How to independently evaluate an apartment for sale, what affects the price of the apartment, factors


  • 1. What is property valuation and why is it carried out?
  • 2. What types of property valuation exist - TOP 5 main types
  • Type 1. Valuation of real estate
  • Type 2. Valuation of movable property
  • Type 3. Business valuation
  • Type 4. Valuation of enterprise property
  • Type 5. Valuation of intellectual property
  • How to conduct a property valuation - step-by-step instructions for beginners
  • Step 1. Decide on the object and purpose of the assessment
  • Step 2. Select an appraisal company
  • Step 3. Arrange a meeting and conclude an agreement
  • Step 4. We provide the assessment object for inspection
  • Step 5. Receive a work report

Independent price determination

The owner of the apartment himself can determine the price of the property for sale. The easiest way to do this is as follows:

  • Search for similar objects and find out their real price. To do this, you should not only look at prices on the Internet or in print, but, perhaps, under the guise of a buyer, contact the seller and look at the apartment, learning about the possibility of bargaining. Having made at least 2-3 such trips, the owner will be able to understand what the real value of his property is today.
  • Determining the average cost of one square meter and calculating the price of an apartment that will be sold.
  • At the same time, it’s worth calling several agencies and asking them to determine the approximate cost of the apartment based on certain parameters. Typically, agency specialists do not refuse potential clients.

But such an assessment will be very approximate, since the price is influenced by a lot of indicators, both in the direction of its increase and its decrease. The main ones include :

  • Location. Typically, the central areas of the city are most valued. The cost in residential areas depends, among other things, on their distance from the center.
  • Infrastructure. This may include the presence of good transport links, shops, schools, etc. Accordingly, two similar apartments in different areas of the city will differ in price.
  • Specifications. These include the floor on which the apartment is located (usually the first and last floors cost less), the material of the walls and ceilings, the presence of an elevator, balcony and loggia, non-standard redevelopment, the area of ​​individual rooms, etc.
  • Type of house and year of construction. It is worth noting that an apartment in an older building will not always cost less than in a relatively new one.
  • Repair. Major repairs play a major role: replacement of pipes, wiring, windows, etc. more valuable than new wallpaper.
  • Elements of home infrastructure. Availability of parking, security and concierge, landscaped area - all this can also affect the cost of the apartment.

This list is far from complete. For individual buyers, a variety of characteristics of an apartment are valuable. They can pay special attention to a good view from the window, the condition of the access roads, the presence of a gym within walking distance, educational institutions, etc.

The urgency of the sale has a big impact . If the owner has a need to sell a property in a short time, then he must be prepared for the transaction price to be lower than the market average.

The cost of the apartment may be reduced due to the fact that a power of attorney or a court decision was used in the transaction. It is also not always easy to find a buyer at a price that is interesting to the seller if the owner is a minor. Potential buyers are also concerned about the frequent change of ownership. The presence of such nuances can lead to a reduction in the price of an apartment.

A significant factor is the encumbrance of the object . Most often we are talking about a mortgage, when the bank gives permission to sell the collateralized apartment. Such a transaction is somewhat delayed in time, since the buyer will be able to register ownership only after the encumbrance is removed. This “scares off” many, and in such a situation the seller is forced to reduce the price.

When setting a price for an apartment, it is recommended to leave some room for bargaining. This will allow you to have a dialogue with the buyer. But it is undesirable to make the “markup” too large, as this can lead to buyers not even being interested in the property.

It is worth noting that it is not always possible to estimate the cost of an apartment on your own. When it comes to a typical apartment, finding analogues is not difficult. It is much more difficult to make an assessment when it is necessary to determine the price of, for example, a country property, especially when it comes to luxury real estate. In such a situation, not only appraisers are often involved, but also real estate agency specialists.

Also worthy of special attention is the method for determining the cost of an apartment in a new building , especially when the house has not yet been put into operation. The price will be influenced by the reputation of the developer. This applies both to the prospect of registering ownership of an apartment in the near future, and to the quality of construction itself. Such apartments usually sell for more when the house is completely built, the area has been landscaped, most of the neighbors have completed renovation work, etc. In such conditions, the buyer receives new housing, but avoids all the risks and inconveniences associated with purchasing an apartment in a building under construction or recently put into operation.

What affects the cost of an apartment

Apartments and other types of housing are assessed only by comparison, in contrast to the assessment of commercial real estate, where the cost and income approaches are relevant. The simplest and most understandable assessment method is comparative. The main essence of this method is clear from its name - it compares prices for the same apartments

, with the same parameters, plus differences are taken into account, which adjusts the price of housing up or down.

