Is it possible to find the owner of a car by license plate number and how? There is a working way!

Information about the owner of a car may be needed in various situations, most often related to violations of traffic laws or other related areas of the law. As a rule, this happens when it is necessary to find the owner of the car to recover damages or testify, as well as to verify the car owner when purchasing a car from someone else.

Vehicle registration information is often needed when investigating traffic accidents. Sometimes drivers find themselves in unpleasant situations when their car suffers due to the fault of another motorist, who immediately flees the scene of an accident. And the victim begins to search for the offender in order to collect funds from him to compensate for the damage caused, but sometimes he has no idea how to find out who the car is registered to.

What does checking by car number reveal?

A full report is generated within 5 minutes. From it you will learn:

  • PTS data;
  • history of registration actions;
  • mileage history;
  • data on participation in an accident;
  • repair insurance calculations;
  • presence of traffic police restrictions;
  • information about the theft;
  • information about collateral;
  • information about working in a taxi;
  • recycling data;
  • information about technical inspections, compulsory motor liability insurance and fines;
  • sales ad history and much more.

You can check your car by license plate without leaving your home. The report will be generated online, and a link to the report will be sent by email.

Check the car!

Acquisition of bases

Today, paid services that provide access to closed traffic police databases are popular on the Internet. By paying a certain amount, you can supposedly easily find out the necessary information about car registration.

However, the service does not actually work. Often the information provided is outdated or not initially true. If you don’t want to waste money and time, it’s better to try to find out the name of the owner of the car using the numbers in the traffic police.

How to punch a car through the databases? Legal purity of the car - video:

Why is it important to check your license plate number?

— Victim, did you recognize the person who stole your car?

- Your Honor, after his lawyer’s speech, I doubt that I even had a car.

Evgeny Loginov, auto expert, head of the “My Expert – Yekaterinburg” project:

— A car is a technically complex product. As I like to tell my clients: “It’s not like going to the store to buy bread.” That is why even a new car with a mileage of 10 thousand km and only one owner must be checked carefully.

In our work, we often come across the fact that sellers do not finish the negotiations and sell cars after an accident, with adjusted mileage, problem engines and gearboxes. It could be worse. You can run into intermediaries in the sale or, more simply put, outbids. These comrades alter steering wheels, reupholster the interior, restore vehicles after serious accidents, when the cars have broken geometry or airbags deployed.

When buying a car with an “unclean” history, you not only risk expensive repairs to the engine, gearbox and other elements, but you also simply risk your life! In the event of a repeat accident on such a car, the airbags are unlikely to deploy.

Another important aspect of buying a used car is the legal component. No matter how good the car is, if it has problems with documents, there are restrictions in registration, or it has been stolen, then you will not register such a car. The most harmless thing is a restriction in registration due to a fine that the former owner did not pay. It’s much more serious if the car’s VIN number is broken, the frame number is unreadable or erased, or the engine number is missing.”

Check your auto history right now!

What's useful

When thinking about how to find out who the car is registered to, people often forget about the important nuances of the issue. For example, about information that may be useful when searching for relevant data about a vehicle.

To easily “break through” a car and its owner, you need to prepare:

  • state number of the car;
  • VIN or body number;
  • chassis numbers;
  • passport details of the alleged owner (if any).

In addition, it is recommended to find out in which city the potential owner of the vehicle lives. All this will greatly simplify the search for the owner of the car.

What happens if you don’t get your car checked before purchasing?

- Honey, my car broke down.

- Strongly?

- In half.

Real stories of victims:


— A year ago, my wife and I bought a used car. No errors were found upon purchase. In addition, on the recommendation of the seller, we went to the nearest service center, where we were assured that the car was in complete order. We haven’t thought about how to check the car in other ways. In general, they took our word for it and made a serious mistake, because upon registration with the traffic police it turned out that the car had been restored after a major accident. For proper operation, the car lacked many expensive parts. What can I say? I could only sell it for parts.


— Several years ago I bought a car from a private person. Together we took it off the register and registered it in my name. A few months later, the police came to me and took away the title to examine the signatures, and then the car itself. It turned out that the first owner turned to scammers to sell the car, after which he never saw them again. All this time the car was wanted, and I didn’t even know about it. The seller was never found. I had neither a receipt for the transfer of money nor real data from the seller. In short, I was left without everything. Now I’m triple attentive.

