If you are a guardian (trustee) of a child - payments and benefits in Moscow

Federal payments

1. One-time benefit when placing a child in a family for upbringing

8000 rubles at a time.

Contact: The Department of Family and Youth Policy of the City of Moscow (Public reception at the address: Taganskaya st., 40/42, metro station "Marksistskaya". Reception hours: Monday 10-17, break 13-13:45; Wednesday 14- 20, break 16-16:45; Friday 10-16, break 13-13:45. Paid to the guardian’s account in Sberbank or the Bank of Moscow or via mail.

Required documents:

  1. Child's birth certificate (show the original, leave a copy)
  2. A copy of the decision of the guardianship and trusteeship authority to establish guardianship or trusteeship (show the original, leave a copy)

In addition, documents confirming the lack of parental care (whatever exists, depending on the situation, show the original, leave a copy):

  • Death certificate(s) of parents
  • On recognizing parents as missing or dead
  • Court decision on deprivation of parental rights, restriction of parental rights, or declaring parents incompetent
  • Act on child abandonment (if the child is abandoned, the parents are unknown)
  • Certificate confirming that parents are in prison or in custody
  • Medical report on the health status of the parents (if they cannot raise the child due to health reasons)
  • Certificate from internal affairs bodies stating that the location of the wanted parents has not been established

It is acceptable to submit any other document from which it follows that the parents did not place the child under guardianship of their own free will. This may also be a court decision that the child is recognized as left without parental care, or a decision to this effect by the guardianship authority.

Monthly payments to child guardians

Payment of monthly amounts for child support is guaranteed by the state. The amount of monthly maintenance payments varies depending on the region of residence. Typically, articles on the Internet on the topic of payments to guardians focus on payments in Moscow or St. Petersburg, which are much higher than the national average.

Cash payments to guardians for the maintenance of children in Moscow

Purpose of paymentPayment amount
For each child under 12 years of ageUp to 16,000 rubles
For each child over 12 years of ageUp to 22,000 rubles
Additional payments for each child, provided they live in a large family3000 rubles

Additional social benefits

Purpose of paymentPayment amount
Subsidies that compensate for the costs of children associated with kindergartens and schools10,000 rub. once a year
Compensation for housing and communal services costs800 rubles once a month
Compensation for travel to places of recreation or sanatorium treatmentAccording to the cost of travel documents

At the same time, for example, in Bashkortostan the monthly payment is:

  • 5200 rubles for a supervised child under 3 years of age;
  • 6,400 rubles for a disabled child under 3 years of age;
  • 5,000 rubles for children over three years old;
  • 6,000 rubles for a disabled child over three years old.

The figures are approximately the same in the Primorsky Territory and the Kemerovo Region. Amount of benefit payments to children under guardianship

The figures for the Irkutsk region are somewhat higher, in the north of which payments reach 19 thousand, and in the south – up to 17.5 thousand rubles.

In any case, the exact amount of payments can only be determined by the social security authorities at the place of residence.

Monthly payments include supplements to basic payments for disabled children. On average in Russia, the additional payment is about 5.5 thousand rubles.

City payments

2. Funds for the maintenance of a child under 18 years of age (or a full-time student in a general education institution - until graduation)

10,000 rubles monthly.

Appointed by the guardianship and trusteeship authority when making a decision to establish guardianship. Established from the date of publication of the relevant order of the guardianship authority. When a child moves from another region, it is assigned after the ward is registered with the guardianship authority in Moscow (does not depend on registration at the place of residence or stay of the child!). After receiving the order of the guardianship authority, you must apply for payments to the RUSZN (“social security” of the district).

Required documents

  1. Child's birth certificate (show the original, leave a copy)
  2. Resolution of the guardianship authority on the establishment of guardianship (trusteeship) (show the original, leave a copy)
  3. Order of the guardianship authority on the assignment of funds
  4. Certificate from the child’s place of residence confirming cohabitation with a guardian (trustee)

A certificate from the place of residence confirming cohabitation can be issued by a guardianship and trusteeship authority or a housing organization.

