Is it possible to register in a house in a village or in a village on a private plot?

One of the types of land use permitted by the Land Code of the Russian Federation is running a personal subsidiary plot. We will tell you in detail about the activities on this site, the boundaries and rules of use, the procedure for registering and running a subsidiary plot in the article offered to readers.

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Registration in a house on private household plot lands

In accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 4 Federal Law of July 7, 2003 N 112-FZ “On personal subsidiary plots”: “The personal plot of land is used for the production of agricultural products, as well as for the construction of a residential building, industrial, household and other buildings, structures, structures in compliance with urban planning regulations , construction, environmental, sanitary and hygienic, fire safety and other rules and regulations.”

Don't complicate things. If the plot is located within the boundaries of settlements (this is the most popular registration method), you can register it under the dacha amnesty, which has been extended until 2018. To register a residential building, you will need title documents for the plot and a registration certificate. All. If the dacha amnesty period expires before the end of construction, a building permit will be required for registration, if the construction is unfinished, or an entry permit.

Sergey, judging by the information, the site belongs to the “land of populated areas”. If the territory is located outside the boundaries of settlements, then the site is called field and can be used for cultivation and construction of outbuildings. Registration in non-permanent buildings is not issued. On sites within the boundaries of settlements, the construction of a residential building with all the attendant possibilities is allowed: connection of communications, registration of ownership, registration of property and persons.

Good afternoon. If you want to build and decorate a house in which you can then register, then this is necessary. If you are satisfied that the house will be non-residential, then such a transfer is not required. You can easily build a garden house, decorate it, and they won’t be able to prohibit you from living in it.

You didn’t write what to do when the administration tries to interfere in the personal affairs of citizens? In your case, actions were limited to unqualified consultation. What is carried out on the site (LPH) does not violate the law, since this is an individual matter for each citizen. If executive bodies interfere with actions, a solution to the issue can be obtained through the court. It is advisable to get advice from the person who built it, and not from lawyers.

  1. Provide evidence that the house on the private plot is the only possible place of residence;
  2. A house built on a private plot must be recognized as capital - i.e. be suitable for living all year round;
  3. Access roads must be built to the construction to allow vehicles to access the site.
  1. State authorities of the Russian Federation and authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, whose activities are aimed at monitoring compliance with the rules for the use of residential premises that are in state and municipal ownership.
  2. Owners who manage personal premises, as well as authorized persons of the HOA or organization that manages the housing stock.
  3. Authorized persons of the management bodies of housing complexes and housing cooperatives (housing and construction cooperatives).
  4. Officials in government service centers.
  • Current confirmation of the place of registration of citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • Any income certificates, including personal income tax form-2, income statements, tax documents;
  • Consent of other owners, except the applicant, for the registration of children under 18 years of age;
  • Marriage certificate, for men - military ID or, in the case of conscription age, registration certificate;
  • Account statements indicating full repayment of utilities;
  • Other documents that are not considered necessary according to current legislation.

The familiar “registration” means registration at the place of residence or place of stay. This means that a person who registers at a certain address notifies government authorities that he is registered as a resident at this place, and for all questions that may arise from third parties and government authorities, one should contact the designated address of residence.

Situations arise when government officials do not give a direct refusal, but delay the registration process, demanding additional documents, certificates and confirmation. Below we list a list of documents that cannot be requested by the Federal Migration Service and similar structures when registering in a residential building:

Terms and cost of registration

The maximum you usually have to wait is 6-7 days . However, if the applicant submitted papers to the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, then the result will be available within 3 days . This is the fastest way to register.

However, if there is a passport office directly in the village, then it is better to wait 6-7 days, since the period does not significantly exceed the minimum.

Obtaining registration for citizens of the country in Russia is completely free . This means that no government fees or other mandatory payments are required during the registration process.

Costs may only arise additionally depending on the involvement of intermediaries in the matter.

Plots of land for private plots and individual housing construction - what is the difference between them

Only one family should live in the house. Before starting construction, site owners order the development of design documentation. It must be agreed in accordance with legal requirements. The conditions apply to the placement of the house on the site. It must be built in such a way as not to disturb neighbors (restrictions apply to the distance to the neighbor's property and the street). A building permit will be refused if the applicant does not have the opportunity to provide communications to the cottage.

  1. Residential building. As in the case of individual housing construction plots, it must be occupied by 1 family (not an apartment building). The allowed number of floors is 3 (basements are not taken into account).
  2. Garage, shed, barn or other utility room.
  3. Bathhouse, gazebo, and other buildings necessary for organizing a comfortable life.

