In what cases is an extract from the Unified State Register required?

To check the property you can order a report
*or you can also order a report WhatsApp +79232492328 or Email

In a transaction where a contract for the sale and purchase of an apartment, land plot or other real estate is concluded, an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate is always ordered.

Everything seems simple and clear. But quite often people are interested in the following questions:

  • Which statement should I order for a transaction?
  • who should order a statement: the seller or the buyer?
  • Do I need to submit an extract to the MFC when registering property rights?
  • what is the validity period of the statement?
  • In what form should I order an extract from the Unified State Register for a transaction: electronic or paper?

For a real estate purchase and sale transaction, there are only 2 extracts from the Unified State Register of Real Estate :

  1. About the property.
  2. On the transfer of rights to a property.

The second extract “On the transfer of rights to the property” is often mistakenly called “extended”. But that's not true. It is not expanded, but simply shows other information.

Often, to conclude a transaction, they are limited to only one extract “About the property”. Why then does the second one exist? Let's figure it out.

Get a tax deduction for an apartment or house

In order to return income tax from the budget after purchasing a home, you need to submit a declaration to the tax office and attach supporting documents. The main thing that needs to be confirmed is the acquisition of ownership of the apartment and the fact of payment for the purchase.

For this purpose, the mandatory set of documents until 2021 included a certificate of ownership of the property. From mid-2021, such certificates will no longer be issued. Now, to get money back from the budget, it is enough to provide an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate on the characteristics of the property and registered rights.

An extract from Rosreestr for the purchased apartment can be submitted to the tax office both in paper and electronic form.

How to get it in 5 minutes

Can an extract be done in 5 minutes? Many people ask this question. For urgency, intermediaries charge an additional fee, the amount of which varies from 500 rubles to several thousand. But keep in mind that an extract from the Unified State Register is issued in the order of priority, so intermediaries can have little influence on the speed of obtaining the result.

An electronic statement is generated faster than a paper document. And the processing time largely depends on the speed of processing the application. Rosreestr processes applications only during business hours. Therefore, this method of obtaining a certificate cannot be called fast, despite direct contact, without intermediaries.

If you urgently need an extract, please contact us. We process applications quickly, on weekends and holidays, and do not delay sending results. It is quite possible to receive a finished document within a couple of hours after payment. The application will only require the cadastral number or address of the property. The cost of the statement is 199 rubles.

Registration of inheritance

Entry into inheritance rights occurs with the participation of a notary, if the procedure proceeds without complications. In case of violation of the rights of any of the possible heirs, issues of division of inherited property may be considered in court. Both the notary and the court, in the course of preparing documents for making a decision and finding out the true picture of what is happening, can independently request information from Rosreestr.

The law does not require heirs to provide extracts from the Unified State Register of Real Estate, but in matters of inheritance it is important to have complete information before accepting the inheritance.

The fact is that not only the property or rights of the testator are inherited, but also his obligations. If a person enters into inheritance rights, then he not only becomes the owner of the deceased’s property, but also assumes all his outstanding obligations - primarily financial. And it happens that the amount of obligations is no less, and sometimes more, than the value of the inherited property. The most common situations of this kind:

  • unpaid loans;
  • compensation for damage after a car accident;
  • debt to neighbors below after their apartment was flooded;
  • obligation to support a person under an annuity contract.

The presence of such claims can be traced, even if the deceased did not say anything about them during his lifetime. For this purpose, an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate about the property is used, namely section 2 “Information on registered rights.” This section contains information:

  • about all encumbrances on the apartment;
  • about all persons in whose favor these encumbrances or restrictions are imposed;
  • about agreements or court decisions on the basis of which the apartment is encumbered;
  • about the validity period of encumbrances, etc.

Fines for violation of registration deadlines

In Art. 19.15.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation talks about the fines that await those who violate the registration deadlines.

If a person does not register at his new place of residence, he pays a fine in the amount of 3-5 thousand rubles, depending on the city where he lives. In both capitals the fines are the highest.

Fines will also be imposed on those individuals who have placed unregistered tenants in their housing. Here the amount is up to 7 thousand rubles. As for legal entities, fines for them are much larger and can reach 800 thousand rubles.

