Complaint about the inaction of the prosecutor's office: sample, details on drafting and filing the paper

Complaints to the prosecutor's office require a special approach in order to achieve a positive decision on time. The Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation is a government body that supervises the implementation of legislation.

ATTENTION: our lawyers have more than once drawn up and know how to write a complaint against the investigator, against officials of other government bodies, and are ready to help you in solving the problem.

What is the difference between an application, a complaint and a claim?

Citizens' appeals take several forms. Their division into types depends on the content of the petition.

How to write a correct complaint to the prosecutor's office? The content of the complaint is a violation of the rights and interests of citizens. This is a written document that is submitted to a government agency and is drawn up by a citizen. The reason for its formation is the action or inaction of authorities, when a person signals that they have violated the requirements of the laws. Art. speaks about the right of the population to appeal to the authorities. 33 basic laws of the country. To help the Constitution - N59 Federal Law of 2006. The complaint always contains a request for restoration of the violated right.

The statement, which is sent to the prosecutor, also reflects the issue of violation of the law by government agencies. Usually the applicant describes how this happens and asks for assistance in ensuring that this does not happen again. But the application usually does not indicate a requirement to restore the applicant’s violated right.

The content of a claim is a requirement that arises in the area of ​​fulfillment of obligations of one party to the other. Typically the claim is filed by the injured party. She suffered losses due to the fact that the second one did not fulfill its obligations under the transaction. Or she performed them, but not efficiently. That is, she violated the clauses of the contract or the law. The claim is made in writing and, by analogy with a complaint, does not have a strict form. When writing it, a clear statement of the essence of the existing dispute, its significance for the parties, the requirement for fulfillment of the obligation, as well as the deadline for this to be done is required. The claim is addressed to the one who violated the obligation.

One type of claim is a complaint. Usually it is compiled by the buyer, the customer. It is addressed to the seller, contractor. Its subject is the inadequate quality of the product, as well as its missing quantity during the warranty period. In the complaint, the party puts forward very specific demands:

  • elimination of shortcomings;
  • reduction in the cost of goods;
  • compensation for damage.

A complaint is filed in a situation where a product has been received that is of inadequate quality, as well as in the process of carrying out production work, violation of the delivery time of goods, etc.

The difference between the two statements is that the complaint is classified as an administrative relationship, and a complaint with a claim is classified as a civil law relationship. A claim is always a way of pre-trial settlement of a controversial issue in economic legal relations before the intervention of the court. In some cases, compliance with the claim procedure is an imperative requirement of the law. Otherwise, the court will not accept the claim for consideration.

Complaint to the head of the municipality

The first option is to file a complaint with the head of the administration. This option is acceptable when you need to complain about administration employees. Filing a complaint allows you to resolve the problem within the governing bodies.

The head of administration is obliged to conduct internal audits and eliminate the problems described in the complaint. After all inspections, the citizen must receive a written notification of the measures taken regarding his complaint and the results of the work performed.

To leave a complaint to the head of the administration, you can personally make an appointment with him and outline the essence of the problem. Or you can bring the finished document and leave it in the reception area of ​​the chapter. But in the second case, the citizen needs to make two identical complaints. He will give one to the office, and on the other copy in the office they must write “Accepted for consideration”, put the number and stamp of the administration. The citizen takes this second copy for himself.

Another submission option is to send a letter by Russian Post.

When is a complaint filed with the prosecutor's office?

A statement to the prosecutor's office is written when a citizen sees that a violation of Russian laws is occurring. The list of issues for which you should contact this body is listed in No. 59 of the Federal Law. S. 1, paragraph 2 of the NLA establishes that citizens can apply to this body for the following reasons:

  • non-compliance with laws and regulations by state and regional and local authorities, officials of non-profit organizations;
  • violation of citizens' rights by public authorities;
  • illegal actions of officials of commercial organizations;
  • identified violations in the work of bailiffs.

Statements and appeals from citizens are grounds for the prosecutor to take certain actions against violators. Art. speaks about this. 10 of the law regulating the work of prosecutors.

Tasks of the city administration in 2021

For what questions can I contact the city administration? This local government body solves so-called “local problems” - from cleaning the streets of your favorite city to building kindergartens.

That is, you have the right to contact the administration to resolve issues in the following areas:

  • City improvement;
  • Budgetary and financial activities;
  • Civil defense;
  • Housing and communal services
  • Healthcare;
  • Use of land resources and nature conservation;
  • Youth policy and orientation;
  • Education and culture;
  • Public order protection;
  • Occupational safety and employment;
  • Support for entrepreneurship and development of small businesses;
  • Social protection of the population;
  • Transport and communications;
  • Management and control of district property;
  • Economics and planning.