Plots whose documents indicate the type of permissible use “maintenance of private household plots”, like other plots, can have not only the main, but also auxiliary VRI. Thus, if your allotment indicates “plot of private household plots” as the main VRI, and “construction of household and outbuildings” as an additional one, this means that you can build housing, a barn, a gazebo and other structures on it.

Thinking about purchasing a plot of land? Then you will definitely come across such a concept as “type of permitted use”. This determines not only what the owner can do on the site, but also its cost. The optimal solution for those who want to acquire their own cottage is the land of individual housing construction and private subsidiary plots. Which option should I choose? What are the differences? So that every buyer can weigh the pros and cons before concluding a transaction, let’s try to understand the features of such land.

Before concluding a purchase and sale agreement, real estate experts recommend that you familiarize yourself with the General Plan for the development of the territory. If the construction of multi-storey buildings or roads is planned in the immediate vicinity of the site, it is difficult to call such a neighborhood pleasant. You also need to check if there are medical and child care facilities nearby. If the cottage is used for year-round living, it will be difficult for residents of the area to live without medical institutions and schools.

Procedure for registration in private household plots

The next difference is the right to a tax deduction. The parameter is regulated using the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. According to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, if a house is not built on the land within ten years, then the territory will be taxed at a double rate

. Private household plots have an advantage over individual housing construction in this case due to the reduced initial tax rate.

Loans for the development of private household plots are issued by Rosselkhozbank, Sberbank and 2-3 other banks with state support and loan programs for farmers. Rosselkhozbank specializes in supporting agricultural producers and offers loans on mutually beneficial terms

. A loan for the development of private household plots can be obtained under one of the programs:

The basis of the nuances is the category of land. If the house is located on a point that has been marked on the map for some time, then there will be a minimum number of questions about such a case. Since 2021, heads of village councils and administrations have lost the right to independently register people in private houses

. Now this work falls on the shoulders of territorial structures.

Registration in a personal subsidiary plot (LPH): is it possible to register on the plot?

This is done as follows. The owner of the plot files an appeal to the local FMS body, sending there an application for registration. Most likely, they will be refused due to the fact that the dacha building is suitable only for seasonal residence, but not for permanent residence.

The department may reject the application due to the unpreparedness of the building and land for human habitation. Some owners want to speed up the move by starting to build faster and cheaper, slowing down repair work, etc. All this increases the possibility of refusal.

  • application for registration. Issued in person or downloaded from the FMS portal;
  • documents of the owner of real estate. If the person registering does not own the land and house, the owner’s consent must be certified by a notary. Sometimes such a decision is made by a court, then a resolution on the permitted use of the building is attached to the documents;
  • passport or birth certificate if there is a child under fourteen years of age.

Refusal to provide registration in a village on a personal plot, in individual housing construction or private household plots is the main problem of many land owners. A refusal cannot be issued without a reason, therefore all reasons must be explained in writing by representatives of the service.

  • The Russian Housing Code establishes exactly what area is residential, and also contains answers to many other questions regarding housing;
  • The Russian Criminal Code defines criminal liability for fictitious registration at the address of residence, that is, registration made not for actual residence;
  • Federal Law No. 5242-1 establishes the ability of citizens of the Russian Federation to freely and autonomously determine themselves regarding issues of residence address within their own state;
  • Government Decree No. 713 is the main regulatory act, which explains in detail the nuances of the registration process;
  • The Russian Code of Administrative Offenses determines fines to be collected from a person who has exceeded the period during which one can remain without registration at the place of residence, that is, without a home;
  • Resolution of the Russian Constitutional Court No. 7-P is an act that may permit registration in dacha buildings on the territory of gardening partnerships, as well as in private household plots and on land plots intended for agricultural activities.

Emerging nuances

Buying or renting a plot is the optimal solution for citizens who want to start growing agricultural products. The permitted use of private household plots presupposes the possibility of selling grown products without taxation of the proceeds received, because such activity is not considered entrepreneurial.

However, in order not to pay contributions, you must follow the following rules:

  • the allotment area should not exceed the maximum permissible;
  • Hired force should not be involved in the work;
  • You should obtain the appropriate certificate from your local administration.

What is allowed on the grounds

Considering private household plots, what can be built on such a territory is closely related to the location of the plot. The land inside the city is similar to private housing construction, so you can build here. It will be possible to register in such buildings. The main thing is to comply with sanitary, fire, environmental and other rules during construction.

