Application for issuance or replacement of a passport (Form 1P) – download the 2021 form

Which authorities should I contact?

The application is processed by the GUVM department (formerly the FMS).
There, the passport is issued in person and documents are verified. Any other methods are only variants of the main one using intermediaries. Important! Lack of registration is not a basis for refusing to accept an application.
You need to go directly to the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs if the document has been lost. In this case, it will be immediately entered into the database and, if necessary, a temporary identity card will be issued.

A timely application to the passport department can protect you from serious troubles such as applying for consumer loans or registering several fictitious companies on your passport.

In less problematic cases, the request can be sent through the MFC or the State Services website. The advantages of the centers are that there are no queues and no connection to the place of registration; the state portal allows you to apply for a replacement directly from home, leaving one visit to the passport office to verify documents and issue a new passport.

Required documents

According to the Regulations on the Passport of a Citizen of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to submit a certain package of documentation, including:

  • statement;
  • previous document (for example, damaged, outdated identity card, birth certificate);
  • 2 photos;
  • registration act.

An application for a replacement passport is submitted to the FMS with a package of documentation.

Advice! You can submit an application through the government services portal. Which saves a lot of time.

When the documents submitted digitally are reviewed, you will be informed when and where to come for the final issuance of your passport.

Download for viewing and printing:

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 07/08/1997 N 828 “On the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation...”

Where to apply for a replacement

Form 1P can be obtained from the GUVM office, MFC or filled out online. In addition to the application form itself, you will need an old passport (if you have one) and two standard photographs. The forms are free and issued by institutional employees.

Important! Additional documents, such as a passport or birth certificate, are required only in exceptional cases.

If the applicant is unable to visit the GUVM department due to health problems, he must submit a request for a visit to the passport office in a written form. After examination, a migration service employee will visit the patient and help him submit documents at home.

International passport fingerprints

Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to choose - a passport with a validity period of 5 years or a new biometric passport with a validity period of 10 years. Since 2015, when applying for a biometric passport, fingerprints of the index fingers of both hands are taken. Fingerprints are taken from persons over 12 years of age. It is impossible to refuse fingerprinting and obtain a passport valid for 10 years. Without fingerprints, it is only possible to issue an old-style international passport, valid for 5 years.

Application forms

The forms of form No. 1P in their pure form look like this:

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The appearance of the form was approved by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 851 in the first appendix. The form itself is a medium-sized card, 21 by 15 centimeters, filled out on the front and back sides.

At the end, the application form is signed by the applicant. When sending a request through State Services, the signature is the fact of logging in with your details.

Reasons for refusal

There are a number of reasons why a passport may be refused. These include:

  • The applicant has not reached the age of 14 years,
  • The attached photos do not meet the requirements,
  • The teenager does not have Russian citizenship,
  • The identity of the applicant has not been established,
  • The teenager already has a passport that was issued earlier,
  • Non-payment of state duty, or lack of information about its payment in the GIS GMP information system,
  • The application does not fully contain the required information,
  • Inaccurate information was found in the application.

If denied, you will receive a notification that you can appeal.

Application forms

There are four main reasons for applying to the GUVM for a new passport:

  • The document is unsuitable for further intended use;
  • Change of surname or first name;
  • Radical changes in appearance;
  • Reaching 14/20/45 years.

Each option has its own characteristics.

Wear and mechanical damage

A passport is considered damaged if key entries, marks or stamps in it have become unreadable. A document with lost pages or traces of exposure to fire or water must be replaced. Any notes or recordings not provided for by law are also prohibited.

Important! Russian legislation in fact does not distinguish between the loss and wear of a document, so sometimes it is easier to file a claim for the loss of a passport than to bring paper that has been worn out in the washing machine for a replacement.

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Rendering unusable

Change of full name

A citizen of Russia has the right to change his name, surname and patronymic upon reaching the age of majority. Despite the opportunity, it is rarely used directly. The vast majority of replacements are associated with a change of surname upon marriage, in rare cases - upon adoption of a child who has reached the age of 14.