The main and most significant factor for assessing the cost of housing is the location of the property. That is, they pay special attention to the city, block, street and even the building in which the apartment is located. As a rule, in every city there is always an area that is considered more prestigious

, this is where apartment prices will be the highest. The level of infrastructure of the area, the presence of nearby shops, shopping centers, schools, the environmental situation in the area, etc. are of great importance.

In addition to location, other factors influence the market value of housing:

  1. The type of house in which the appraised apartment is located - panel, brick, monolithic, modern, serial house, etc.
  2. The size of the apartment, that is, the number of rooms and the total area of ​​the apartment, including living space.
  3. Kitchen size - many housewives spend most of their time in the kitchen, so it is important that the kitchen is large, comfortable and convenient.
  4. View from the window. As a rule, sea views will command the highest price, while penthouses are usually priced based on the panoramic view from the window.
  5. The location of the house itself is in a residential area. Sometimes you can find apartments that are not popular, although they are located in a prestigious area.
  6. The floor on which the property is located. Basically, apartments located on the first and last floors are cheaper than apartments located in the middle. For example, apartments from the 3rd to the 7th floor are in great demand, for example, in a 9-story building.
  7. Ceiling height, type of bathroom and other elements of the apartment layout.
  8. Level of infrastructure development - if the house has a secure parking lot, a concierge at the entrance, etc., then the cost of such an apartment will be higher.
  9. Availability and quality of repairs in the apartment.

It is better to make cosmetic repairs before selling, since selling an apartment with European-quality renovation is usually unprofitable.

Method one, official

When we mention the official assessment, what comes to mind is a certificate from the BTI, which is too formal in nature and is never taken into account in determining the market price (and it is at this price that the apartment is put up for sale).

Certificates of the market value of an apartment have the right to be issued by organizations that are members of self-regulatory organizations of appraisers (list here). This membership replaced the license that was valid until July 1, 2006.

Appraisers provide the person who contacts them with a fairly thick report, in which, using a comparison with other apartments offered on the market, they justify the price with a certain error. Without such a report, no one will be able to buy an apartment with a mortgage, so the main consumers of the service are mortgage buyers, who must prove to the bank that the price at which they are making a purchase is market price.

The cost of the service varies from 3 to 5 thousand rubles, the completion time is from 3 to 7 days. For urgent preparation of documents, the tariff may be increased. The validity period of this document is usually one month from the date of issue to the client.

This assessment has quite serious disadvantages: appraisers are guided not by the prices of real transactions, but by the prices of offers. Therefore, in a growing market, the valuation may lag behind the real one, and in a falling market, it may be higher. To avoid this problem, appraisers make a certain adjustment to take into account the possible increase or decrease in value over the month. At the same time, they assume that the trend will be the same as in the previous month. When the trend changes, the error can be quite large.

Let's be honest: few Muscovites selling their apartment would think of going to an appraisal company, paying thousands in hard-earned money in order to receive a report in a week. But in the West, this process almost always precedes the sale of an apartment, because most apartments there were purchased with a mortgage, which means they are pledged to the bank. Russians are not fans of “officialdom,” so most of our fellow citizens first of all go to a real estate agency for an appraisal.

Method two, mass-realistic

Almost every agency offers to call them in order to determine the price of his apartment during a dialogue with the buyer. Some agencies even promise to do this using the Internet, offering to fill out a questionnaire about an apartment. But here the Russian buyer is concerned (and perhaps not unreasonably) by such columns as the address and the number of people registered in the apartment. Since such sites cannot guarantee that they will keep the entered data secret, we do not recommend using them.

The good old call to a realtor, or better yet two or three, plus averaging their estimates, turns out to be the most popular and gives the price at which the apartment can actually be sold. A realtor will most likely offer to put your home up for sale at a certain premium to create the possibility of bargaining.

One important caveat: realtors offer this service not only out of the kindness of their hearts. This is a well-functioning marketing tool for finding clients. As surveys of realtors have shown, approximately every fourth or fifth person who called with such a question actually intends to sell an apartment, and if the agent managed to please him over the phone, there is a chance of signing a contract for sale (or exchange of the apartment).

The advantages of this method: agents will not operate with offer prices, but with the figures of real transactions. In addition, an agent with good experience usually has an intuitive understanding of how much a particular apartment can be sold for.

Among the traps awaiting the seller is overpricing. The agent can specifically name an inflated price so that they would prefer him, and then, when sales go poorly, persuade the owner to reduce the price (loss of time and increased hassle in this case are inevitable).

