What is the minimum and maximum validity period for a temporary registration? Differences in registration depending on the period

The current legislation of the Russian Federation establishes the rule that if a person changes his place of residence for a long time, then he is obliged to register with the migration authorities at the place of his temporary stay.

Please note that when receiving temporary registration, you do not need to deregister at your place of permanent residence. Thanks to registration at the place of his temporary residence, the citizen who has received it is endowed with all the rights and responsibilities along with citizens who are permanently registered and reside in this region.

Registering for migration at your place of temporary residence is far from a new thing. Previously, this was called temporary registration.

Temporary registration is necessary for a variety of categories of people, for example, students who study at higher educational institutions outside their home regions, citizens who have arrived in another region for long-term work, etc. But for how long can temporary registration be made? Let's look at this issue in detail.

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Minimum and maximum period of validity of temporary registration

Let's answer the question of how long temporary registration in Russia is granted. So, the shortest period for which you can obtain a registration certificate is 6 months. Even if a person does not plan to live in this place for six months, he needs to receive a document for just such a period. Such restrictions are established by the laws of the Russian Federation.

The longest possible period of registration at the place of residence is 5 years . After this period has expired, everything can be processed again. You can re-register an infinite number of times, but the maximum period for one registration is exactly 5 years.

Important! You can register in municipal housing for no more than six months.
To get it for a long period, you need to look for housing that has a specific owner and negotiate with him.

Those who didn't have time are late

The terms of registration and registration and all periods for their registration are determined in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Based on the results of the process, a stamp will appear in your passport indicating the address where you are registered on a permanent basis.

When registering a person under 14 years of age, a similar stamp is placed on the birth certificate .

As for the deadlines for processing a document at the place of residence on a permanent basis, they are as follows:

  1. Within a period not exceeding three days, all necessary documents for registration are accepted.
  2. Then, within 8 days, all documents are reviewed, analyzed, and sent for revision, if really necessary.

This also includes sending a request to the necessary authority, after which the request is usually confirmed.

If the duration of the procedure was violated due to the person in need of the procedure, then he is issued a certain fine .

Differences in registration depending on the period

Depending on the design term, the procedure does not differ much. Next, we will look at the design features using the example of each of the key periods.


Many people ask how they can sign up for 30 days. But there is no such possibility. Citizens of the Russian Federation can live without obtaining a certificate for as long as 90 days, so it makes no sense to register for a shorter period. The document is not issued under any pretext, including to foreigners.

Three months

Only foreigners are registered for this period. Citizens of the Russian Federation cannot receive it - for them the terms begin at six months. Foreigners need specific papers:

  • internal passport of the state of which the person is a citizen;
  • migration card, visa;
  • passport of the receiving person;
  • confirmation of ownership of housing from the host.

The peculiarity of registering a foreigner is that he definitely needs a host. Without it, a foreign citizen will not be able to obtain temporary registration.

One year

1 year is the most popular option. This term is usually enough for people to resolve all issues and either return to their previous place of residence or register permanently in a new place. Registration occurs according to the general scheme:

  1. Submitting an application to the registration authority. The papers must be submitted along with the application in the presence of the property owner. If there are several of them, the presence of one of them is sufficient, but the rest must have written consent.
  2. Waiting for a positive response. If everything is in order with the application and collected papers, then you can receive temporary registration in 2-3 days. In case of a long queue, you will have to wait up to 7-9 days, but no more.
  3. Obtaining a registration certificate. Its role is played by the detachable part of the application previously filled out by the person.

Important! No matter what term the temporary residence permit is issued for, it is not stamped in the passport. The registration certificate is a separate document. No one makes any changes to existing papers.

For 3-5 years

To obtain temporary registration for 3 or 5 years, you do not need to make any special efforts. The list of documents is no different. The registration term is established by an agreement between the owner of the property and the person who wishes to temporarily register there.

If the homeowner agrees to provide a place for registration for a long term, then no legal obstacles will arise in this process. The registration scheme is the same as for shorter periods.

Foreigners cannot obtain registration for 3 and 5 years. The maximum period for them is 1 year.

