How can a military man get an apartment at state expense?

Based on Federal Law No. 76-FZ of May 27, 1998 “On the status of military personnel,” military personnel have the right to receive subsidies for the purchase of housing. The subsidy is given to all military personnel in need of housing who have served under a contract for 20 years. The size of such a subsidy can reach 10 million rubles, depending on the conditions of service. In the article we will tell you how to correctly calculate the amount of the subsidy, who can receive it out of turn, and what additional rights military personnel have regarding housing, including hiring.

What is a military mortgage

This is a government program to provide housing for military personnel.
Thanks to it, they can buy an apartment without investing their own money: the down payment will be provided by the state, which will also make monthly loan payments. A military man is not limited in his choice of housing: he can take out a mortgage on an apartment in a new building or on the secondary housing market, or purchase a private house with a plot of land. The state allows you to choose any region to purchase real estate. For example, an officer serves in Kamchatka, but can buy an apartment in his native Serpukhov, Moscow or Sochi - closer to the sea.

An officer can take advantage of a military mortgage, even if he already has his own home: the program is designed to increase the prestige of military service.

Quality of apartments for military personnel

In 2021, 36 billion rubles were allocated from the budget of the Russian Federation to provide military personnel with permanent and service housing. However, the situation with the problems of providing them with housing has not been resolved. According to the Accounts Chamber, for 2021, only about 10% of the funds allocated for construction were used.

This is partly due to the geographical locations of the apartments. Naturally, new buildings for military personnel are in greatest demand in St. Petersburg, Moscow and the Krasnodar Territory.

But the rather large lack of occupancy of houses is also caused by the fact that people are not satisfied with the number of floors, layout or problems associated with the transfer of housing ownership.

How does a military mortgage work?

To take advantage of a preferential mortgage, a military man must Federal Law dated August 20, 2004 N 117-FZ “On the savings and mortgage system of housing for military personnel.” serve under a contract and be a participant in the savings and mortgage system program. The project is supervised by Rosvoenipoteka, a special unit of the Ministry of Defense. When an officer registers in the system, a personal account is opened for him. The state pays contributions there from the budget, and the military can use them.

Who can become a participant in the savings and mortgage system

To do this, you need to fall into one of the categories specified in the law:

  • officers who graduated from a military school or entered service under a contract after January 1, 2005;
  • warrant officers and midshipmen who served under a contract for three years;
  • military personnel who went into reserve and signed a new contract.

These categories of military personnel are connected to the savings and mortgage system automatically. Other military personnel can join the program voluntarily: to do this, you need to submit a report to the unit commander about inclusion in the Register.

You can take advantage of this opportunity:

  • sergeants, foremen, soldiers and sailors who have entered into a second contract for military service;
  • military personnel who entered into their first contract for military service before January 1, 2005.

In addition, military mortgages can be obtained by military personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Emergency Situations: officers of the riot police, the National Guard, SOBR, and private security.

Features of use in divorce

If controversial situations arise, they turn to the decisions of the Plenum of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation No. 15 of November 5, 1998. During a special meeting, the extension of the right of common ownership to real estate acquired during marriage under a military certificate was confirmed. Thus, in a divorce, housing is divided equally. An exception is special conditions under the marriage contract.

The use of a housing certificate is compared to a preferential mortgage for military personnel, but lending implies greater financial opportunities. It should be remembered that the unused portion of the funds allocated for the GSG is transferred back to the state budget irrevocably.

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You may be interested in material about military mortgages in 2021.

How much money does the state give?

After inclusion in the savings-mortgage system, the state will annually accrue a fixed contribution to the military’s personal account: in 2021 it amounts to Annual Contributions. 280 thousand rubles. The payment is indexed so that in 2021 the amount will increase in accordance with the inflation rate for 2021.

For the first three years, the money is accumulated in the military account and cannot be used. During this time, the amount of deductions will reach approximately 850 thousand rubles - enough for the down payment on the mortgage.

Maximum loan amount Mortgage calculator for calculating the maximum amount for programs with annuity payment under the program - 2 million 590 thousand rubles. If the apartment is more expensive, the military man will have to pay extra: either add his own funds to the down payment, or pay the mortgage himself after retirement.

When purchasing a home, you can use maternity capital and receive a 13% tax deduction, but only for the amount that the serviceman invested himself. The maximum deduction amount is 260 thousand rubles. You can get them if you invest 2 million of your own money in the purchase of real estate.

It is not necessary to use the money three years after opening the account: while the military man is serving, deductions will accumulate.

What conditions must a military man fulfill?

During military service, the loan is paid for by the state. But the program has an important nuance: Article 10. The emergence of the right to use savings accounted for in the participant’s personal savings account: the money used by the military personnel belongs to the country. When he takes out a mortgage, the apartment is under a double burden: from the state and from the bank. In order not to remain in debt, the military man must comply with the terms of the program:

  • serve 20 years;
  • serve 10 years and not terminate the contract early without good reason.

Then at the end of his service he becomes the legal owner of the apartment.

