Mosgortrans hotline phone number and other contacts

Traveling by public transport is part of the routine of a city dweller, and everyone really wants transport service employees to be polite to passengers and do their job conscientiously.

But it often happens that traveling by bus turns into a complete nightmare, and instead of resting after work, you have to write a complaint about the careless driver. In the article we will look at how to complain about a bus, and what it faces for the antics of their irresponsible employees.

Hotline number

The main goal of the enterprise is to improve the quality of passenger transportation and create conditions for the uninterrupted operation of transport. If you have any complaints about the organization’s services, you should contact the hotline:


Enterprise operators can complain about non-compliance with public transport operating schedules, unsanitary conditions in vehicle interiors, poor driver service, etc.

Please note that anonymous calls are not accepted, so the caller must provide contact information: full name, phone number, nature of the complaint, place and time of the incident.


There can be many reasons for a complaint, but we will focus on the most typical of them:

  • Failure to adhere to schedule.
    You need to write a complaint clearly if the driver, without a good reason (for example, a traffic jam or accident), systematically violates his own schedule - is late or does not arrive at all. The driver must follow the route start plan and arrive at each stop on time.
  • Failure to follow the route.
    Unauthorized change of travel plan and ignoring stops is an important basis for filing a complaint. Each type of public transport follows a specific route, and the driver has no right to deviate from it without a good reason (such as traffic congestion, natural disaster or civil conflict).
  • Driver's rudeness.
    Swearing, insults, ridicule or threats are inappropriate behavior for an employee of the company whose honor he represents, and in the event of a conflict with a rude driver, it is mandatory to write a complaint. It’s better, in general, to call the police and let them issue him a fine according to the administrative code.
  • Traffic violation.
    Compliance with traffic rules is the responsibility of any road user. If the bus driver also breaks the rules, he risks not only his own life, but also the lives of several dozen people he transports.

    Along with the complaint, it is better to contact the police and have the driver’s driver’s license revoked.

  • Inappropriate behavior of the driver (playing music loudly, smoking in the cabin).
    Refusal to remove loud music is considered a violation of Art. 7 Federal Law No. 2300-1 “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, according to which the service provider must do everything to ensure the protection of the health and comfort of its clients.

    And refusal to put out a cigarette violates Art. 12 clause 1.3 of Federal Law No. 15, which establishes a ban on smoking tobacco when transporting passengers on public transport. Both cases are good reasons to inform the management of Mosgortrans about the misconduct of their employee and demand influence on him.

Other ways to contact the Mosgortrans company

Many messages from citizens are received on the Mosgortrans hotline. But the company has provided other communication options.


On the official website of the organization, in the “Passengers” section, the “Feedback” tab opens. After clicking on the tab, you will be taken to the “Leave a request” contact form. In the required fields, you must indicate the status of the applicant. Legal entities will have to fill out the application form, print it out, sign it with the boss and send it by simple letter.

Individuals can send a message electronically. To do this, you need to determine the type of appeal (application, complaint, gratitude, proposal) and topic. Then you need to describe the essence of the complaints and leave contact information. If you provide false information, there will be no response to your request.


Mosgortrans e-mail is intended for business correspondence (address) or resolving issues related to employment (address).


The company has released an application called Mosgortrans, which can be downloaded from this link. The application is available for download on iOS. You cannot write a complaint here, but you can track city transport routes, the movement of buses, trams and trolleybuses in real time.

About the organization

Mosgortrans is a state enterprise responsible for the operation of the transport infrastructure of Moscow and partly the Moscow region. The activity is related to the transportation of passengers by bus, route, tram and trolleybus transport within the Moscow region. It is possible to order buses, both regional and interregional.

Passengers may need the help of specialists to clarify schedules, routes, and stops. To do this, use the contact center.

General procedure for receiving written and electronic requests from citizens, as well as preparing responses to them

The procedure for receiving and processing requests from citizens is regulated by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 59 of 02.05. 2006. Standard requirements are imposed on the text of the complaint (statement, proposal). Failure to comply with them may result in refusal of consideration.

General requirements for written submissionsLegitimate reasons for refusing an applicantReply to the author of the appeal
Key Requirements:

including only one question;

attaching files of established formats

(txt, doc, rtf, xls, pdf, jpg, etc.);

absence of obscene and offensive language, etc.

Submission of false information, as well as failure to comply with the requirements for the applicant, is the reason for refusal to consider any submitted application.
They are also refused if the applicant repeatedly asked a question without new arguments, for which he had already been given an answer earlier
The appeal is considered for a month, if this is sufficient and not otherwise provided.

In general, its period can be extended for another month.

The response is sent to the applicant’s home. address, email mail or by phone

It should be borne in mind that a court decision can be challenged through the established procedural procedure.

Payment for travel and baggage: what you should pay attention to to avoid controversial situations

The uniform rules for using public transport for Muscovites are determined by Moscow Government Decree No. 797-PP dated September 2, 2008 (as amended in 2021). Since a considerable part of the complaints are related to the payment of travel documents, the correct procedure for their use and replacement, you should pay attention to the following points of the applicable travel rules:

  1. Payment is made according to the selected current tariff at the entrance.
  2. Baggage transportation is paid separately. At the same time, the benefits of free travel and discounts established for some passengers do not give the right to free transportation.
  3. A ticket is invalid if its validity period has expired or the travel limit has been reached. Tickets from the stop list are also not accepted if there are faults.