Method three, independent

The Internet has made information more accessible: for quite a long time there have been sites independent of agencies that offer an automatic apartment appraisal service. As a rule, these are sites of specialized media or real estate databases that can automatically make a selection of similar apartments.

This assessment gives a very approximate result, which is quite suitable for answering the question that regularly plagues apartment owners in Moscow: “How much is my property worth now?”

The advantages are clear: you can quickly get some numbers. Disadvantages - a database of offers is used, adjustments are not made for bargaining, and the price is likely to be quite inflated. Again, such an assessment cannot take into account the individual parameters of the apartment that make it unique in some way (and the price significantly higher), or, conversely, those parameters that will be considered a disadvantage that reduces the price.

You can browse the database yourself. Please note that the cost of an apartment is influenced by the type of house, location of the house, common and living area, contiguity or isolation of rooms, kitchen area, distance to the nearest metro station, view from the window, floor, ceiling height, balcony, loggia or bay window, quality of repairs and other, sometimes not specified in advertisements, parameters. For example, from the advertisement you will not learn about the “purity of documents” and the number of owners and registered, the complexity of the “alternative”, etc., and these factors can affect the price, reducing it from 3 to 10%.

Comparative approach

This approach is the simplest and most accessible. It is based on the fact that real estate will not be bought at a price higher than similar properties on the market. The assessment is carried out as follows:

  • The specialist identifies the main characteristics of the property being assessed: room area, number of rooms, floor, year the house was built, finishing material, etc.
  • Finds similar properties on websites with real estate advertisements.
  • Adjusts the cost of analogues based on key characteristics.
  • Agrees on the cost using the chosen method. The easiest way is to calculate the arithmetic average cost of selected objects.

During the selection of analogues, the appraiser selects 2-4 similar objects. For example, he is looking for two-room apartments with an area of ​​52 m2 in new buildings in the Danilovsky district. Then he compares analogues with the object of evaluation, makes adjustments and determines the market value.

Using all three approaches gives the most accurate results. But the methods are not applicable for every object, so the appraiser himself chooses the approach to calculating the market value.

Method four, authoritarian

Set the price you want. And wait for your buyer. This method also works, especially in a growing market. I know of a case where a lady published advertisements in a magazine for the sale of a “tsek” apartment for two years, and the price seemed completely inadequate to everyone. However, the apartment was sold, and, according to the owner, without bargaining. No one will tell you how long you will have to wait for “your buyer,” but one thing is certain: you cannot do this without perseverance and patience.

If, after reading the article, you are thinking about choosing which assessment method to use, we recommend the following sequence: fourth (if you have time to wait), third, second and, if necessary, first. The undeniable advantage of the described assessment methods is that you don’t have to make painful choices and use them all at the same time. Good luck with your sale!

What affects market value

The area in which the property is located. It affects the cost per square meter: in St. Petersburg, a square meter in the Moskovsky district is on average 20,000 rubles more expensive than in Nevsky. Therefore, an apartment in a new building, which was built among old panel houses, will cost less than its analogues in a good area.

Technical characteristics of the building: what year the house was built, when the major renovation was done and how many floors there are in the house. Everything is taken into account: the presence of a garbage chute, the organization of parking, the condition of the front door.

The appraiser made sure that the house will not be demolished in the next 20 years

The house must be checked against the database of houses for demolition or reconstruction

Condition of the apartment. What floor, how many rooms and is there any renovation? The appraiser even looks at whether linoleum or laminate is laid on the floor, whether there are tiles in the bathroom and how the lighting is done in the apartment.

The condition of the apartment matters: if the wallpaper is dirty, the report is marked “needs repair.”

Repair with wallpaper for both 70 thousand rubles and 5 thousand is equivalent to “European-quality renovation”. Therefore, you should not expect the appraiser to include the full price of designer renovations in the price of the apartment. At best, he will put an increase factor on the repair.

The real estate market at the moment. The expert looks at similar objects on the market. For a one-room apartment in a monolithic building, the analogues will be apartments of the same size in monolithic or brick houses. Panel houses are usually not compared with brick houses or coefficients are introduced. To evaluate an apartment, five similar objects are used. Comparing peers is a good way to see where the price is too high.

The last floor reduces the estimated cost of the apartment by 2-3%, the first floor - by 5-10%

Fragment of a report in which the appraiser compares several apartments

How much does a share in an apartment cost?

The highest use, or BUE, is the use of real property that:

  • maximizes its productivity, that is, corresponds to its highest value;
  • physically possible;
  • legally permitted on the date of determination of value;
  • financially justified.