The new owners of the apartment have the legal right to move into their new home and register there, knowing that the previous owners have completely checked out of there, and no one will fall on their heads, making claims and shaking their passport with registration in this apartment.

If something like this suddenly happens, then it is the citizen who has not registered who will be legally responsible for violating the registration rules. He no longer has any rights to the sold apartment.

When selling an apartment, the owner and his entire family living with him are required to register on time using any of the methods provided by the state.

Apartment purchase

The real estate market is flooded with scammers - primarily because the average person makes real estate transactions extremely rarely and has poor knowledge of the current situation in this area. Many people, in the old-fashioned way, consider a title deed to be the most reliable document a seller can present to them. Meanwhile, this is far from the case.

A typical situation of deception is the sale of an apartment with an encumbrance. The seller establishes a trusting relationship with the future buyer, shows him a certificate of ownership, concedes the price and signs an agreement for the sale of the apartment. Then they go to submit documents for state registration and the buyer gives the seller money - after all, he is such a good person, and we are submitting documents for registration right now, everything is fine. Well, the documents can be accepted at the MFC.

However, it later turns out that the apartment is mortgaged or received under a rent agreement, is under an encumbrance and the consent of the bank or rent recipient for sale is required. Of course, there is no such agreement. After this, Rosreestr refuses state registration, all parties must remain to their own. The seller has an apartment, the buyer has money. But the seller cannot return the money right away, you have to wait. And this wait will drag on for years. In fact, the buyer lost his money.

You can eliminate such a sad situation at the very beginning - you need to order a current extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate and carefully study all sections, especially information about registered rights.

What is USRN

EGRN is the Unified State Register of Taxpayers.
It is conducted by the Federal Tax Service and its territorial bodies on the basis of documented information available to the tax authorities. The procedure for maintaining the Unified State Register was approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated June 22, 2021 No. 99n. Information in the Unified State Register comes from bodies (organizations, officials) carrying out state registration of vehicles, state cadastral registration and state registration of rights to real estate (clause 8 of Article 84 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Information in the Unified State Register is formed on the basis of information:

  • State Register of Vehicles;
  • Register of small boats;
  • State Ship Register;
  • Russian International Register of Ships;
  • Russian Open Register of Ships;
  • State Register of Civil Aircraft of the Russian Federation;
  • Unified State Register of Rights to Aircraft and Transactions with Them;
  • Unified State Register of Real Estate and other state information resources (registers).

Bank loan

A typical situation with obtaining a loan secured by an apartment is a mortgage. However, it is necessary to confirm the ownership of real estate by the borrower or guarantor in other cases. For example, when submitting a loan application for a large amount without collateral for an apartment.

The reason lies in the peculiarities of the bank assessment of the future borrower, namely, his property status. The owner of his own apartment (or better yet, several) will be given money more readily, at a lower percentage and for a longer period than a person without property.

Which exact extract from the Unified State Register should be provided should be clarified with bank employees. Usually a standard statement is required indicating the characteristics of the property and existing encumbrances . To confirm property status, you may need an extract that contains information about all the borrower’s properties in the region or country.

When do I need to register at my new address?

After checking out of a sold apartment, a citizen must register at the address where he lives. The law establishes a seven-day period within which this must be done .
The seven days during which you need to register are counted not from the moment you check out from your previous apartment, but from the moment you arrive at your new place of residence. An indefinite amount of time may pass between the day of discharge and the day of arrival. But, since the person still lives somewhere at this time, he must register there temporarily. And if a citizen moves somewhere to another city, he can stay there without permanent registration for 90 days.

The most convenient situation for a person who has sold an apartment is when he simultaneously fills out a new registration on the State Services website when registering an extract. This option saves significant time. But, of course, this is only possible if it is known exactly where exactly he will live.

Registration (registration)

The owner of the home provides a document confirming his ownership of the living space to the registration authority of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at his place of residence. The certificate of ownership remains valid, but in this case, employees will still request up-to-date information from the Unified State Register of Real Estate. Therefore, it makes sense to immediately order and provide an extract from Rosreestr with the package of documents for registration.

About expanding the area of ​​plots

Is it possible to increase the area of ​​your land plot in the process of complex cadastral work? Last year it was allowed, but is it so easy in practice?