Faulty tickets that have visible damage and cannot be read or work can be exchanged as per the general procedure.

It should be remembered that the controller can fine free riders right in the vehicle cabin. A passenger is considered a ticketless passenger, for example, if he presents a counterfeit or expired travel document to the ticket inspector at the vehicle. If a student travels on a discounted ticket but not his own, it will be confiscated. The seizure is documented in a document, one copy of which remains with the passenger.

Rules for filing a complaint

The application must provide complete information about the incident.
This will help the company management understand the situation and understand whether the applicant’s demands are legitimate. The nature of the complaint may vary. It depends on the incident. The document must indicate:

  • name of the institution where the complaint is filed;
  • personal and contact details of the applicant (full name, address, telephone);
  • information about the employee who committed the violation;
  • information about the direction of movement;
  • location of the incident (for example, at which stop the incident occurred);
  • detailed description of the incident;
  • a passenger’s request, for example, to conduct a check and punish a driver who did not stop at a stop;
  • documents attached as evidence (photos, audio or video recordings, witness statements);
  • date of filing the complaint;
  • applicant's signature.

Download a sample complaint to Mosgortrans

If passengers encounter rudeness from the carrier's staff, they can call the police. The employee records inappropriate behavior. This protocol can be attached as evidence of the incident.

In addition, you need to follow simple rules for filing a claim. It is necessary to write briefly and clearly, so that there is no other interpretation of the address. Make references to the law whose clauses were violated.

Anonymous requests will not be considered. Citizens must provide complete information about themselves and contacts for feedback.

Basic rights of passengers

In order to know how a person can be oppressed, you need to understand your rights.
Theoretically, they can be divided into two broad groups - universal human rights guaranteed by the constitution, and rights arising by virtue of the contract of carriage, which is considered concluded from the moment of boarding the transport and paying for the fare. The first include:

  • personal dignity;
  • social security rights;
  • health protection.

The second group includes:

  • safe passage;
  • carriage of hand luggage and baggage;
  • payment for the ticket in accordance with established legal acts.

Advice! The best way for a passenger to prepare to protect their rights is to become familiar with them. Often, signs with a list of guarantees hang in the interior of any city transport.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Question No. 1: How is the balance (paid service) restored when replacing the Troika transport card?

If the examination shows that it is not working properly, then it must be replaced. Along the way, the balance is restored along with the paid service, but only after the applicant pays for the production of a new card. “Troika” s, “90”, “365” days. when restored, it is extended by 10 cal. days

Question No. 2: Is it possible to return the deposit price for Troika?

It is possible if it is in good working order and has retained its “presentable” appearance, i.e. it has no visible damage.

Example 1. Filing a passenger complaint about a malfunction of the “90 min.” ticket to the kiosk of the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgortrans"

Passenger Tolkachevsky N.M. turned to the Mosgortrans cashier, complaining that the ticket he purchased was “90 min.” does not work. According to the established procedure, this ticket should be submitted for examination to check for serviceability. Based on its results, a decision is made on what to do: return the ticket back to the passenger (if it is in good condition) or replace it.

To this end, the following actions were performed:

  1. Tolkachevsky N.M. filled out the application form offered to him to accept a ticket for examination.
  2. The receipt for acceptance for examination, which is attached to the application, was given to the passenger.
  3. On the next working day (after writing the application) ticket “90 min.” sent for examination.
  4. Based on the results of a 10-day examination, it turned out that the ticket was not corrected. Accordingly, it was decided that it needed to be replaced, and the trips unclaimed by the passenger and the paid period of service should be restored.

The applicant, N.M. Tolkachevsky, was issued a new ticket “90 min.” instead of the faulty one at the cash register where he initially filed a complaint.

For your information, similarly, the same scheme is used to exchange and restore transport cards.

Important! Transport cards without mechanical, chemical or similar visible damage are accepted for examination. Chips, folds, breaks, etc. indicate that the card is not suitable.

Common mistakes when independently preparing and sending applications to Mosgortrans

Error 1. As you know, when you contact the Mosgortrans cash desk with a complaint about a faulty transport card, the cashier offers to submit it for examination. The passenger has the right to refuse this offer. But he must understand that the card will not be replaced automatically, without an examination.

As for the cashier, if the passenger refuses, he is obliged to notify that he can contact the agency directly on this issue.

Error 2. You should know that when traveling on preferential terms (without payment or at a discount), the passenger must have with him a document confirming the right to transport benefits. This requirement is mandatory and applies to all beneficiaries.

Error 3. They do not restore an unnamed transport card, as well as a “Troika” card if they are lost. In this case, unused money and payment for services are not returned or compensated.

Punishment for the driver

Based on the results of an inspection by the employing company, an unreliable driver may be subject to disciplinary action. Explanatory work must be carried out with him, and he must also comment on what happened. In case of serious misconduct or relapse, the negligent employee may be fired.

The violator may be brought to administrative responsibility by state and municipal authorities. The consequences may be deprivation of a driver's license, fines and other methods of an authoritative nature.

Therefore, it is not only possible, but also necessary to fight for your rights and punish boors and reckless people.

Watch the video about how a minibus driver paid for rudeness

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