In accordance with the NEI principle, when determining the market value of an appraisal object, the behavior of a typical buyer and a typical seller is modeled, each of which is aimed at obtaining maximum benefits from the transaction. The most effective action of owners when selling shared property is to sell the apartment as a whole and divide the amount received proportionally among themselves (the most effective method of sale in terms of timing and results obtained).

If the participants in shared ownership fail to agree, then the share in the apartment is put up for sale. Moreover, the price of such a share is not equal to the product of the relative size of the share and the total cost of the object. That is, the value of the share does not correspond to the value of the square meters per share, since the owner is limited in the rights and comfort of cohabiting with other owners. Therefore, transactions occur at a certain discount.

In the media, there are opinions of realtors and real estate market experts about abstract ranges of such discounts, but these entities are not required to confirm their words, unlike appraisers. To analyze the market value, we used actual prices in Moscow when selling shares in apartments on the CIAN website.

Thanks to the developed real estate market and a large database of objects, when viewing an ad on the CIAN website, the service calculates the average price per square meter in the building where the apartment is located. Therefore, it is possible to determine with a high degree of certainty how much a similar apartment would cost if ownership rights to the entire residential premises were transferred. We compare the cost of the share and the average apartment in a building of the corresponding area and get the required discount amount.

That is, as a discount, or discount, the difference in price between the cost of 1 sq. m of share and the cost of 1 sq. m of an apartment of similar size, located in a building at the same address.

Shares less than 1/10 were not included in the analysis - such properties are sold mainly to obtain registration at the place of residence, so different pricing applies. Advertisements for room share sales were excluded. Apartments in buildings that are included in the renovation program and will be demolished were also not considered. The sample included 298 advertisements.

The dependence of the discount on the share size is graphically shown in the figure:

The regression equation has a correlation coefficient R2=0.0088, which indicates the absence of a reliable stochastic relationship. The amount of the discount when selling a share in an apartment does not depend on the size of the share.

The average discount values ​​for the most common share sizes are very close, ranging from 26–29.2%.

Table 1

Share Number of offers Average discount Range
3/4 14 –28,3% –11,5% –46,9%
2/3 35 –26,0% –0,9% –61,3%
1/2 123 –26,7% –0,8% –61,4%
1/3 33 –29,1% –2,2% –64,1%
1/4 21 –29,2% –6,4% –49,6%

A surprising fact: the more rooms, the higher the average discount. Although the opposite is more logical: when buying a share in an apartment with several rooms, there is the prospect of allocating a share in kind and managing your part of the living space. Such shares should cost more, but it turns out the opposite.

table 2

Number of rooms in the apartment Number of offers Average discount Range
1 19 –24,63% –1,09% –54,66%
2 107 –28,39% –0,79% –61,44%
3 149 –29,09% –0,87% –64,07%
4 21 –31,09% –1,25% –59,36%

It makes sense to indicate the main identified factors influencing share pricing:

  • number and composition of owners;
  • number and composition of residents/registered in the apartment;
  • presence of ownership conflict;
  • the ability to view before purchasing;
  • other factors specific to the residential real estate market.

After analyzing the advertisements, we can conclude that the cost of 1 sq. m. m share is lower than the cost of 1 sq. m of an ordinary apartment by an average of 28.7%. There was no correlation between the discount and the share size.


Purposes of real estate valuation

An official real estate appraisal is an important step in almost any property transaction. Having an expert assessment will help you navigate the market and not make a mistake when setting the price for an apartment, which, according to the owner’s assessment, may be higher or even lower than the market price. An adequate price will help to sell the property in a fairly short time.

Obtaining an expert opinion on the value of real estate may be necessary in the following cases:

  • Setting the price for the property being sold. Based on the income received from the transaction, the amount of tax deductions will be determined in the future. An expert assessment may also be needed when selling to calculate state duty or to calculate a pension contribution when selling an apartment or house.
  • An expert assessment of the cost of housing is necessary to calculate the amount of insurance and compensation in the event of insured events.
  • Real estate valuation is necessary in cases where the property acts as a contribution to the authorized capital of the company.
  • In a situation of divorce and division of property, it is impossible to do without an expert assessment for the correct division of shares, especially if one of the spouses wants to receive monetary compensation for their share.
  • Expert assessment is often used in banks, for example, in a situation where real estate is the collateral for a transaction.

In what cases is an independent assessment of real estate by a specialist required?