Let's look at the simplest example. Replacement due to marriage

Change in appearance

Despite the fact that, according to modern research, appearance changes little after 20 and 45 years, there are exceptions to every rule. If you change your appearance partially or completely, you will also have to take a new document.

Mismatch between photo and real face

Reaching 14/20/45 years

Planned measure upon expiration of a standard period. This type of replacement represents the bulk of the workload for the passport office, so all three examples will be shown here.

Form No. 1-P 14 years old -

Form No. 1-P 20 years -

Form No. 1-P 45 years -

How to fill?

Basic information that will need to be included in the application form:

  • Regulatory grounds for filing a corresponding application for citizenship in a standard or accelerated mode, restoration of indigenous status);
  • A list of the motives on the basis of which a foreign citizen wishes to become a Russian citizen (Russian woman) - for example, moving to a permanent place of residence;
  • Request from parents (one of them, guardians, trustees) for citizenship of minor family members;
  • Written consent of the second parent to the minor child’s change of citizenship status;
  • Information about the applicant foreign person (last name (indicating information about the reasons for the change and the date of such action), first name, patronymic, information about birth (date and place in accordance with the data on the birth certificate);
  • Current citizenship and former citizenship with the grounds for change, as well as data on documents permitting residence in the territory of third states (if any), data on previously being a citizen of Russia and on previous applications to the authorized bodies of the Russian Federation for citizenship;
  • Official (documentary) confirmation of the renunciation of the current status of a citizen (if the state of which the foreigner is a citizen does not allow dual citizenship);
  • Nationality and religion of the applicant (fields are not required);
  • Information about education (degree, qualification, details of the supporting document (series, number, date of issue));
  • Information about marital status (stay in a marital union, data on the document on making the corresponding registration record (series, number, date)), data on relatives of the closest degree of kinship ((second spouse, children, parents, brothers and sisters) last name, first name, patronymic , date of birth, place of birth, citizenship, place of permanent residence, occupation);
  • Labor activity of the applicant for the last 5 years, including education (full name of the employer, position held, duration of the employment agreement);
  • List of income indicating their sources and amounts, as well as the individual taxpayer number;
  • Documentary proof of Russian language proficiency;
  • Availability of a residence permit document, its data, as well as information about all crossings of the territorial borders of the Russian Federation during the period of permanent residence here (indicating the dates of departure and entry);
  • Data on a document confirming legal residence and stay on the territory of Russia from the moment of crossing the territorial border of the state until the day of the corresponding application;
  • Information about the existence of a special status in Russia;
  • Information about violations of Russian legislation (use of administrative measures, being on the wanted list, early deportation from the territory of the Russian Federation, etc.);
  • Military duty;
  • Data on place of residence, stay (actual and registered), contacts;
  • Information about the identity document provided (series, number, where and by whom it was issued, date of issue);
  • A complete list of documentation that is attached to the application form.

Next, on the application form for admission to the indigenous school, a date and signatures are affixed, confirming the correctness of the data entered and the authenticity of the signature itself.

Important! The applicant does not have the right to enter any data into the fields provided for completion by an employee of the migration department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. A sample application for citizenship is available for review on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Requirements for filling out an application

The document is filled out by hand or printed on a computer by the applicant. The text should be written using black ink and be clear and neat. Corrections, non-standard abbreviations and erasures may result in refusal of admission.

In practice, several points cause the greatest difficulties:

  • Marital status is indicated as accurately as possible. “Not married” is used only for those who have never registered their marriage or have not been married;
  • The current registration is entered in the “Place of Residence” column, and current housing is entered in the “Place of Stay” column;
  • “Provided document” indicates the details of the document provided to the passport office as the basis for issue/replacement.

It is allowed to enter additional information in the empty fields by hand, even if the rest of the document has been printed.

