What you need to do to receive the title of labor veteran

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The status of “labor veteran” has for many years been considered one of the methods of supporting Russians who have distinguished themselves in their work.

Holders of this status have the opportunity to obtain various benefits that not only make everyday life easier, but also help improve their financial situation.

  • 3 Paperwork
      3.1 List
  • 3.2 Where to apply and deadlines for making a decision
  • 4 Useful video
  • Types of awards

    What certificates are needed to obtain a veteran of labor, as well as insignia, orders and medals, are outlined in paragraph 1 of Art. 7 of Federal Law No. 5-FZ, but all details must be sought in regional legislation. For example, the Moscow Government Decree lists the following awards (Soviet and Russian):

    • orders and medals;
    • honorary titles;
    • certificates and gratitude issued on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation;
    • departmental awards for work (work experience in the industry and insurance experience are taken into account).

    What is not taken into account as departmental awards for work

    There are a number of awards that are not taken into account as labor awards and, therefore, cannot be the basis for obtaining preferential status.

    These awards include those that were established:

    • organizations (the organizational and legal form does not matter);
    • military units;
    • public organizations;
    • sports communities;
    • commercial structures;
    • structural divisions of federal government bodies.

    The presence of badges, certificates, and medals of this kind is not the basis for receiving the title of veteran of labor, even if the citizen has all the documents for them.
    Detailed information on the classification of a particular award badge, honorary title, diploma, diploma as a sign of distinction in labor sufficient for conferring the title “Veteran of Labor” can be found in Letter of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated September 15, 1997 No. 4545-SK.

    Benefits for labor veterans in 2020 How to register as a labor veteran in 2021

    The procedure for registration - namely, how to obtain the title “Veteran of Labor” and how to become a recipient of social benefits provided to citizens with such a title - is established by regional legislation (clause 4, article 7, article 22 of the Law of January 12, 1995 No. 5-FZ ). Let's consider the standard algorithm of actions.

    Step 1: prepare the necessary papers.

    Step 2: write and submit an application and copies of documents to the social security service at the place of registration of the applicant for the title (each region may have its own application form, so you need to request the form from the social security authority or download it on the Internet - but make sure that it is accepted by the regional government. A sample of such a statement for Moscow can be seen below).

    Step 3 consists of either obtaining a certificate or refusing to assign the title of labor veteran.

    During what period is the status valid?

    The title is awarded for an indefinite period .

    Moreover, the status of a federal-level labor veteran is valid throughout the country, so having received the certificate once, there is no need to change it when moving from region to region.

    If a citizen with a preferential status changes his place of residence, then the only change that awaits him is benefits. Moreover, many regions set the status of a labor veteran of a particular subject of the Russian Federation as a condition for receiving benefits on their territory.

    Each region has its own benefits, which may differ. For example, in Moscow, labor veterans receive a monthly allowance of 1,000 rubles, and in Penza - 500 rubles.

    Why can they refuse?

    Not all citizens’ appeals to the social security authority to obtain a title result in a positive decision. Most often they are refused in the following cases:

    • the award documents provided do not meet the requirements (they lack the required status: for example, the applicant has a badge “For accident-free mileage on a locomotive of 500,000 km,” but he was refused, and the court confirmed the correctness of this decision);
    • there are the awards themselves - but there are no certificates for them (they are not always denied on this basis - after all, the right to an award can also be confirmed by entries in the work book or records in the archives);
    • the length of service does not meet the requirements;
    • the citizen submitted the application in a place other than where he was registered.

    The refusal is provided in writing and can be appealed in court.

    If a refusal is received

    This can happen for several reasons:

    • there are insufficient rights to obtain a title, or they are absent;
    • problems with registration in the region where documents are prepared;
    • the information in the documents is unreliable;
    • documents are legally invalid.

    The refusal of officials must be justified with references to legislation and formalized. The applicant has the right to disagree with him and contact a lawyer or directly file a claim in court to exercise his rights.

    Regional regulations may not recognize individual insignia as a basis, but courts usually side with honest workers. Such “controversial” points may include the badge “For Shock Labor”, “Shock Worker of Communist Labor”, etc. If a pensioner has an award, for example “Veteran of Labor” (it was issued by the USSR authorities), but the documents for it have been lost, help access to the archive. A document confirming that the award actually belongs to the citizen and entitles him to benefits will be issued by his employees. In certain cases, contacting the head of the social security service, whose officials rejected the applicant, may help.