According to the law, real estate assessment can be carried out at the personal request of the customer or on a mandatory basis. You need to contact real estate valuation services in the following cases:

  • registration of a mortgage;
  • liquidation, reorganization or bankruptcy of the company;
  • contribution of real estate as a contribution to the authorized capital;
  • privatization and insurance of real estate;
  • attracting investments (assessment of property is needed to confirm the real size of the company’s assets);
  • obtaining a loan secured by real estate;
  • sale of state property;
  • property disputes.

These are not all cases in which an assessment from a professional is required. In any case, you will be notified in advance if the procedure is necessary.

You can order the services of an appraiser if you want it yourself. For example, for the fair division of an inheritance or when agreeing on a price for a purchase and sale transaction.

Valuation methods: how value can be calculated

According to FSO 1, appraisers can use three calculation methods - comparative, income and cost.

Comparative method

The main thesis of the method is that the buyer will not pay a price for real estate more than the price at which exactly the same object can be purchased.

When applying this method, the appraiser must:

  • Select units of comparison and compare the valuation object with similar ones.
  • Adjust the value of evaluation units, depending on the characteristics of the object of comparison and analogues.
  • Agree on the results of the adjustment.

Depending on the purposes of the analysis, a different period of time during which the objects were sold can be used. In any case, the appraiser selects practically similar real estate. For example, if he has to evaluate a three-room apartment in the center without a balcony - three rubles in the center. Then it conducts a comparative analysis of the selected real estate and the property being evaluated, adjusts the prices and finds the average.

This method requires studying a large amount of information and calculations, but allows you to determine the cost as accurately as possible. For example, when calculating the market value of a property in the city center, the appraiser examines numerous analogues in the center.

Income method

The essence of the income method is as follows. The value of real estate at the time of valuation is determined as a source of future income. That is, the appraiser determines the potential profit of the object from the moment of assessment to the completion of operation.

When applying the method, the risks specific to the region’s property are taken into account. For example, this could be damage as a result of earthquakes in the Far East.

The income method is used in assessing market value, as well as in investment activities. It corresponds to the key idea of ​​investing: there is no point in paying more for real estate than it can bring in profit.

Cost method

The main idea is simple: a property cannot cost more than the amount that would have to be spent on its construction now.

This method is used when it is necessary to evaluate real estate objects without detachment from the land plots on which they are located. With the cost method, the appraiser takes into account, among other parameters, the cost of the plot.

When applying the cost method, the expert acts as follows:

  • Estimates the market value of a land plot.
  • Determines the replacement cost of the building, including the amount of business profit.
  • Evaluates identified types of wear.

Calculates the total cost of the object. To do this, it adjusts the replacement cost for wear and tear and adds the cost of the land plot.

The most accurate figure is obtained when the appraiser uses three methods at once and takes into account the results of all the calculations obtained. If a specialist has an unusual goal, he may use other assessment methods, for example, mortgage investment analysis.

Income approach

This approach is based on calculating the income that the new owner will be able to receive from the use of real estate. Therefore, important conditions for its use are the ability of real estate to generate income and the ability to predict it.

Income from real estate includes profit from its rental, a possible increase in the future sale price, etc. Within the framework of the approach, two methods are distinguished:

  1. the capitalization method is used if the profit from real estate is the same every year or has the same growth rate;
  2. The discounting method is used if profits are not constant but predictable.

When assessing, it is important to consider the risks specific to the type of property and the region in which it is located.

The procedure for assessing real estate

The activities of independent appraisers and appraisal agencies are regulated by Federal Law No. 135 “On appraisal activities in the Russian Federation.” Only real estate valuation reports conducted by specialists - members of self-regulatory organizations of appraisers - will have legal force.

The procedure for obtaining an independent assessment is as follows:

IMPORTANT: To conduct an assessment, you must enter into an official agreement with the appraiser!

  • Selecting an appraiser and concluding a formal contract for property appraisal. Since both parties to the transaction are interested in a high-quality assessment, then, in the case of the purchase and sale of real estate, the appraiser is selected by agreement of the seller and buyer.
  • Collecting the necessary documents for the apartment and transferring them to a specialist.
  • Conduct of on-site inspection of the premises by a specialist.
  • Analysis of information by an appraiser, determination of the value of real estate and preparation of a report on the work.
  • Providing an assessment report to the customer.

Package of documents for assessment

  • Documents confirming the identity of all property owners,
  • Documents establishing the rights to own property (agreements on purchase and sale, inheritance, gift of property, extract from the Unified State Register),
  • Technical passport of real estate,
  • Floor plan and explication.

When handing over the documents, you should immediately agree on the date and time of the inspection of the apartment.

