place actually exists and whether it is really tied to the company that registered you.

Please note: If you do not live, work or study at the address indicated on the registration form, then you are already breaking the law. This often happens when migrants apply for temporary registration through companies. Many then do not even know where the apartment in which they are registered is located. This is a dangerous situation, because no one knows how many foreigners are actually “registered” there and whether this will sooner or later attract an inspection from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

By registration period:

  • Initial registration is issued for a period of up to 3 months for visa-free foreigners and for the duration of the visa for others. If they promise to give you a longer term “for a fee,” they want to deceive you.

According to the stamp of the organization:

  • If you are renewing an existing registration, then remember that this can only be done through the Ministry of Internal Affairs. If you have a postal or MFC stamp on your extended temporary registration, then most likely you have a fake on your hands.

Subscribe to Migranta Rus: Yandex News.

Responsibility for falsification

Of course, if the temporary registration turns out to be invalid, then the citizen will face penalties.

If it turns out that the migrant is indeed the holder of a false document, he will be subject to a fine.

The following sanctions apply on the territory of the Russian Federation:

  1. A person may be detained for up to six months.
  2. The person is entitled to a fine, the amount of which varies from 20,000 to 80,000 rubles.
  3. Community service may also be assigned, which will last for 2 years.
  4. It is also possible to simultaneously cancel documents that would allow a citizen to remain on the territory of Russia legally.

However, if in fact it turns out that the immigrant was not involved in such an incident, and the temporary registration was illegally issued by other companies to which he applied, he can avoid punishment.

Where can foreign citizens register?

Any foreign citizen planning to stay in the Russian Federation longer than allowed by law must take care in advance of where he will be temporarily registered. Acceptable periods of stay without registration:

  • 7 days - for persons arriving from countries with a visa regime;
  • 90 days - for those who came to the Russian Federation from visa-free countries.

Most often people stay with their friends or relatives. Sometimes they rent housing.

Application form for registration at place of residence

Note: if a “guest” of the country rents an apartment, then temporary registration is done at the address of this living space. Reason: Federal Law No. 109 “On Migration Registration”.

The period for granting registration is determined by a personal agreement between the foreigner and the owner of the property. There are several ways to register:

  • personal appeal to the territorial branch of the Main Directorate for Migration and Migration (FMS);
  • using an online service (Government Services);
  • through the MFC;

    How to apply for temporary registration through the MFC

  • submit a request by mail.

A nuance: if a migrant lives in a hotel, boarding house, sanatorium or rest home, then temporary registration will be provided by the administration of these institutions.

Federal Law of July 18, 2006 No. 109-FZ “On Migration Registration”

Sample of a tear-off part of a notification form about the arrival of a foreign citizen in Russia with a stamp

If information is missing

Very often, when checking, it turns out that information about a person is missing. This situation may be caused by a number of reasons:

  • The main reason is the verification of a migrant who simply does not belong to this database. This service is provided only for Russian citizens.
  • Errors were made during registration.
  • The registration period has already expired.
  • Appeal to scammers who in reality do not provide such services.
  • Unsuitability of the documents provided during registration;
  • Illegal entry into Russia.
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