Many citizens are interested in information about whether it is possible to have two registrations at the same time and how exactly temporary registration differs from permanent registration. You can find the answer to these questions in our article. You will also need information about whether it is possible to obtain temporary registration without permanent registration.

Procedure for registration and list of documents

For temporary registration, you must contact the FMS or MFC at the place of intended registration, or the State Services website. Documents can also be submitted through Russian Post.

Read our article about how to submit an application to the MFC, at the Post Office or through State Services.

The citizen fills out the approved Application form for registration at the place of residence (Form No. 1 or Form No. 1 PR for submission via Russian Post).

The document, among other information, contains a column indicating the registration period. A specific start and end date is indicated .

The package of documents for registration does not depend on the deadline. The following documents must be attached to the application :

  1. Passport with a copy attached.
  2. A notarized rental agreement or a statement from the owner.
  3. Permission from local authorities, if registration is carried out in municipal housing.

Is it possible to extend at the place of stay?

The procedure for extending temporary registration is not provided for by the laws of the Russian Federation. If a person’s registration period expires, he needs to go through the procedure again from the very beginning.

This means that you need to collect documents for registration at your place of stay again and do everything the same as last time.

Registration renewal is available only to foreigners . Due to imperfect knowledge of the laws, citizens of the Russian Federation sometimes believe that they have this opportunity, but in fact this is not the case.

Citizens of the Russian Federation do not need a mandatory extension, because they can live for as long as 90 days without registration. They have more than enough time to go through the procedure again.

The process of registration in another city

Quite often it happens that you purchase housing in another city, and you are faced with the question of registration at your place of residence. How long does it take to register for an apartment and what is still needed to carry out this procedure in a foreign city?

In fact, the procedure is not complicated or difficult to complete; you need to collect a complete package of all necessary documents and decide on a deadline.

Among the documents you will need for registration are the following:

  • identification document;
  • military ID, which is often required to be presented to persons under 27 years of age;
  • papers on which property was registered.

In addition to all the basic documents that are required for registration, it is also important to have a compelling reason for doing so . Quite often, this reason is the right to property in the city where the process takes place.

If the housing is owned by another person , in this case a notarized statement is required from him.

It is important to remember that before starting a business in a new city, you must visit the authorities related to your previous place of residence, there you must complete the deregistration procedure and receive a deregistration sheet .

If it is required in another city if you have registration at your main place of residence, government officials do not have the right to refuse in this case. But then you need to fill out a special coupon , which is attached to the main package of documents.

If registration in another city is temporary, then this will have some differences from permanent registration. Why registration is needed and whether it is mandatory, what it is, is described here.

Firstly , the person who started this must be present in another city in person at the necessary authorities. Secondly , the consent of all home owners is required, which must be notarized.

Registering in a foreign city is quite easy, but it can take much longer than the procedure for a regular stamp at the place of residence.

Fines for lack of registration

According to the Code of Administrative Offenses (CAO), significant penalties are provided for the lack of temporary registration If you arrive in Moscow for more than 90 days, you face a fine of up to 5,000 rubles , but the main thing is that without it it is impossible to fully implement your civil rights.

For violating this rule, the owner (tenant) of a residential premises may be fined from 2000 to 3000 rubles in the regions and 3000–5000 rubles in Moscow . For legal entities, a fine ranges from 4,000 to 7,000 rubles, in Moscow from 7,000 to 10,000 rubles.

If government agencies find out that the temporary registration was fictitious, the violating citizen will be deregistered unilaterally

For providing a fake registration (False registration - for 1000 rubles, usually they are delivered by couriers to the metro), you face a fine of up to 80,000 rubles or imprisonment for up to 2 years according to Part 1 of Art. 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Where to apply for temporary registration?

To obtain temporary registration, you should contact the Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It may be better known to you as the “passport office.” There they will take all the necessary documents from you, check everything, and after making a decision they will issue (we hope!) the certificate you want. To ensure everything goes smoothly, you can start the process from home, through the State Services portal. It will help you both make an appointment in person and submit an application for registration online. The second option is for the most advanced and fastest, because after submitting the electronic application you will have only three days to come to the passport office with the original documents, and also, possibly, with the landlord. And yet, perhaps, this is the most convenient method, which will only require you to register - and even then not temporary, but simply electronic, indicating your passport data and SNILS.