Assessment procedure and required documents

If you decide to conduct a property valuation, consider the procedure:

  • Select the appraiser to contact. But the price of real estate valuation services depends on the experience of the specialist and the promotion of the agency. If the bank requires an assessment, it will give you a list of recommended organizations or entrepreneurs that you can contact.
  • Conclude an agreement with the appraiser, including the terms of work, their plan and the specialist’s remuneration.
  • Cooperate with the appraiser and provide requested documents. Most often requested:
  • passport of the customer as an individual or certificate of registration of the organization and passport of the manager;
  • document confirming the rights to real estate;
  • documents from the BTI;
  • an extract from the Unified State Register of Encumbrances confirming the absence of encumbrances. Its electronic version, certified by the digital signature of Rosreestr, can be obtained within 6 hours on the EGRN.Reestr for 200 rubles.

At the very end, the specialist generates a report that gives the customer an estimate. It contains all the information about the work performed: the object being assessed is described, a market analysis is performed, the chosen approaches are explained and the assessment process is described. Additionally, the report contains documents that the specialist used in his work.

Real estate valuation is needed for registration of a mortgage, loan, inheritance, purchase and sale. An important document that the specialist will request is an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate about the absence of encumbrances. Order your USRN extract right now and receive the finished document within 6 hours.

Procedure for self-assessment of an apartment

To independently evaluate an apartment for sale , we just need to follow the following simple steps in order.

Sources of data on apartment sales

We select 2-3 trustworthy resources with advertisements for the sale of apartments on the secondary market. Both online portals and printed publications on real estate are suitable for this.

Selection of apartments

We are compiling a selection of apartments for sale in our area/cluster that are most similar in key parameters (location, type of house, number of rooms) to ours. If the price of an apartment is not indicated somewhere, we call and find out. Moreover, the sample can also include data for the past 2-3 months, because The real estate market is very inert and prices change slowly.

The larger the sample , the more accurate the estimate. A sample of 20-30 apartments similar to ours is quite sufficient for a reliable assessment. A sample of 10-15 apartments also gives an idea of ​​prices.

If the market is very small, and we cannot find even a dozen apartments for sale suitable for comparison, then we will have to draw data from neighboring clusters and add apartments to the sample that are not very similar to ours. It's not scary. After all, the Buyer will be in the same position, and it will be just as difficult for him to determine the “right” price.

Sample analysis and apartment evaluation

Based on the resulting sample, we first make a simple calculation of the arithmetic average price per square meter (= apartment price / total area of ​​the apartment). But the apartments in our sample are still not the same, and differ from each other not only in size, but also in certain factors/amenities (view from the windows, large kitchen, presence of a loggia, improved layout, expensive renovations, etc.) . These factors, although they do not significantly affect the price compared to location, type/class of house and area of ​​the apartment , nevertheless, they should not be overlooked.

By “sample analysis” we mean the total consideration of these very factors (additional amenities of the apartment), and their expression in the form of a coefficient to our arithmetic average price . Those. A number of additional amenities in our apartment, compared to most apartments in the sample, will give us some advantage in price. For example, the view from the windows of the city park, high ceilings and spacious layout of our apartment will deservedly add 5-10% to our price (of course, if most of our competitors’ apartments cannot boast of this).

And vice versa, if our windows overlook a noisy highway, renovations in the apartment were done during the reign of Tsar Peas, and there is a cemetery around the corner of our house, then we will have to discount the average price, say 10-15%.

Such calculations are not difficult; they can be done either in MS Excel or simply on paper, armed with a pen and a calculator.

It wouldn’t be a bad idea to call several apartments from our sample and talk to their sellers to make sure that these are real options and not “dummy” projects that lure clients to real estate agencies. When you call, you can ask questions about documents and individual advantages/disadvantages of apartments. Ideally, go and see a couple of similar apartments in person, then it will be much easier to understand your competitors and evaluate your apartment.

The result will be a small range of prices set by us for similar apartments, within which we choose our price . A little more or a little less – it’s up to us whether we need to sell faster or if we’re not in a hurry.

In addition, it is worth considering the option of bargaining - this is a psychological moment that stimulates the Buyer and speeds up the sale. Cunning marketers claim that a person is more willing to buy an apartment offered, relatively speaking, for 100 rubles, with which he personally was given a discount of 5 rubles, than an apartment immediately offered for 95 rubles. no haggling.

Price check

Having assessed the apartment, we can check our assessment - perform, so to speak, “control smoothing” . We choose 3-4 real estate agencies to suit our taste, call and ask them to evaluate our apartment over the phone based on its key parameters. Most realtors do this willingly (for them, every call is a potential client). But be prepared that in addition to such an express assessment, realtors will impose their services on you.