3. Monthly compensation payment (MCI for utility bills) to reimburse the costs of paying for housing and communal services and telephone in the residential premises in which the minor ward actually lives

700 rubles per month.

is assigned from the month in which guardianship is established (but no more than for the previous 6 months).

Required documents:

  1. Child's birth certificate (show the original, leave a copy)
  2. Resolution of the guardianship authority establishing guardianship or trusteeship (show the original, leave a copy)
  3. Certificate from the guardianship and trusteeship authority about the place of actual residence of the ward
  4. Certificate from housing authorities confirming the child’s cohabitation with a guardian or trustee (from the EIRC)

4. Monthly compensation payment (MCP) for abandoned, abandoned and abandoned children.

1560 rubles monthly (in the amount of the basic part of the labor pension in case of loss of a breadwinner for orphans)

Appointed to RUSZN

Required documents

  1. Child's birth certificate (show the original, leave a copy)
  2. A certificate from the guardianship authority stating that the child is abandoned, abandoned or abandoned.
  3. Document on the child’s non-receipt of alimony (if there is a court decision to collect alimony - an act on the impossibility of collecting alimony)
  4. Certificate about the child’s non-receipt of a pension (provided by RUSZN itself)

This payment is due to all abandoners (that is, those whom the mother left in the maternity hospital upon an application for consent to adoption by any person, i.e. the so-called “abandonment of the child”, while there must be a dash in the “father” column of the birth certificate, or the same “refusal” from the child’s father is needed), all abandoned (that is, those who have neither a father nor a mother identified - in the birth certificate there are both “dashes” instead of the given parents), and all abandoned (that is, those whom my mother gave birth, and then ran away from the maternity hospital without presenting her passport; the birth certificate must also have two “dashes”).

Are there any benefits for guardians?

Guardianship and trusteeship are forms of protecting the interests of citizens who are unable to take care of themselves.

This category includes:

  • minors;
  • incompetent;
  • disabled people.

Both institutions are connected and regulated by the same regulatory framework, and as a result, an identical set of benefits. Guardians provide assistance to the ward free of charge.

The law provides for cases when funds are allocated for such support. Persons applying for social benefits devote a lot of time to fulfilling guardianship obligations. As a rule, there is no time to work and earn money. If a person strives for a higher income, it is not worth applying for such a status.

Adoptive parents often try to receive benefits and compensation on the same basis as guardians. But it's not the same thing. State support is not provided for citizens who have taken full responsibility for a minor child. They receive benefits established by Russian legislation for parents. Another distinctive feature: guardianship is temporary, and the rights of the adoptive parents are unlimited.

Benefits and in-kind assistance

  1. Free supply of dairy products for baby food (up to 2 years) on doctor’s prescriptions
  2. Free provision of medicines according to doctors’ prescriptions (up to 3 years)
  3. 50% discount on payment for the maintenance of a ward in a preschool institution
  4. Free travel in city passenger transport for a guardian on the basis of a Muscovite Social Card
  5. Preferential travel for full-time students
  6. Free entry to museums, cultural and recreational parks, etc. institutions under the jurisdiction of the Moscow Government (up to 7 years)
  7. Free entry to the zoo, reduced prices for visiting museums, exhibitions, etc. institutions administered by the Moscow Government (children from 7 to 18 years old or until the end of full-time education)
  8. Free two meals a day (during the period of study in educational institutions)
  9. Free provision of textbooks (during the period of study in educational institutions)
  10. Providing discounted or free hot meals (for full-time students in state educational institutions of primary or secondary vocational education)

What is due to guardians and trustees?

There are two types of supervision for minors: guardianship and trusteeship.
The key difference is the age category of the children in care. The first format is established for persons under 14 years of age, and the second for the period 14-18 years. Art. 35 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation states that the following persons cannot act as guardians of children:

  • with family rights annulled at least once;
  • under 18;
  • with limitation of the psychophysical functionality of the body;
  • incompetent.