If suddenly the Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs scares you with its name alone, and you don’t want to contact it directly, you have several more options. For example, the nearest MFC - you don’t even need to sign up for a visit in advance. However, in the end, it will not save you any time; on the contrary, it will only prolong the waiting period. This should not be surprising when you turn to an intermediary.

However, sometimes the search for another option is not a whim, but a necessity, and then the post office will come to the rescue. Yes, yes, the most ordinary post office, even if some of its employees may not know that they also provide such services. True, this is probably the most difficult option, and resorting to it will put additional work on your shoulders. You will need to come to the office together with the landlord, fill out an application in front of the employee (so that he is sure that it was you who signed it) and attach to it copies of a whole variety of documents, from identification to confirming the landlord’s consent to your temporary registration in his property property. One of the few advantages is that the desired document can also be received by mail.

It is important to know

  1. Temporary registration is required if you are staying in a “different” region for more than 90 days.
  2. The fact of registration is confirmed by a form in Form No. 3; a mark (stamp) is not placed in the passport.
  3. If you do not obtain temporary registration on time, you and the owner of the property in which you live may be fined.
  4. Temporary registration can be obtained through the MFC, government services, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  5. The fastest way to obtain registration is to appear in person at the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Temporary registration will be completed within 3 days.
  6. Temporary registration for 1000₽ will not be in the database.

The official way of registering is a guarantee of 100% legality, compliance with agreements and the consent of the home owner. Important factors are the availability of suitable living space and carrying out all actions strictly according to the letter of the law. Temporary registration from the owner in Moscow is the best way to quickly become part of the capital’s life, settle down and fully enjoy all the rights provided by law. To save yourself from lengthy searches, unnecessary spending of money and nerves, contact Registration.

How to apply for temporary registration through the MFC

Issues of temporary registration at the place of residence are regulated by Art. 5 of Law 5242-1 and other regulations. Officially, this procedure is registration at the place of stay, and it must be carried out within ninety days from the moment the citizen arrives at the place of temporary residence.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 17, 1995 No. 713 and the administrative regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (approved by Order No. 984 dated December 31, 2017) provide for temporary registration through the MFC. According to this scheme, the applicant submits documents to the MFC, the center forwards them to the internal affairs body, and after completing the registration actions, it transfers the documents back to the MFC for issue to the applicant.

Temporary registration for Russian citizens can be done through the MFC in the following order:

  1. Find the nearest MFC that provides temporary registration services.
  2. Make an appointment through the MFC website (any device with Internet access is suitable for authorization - no need to buy an expensive MacBook) or by phone for an appointment, choosing a convenient time for the visit (if you do not do this, you will have to wait in the “live” queue using a coupon).
  3. Prepare documents (this can be done before selecting an MFC and making an appointment, partially or completely).
  4. Come to the MFC and submit documents (the application can be made in advance or when submitting documents with the help of a specialist).
  5. Get a receipt.
  6. Check the application processing status.
  7. At the time specified in the receipt, come to the MFC and receive a certificate of temporary registration.

If you want to draw up an application in advance (on your own), then it must comply with the established form and include:

  1. Name of the registration authority.
  2. Personal and contact details of the applicant (full name, date and place of birth, telephone number).
  3. Address of permanent residence.
  4. For an applicant under 14 years of age, information about the legal representative (status - parent, adoptive parent, guardian; full name, passport details).
  5. A request for temporary registration indicating the period of stay (from and to).
  6. Full name of the person who provided the premises.
  7. Details of the basis document for temporary registration.
  8. Address of temporary residence.
  9. Details of the applicant's passport or other identification document.
  10. Method of obtaining a certificate (by mail, by hand).
  11. Signature of the applicant (for a child under 14 years of age - legal representative).
  12. Signature and details of the passport or other identification card of the person providing the premises.
  13. Signature and full name of the person who accepted the documents.
  14. Date of receipt of documents.
  15. Decision.
  16. Date of decision.
  17. Full name of the official of the registry body. accounting
  18. Certificate number.