What can be done on agricultural plots is to grow appropriate crops. Capital construction is prohibited here. If it is built, such square meters will need to be demolished.

Minimum and maximum area

As mentioned above, the private plot of land has its own size restrictions. Minimum and maximum indicators are determined by local authorities. Therefore, these figures in different regions may differ significantly. At the same time, the standards determine that the size of the territory for private plots should not exceed 0.5 hectares. But there is also a caveat that the subject of the federation has the right to increase this limit, but not more than 5 times.

Is it possible to build a house

Many people are interested in purchasing a plot for private household plots, whether it is possible to build a permanent structure on it. When stipulating whether it is possible to build in such territories, it was previously mentioned that building a house is allowed only within populated areas. In this case, you will have to go through the entire licensing procedure, as with individual housing construction.

How to obtain a building permit

To obtain permission to build on the lands of private household plots, you should go to the local administration with an application. First, you need to request a town planning plan for the plot, which may take up to a month.

Next, it is necessary to draw up a plan for the planning organization of the land. The act will indicate the location of all objects on the lands of private household plots, taking into account existing requirements. After everything, the following package of materials is submitted to the architectural service:

  • statement;
  • title documentation;
  • plan;
  • diagram.

The papers are studied for 10 days, after which a decision is made to issue a permit. The validity period of the issued document is 10 years.

The procedure for its registration

When constructing a building, it will need to be registered. This can be done on the basis of the commissioning certificate. To receive it, after completing the work you should contact the administration again. A commission is created there to check the finished object for compliance with all standards. If no defects are found, a report is drawn up, after which the structure can be registered with Rosreestr.

Is it possible to register on Earth LPH

Why do problems arise when registering at DNP and SNT houses? The reason is that such houses, located not in populated areas, simply do not have an address. In this case, in order to register, you will have to conduct an examination of the house and obtain a court decision that the house is suitable for habitation.

To begin the registration procedure, it is advisable to check out from your previous place of residence. The legislation does not establish the necessary framework in any way, although to simplify the registration process it is better to do it in this sequence. After deregistration, you will be issued a departure slip, which is attached to the rest of the documents.

Individual housing construction is land that was originally intended for the construction of residential premises. If the house is built on individual housing construction, then all communication infrastructures available to any other resident of the locality are guaranteed to be connected: electricity, gas, schools, libraries, kindergartens, shops, and so on.

Significant concessions are provided for simplified design of garages, bathhouses and similar buildings. Thus, for the construction of such structures on owned land plots, a building permit is no longer required. The provision of a certificate from the BTI has also been cancelled.

SNT is a gardening non-profit partnership. This is also a combination of plots, but for farming, not for recreation. SNTs are always located outside populated areas and occupy more fertile lands. Suitable for those who plan to seriously engage in agriculture and do not exclude the possibility of building a country house.

Registration at a dacha in SNT in 2021: rules, conditions, restrictions

  • The house in which you want to register must be located within the locality and have its own address. Otherwise, it will simply not be possible to register the building with Rosreestr. And without a document confirming ownership of the house, registration in it will be impossible.
  • A few years ago, registration in SNT was prohibited by Russian law. Garden houses were considered unsuitable for year-round living, so there was no talk of permanent registration in them. However, owners of plots on the territory of gardening partnerships have increasingly begun to erect permanent buildings, install water supply and electricity in them, and equip them for living at any time of the year.

    The house must have all the necessary resources for year-round living - heating, electricity and water supply. At the same time, gasification at home is not a prerequisite for registration. At the dacha, it is enough to use stove heating, and instead of running water, use water from a well. True, in this case, well water must be recognized as suitable for drinking based on the conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor.

What documents are required?

Most likely, registration in a village means being assigned to a private house. To implement this procedure, you need to prepare the following documents :

  • application for registration;
  • passport of the interested person;
  • the house register, or rather, an extract from it;
  • consent of the home owner;
  • power of attorney, if the applicant does not independently carry out the registration;
  • departure certificate, if the applicant has already left his previous place of residence;
  • documents on the ownership of the house;
  • technical documents for the house.

From the point of view of legal requirements, it is not necessary

to leave your previous place However, if this happens, you need to register again no later than within 7 days .

Where to submit documents? It all depends on the size of the village or village and the availability of various services.

If the village administration has a passport office , then you can go there.

If all issues are resolved through the nearest urban settlement or regional center, then there is probably an MFC or a department of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation , to which you can contact with documents.

Advanced village residents can submit an application through the State Services portal on the Internet, if they have a login and password for their personal account.

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