Writing an official letter to an organization: rules, errors, sample

The rules for drawing up a document such as a complaint to the administration do not differ from the general procedure for preparing such documents. This is a type of complaint to a government body with the only difference being that the administration is a municipal authority. This means that you should contact the specified body on those issues that fall within the powers of municipalities. Both exclusive and transferred by the central government.

Complaints are filed with the municipal administration on issues such as landscaping, utilities, housing issues and the implementation of municipal social programs and social support. You can also complain about actions (inactions) or decisions of municipal officials. However, in the latter case, remember that the statute of limitations for filing an administrative claim to challenge a decision of an authority or the actions of an official is reduced and failure to do so will result in a court refusal.


Complaint to the administration

Types of business letters

Legal entities and individuals often face the need for formal business communication, for example:

  • when officially contacting state and municipal authorities;
  • when doing business;
  • when submitting consumer complaints.

The variety of reasons suggests the same variety of types of business papers:

  • commercial offers. They imply sending a potential counterparty an interesting option for cooperation;
  • requests (documents, information, data) and requests. Requests typically involve a request for information that is based on law or contract, such as requests to government agencies. A request is a softer expression of the other party’s desire to obtain the data it needs;
  • claims. They are usually sent when the terms of the transaction are violated by the counterparty;
  • letters of guarantee. Contain promises in the future to fulfill the obligations assigned to the party, require a mandatory indication of the period or period of time when the counterparty has the right to count on the fulfillment of obligations by the other party;
  • information and cover letters. The former are often sent to convey any information without the need for a response, the latter are compiled for convenience when sending a large number of papers;
  • on non-work matters: invitations, congratulations, expressions of gratitude.

ConsultantPlus experts discussed how to organize office work and document flow in an organization. Use these instructions for free.

Contacting the labor inspectorate

The procedure for citizens' appeals to the labor inspectorate is also regulated by Federal Law No. 59 and the labor legislation of the Russian Federation. Collective complaints can be filed for each fact of violation of workers' rights, including wage reduction, non-payment of compensation, violation of guarantees provided by law, work schedule, rest, length of working day, break, etc.

An appeal can be submitted in several ways:

  • The document is drawn up and submitted to the complaints department.
  • The prepared application is sent by mail.
  • The appeal is made on the inspection website.

The document indicates the name and full details of the company whose employees are filing the complaint. The full name of the head and all members of the appeal, the essence of the application, with a detailed description of the violations and the evidence base are written. At the end of the application, the penalties that the applicants want to achieve for the guilty persons are indicated. For example, conducting an inspection, bringing the director to disciplinary liability, initiating a case, etc. Documents, employment agreements and other papers confirming the essence of the complaint are attached to the complaint.

Structure and content of the document

There are no special requirements for the structure of an official letter; business correspondence by default assumes:

  • correct indication of your own data and details of the addressee;
  • polite treatment;
  • literacy, brevity and conciseness of information;
  • indicating the date of the document, affixing the signature of the person on whose behalf it was prepared, and the seal (if any).

We offer small instructions on how to write an official letter correctly in order to make a good impression and achieve maximum effect from the interaction:

Step 1. Prepare letterhead for the document. It is acceptable to use a regular A4 sheet, but in this case your data must be entered yourself each time.

Step 2. Be sure to double-check that the addressee's details are correct. If in doubt, use the free online service of the Federal Tax Service to obtain data from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

Step 3. Enter the date and outgoing number.

Step 4. Start your address with the word “Dear ...!”, after which indicate the name and patronymic of whom you are addressing.

Step 5. Indicate the reason or reason why you are contacting the addressee.

Step 6. Competently, concisely and clearly state the content of your appeal; it always depends on the goal you are pursuing when sending the document. For example, if you need to receive papers or information from a counterparty, indicate in the text what exactly you would like to receive, within what time frame and in what form. Be sure to formulate a conclusion and indicate what actions you expect from the recipient. Don't forget to check out applications if available.

Step 7. Apply the manager’s signature and seal (if available), if necessary, indicate the executor of the document with contact information.

How not to write

For official business correspondence the following is not allowed:

  • errors, corrections, incomprehensible abbreviations of words, use of jargon and slang;
  • impolite treatment;
  • distortion or lengthy presentation of information.

Filing and consideration of a complaint to the administration

There are several ways to file a complaint with the administration.

  1. Through the Internet. The fastest way. A special form is filled out on the municipal administration website. The response will be sent either to the email address or postal address specified in the complaint.
  2. A registered letter is sent via Russian Post.
  3. Personally through the administration office. Check the website for the schedule for accepting documents and do not forget to bring an identification document of the complainant.
  4. In addition, you can outline your complaints at a personal meeting with the head of the administration and “hand over” the complaint (but also through the office).

What if the complaint is not satisfied? You can send a complaint to the prosecutor's office, the governor, and also consider the possibility of filing an administrative claim.

Design rules

There are no strict requirements for formatting; as an example of how to compose an official letter, we use GOST R 7.0.97-2016, which is recommended to be used for writing such documents. General provisions:

  • both longitudinal and angular forms are used;
  • numbering is required if the document has more than 1 page;
  • text indentation is 1.25 cm, text is aligned to the width of the sheet;
  • free fonts are used, recommended sizes No. 12, 13, 14;
  • Margins of at least: 20 mm - left, top, bottom, 10 mm - right are used.

In general, the corner form looks like this:

Example of a complaint to the administration

To the administration of Syktyvkar
167021, Komi Republic, Syktyvkar,

st. Union of Republics, 46

from Novikova Valeria Konstantinovna,

address: 167026, Syktyvkar, Prigorodny village,

Kaliningradsky Ave., 51-38

tel. 843651311316654

Complaint to the administration

I live in the village. Suburban Leninsky district of Syktyvkar. We are connected to the city itself by one road, 11 km long, which falls under the jurisdiction of the municipality and is not part of the federal or regional highway.