    Application processing time

    According to federal law, the review period cannot be more than 30 calendar days. But the constituent entities of the Federation can adopt their own terms - which cannot be longer than the federal ones. For example, in Moscow, the decision to issue the title of labor veteran is made within 10 working days (on average 2 weeks), that is, you can get a decision twice as fast. The period begins to count from the date of registration of the request in the documentation system of the social security authority. All procedures are performed free of charge.

    What is taken into account in work experience?

    In addition to the fact that a citizen must begin working during the Great Patriotic War, to obtain the title of labor veteran, he also needs work experience.

    It takes into account not only periods of work, but also the following periods:

    • completion of military or other equivalent service;
    • child care for no more than 1.5 years (in total, no more than 4.5 years are included in the length of service);
    • caring for a disabled person of group 1, a disabled child, a citizen whose age is over 80 years;
    • the period of receiving compulsory social insurance benefits during the period of temporary disability;
    • periods of receiving unemployment benefits, participation in paid public work, moving to another area in the direction of the employment service for employment;
    • the period of detention of those unjustifiably prosecuted, unjustifiably repressed and subsequently rehabilitated, and the period of serving their sentences in places of imprisonment and exile;
    • the period of residence of spouses of military personnel serving under contract with their spouses in areas where they could not work due to lack of employment opportunities, but not more than five years in total;
    • the period of residence abroad of spouses of employees sent to diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Russian Federation.

    The period of caring for one child is counted as work experience if it does not exceed 1.5 years.
    In total, periods of child care should not exceed 4.5 years. That is, if during work a woman or a man took leave to care for a child or children, then this period is counted towards the length of service. And, accordingly, it affects the total time of work required to obtain the title of veteran of labor.

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    Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” dated December 17, 2001 N 173-FZ

    Let's take a closer look at how to get a labor veteran in Moscow (2020)

    Step 1. What documents to prepare.

    Obtaining a title in Moscow is regulated by Decree of the Moscow Government dated June 27, 2006 No. 443-PP, clause of which lists the following documents:

    • request (application) in the form given in Appendix 1 (the application template can be downloaded below);
    • a passport or other document to confirm the identity of the applicant and his place of registration in Moscow;
    • power of attorney and passport of the authorized person (if documents for the applicant are submitted by another authorized person);
    • work book or certificates confirming the length of service established to obtain the title for the corresponding category of persons;
    • documents confirming the award of the applicant;
    • photo 3 * 4 cm;
    • if the full name appearing in the documents in clauses 4 and 5 does not correspond to the current ones, a document confirming their change.

    What to do if the USZN refused to assign status

    If the applicant believes that he was denied wrongfully without being assigned preferential status, then he has the right to file a complaint :

    • to the head of the Department of Social Protection of the Population, where the decision was made;
    • to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the region;
    • to the judicial authorities.

    Often, citizens who have awards or other labor distinctions are refused due to the discrepancy between the awards and those specified in the regulations of the region. In this case, appealing to the judicial authorities makes it possible to establish whether departmental insignia are really not labor insignia.

    Types of benefits in the capital

    We looked at how to become a labor veteran in 2021 step by step. Let us briefly describe what benefits this category of citizens can count on in Moscow:

    • free travel in Moscow on public passenger transport, by train on certain routes in the region. The basis is the social card of a Muscovite;
    • 50% discount on housing and utilities. Grounds: a veteran’s application to the Managing Organization or DEZ with documents confirming the assignment of the rank;
    • monthly monetary compensation to pay for city telephone services;
    • free production and repair of dentures (except for the cost of precious metals and metal-ceramics);
    • for non-working veterans of labor - free vouchers for sanatorium-resort treatment and reimbursement of expenses for round-trip railway travel if there are medical indications;
    • monthly city cash payment in the amount of 495 rubles for 2018 (clause 4.2.3. Moscow Government Decree No. 816-PP dated December 6, 2016), 1000 rubles - for 2021, in accordance with clause 4.2.3. Government Decree Moscow dated October 31, 2017 No. 805-PP).

    It should be remembered that the following types of social support can be replaced by cash payments:

    • free pass;
    • medication provision;
    • treatment in a sanatorium.