Deregistration after sale

One of the difficulties that a motorist may encounter after selling his car is deregistration.
Cases when the seller begins to receive fines for a car sold some time ago are not uncommon. This is due to the fact that since 2013, deregistration of a car occurs differently.

The new owner must register the car in his name within ten days. However, if this does not happen, transport tax and fines will still be charged to the former owner .

To obtain detailed information, after 10 days from the date of sale of the car, you should contact the territorial department of the traffic police , since the most accurate way to find out whether the car has been deregistered is from the department employees.

For this purpose, an appeal is also written to the head of the traffic police department with a request to inform about the current status of the sold vehicle. In addition, the following documents must be attached:

  • copy of passport;
  • a copy of the purchase and sale agreement - it will confirm both the fact of the transaction and the basis for the appeal - the expiration of the 10-day period;
  • copy of the title - when alienating a car, it is wise to keep copies of all documents for the car.

An acceptance note must be made on the application - this is done in the department office. The traffic police must give an official response no later than after a month.

How to punch a car by license plate in 5 minutes

The algorithm for checking through the service is as simple as possible. Follow the steps:

  • enter the license plate number in the search box and click “Check car”;
  • wait for the results - you will receive a short report with summary data about the car;
  • to get a full report, pay for the service;
  • wait 5 minutes for the report to be generated.

Through "Autocode" you can check any car by state number. To get a full report, you need to pay 349 rubles. Our database contains information about all cars registered in the Russian Federation. It is available to you 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. To get a car by license plate, you don’t need to go anywhere, look for VIN and other data. Checking is carried out in 3 steps!

Car database and the new traffic police law?

Most recently, the Russian government prepared a draft law on the introduction of a unified register of vehicles in our country, which will store all information about cars registered with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. The draft is posted on the official website of the authorities and is scheduled to come into force on August 4, 2021.

This means that personal data will also be available. And citizens will be able to request extracts with this data at any time and free of charge. Does this mean that in this way it will be possible to get through all the information about the owner of the car? No, that doesn't mean it. The draft explicitly states that ordinary citizens will have access to vehicle license plate numbers, engine parameters and registration history. But only employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and similar security agencies will be able to obtain personal data.

Why is it better to check your car through Autocode?

Autocode checks the car by numbers quickly and efficiently. The check allows you to track the car through the database literally from the assembly line to the point of sale. Not only individuals, but also specialized salons request the necessary information on cars from Autocode.

Why choose the Autocode website:

  • reliability and quality of reports verified using the traffic police database (we guarantee compensation for damage if the report turns out to be unreliable);
  • the ability to check a car by registration number;
  • test result after 5 minutes;
  • applications for Iphone and Android for online checking;
  • checking Japanese cars without a VIN code is a unique service feature;
  • discounts for those who buy several reports;
  • favorable price for professional car sellers - “Autocode Pro”.

After checking the car by license plate, you will know exactly what the car is. Using these facts, you can fairly reduce the purchase price.

Autocode is a website for checking a car by license plate number, which allows you to find out real data about the car right at the time of purchase and protect yourself from an unwanted transaction. It is suitable for you if you need to check one or more cars.

How is it impossible to determine in 2021?

Now let's refute what you will find on many Internet sites as working ways to find out the owner of a car by car number.

Official website of the traffic police

We don’t know what those who write about the possibility of finding the full name of the owner of a car number through the State Traffic Inspectorate website are thinking. This, as we already mentioned at the beginning of the article, is an object of personal data, and no body can simply disclose it to everyone.

Secondly, you won’t be able to find anything at all on the official website by the car number – only by the VIN number. But it will also give you the vehicle registration history with the start and end dates, as well as whether they were individuals or legal entities. That’s it, there won’t be and can’t be any disclosure of data about the owners of the car!

Asking the traffic police on the road

It’s a fairly common myth when resources give advice to simply ask traffic police inspectors on the road to identify a person by his car number. Allegedly, employees always have access to the traffic police database with such data, and they can easily find out all this.

No! Firstly, employees gain access to such a database only during certain operations and in certain positions (for example, employees of registration departments, and they do not patrol the road). Secondly, the law on personal data applies here too, and in this case they are also prohibited from distributing personal data. What if you are from the CSS and are checking the inspector?!

Therefore, the likelihood that on a straight road you can ask an employee to find the owner of a car by giving the license plate number of the car and receive a productive answer tends to zero.

But this, of course, is not excluded if you have a friend who is a law enforcement officer who is ready to violate such a ban.


How to check a car for free?