This road is in extremely poor condition: there are huge potholes along its entire length and the asphalt surface is deformed. The road was built in 1979 and since then no major repairs have been carried out, only patching. Now there is even nowhere to go around potholes on the roads.

Every day we have to use this road to get to work, take our children to school and kindergartens. Car suspensions don't hold up well, we repair them all the time. Children get motion sickness and experience daily stress.

I believe that the disgusting condition of the road is a consequence of the inaction of officials responsible for the maintenance of this section of the road.

In accordance with Art. 17 of the Law of November 8, 2007 No. 257-FZ On Highways, the maintenance of highways is carried out in accordance with the requirements of technical regulations in order to maintain the uninterrupted movement of vehicles on highways and safe conditions for such traffic, as well as ensuring the safety of highways.

In accordance with GOST R 50597-93, the roadway surface must not have subsidence, potholes, or other damage that impedes the movement of vehicles at the speed permitted by the Road Traffic Rules.

Such negligence on the part of responsible officials violates the rights of citizens to safe movement on roads, guaranteed by Law No. 196-FZ of December 10, 1995 On Road Traffic Safety.

Based on the above, I ask you to check the facts stated in the complaint, take measures to repair the above-mentioned road, and hold officials accountable for failure to fulfill their duties. Please inform the applicant about the measures taken. If measures are not taken, I will be forced to file a complaint with the Russian Prosecutor's Office.

09/19/2016 Novikova V.K.

Complaint to the administration - recommendations for drawing up

A complaint to the administration must be made in writing and contain a number of mandatory information:

  • name of the administration or full name and (or) position of its head;
  • Full name of the applicant, his email address (if the complaint is submitted in the form of an electronic message), postal address (required);
  • the essence of the complaint and the applicant’s demands;
  • personal signature of the applicant and date of filing the complaint.

To help substantiate the essence of the complaint, it is advisable to operate and use references to regulatory legal acts in the text. You can find the necessary laws and other documents using the “Lawyer Consultation” section.

The essence of the complaint is stated briefly, without unnecessary fluff. It is prohibited to use obscene language and swearing; such a complaint will not be considered by the administration. If the applicant has written documents and information to support his claims, they are attached to the complaint to the administration. This will minimize the time spent on obtaining additional information regarding the complaint.

Sample with longitudinal blank

Limited Liability Company "Ppt.ru"

TIN 1234567890/KPP 121001001 OGRN 2323454567001 ADDRESS 456789, Russia, Subject of the Russian Federation, ave. Wonderful, no. 1

Ref. No. 987 from 12/12/2020

To the Director of LLC "Society"

Ivanov I.I.

123456, Russia, Subject of the Russian Federation,

st. Bulochnaya, 5

Dear Ivan Ivanovich!

In response to your proposal dated November 20, 2020, ref. No. 11, on the conclusion of an agreement for the provision of legal services, we hereby express our readiness to cooperate with OOO Obshchestvo.

We kindly ask you to send us the draft agreement and certified copies of the constituent documents of OOO Obshchestvo.

General Director Petrov Petrov Porfiry Petrovich

Spanish Fedorov F.F.

8 (123) 456789

How to submit a complaint?

Currently, there are many ways to contact the required government agency. The possibilities of electronic filing of documents are increasingly developing. Thus, through the State Services portal you can contact almost any government agency. In addition, almost every government agency has its own website with a function for receiving requests. This method of submission is convenient because it significantly saves time and does not require direct communication with government officials.

A number of structures provide the possibility of submitting an SMS appeal. The telephone number for receiving requests can be found on the website of the relevant organization. Although this method of contact is quite fast, its complexity lies in the fact that both personal data (full name and address) and the essence of the request must be included in a small message.

There are also standard ways to file a complaint: in person and by mail.

  1. To apply in person, you must first make an appointment at the appropriate department of the government agency, come at the appointed time and give a copy of the application. It is better to take a second copy of the application with you so that the government agency employee can mark receipt on it. By default, you should contact the department at your place of residence.
  2. By mail, the complaint must be sent by registered mail with return receipt requested. The delivery and receipt of such a letter can be tracked, and you will have proof of delivery of the complaint. In addition, the date on the notification can be considered the period for consideration of the complaint.

Specifics of filling out subscription forms

Important information Let's look at an example. In one of the settlements, people collected signatures against the construction of a shopping center. The procedure took place during public hearings on the issue of issuing a document on the basis of which a construction permit is issued. This document is the urban planning plan of the site. As a result of the hearings, it was decided that the residents spoke out against the construction, but not against the registration of the GPZU. Accordingly, the issuance of this document automatically implies construction.

  • neighbors;
  • employers;
  • individuals and legal entities;
  • employees at work;
  • organizations involved in managing households in apartment buildings;
  • teachers of schools, universities and other educational institutions;
  • workers of preschool institutions.

Transfer nuances

After composing the letter and completing the collection of signatures, the number of sheets (including the first) is indicated on the title page, that is, on the application itself. A stamp confirming the acceptance of documents is also affixed to the first sheet. Indicating the number of sheets on it is guaranteed to prevent their loss.

  • How to write a collective letter to the administration sample
  • How to correctly draw up a collective complaint sample
  • How to write a collective letter to the administration

The text of the subscription form must be kept as short as possible. In this case, you can place more signatures on it. However, this recommendation is relevant for cases when there are a lot of people signing up. In a collective letter from parents to a teacher or director, signatures and the text of demands with motivation can be placed on one sheet.

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