Not very conscientious agents, however, can deliberately inflate the cost of an apartment, motivating the owner to turn to them. And when the sale of an apartment at this price is delayed, the realtor convinces the Seller to be reasonable and reduce the price. You need to keep this in mind and not jump for joy when a realtor unexpectedly names the price of your apartment significantly higher than your own estimated price.

And remember that an apartment assessment “from a realtor” is not the ultimate truth. Only the market will give us the exact price.

Especially for the lazy, there are automatic calculators for self-assessment of an apartment .

Despite the reliability of the sources, we believe that it makes no sense to use these calculators to estimate the market value of your apartment due to the high error of such auto-appraisers. In addition, a simple comparison of the calculated price of the same apartment (for example, a typical “kopeck piece” in Moscow) on both calculators gives a discrepancy in price - more than 1.5 million rubles!!! Let's draw conclusions.

But statistical data from the analysis of real estate prices will not harm us - there is an online service. The service allows you to specify a city (or even a city district for Moscow), after which it displays a schedule and average prices of offers for the current month for one-, two-, and three-room apartments.

The service is convenient, but you should remember that the calculation occurs automatically, without taking into account the nuances of the sample and the specific characteristics of the apartments - i.e. displays the “average temperature in the hospital” . Such data can be useful to us for understanding the general level of prices for certain apartments, as well as for understanding whether they are becoming more expensive or cheaper now (the service contains comparative coefficients to previous periods).

Price adjustment “in the market”

After evaluating and publishing our advertisement for the sale of an apartment, no one bothers us to calmly, without haste, continue to analyze prices on the market. And based on the results of our observations and calls from Buyers, we can slightly adjust our price in one direction or another.

Not so much the price as the liquidity will also be influenced by the types of documents and the complexity of the transaction .

In the first case, we are talking about the documents on the basis of which we own the apartment (transfer agreement during privatization, or a purchase and sale agreement, or a certificate of inheritance, etc.), which for the Buyer may correspond to varying degrees of risk. The same applies to deregistration of the Seller before the transaction, which, of course, will be pleasant for the Buyer - a “legally free” apartment is more liquid.

Secondly, we are talking about either a “pure sale” (the apartment is sold without an “alternative” purchase), or we need to build a “chain”, which complicates the transaction, increases its terms, and is unlikely to please the Buyer.

Ways to evaluate an apartment

In fact, there are quite a lot of options for assessing a residential apartment, but this does not mean that any method is better or worse. Below we will now look at the 4 main valuation methods that sellers most often use before selling

Self-assessment method

To determine the cost of your apartment as accurately as possible, you need to pretend to be a buyer and stand on his side

. To do this, it is best to use a comparison table and record all the indicators in it. You can take the sample table below and use it to estimate its cost. Here you can enter similar apartments in the segment. As a rule, the first source of information about apartments for sale is bulletin boards or real estate websites. It is imperative to call the seller and find out as much information as possible about the property.

The information obtained can be immediately entered into the table provided.

so that you can then analyze and compare prices. To save time, you need to immediately determine the range of questions that you should ask yourself to determine the cost of housing:

  • what is the price of the apartment;
  • why the cost of housing is what it is;
  • How long will this price remain valid?
  • how the price will change over time;
  • what the final price will be;
  • Is it worth changing the price for different categories of buyers?

The best way to determine the value of your apartment is to visit other apartments for sale

(even though the sellers themselves don’t like to show them to competitors

Real estate valuation and online cost calculation

In fact, the way to find out the cost of an apartment online is not the most reliable, although it is more affordable. Online calculators allow you to calculate the cost of housing without leaving your home. However, this valuation method is not capable of analyzing the market economy, because the calculator only calculates the price based on the specified data.

There are several sites that will help you estimate the value of real estate online.


  • "Your address";
  • R(Rate);
  • Domofond;
  • Yandex.

Valuation from a professional realtor

In order for the assessment to be carried out as accurately as possible, you will have to pay a certain price

for professional services. If you expect to receive a free estimate, then the maximum you can count on in this case is a basic call of competitors, which you can do yourself. If you want to get a real assessment, bypassing competitors and analyzing all available information, then be prepared to pay for it.

Ordering a real estate appraisal from an agency

In a real estate agency you can find both professionals in their field and not very qualified specialists. No need to choose a realtor off the street. It is necessary to monitor what tools he uses and what information he has. Many people believe that for a more successful sale of an apartment, several realtors should be involved in the appraisal.

