Entering into an inheritance after 6 months after death is a common situation that arises due to ignorance
A loan for everyone A loan is not made in heaven, but an obligation to pay the bank for 25 years
If one of the parents refuses to participate in the financial support of their child (children), the other
Pros and cons of a will for an apartment Drawing up a disposition document is a right, not an obligation
Regulatory regulation of the issue of alimony for spousal support Let's consider two possible situations encountered in
What is a marriage contract? From the point of view of the Family Code, a marriage contract is an agreement
Hotline number for bailiffs The FSSP has created a Call Center (TCC). Citizens can
According to ancient tradition, after the wedding, a woman goes to her husband’s family and takes his surname.
Restoration of parental rights after deprivation can only take place if the parent
To whom does the property of the deceased go if the heirs do not appear? Inheritance occurs according to two algorithms: By