Social benefits for child guardians may be as follows:

  1. One-time assistance provided - 15,512.65 rubles, provided in the absence of parents due to their death, disability, criminal record, or inability to raise a child for various reasons. Paid to guardians who take someone else's child into their family.
  2. A monthly payment allocated by the state as compensation for the expenses of trustees/guardians for the maintenance, upbringing, and education of the child under their care.
  3. A special reward for those who accept a minor child into their family. Appointed at the place of registration of the children under guardianship and depends on their number.

Regional regulations may establish separate benefits and payments to guardians. Various subsidies are allowed. For example, to pay for housing and communal services, connection and use of the telephone. Download for viewing and printing: Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation dated November 14, 2002 N 138-FZ (as amended on December 19, 2016) (with amendments and additions, entered into force on January 1, 2017)

Tax privileges

Guardians also have the right to receive tax benefits in connection with their status - standard, property and social tax deductions.

The standard tax deduction means that the 13% income tax is not levied on the specified amount of wages. If a minor has two guardians, the deduction is divided in half.

For 2021, the amount of income tax will be:

  1. For the first and second ward - 1,400 rubles.
  2. For the third and further – 3000 rubles.
  3. For a disabled child – 6,000 rubles.

Social tax deductions:

  • payment for full-time education of the ward - no more than 50 thousand rubles per year per ward;
  • payment for treatment and/or medications for the ward - no more than 120 thousand rubles.

Property tax deduction is calculated in the event of concluding transactions for the acquisition of land plots for the construction of housing or finished housing in the ownership of the ward.

To receive a social deduction, the applicant must attach to the declaration to the tax office a package of documents that confirms the relevant expenses in the accounting year.

Sample declaration

Registration of benefits

In addition to directly contacting the local social protection fund, it is possible to use the “Public Services” portal or a multifunctional center. Of course, sending an application through the State Services portal will not relieve you of the obligation to visit the Social Insurance Fund, since you will need to provide a package of documents in person. At the multifunctional center, all the necessary documents will be accepted by the center employee, and a visit to the Social Insurance Fund will become optional. The benefit can be applied for through the State Services website

To receive benefits and other payments due to guardians, you must provide:

  1. Application for assignment of due payments.
  2. Applicant's identity card.
  3. Identity document of the person under guardianship.
  4. An inspection report of housing conditions and a certificate from housing authorities on family composition.
  5. Certificate from the place of study of the ward.
  6. Details of the bank account to which payments will be made.

Survivor's pension

Currently, the Russian pension system provides for two types of pensions assigned to orphans:

  • insurance;
  • social.

The insurance pension is familiar to many under the name “labor pension”. It is assigned to all disabled family members of a deceased person, provided that he worked officially and made contributions to the Pension Fund.

If insurance payments have not been made to the deceased’s account in the Pension Fund for a single day, then his children are given the right to receive benefits, the source of which is the federal budget. These government contributions are called “social pension”. It is also assigned to those dependents who are involved in the death of the breadwinner.

Important! The concept of “loss of a breadwinner” includes not only the death of a dependent parent, but also the official recognition of him as missing or declared dead.

Changes in 2021

There are no plans for changes in the list of benefits for guardians in 2021.

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Benefits for guardians in Russia are presented not only in the form of certain payments, but also all kinds of discounts and privileges, and exemption from any obligations.

Bill on indexation of pensions.

“Increase for a grandson”, this is how the bill on indexation of pensions for guardians (No. 893354-7), which was adopted by State Duma deputies in the first reading, can be interpreted.

It should start operating on July 1, 2020 and will help adequately support almost 30 thousand children left without parents.

In response to the existing incident in the legislation, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation clarified that the limitation on payments did not affect the actual insurance pension, but only its indexation.

