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In accordance with Russian criminal legislation, the fact that the criminal act was not brought to
Recently, a proposal has been actively discussed when providing social support to citizens to abandon the concept
In modern life, you cannot be sure that you will not be overtaken by extortion. With this phenomenon
How can a victim appeal a verdict in a criminal case? The right to review a court decision at a higher level
March 10, 2020 Legislation Snezhana Shudegova Any type of weapon that citizens have in
October 26, 2018 Finance Lazareva Valeria The government regularly calculates the cost of living based on prices
The question of whether it is possible to formalize an inheritance in another city is of interest to a large number of successors,
Example of a positive family characteristic Often for obtaining a certain job, visa to some countries
Home/Complaint/Against the school teacher The teacher has a huge influence on children. They not only provide knowledge