    For 2021, the monetary amount of replacement is 930.12 rubles, for 2020 it will be 1048.12 rubles. At the same time, the rest of the set of social support measures will remain.

    Medal “Veteran of Labor”

    This award was approved in 1974.

    It is this that is the indisputable basis for assigning the status of a labor veteran . But only if the citizen has the appropriate documents confirming the assignment.

    The following categories of citizens were most often awarded:

    • collective farm workers;
    • children working during the Great Patriotic War;
    • employees retiring who have worked for a certain period of time in one industry or in a certain field;
    • workers for hard work.

    If the documents were lost, they can be restored by contacting the archival funds at the location of the organizations where the medal was issued.
    In addition, in the USSR there were the titles “Honorary Veteran of Labor” and “Honored Veteran of Labor”; it was usually awarded to employees who had worked at the enterprise for more than 25 years. But until 1995, these titles did not promise any benefits or payments.

    Regional features

    As noted above, social privileges vary depending on the region of residence. This is due to the fact that the center delegates the authority to create benefits to the subjects. They, in turn, make decisions about the distribution of funds depending on demographic indicators.


    • payment of benefits;
    • providing additional financial incentives;
    • allocation of residential premises or carrying out repair work;
    • extensive medical care.

    It is important to know! Since 2004, all veterans registered in Moscow have been given an additional payment. Today it is equal to a thousand rubles a month.

    Saint Petersburg

    1. EDV in a fixed and annually indexed amount;
    2. Discount on utility bills - fifty percent;
    3. Transport benefits - for travel on public transport in the city and suburban electric trains during the summer season;
    4. Exemption from some taxes, in particular from transport.

    Note that the latest benefit only applies to small cars older than 1990.

    What benefits are provided?

    According to a generalized analysis of regional standards, citizens who have received the status of a labor veteran can count on several benefits:

    • cash payments;
    • free travel on public transport;
    • free medicines;
    • free or discounted dental prosthetics;
    • benefits for paying for housing and communal services;
    • other benefits.

    What benefits are available to labor veterans?

    Each region independently establishes social support measures and its limits (sizes). Therefore, in different cities and regions they can differ significantly, including being completely absent.

    Where to go for pensioners who served under contract?

    All major issues related to pension provision are resolved in those departments in which the serviceman served under a contract. But the status of a labor veteran applies more to civilian pensioners, so a special body for the social protection of citizens of the Russian Federation is responsible for conferring the honorary title.

    Therefore, military pensioners who claim to be a veteran of work must seek help from the social security authority at their place of registration. In this case, the pensioner must submit the following documents to social security representatives:

    1. Application on a standard form for recognition of a military pensioner as a labor veteran (a sample document is provided by an employee of the social security agency);
    2. Personal documents and their copies: passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, pensioner’s ID, SNILS, etc.;
    3. Documents confirming 15 years of experience in one department and a total of 25 years of work experience (possibly combined military and civilian);
    4. Accompanying documents confirming receipt of departmental awards.

    Representatives of social security authorities independently make copies of the provided documents, but to speed up the procedure it is recommended to bring ready-made scans of the documents. But the originals will also be needed to verify copies.

    The period for consideration of an application with attached papers is a working week in the organization. If the decision is positive, the military pensioner will be issued a labor veteran certificate. In case of a negative decision, social security representatives indicate the reasons for the refusal. But a citizen has the right to challenge it in a higher authority or through court.


    An important feature of the assignment of social preferences is their regional nature. That is, the authorities of the subject themselves decide to grant certain privileges. In a number of regions with small budgets, veterans receive only federal assistance

    We also note that, for example, a discount on housing and communal services is given only for one piece of real estate, and there are restrictions on the cost of the apartment.

    Not all categories of military personnel, even those with length of service, have the right to become veterans

    It is important that a person receives some kind of state award. But her level doesn’t matter

    In this case, both the honorary title and the medal provide equal social preferences.


    This law was supplemented and changed in 2004 and 2005 and in its current form characterizes labor veterans as:

    • people who have the appropriate ID;
    • persons awarded a medal or order, or those who received honorary titles of the USSR or Russia, or who have certain awards and years of service sufficient for an old-age pension, as well as a long-service pension;
    • citizens who began their working career before reaching minority during the Second World War, and their total work experience is at least 35 and 40 years, respectively, for women and men.

    How can teachers get a labor veteran?