Since working pensioners did not have the right to it.

And guardians who receive subsidies on a reimbursable basis and who have taken on the burden of raising their grandchildren under a guardianship agreement are equated to the working population.

Consequently, they are not entitled to compensation for the insurance portion of their pension.

The deputies considered this unfair, since guardians are obliged to spend the money paid for the child purely on him and give the POO a report on this.

Unlike a working pensioner, who can spend his salary on himself without restrictions.

Now, if the amendments to the legislation come into force from the specified time, the pensioner-guardian, starting from 3 months after the date of retirement, can contact the Pension Fund and demand an additional payment for indexation, based on the inflation rate.

Important! There is an indexation of pensions for guardians and pensioners in 2021, for those who have already retired. They will be refunded the money for the period for which indexation was not provided.

Types of pensions for orphans

An orphan's pension is a social benefit, which is divided into two types. These are transfers due to the loss of a breadwinner and in their complete absence, which can occur as a result of various reasons. On this issue, for example, there are situations when a child is found, but the parents have not been identified.

For the loss of a breadwinner

A survivor's pension is transferred to orphans when both parents have died. This type of insurance is also called “labor”. Payments are made based on the fact that the deceased citizen was previously employed - one working day is enough to calculate the pension.

If parents are unknown

If the parents of a minor child are unknown, based on Federal Law No. 162 of July 2021, he has the right to receive a pension as an orphan. The amount is calculated according to cases where both relatives die.

Reference! If the child is under guardianship, he continues to receive pension contributions, which are transferred to his personal bank account. If a minor is officially adopted, payments stop. Termination occurs on the first day of the next month after registration of “parenthood”.

What determines the size of the benefit?

Initially, you should differentiate the concepts:

PartiesGuardian and wardGuardian and ward
Over whom is it installed?Guardianship can be established:
  • over children under 14 years of age who are orphans or without parental care (Article 146 of the RF IC);
  • incompetent citizens (disabled people, with mental disorders).
The caregiver provides care for:
  • children 14-18 years old
  • Full-time students >18 years old (until graduation)
  • persons with limited legal capacity (addiction to gambling, abuse of alcohol or drugs, or a mental disorder in which others help him direct his actions).
Rights of the person under guardianship/wardCan make small household purchases independently.
Rights of a guardian/trusteeRepresent the interests and carry out all necessary transactions on behalf of the wards (except for real estate transactions, Article 2 of Federal Law No. 48).Trustees:
  • can give consent to those transactions that the wards themselves cannot conclude;
  • help to exercise their rights and fulfill their duties;
  • protected from all kinds of attacks

Benefits under labor legislation

When taking care of a minor, the guardian is faced with an increased expenditure of time and effort on organizing decent living conditions and development of the ward.

According to labor law, a guardian can use:

  • additional leave for up to 2 calendar months. If there are 2 or more children in care, the employer's administration increases the terms.
  • Unscheduled leave at the request of the employee due to illness and the need to care for a minor.
  • Paid maternity leave if the adopted child has not reached 3 years of age.
  • A shortened day with a revision of wages at the request of the guardian.
  • The right to refuse a business trip, work beyond the established schedule, evening or night shifts.

Benefits in the field of education

When considering the provision of benefits for children under guardianship, it should be assumed that the child is deprived. No matter how wonderful guardians are, they are not parents for the child. In most cases, the child under guardianship has the status of an orphan. It is this status that explains the preferences for ward children in the field of preschool, school, special and higher education.

Thus, a supervised child has benefits in the form of:

  • extraordinary enrollment in kindergartens;
  • free breakfasts (lunches) at school;
  • non-competitive enrollment in educational institutions of higher, secondary specialized or primary vocational education;
  • increased by 50% of the generally accepted scholarship amount;
  • payment of benefits once a year for the purchase of textbooks and writing materials. The amount of the benefit is equal to the total amount of the three scholarships.
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