Subparagraphs (hereinafter referred to as paragraphs) 1-12 are filled out by the applicant (legal representative) in advance, paragraphs. 13-14 by an MFC specialist when accepting documents, and paragraphs. 15-18 – in the body reg. accounting The application form for registration at the place of residence can be viewed below.

Documents for temporary registration at the MFC

The composition of the necessary documents for registration is regulated by clause 9 of Resolution 713. List of documents for registration of temporary registration at the MFC:

  • passport;
  • application to the MFC for temporary registration (the form can be obtained on site);
  • a document giving the right to stay in residential premises.

The latter can be:

  • rental agreement (sublease);
  • social rent agreement;
  • a document confirming state registration of ownership of premises for temporary residence;
  • statement of the person who provided the premises to the applicant.

If the basis for temporary residence is a social tenancy agreement or ownership of the premises, then the applicant may not provide the document itself, but only indicate its details in the application. The registration authority will independently request information about the document from authorized structures.

How much is temporary registration at the MFC and how much does it cost?

The deadlines for temporary registration are established in clause 12 of Resolution 713. In the standard version, the registration authority is required to carry out registration actions. registration is given no more than 3 working days from the date of receipt of the application and other documents. But if the applicant does not provide a social lease agreement or a title document for the premises, then this period is extended to 8 working days (clause 9 of resolution 713).

Temporary registration is done at the MFC free of charge (Law 5242-1, Art. 3). But costs may arise when collecting documents for submission to the MFC and attracting representatives (if you do not want to carry out the procedure yourself).

What does this concept mean?

Temporary registration is the registration of a citizen at the place of his actual residence. By the way, the term “registration” became outdated back in the 90s of the last century. Now it is replaced by the word – registration.

The registration itself may be temporary or permanent. In the first case, a person draws up documents for a certain period, during which he can live in another city. In the second, this is the citizen’s main place of residence. Please note that temporary registration does not oblige a person to be discharged from his permanent place of residence.

Why is this necessary? Along with the main registration, temporary residence gives a person the right to enjoy social benefits. In addition, this is a prerequisite for employment, obtaining a driver’s license, bank loan, and medical care.

An interesting feature is the temporary registration of the child. According to the law, lack of registration cannot serve as a reason for refusal to enroll children in general education and preschool institutions. But reality says otherwise. The child is admitted to the school or kindergarten at the place of his registration.

What laws govern temporary stay?

The condition for registration of people living in a locality where they do not have their own home is mandatory. This is a way of government control over the movement of people between populated areas.

All norms for regulating issues are contained in the provisions:

  1. Civil Code of Russia;
  2. Resolution No. 713 of July 17, 1995 “On approval of the Rules for registration and removal of citizens of the Russian Federation...”;
  3. Law of the Russian Federation No. 5242 of June 25, 1993 “On the right of Russian citizens to freedom of movement, choice of place of stay and residence within Russia”;
  4. Regulations for the provision of services by the Federal Migration Service for registration of citizens of the Russian Federation, which was approved by Order of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation No. 208 of September 20, 2007.

The rules define a procedure indicating how to obtain temporary registration and where to apply at the place of stay. The law provides for temporary registration while maintaining registration - there is no need to register from the permanent registration address when living in another place.

IMPORTANT. A person can stay in a populated area without paperwork for 90 days. Staying without registration after the expiration of the period is punishable by a fine.

Why is it needed?

Temporary registration in an apartment is necessary for the exercise of social rights and interaction with government agencies.

A citizen can perform the following actions:

  • receive medical care;
  • register the child in an educational institution;
  • apply for a job;
  • take a loan;
  • apply for benefits.

Using the certificate, you can also register the purchased car. Registration of a car will also be temporary, for the duration of the document.

Find out on our website also how to temporarily register a child, including a newborn.

How to check the readiness of temporary registration at the MFC

You can check the readiness of temporary registration at the MFC in different ways, depending on the opportunities that a particular multifunctional center provides to applicants:

  • on the MFC website online;
  • via SMS;
  • by contact phone number;
  • in person.

To check the status of the requested service, it is usually necessary to indicate the number assigned to the application when submitting documents. You may need to provide other details.

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