Parviz Tukhtasunov : Comprehensive cadastral work is carried out in order to clarify the coordinates of the boundaries of land plots. Their customers are usually government agencies. Thanks to the results obtained, it is possible, firstly, to enter information about the boundaries of previously registered plots into the real estate register, and secondly, to reduce the number of land disputes by protecting the rights of owners. But it is important to understand that complex cadastral work is not an opportunity to “hurry up” and increase the area of ​​your plots! You can legalize the use of a certain percentage of the territory only if you have been using the land for more than 15 years, no one claims it, there are no disputes with neighbors, or claims from the authorities.

Ways to receive an account statement

Every month on the reporting date, the bank sends an account statement to the client by email. If you need the original, with the bank’s seal, you can get it in several ways.

There are ways to get an extract:


Bank officeYou must present a passport or power of attorney if the document is requested by a third party. The document issuance time does not exceed 10 minutes.
Via Russian PostSend a request by registered mail or through the “feedback” form on the bank’s official website.
By emailYou can request an account report through a specialist online chat or by calling the hotline.
Via SMS messageThis option is suitable if you have activated a paid SMS notification service.
ATMThe method is relevant if you have a bank card linked to your account.

Information can be obtained verbally through support staff.


An ATM statement includes no more than 10 operations:

How long is an account statement kept?

According to Federal Law No. 395-1 “On the Activities of Banks” there are the following requirements:

  • all calculations must be documented according to the standards of the Central Bank (Article 31);
  • banks must keep information on all transactions for 5 years and provide them upon request (Article 40.1).

Example! Sidorov Vasily contacted Sberbank in February 2021 and requested an extract for May of the last five years: from 2014 to 2021. A Sberbank specialist refused to issue an extract for 2014 because more than 5 years had passed and it had been destroyed. For the remaining years, Vasily received a report on the account.

The accountant or the head of the company decides how long to keep the statement.

, taking into account the scope of activity. Some large companies choose to store information for 10 years or longer.

With the advent of Internet banking, storing information is simplified.

About the garage amnesty

The other day, a bill was submitted to the government to launch a “garage amnesty” in Russia. By analogy with the “dacha amnesty”. Will it be permanent?

In 2021, the Cadastral Chamber promises to begin correcting registry errors. Photo: Photoxpress

Parviz Tukhtasunov : No, not unlimited. It is assumed that the “garage amnesty” will be valid until 2025. If the government and the State Duma support the bill, it will seriously make life easier for millions of car owners. Many garage cooperatives, which car owners still use today, were created back in Soviet times. At that time, ownership of parking spaces in them was not registered, and now many garage owners do not have documents in hand. Colleagues from the Ministry of Economic Development and Rosreestr proposed a simplified option for registering property and determined a list of necessary documents that can be requested.


A bank statement gives an idea of ​​the inflow and outflow of funds from an account over a certain period of time. If we are talking about the accounting of an enterprise, then on the basis of statements and appendices to them - payment documents - the accountant maintains tax and accounting records.

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Why do you need an account statement?

Not only a legal entity, but also an individual can open a bank account. For an individual, all transactions on the account

are also displayed in the statement, as for organizations.

Individuals may require an account statement when obtaining a visa or loan. Occasionally, a document is requested to confirm a transaction or solvency.

Article 9 of the Federal Law “On Accounting” obliges legal entities to confirm all transactions. The law does not clearly state bank statements, but they are appropriate, and that is why companies request them.

An extract for a legal entity may be required in the following cases:

  • for negotiations with partners or investors;
  • when drawing up a business plan;
  • when participating in a tender;
  • to obtain a loan for business development;
  • upon request from the court, prosecutor's office;
  • during reorganization or liquidation of the company.

Do I need to print statements?

Frequently asked question: if you have an online bank, should you print statements and keep paper versions? There is no clear answer. But taking into account the trend in the development of electronic document management, storing bank statements on paper, provided that you work in the Internet bank, does not seem to be a rational and necessary action. Moreover, the bank is obliged to store information for at least 5 years.

On the other hand, if there are production needs, bank statements can be printed.

Here is a sample bank statement for an organization's current account. As you can see, there are no special differences compared to a personal account statement.

A bank statement for an individual's account and a legal entity's current account differ in a more detailed description of the purpose of the payment and the payer.

bank statements in word at the beginning of the article.

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