    To do this, two main conditions must be met. The applicant is required to have a certain length of work experience and have awards or other distinctions. Features of calculating length of service and receiving awards largely depend on the field of work.

    How much experience is needed for men and women?

    Based on the conditions contained in paragraph 1 of Art. 7 of Law No. 5-FZ, length of service for conferring the title “Veteran of Labor” is determined in 2 ways:

    • in the form of a specific figure for persons who began working before reaching adulthood during the Second World War: at least 40 years for men and at least 35 years for women;
    • by reference to the length of service required to establish an old-age or long-service pension - for persons awarded awards of the USSR (RF).

    The age for establishing a long-service pension is given in the laws of the Russian Federation:

    • “On state pension provision in the Russian Federation” dated December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ - for federal civil servants, cosmonauts and test pilots. It contains the following figures: for civil servants - 25 years without distinction between genders (reduced in some cases to 15 years);
    • for cosmonauts and test pilots—25 years for men and 20 years for women, with a reduction for health reasons to 20 and 15 years, respectively.
  • “On pension provision for persons who served in military service, service in internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system, and their families” dated 02.12.1993 No. 4468- I—for persons who were in military or other similar service. According to it, the length of service is 25 years (without distinction between genders), with a reduction for some types of service to 20 years.
  • According to the current pension legislation (Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions” dated December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ), for the establishment of an old-age pension, length of service no longer matters. It was replaced by the insurance period, the value of which will be increased to 15 years by 2024 (in 2016 it is only 7 years).

    So, when determining the length of service required to establish an old-age pension, it is more reasonable to focus on the figures specified in the RF Law of November 20, 1990 No. 340-I, repealed since 2002, “On State Pensions in the Russian Federation”: 25 years for men and 20 years for women with a reduction in the presence of grounds for early establishment of a pension for a period of up to 5 (for most reasons) or 10 years.

    The specific number of years of experience for all situations must be indicated in the regional regulations on the labor veteran, which describes the requirements that are needed to recognize a person as a veteran. Since the region reserves the right to expand the circle of persons classified as veterans, the conditions for length of service in a particular region may be:

    • Reduced for persons who began working before reaching adulthood during the Second World War, or who received awards from the USSR (RF).
    • Established without reference to special merits. In this case, it will be enough to have the work experience that is established in the region as the minimum required to obtain the title of veteran.

    Normative criteria for the professionalism of teaching staff

    The professional level of a teacher is determined by the teacher’s integral characteristic, which presupposes his mastery of various types of professional activities and the presence of a combination of professionally defined psychological qualities in the employee. These qualities provide an effective solution to pedagogical problems in education and training.

    Regulatory criteria for the professional level of a teaching worker are established by an employment contract and the qualification characteristics of educational positions.

    Pedagogical professionalism must meet the following criteria:

    1. Objective: the effectiveness of professional activities (teaching, educational, developmental, as well as auxiliary - correctional, diagnostic, consulting, self-educational and organizational and managerial).
    2. Subjective: strong pedagogical orientation, understanding of the value orientations of one’s profession, job satisfaction.
    3. Procedural: the teacher’s use of humanistically oriented, socially acceptable technologies and methods of work.
    4. Effective: achieving results in work that are in demand in society (formation of personality traits of students, ensuring their preparation for life in society).

    Levels of pedagogical professionalism are steps towards high performance and the opportunity to receive awards and distinctions.

    Consistent nature of the awards

    Rewarding a citizen with departmental “Veteran of Labor” awards in education is consistent. Thus, in order to receive a high reward, you must first receive the reward that precedes it. If a teaching staff member has a departmental-level award from the Ministry of Education and Science, this may be taken into account when certifying him. In addition, a departmental award may influence the pay of a particular employee. If this is provided for by the remuneration systems operating in an educational institution, a departmental award may be the basis for certain additional payments.

    How the normative criteria for the professional level of a teacher are established, we will consider below.


    The legislation of the Russian Federation provides a fairly limited list of persons to whom the title “Veteran of Labor” is applicable, leaving the regions the right to independently supplement it and establish a specific list of benefits that the region is ready to provide to a veteran of labor.
    Work experience can be one of the conditions with which the assignment of this title is associated or constitute the only basis for recognizing a person as a labor veteran. You can find more complete information on the topic in ConsultantPlus. Free trial access to the system for 2 days.

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