If you quit without a good reason, you will have to return all the money to the state - the down payment and mortgage payments - and repay the loan to the bank yourself.

An exception is dismissal after 10 years of service for a valid reason (reduction due to organizational and staffing measures, reaching the maximum age for service, being declared unfit or partially fit by a medical commission, transfer to a new duty station). It turns out that there are three scenarios for the development of events.

Military person served 20 years or more

In such a scenario, the officer owes nothing to the state. If during his service he took out a mortgage, the apartment becomes his property. But if the mortgage is not paid in full, after dismissal the military man makes contributions himself.

If the military man did not use a mortgage during his service, the money remains in his account. After dismissal, he can use them to buy an apartment.

The military man served 10 years or more (but less than 20) and resigned for good reason

In such a situation, the military man also does not need to return money from his personal account in the savings and mortgage system. He pays the rest of the mortgage himself.

If an officer did not participate in the military mortgage program, he can do so after dismissal.

The military man served less than 10 years or resigned without good reason without serving 20 years.

Under such conditions, the officer cannot use the money in the savings account and take out a mortgage, and if he did this during his service, all the money will have to be returned: both loan payments and the down payment.

Required documents

The main work is done by the citizen himself: looking for an apartment, negotiating with its owner, looking for a bank willing to cooperate. And collects papers.

To receive a GHS you need:

· a person has changed his own marital status - evidence of marriage/divorce;

· papers confirming his status - a police officer’s or emergency worker’s certificate, a certificate regarding the awarding of an academic degree to him (PhD), work record book (you need a copy where his place of work is indicated - the Far North or Baikonur);

· a certificate regarding his family members who live together - an extract from the house register (expanded);

· inspection report - if the dwelling is recognized by the commission as unsafe or a report from authorized bodies indicating that the actual area of ​​the dwelling does not meet the standards adopted by law;

· bank statement – ​​issued after a citizen opens a bank account.

The list of papers changes depending on the specialization of the program in which the citizen is participating.

Careful preparation will be required, because the participant will have to confirm his actual status several times. All papers provided to him must remain legally pure, and the transaction must be fair.

How to get a military mortgage

Step 1. Registration of a certificate

Three years after inclusion in the savings-mortgage system, a military man can use the money in the account. To do this, you need to submit a report addressed to the commander of the military unit to obtain a certificate. The document is issued at Rosvoenipoteka within three months, and it is valid for six months.

Step 2. Selecting a partner bank

Not all banks operate under the military mortgage program: on the Rosvoenipoteka website you can see a list of accredited institutions. The rate ranges from 9.2% to 10.6%, the term is calculated so that the military man can repay the loan before reaching retirement age (45 years). For example, if an officer buys an apartment at 25 years old, he will be given a mortgage for 20 years, and if at 30, then only for 15 years. Some banks allow you to add your own funds so that the military can buy a better apartment.

To understand how much to expect, you need to come to the bank with a certificate. Taking into account the serviceman's age and the interest rate, the bank will determine the approximate cost of housing that you can purchase.

Step 3. Choosing housing

You can choose an apartment in a new building or on the secondary market, a cottage or a townhouse. After this, enter into a preliminary purchase and sale agreement with the seller.

Step 4. Applying for a mortgage

After choosing an apartment, the military man enters into a loan agreement with the bank. The documents are sent to Rosvoenipoteka for approval of the transaction, after which the organization transfers the initial payment to the bank account (from those savings that were in the military’s personal account).

Step 5. Property registration

The military man registers the purchase and sale agreement and receives a certificate of ownership and an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate. They will note that at the time of the mortgage the housing does not belong to the military and is under double encumbrance. On this basis, the bank transfers the money to the seller of the apartment, and Rosvoenipoteka begins to transfer monthly mortgage payments.

Providing apartments to military personnel

Previously, it was somewhat easier to obtain housing for military personnel, since this was carried out directly through military units. Yes, of course, the commanders could be cunning and vary the position of the queue at their discretion. But there was someone to ask. Now an entire housing department of the Ministry of Defense (JO MO) has been organized. It is there that they put military personnel on the waiting list for housing and make decisions about who will be given which apartment.

This supposed transparency has led to the fact that even the most basic issues take a very long time and are difficult to resolve, and also papers are constantly lost for some reason or lie idle for a long time. And the result is that there is simply no last resort and there is no one to ask.

Military personnel want to clearly see the movement of the queue for housing and receive competent answers to their questions. However, at present, on the official website of the department there is no information that interests everyone, and over the phone they most often brush off the military with standard phrases and do not provide complete and reliable information.

What's the result?

A military mortgage is a profitable deal for those who are confident that they will devote their entire lives to the Russian army. Under this program, the state pays a loan for a military serviceman without cutting his salary. But you should understand that for an apartment an officer must pay 20 years of military service without the opportunity to resign and change his profession, and the amount of the mortgage depends on the age of the borrower - it may not be enough for good housing. The benefit is different in each situation, but in any case it is an opportunity to get an apartment at the expense of the state.

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