Filling out a sheet with information about the applicant (points 25 - 30)

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filled out if during the last 5 years the applicant was expelled from the territory of Russia before filing an application addressed to the applicant. If yes, then the reason, number and date of the decision are indicated.

Example: not expelled.

filled out by those who were or are in military service, law enforcement or security agencies of another state. In case of a positive answer, it is indicated in what period and where the applicant served, his last rank, position and rank.

Example: I am not a member, was not a member.

whether they were prosecuted. If not, “not involved” is indicated. In case of a positive answer, it is indicated when, where and under what articles. If the applicant was convicted, the type of punishment is indicated. Additionally, a copy of the verdict is provided.

concerns prosecution by the authorities of a foreign state for the commission of a criminal offense. If the answer is positive, it is indicated when and where, under what articles the person is being prosecuted.

Example: no, I am not being persecuted.

Step-by-step instructions for filling out the application

The application must indicate:

  1. Code of the department for which the questionnaire is intended;
  2. Filling date in the format “”;
  3. Personal data – full name, gender and date of birth of the applicant, marital status;
  4. Full names of both parents of the applicant;
  5. Place of residence according to permanent registration (registration);
  6. Date of receipt of Russian citizenship (if you were previously a citizen of another country);
  7. Reason for replacing or issuing the document.

Important! Despite its presence, the “passport data” line does not need to be filled in in most cases. It is assumed that the document is lost or rendered unreadable, so the citizen simply has nowhere to get this information.

Legal assistance in obtaining temporary residence permit, residence permit and citizenship

Migron, a specialized legal agency for Ukrainian citizens in Russia, can help you obtain:

  • RVP,
  • residence permit,
  • NRY,
  • Russian citizenship “turnkey” from the very beginning until receiving a passport.

Over 6 years of work, we have helped more than 2,500 foreign citizens obtain Russian citizenship.

  • Address: Moscow, Kurskaya metro station, st. Zemlyanoy Val, building 7, office 219
  • telephone: +
  • Find out how to obtain Russian citizenship on the website

What to do if you make a mistake

If there is an error in the application, there is no need to try to forward or cross out the incorrect lines; this will only lead to wasted time and a decrease in the chances of the application being accepted.

If a mistake has already been made, you need to write the application again. If you submit an application with an error, you must contact the passport office again to correct it.

The worst situation that can occur in the event of an erroneous application is that the citizen will still be issued a passport, but with the wrong last name or the child’s first name. In this case, it is best to immediately re-apply for a replacement, getting away with losing a couple of weeks and an additional fee.

The exchange and issuance of passports is one of the most common procedures performed by passport office employees. Most problems that arise are resolved by GUVM specialists on the spot, without additional delays.

Reasons for refusal

Application for a passport may be refused. The reasons are:

  • the applicant is under 14 years of age;
  • photographs do not meet the requirements;
  • the applicant does not have Russian citizenship;
  • provision of an incomplete package of documents, failure of at least one paper to meet the requirements;
  • the identity of the applicant has not been established;
  • the required information in the application is incomplete, missing or unreliable;
  • the applicant already has a previously issued passport;
  • non-payment of state duty, lack of information about its payment in the GIS GMP.

In case of refusal, the applicant receives a corresponding notification. It is compiled in any form, can be on paper or electronically. The decision can be appealed.

It's easy to get a passport at 14 years old

It is important to fill out the application correctly, attach the necessary documents, pay the state fee and do all this on time. On the State Services portal you can study only the features of the process and make an appointment through the parent’s account


The provision of indigenous citizenship of the Russian Federation to foreigners is carried out by authorized bodies acting in strict accordance with the provisions of regulatory legal acts in the field of regulating issues of citizenship. The main document confirming the will of a citizen of another country to change his nationality is an application form for registration of citizenship. The specified form is filled out personally by the applicant, and entering incomplete or inaccurate data into it may be considered grounds for refusing to issue a national Russian passport.

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