. This way you can bring the hour of sale closer, however, in such a pursuit you can artificially reduce the price of housing, as the space becomes clogged.

In conclusion, we note that the most accurate methods of assessment are independent analysis using a table, ordering an assessment from a professional, or assessment through an agency. If you make the right choice, you will be able to assess to the maximum all the factors influencing the cost of housing. You should not resort to online calculations, as this is a “method for the lazy”

and inaccurate (the online calculator is not able to analyze the market situation and cannot see what the situation is like outside the window).

There is no point in saving money here, so if you want to sell your apartment as quickly as possible and at the same time profitably, you will have to pay professionals in their field - realtors - for this work. But their choice must also be approached responsibly. And don’t forget to enter into an agreement with a realtor, so as not to be left broke later.

Real estate valuation by a professional appraiser

How is an apartment for sale assessed? Valuation activities are regulated by Russian Federation Law No. 135-FZ “On Valuation Activities in the Russian Federation.” Only a specialist who is a member of one of the self-regulatory organizations of appraisers can carry out a professional assessment. The property owner should inquire about the availability of all registration and permitting documents from the appraiser, and must also enter into a service agreement with him.

The assessment procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. conclusion of an agreement and payment for services to the appraiser;
  2. providing the specialist with documents regarding the apartment;
  3. visit of the appraiser for inspection;
  4. determining the valuation cost and drawing up a report;
  5. transfer of the report to the customer.

To determine the cost of the apartment, the contractor must provide the appraiser with copies of the following documents:

  • passports of all owners;
  • document of title (purchase and sale, deed of gift, certificate of inheritance, etc.);
  • technical certificate;
  • plan and explication.

When transferring documents, the customer agrees with the contractor on a time for a visual inspection of the apartment.

The following valuation methods are used to determine the cost of an apartment or house:

  1. Comparative method: consists of analyzing similar transactions with similar objects recently. Using this method, the owner can evaluate his apartment himself, but a professional appraiser, as a rule, takes into account a larger number of factors and more accurately calculates the cost of the apartment.
  2. The income method consists of determining the prospects for growth in value in the future, as well as determining the possibility of generating income from a property and its approximate value.
  3. The cost method, which uses certain costs required for the construction of a similar facility, as well as the costs of its maintenance.

An appraisal completed by a professional appraiser has the status of an official document and can be used in a variety of situations where it is necessary to know the market value of an apartment.

What is market valuation of real estate

Real estate valuation is the calculation of the value of real estate: a plot of land, a summer house, a garage, a warehouse, a house and an apartment, a share in a property, etc. Market value determines the price a prospective buyer will be willing to pay.

The valuation procedure is regulated by federal valuation standard No. 7 (“Real Estate Valuation”). The cost is determined by specialists with specialized education who have passed the exam and joined a self-regulatory organization. The assessment can be carried out by an individual entrepreneur or an organization. Based on the results of the research, they issue the customer a report in which the assigned price is justified.

You can calculate the approximate cost yourself. However, the data obtained in this way is not normative and therefore cannot be used in court, banks and government agencies. All institutions only take into account the assessment report that is compiled by an accredited specialist.

Contents of the report

The real estate appraisal report must contain the following information:

  • basis for the assessment (contract details);
  • information about the appraisal company and the appraiser who directly inspected the property and made the calculation;
  • purpose of the assessment;
  • an accurate description of objects indicating identification information, all characteristics and features;
  • list of documents used in the assessment;
  • list of methods and data used;
  • the result of the assessment in monetary terms.

The report may contain any other additional information that, in the appraiser's opinion, affects the value of the home.

The report must be numbered, stitched and signed and sealed by an authorized person.

It is possible to prepare a report in electronic form, provided it is signed with a qualified electronic signature.

Risks of indicating an untruthful price in the purchase and sale

The most common situation is to indicate a lower price in the purchase and sale than the actual settlement amount. This is beneficial, first of all, to the seller, who thus reduces the tax base or avoids it altogether.

Such a transaction is concluded in different ways. The most commonly used option is that the seller issues two receipts. One indicates the price specified in the sales contract, and the other indicates the amount of the difference between the actual price and that specified in the contract.

Such a scheme, of course, is a violation of the law. For the buyer it has a significant risk. If for any reason the seller terminates the transaction in court, then he will be able to return only the amount of funds specified in the purchase and sale agreement. The seller can also use this reduced value to make a claim. The court may recognize the transaction as enslaving, since the price does not correspond to the real market value of the object.


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