General procedure for writing an application to the prosecutor's office

A sample complaint to the prosecutor's office can be found on specialized websites on the Internet. It is better to immediately write a correct statement so that the prosecutor does not return it back, thereby saving time.

For an official to take action against a violator, he must consider the complaint on the merits of the issue. The citizen is notified in writing that the application has been accepted and is being considered.

How to correctly write a statement to the prosecutor's office? In order to consider and analyze a situation in which human rights were violated and the requirements of legal norms were violated, the prosecutor must have complete information about the event that occurred. The complaint reflects it. It contains the following information:

  • name, location of the prosecutor's office;
  • applicant data: last name, first name, patronymic, registration address, telephone numbers;
  • information about whom the person is complaining about.

The application must indicate not only the email, but also the postal code. The prosecutor's office sends a notification to him that work has begun on the complaint, as well as about the interim results of the investigation into the circumstances of the controversial case.

The main text of the complaint contains an appeal that states that human rights are infringed upon and violated. Documents, copies, as well as evidence of the applicant’s correctness are attached to the application. The complaint must be marked with the date of its filing and a signature at the end.

How to write a statement to the prosecutor's office about non-payment of wages

How to write a statement to the prosecutor's office about non-payment of wages? Workers can do this after 15 days from the date of non-payment. But first, they need to contact the employer in the form of a written complaint. If he does not respond to it, write a complaint to the prosecutor's office.

The details of the document remain unchanged, only the essence of the introductory and main parts of the document changes. Information about the situation in which the head of an LLC, individual entrepreneur and other companies withholds wages must be indicated clearly and completely.

The complaint addressed to the prosecutor's office on this issue contains the following information:

  1. Information about the employer (name of organization, individual entrepreneur, address, last name, first name, patronymic of the boss).
  2. Information about who the author of the appeal is. In the collective form, a list of all persons.
  3. Information about the period of non-payment of wages, the amount of total debt to the workforce.
  4. Information about an attempt to peacefully resolve the dispute.
  5. The requirement to transfer documents to the tax office for the application of administrative measures to the management of the organization. This is Art. 5.27 Code of Administrative Offences.
  6. Requirement to initiate criminal proceedings against the employer. This is Art. 145.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
  7. Claim for moral compensation. The conditions are defined in Art. 237 Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The complaint is accompanied by certificates and other documents that confirm the circumstances specified in the document.

How to write an application to the prosecutor's office against bailiffs

If a citizen is dissatisfied with the work of a bailiff, he can complain to his boss. Do this in writing. If no one responds to this document, feel free to file a complaint with the prosecutor’s office. Typically, the reasons why complaints are filed against bailiffs are the following:

  • a decision of an official that was issued in violation of the laws;
  • inaction of the bailiff;
  • presence of evidence that the bailiff received a bribe;
  • during the work, the bailiff exceeded his authority.

How to write a correct statement to the prosecutor's office about fraud against bailiffs? Having accepted the complaint, the prosecutor begins checking the bailiff.

How to complain about housing and communal services

How to write a statement to the prosecutor's office for housing and communal services? The complaint is filed against the management company on whose balance sheet the apartment building is located.

In order to submit an application, the following grounds must be present:

  1. The management company appropriates money received from residents.
  2. Illegal storage of money.
  3. Inaction in relation to duties (failure to comply with the requirements of Article 161 of the RF Housing Code).

At meetings of residents, the management company enters into an agreement with them for the maintenance of the house and the territory that is located near it. Therefore, residents who are connected with a legal entity through contractual relations have the right to contact the prosecutor’s office, and the management company does not comply with the clauses of the agreement.

How to write a statement to the prosecutor's office against police officers

How to write a statement to the prosecutor's office against the actions of police officers? A government agency is a law enforcement agency responsible for protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens. However, among the employees of these bodies there are also lawbreakers. The reasons for complaints are the following:

  • refusal to initiate a criminal case due to incomplete verification of the provided data;
  • initiation of a criminal case under articles of the Criminal Code that impose a more lenient punishment on a citizen;
  • deliberate delay in the investigation of a criminal case;
  • failure to provide the police with a copy of the decision on the case;
  • suspension of the proceedings.

There are violations that a police officer eliminates without interference in the process of the Prosecutor's Office. For example, this is an addition to the protocol, the appointment of an additional examination.

Grounds for filing a complaint against the FSSP

Two key grounds are the action and inaction of the bailiff. An action is understood as the adoption of any unlawful decision, for example, a resolution that infringes on the rights of a creditor or another subject of enforcement proceedings (for example, a loan debtor). Inaction is the actual failure of the SPI to fulfill its main responsibilities.