You can check your car for free on the traffic police website, but there you will receive only a minimum of information. In addition, the traffic police website often does not work, and to check a car you must know the VIN. It is much more convenient to use a paid service. Here, for a small fee, you can find out the full history of the car in just 5 minutes: from traffic police restrictions and liens to road accidents, repair calculations and service history. To check a car, for example, through the service, it is enough to know the license plate number. Using a paid full report, you can quickly make a decision about buying a car, as well as reasonably reduce the cost of the car.

How to check a car for arrest using its license plate number?

You can check your car for arrest using its license plate number through the service. From the report you will find out the current traffic police restrictions for the vehicle, the start date of the restrictions, the basis, region and initiator. Also from the report you can find out the entire history of restrictions that have ever been imposed on the vehicle.

Is it possible to check the maintenance by license plate number?

Yes. From the Autocode report you will learn information about technical inspections, recall campaigns, insurance repair calculations, and you will also be able to get acquainted with the car’s service history at the dealer and service station.

How to find out VIN by license plate number?

Based on the license plate number from the Autocode report, you will find out the VIN, as well as all previous registration plates of the car.

A free way to find out the owner of a car license plate

Yes, this can also be done for free. But it’s already difficult and not online. Not only will you have to leave the house, you will also have to... get into an accident! And it's not a joke.

And we are talking about the legislation in force for 2021, which allows you to find out the data of a person involved in a case of an administrative offense.

The Code of Administrative Offenses states that a person against whom an administrative case is being conducted and a person in the status of a victim has the right to familiarize himself with all the materials of such a case. What does it mean? To determine the owner of a car, knowing the license plate number of the latter, you just need to both be involved in the same case.

The simplest and most obvious is an accident. But it doesn’t have to be provoked. You can only report the event itself, call the traffic police and indicate that the second participant fled the scene. This is illegal, and if traffic police officers suspect deception, I can impose a fine of up to 1,500 rubles under Article 19.13 of the Code of Administrative Offences.

But if the “operation” is successful, an administrative investigation will be initiated, and you can come to the State Traffic Inspectorate office, where the case materials are stored and get acquainted with them. They may include the details of the owner of the car, which you declared, indicating that you saw the license plates of the car.

They will also not be able to attract the owner of the car, since he will not admit to what he did, and to attract your words alone will not be enough, there will be no evidence that he was driving, and if he does not appear at the traffic police when called by inspectors, he will have nothing there will be no penalty for this, and the case will be closed after the maximum period of investigation has passed (up to 2 months in case of an accident without victims).

Detective agencies

How to check who a car is registered to? We got acquainted with almost all possible scenarios. But there are still a few tricks left.

Private detective agencies are actively opening in many cities of Russia. For a fee, you can ask authorized persons to obtain information about the car and its owner. It is advisable to confirm the validity of your intentions.

Detectives can find out information about the owner of the vehicle at different times. Some people complete the task in a few days, while others have to work on it for months.

Occasionally, turning to private detectives does not produce any results. No one is immune from such situations; we have to prepare for them. That is why it is better not to pay for detective services in full until you receive the necessary information.

Request to the traffic police

How to find out who the car is registered to? Among the most effective ways to “break through” a car is to contact the traffic police directly. Unfortunately, this technique does not always work. Information about vehicle owners is confidential. It is provided to citizens only if there are compelling reasons.

These include:

  • hiding a car from the scene of an accident;
  • searching for a person who has gone missing (relevant for relatives of the wanted person).

The traffic police will not simply declassify information of interest to the population. Let's assume that a person has grounds for contacting the State Traffic Inspectorate. What's next? How to check who the car is registered to?

Now you need to adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Prepare the vehicle VIN number or vehicle license plates.
  2. Contact the local traffic police department with an application to provide information about the owner of the car. The application must be accompanied by a passport and confirmation of the grounds for the request.
  3. Obtain information that interests a person. They can be presented either orally or in writing.

How long will it take to serve an applicant? There is no way to give a definite answer. It all depends on the speed of the traffic police and the load on the relevant registration authority.

According to the technical passport

How can I find out who the car is registered to? The first option is to look at the PTS. This document must be provided by the owner of the car for any transactions with the car. Otherwise, you need to refuse to sign this or that agreement.

A car's registration certificate contains information about the car and its owners. They will help resolve the issue of how to find out who the car is registered to. In total, this paper has 8 fields for owners. When they are completely filled out, the PTS is exchanged at the traffic police, but information about the last owner of the movable property will still remain in the mentioned documentation.

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