The concept of “inaction” should also include the failure of the bailiff to perform any action or failure to make a decision within the period allotted by law. It is important to take into account that a complaint against bailiffs, regardless of the grounds, is filed in the order of subordination. This is the most commonly used way to resolve the issue and does not limit the applicant’s right to appeal to the court or supervisory authorities.

How to file a collective application?

A complaint written by a group of people has features in the text of the appeal. It must be drawn up with a list of all the necessary details, with a clear list of people who are complaining about the organization or a specific person.

If the list of persons does not fit into the text of the complaint, then you need to make a list on a separate sheet and attach it to the application sent to the Prosecutor's Office.

The application must indicate that it is of a collective nature!

What could be the reasons?

It would seem that the question sounds somewhat strange, but, nevertheless, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with it. The prosecutor's office is a state body, complaints against which can only be filed in special cases. It is necessary to approach the issue as thoroughly as possible, because a complaint will cause serious measures against specific employees or even an entire department. There are several good reasons for which you can file a complaint against the prosecutor's office:

  1. Refusal to accept the application. This can be either a refusal without giving any explanation, or a refusal for reasons that are not sufficient for such an action. Or these reasons may contradict the law or violate your rights. The prosecutor's office is obliged to accept and register all incoming requests, and refuse to investigate only for strictly regulated and compelling reasons.
  2. Inaction of the prosecutor's office and failure to comply with inspection deadlines. Inaction may be a complete absence of any responses, or failure to register a statement. This also includes delaying all required deadlines without explaining the reason.
  3. Violation of your rights. This could be a violation of your rights by a specific employee or by the department as a whole. Inaction of prosecutors in some cases can also be considered a serious offense.
  4. Insults to your honor and dignity by an employee of the prosecutor's office.

This is important to know: Complaint to the prosecutor's office against the tax office: sample 2021

Since the position of an employee of the prosecutor’s office is a state one, for such violations he will not only face a serious check for possible violations. In addition to dismissing an employee, he may be accused of exceeding official authority or negligence, depending on the situation. Keep in mind that such crimes are punished much more harshly for officials than for ordinary citizens, because this is a serious government body.

How to submit an application to the prosecutor's office online?

How to write a statement to the prosecutor's office via the Internet? Remotely filing a complaint with government authorities has a number of advantages. Firstly, a person or group of people saves their own time. They do not spend it on personal visits to the Prosecutor's Office. Secondly, the risk of errors when writing a document is minimized, since its form is compiled on specialized sites. The user just needs to enter the required information in the fields.

There are several sites through which complaints are sent. The most famous of them is the Internet portal The user registers on the site, enters his mobile phone, creates a login and password. The system will ask him for his passport details, as well as other identification information.

After registration, a person uses all the capabilities of the Internet service, including filing complaints. The application form has been prepared in advance. As well as the header of the complaint, in which information about the applicant is already automatically determined.

A statement about a crime can be made orally or in writing.

The oral statement is recorded in the protocol, which is signed by the applicant and the person who accepted it. The prosecutor does not personally accept a statement of crime; as a rule, this is done by his deputy or assistant. The protocol must contain information about the applicant and his identification documents. When drawing up a protocol, the applicant must be warned about criminal liability for knowingly false denunciation of a crime.

A written statement to initiate a criminal case is written in free form. The contents of the application must contain the details of the prosecutor's office and the applicant, the date and signature of the applicant.

Deadlines for consideration of applications

There are two types of deadlines for considering a complaint: general and shortened. The total is 30 days. These are statements that do not require the prosecutor to immediately respond to the current situation. Shortened period – 15 days. The issue under consideration is accelerated if the essence of the case stated in the application does not require the official to conduct an additional check.

The timing of a specific request is influenced by several factors:

  1. The need to consider a controversial case by lower-level law enforcement agencies.
  2. Hollow or partial restoration of the violated rights of a citizen or group of persons.
  3. The need to carry out explanatory work on the complaint materials.

Feed Hierarchy

  1. If the prosecutor in the local division of your city district violates the law or your rights, you must file a complaint with his superiors - the main prosecutor's office of the subject of the Russian Federation where you are located;
  2. If the prosecutor who works in the instance at the subject level is inactive, the deputy prosecutor general in the federal district will have to file a complaint with the Prosecutor General’s Office;
  3. If the Prosecutor General of the Federal District is inactive, it is necessary to file a complaint with the Central Office of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation in Moscow.

If an employee of the district prosecutor's office does nothing, and you send a complaint to the Prosecutor General in Moscow, it will be redirected as incorrectly addressed to the territorial unit of the required higher level. However, in this case you will lose time - the prosecutor's office is allocated 7 days for these actions from the moment the complaint is registered , so you should contact the immediate superiors of the inactive employee immediately. Then you can work your way up the hierarchical structure if you receive refusals or additional facts of violations and inaction in response.

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