Sample characteristics of your child from parents

Characteristics of the parent: sample

  • depending on the structure - complete/incomplete family, specifying why one of the parents is missing and whether there is a connection with him;
  • from material security - a family with high/medium/low material income. It is important to note the parent’s occupation and his participation in material well-being;

  • from the socio-legal stability of the family - a socially stable/unstable family with prosperous/disadvantaged educational potential (indicate the reasons for these phenomena);
  • by type of relationship - harmonious, conflict, unstable.
  • personal information about the parent (full name, date of birth, gender and area of ​​employment);
  • health status (presence or absence of diseases that affect a person’s performance or affect the psychological well-being of family members);
  • fulfillment of a material function (availability of a regular income, financial condition of the family as a whole);
  • psychological characteristics and methods of raising a child.

How to Write a Student Characteristic

Or it may be required at the military registration and enlistment office at your place of residence. But whatever the reason, the form of the document and its typical content remain approximately the same. Unlike a student’s autobiography, a character reference is compiled by a responsible person from the institute. It should reflect the following points.

During his studies, __________________ (full name) showed himself to be a purposeful, disciplined and capable student. Successfully mastered educational material in specialized disciplines. In general education subjects, semester and coursework, I received “good” and “excellent”. The thesis in the specialty “_________________” on the topic: “____________________” is novel and reflects the high professional training of the author. During an introductory internship in ___________________ and a practical internship in __________________ ________________ (full name) showed good knowledge of engineering, programming skills in high-level languages ​​and the ability to apply the knowledge acquired at the university in practical work. During the internship, he successfully completed all assigned tasks, showing himself on the positive side. Has a penchant for rationalization activities.

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Sample characteristics of your child from parents

In the sphere of property relations that determine the priority rights and interests of children, the leading place is occupied by the responsibility of parents to support minor children. Fulfilling this responsibility is one of the most important conditions for ensuring the protection of the rights and interests of children. This obligation is not interrupted either by the recognition of the marriage as invalid or by its dissolution. It is assigned to both parents and does not depend on whether they have sufficient funds or whether minor children need alimony due to their inability to work or not.

The legislator does not regulate in detail the issues of raising children, and rightly so. The role of law comes down to protecting parents and children from possible abuses and violations in this area. Therefore, in legal terms, raising children is expressed in the settlement of disputes about children, as well as in the institution of deprivation and limitation of parental rights,

Sample reference for a parent to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities

The atmosphere present in the family is reflected in the child’s mood and academic performance. An experienced and attentive teacher will quickly be able to identify the presence of family problems by calling parents for an explanatory conversation. Therefore, if it is necessary to assess the behavior of the mother or father of the child, the guardianship and trusteeship authorities entrust the writing of characteristics to the class teachers.

  • manner of communication (democratic, authoritarian or liberal);
  • moral values;
  • the opportunity to provide the child with moral support, sensitivity and interest in his problems;
  • features of action in the event of conflict situations;
  • general information about a person's character.

The task of the class teacher

One of the many duties that a teacher performs within the framework of his job competencies is writing a negative or positive description of a student in his class. They are requested by the guardianship authorities, the military registration and enlistment office, mid-level educational institutions, the police, and the PDN.

The fate of a child often depends on the quality of its writing. Understanding this, most often the mentor writes a positive testimonial.

Characteristics for a preschooler child sample

When your child enters a kindergarten or preschool educational institution, a so-called psychological and pedagogical profile of a preschooler will be drawn up for him. It will also be needed if it is necessary to determine the profile of education in correctional groups or kindergartens, when transferring to another preschool educational institution and when sending for examination by a psychological, medical and pedagogical commission.

This article will introduce you, dear parents, to the main points contained in the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a preschool child. Objectivity and literacy are the two main requirements for this document. It should contain the following basic information:

Taking into account the interests of parents

Often, the positive characterization of the school that parents read in the media outweighs when choosing an educational institution for educating and raising a child. The description of the activities of the educational organization notes the main directions of its work, as well as the measures taken by the school management for the education and training of the younger generation.

The characteristics of the school are a more detailed description of the pedagogical and educational programs, additional sections and clubs, the level of qualifications of the teaching staff, as well as the main achievements of the students of the educational institution.


1 answer. Moscow Viewed 118 times. Asked 2021-06-08 15:46:00 +0400 in the topic “Labor Law” How to correctly write an application for partial labor leave - How to correctly write an application for partial labor leave. Further

The solution to this difficulty is trivial, you need to contact the registry office at the place of registration of the fact of marriage (divorce) and (or) the fact of the birth of a baby. If a child travels abroad with only one of the parents, travel agencies usually. There is virtually no cleaning done, the room is very cluttered and littered with circus devices, bottles and other things that have no relevance to the boy. Thus, the plaintiff has the right to file a claim at his place of residence (registration) Art.

Characteristics from parents about their child

Many people ask questions about writing characteristics for a child. It is often required at PMPK, when registering guardianship, deprivation of parental rights, etc. The characterization should be neutral, stating facts, without evaluative expressions. Rough plan and samples. Characterization plan.

The grandmother is raising the child. She is in constant contact with teachers and is interested in the boy’s problems and his successes. Ksenia’s family is large and full, with 2 more older sisters and brothers. Both parents are involved in raising children. There is no interaction with the teacher and kindergarten.

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Household characteristics for a child from parents sample

Here it will be relevant to indicate the methods and techniques that were used in relation to the child and the tasks that are pursued to form the personality. Informative information Information about the personal data of an individual is considered informative information. If the document is drawn up for a child, then it is necessary to indicate information about the parents, the relationship of relatives and friends and the conditions in which the child lives.

Instructions 1 Find out the child’s personal information. The description must indicate the first name, last name, patronymic, date of birth, information about parents (in some cases), full or incomplete family. 2 Describe the child’s physical development. If you have a preference for any sport, highlight it by noting your achievements. Don't forget about bad habits. 3 Some characteristics ask to indicate the conditions of upbringing. You can obtain this data from the child, his parents, family friends, as well as from your own observations.

Drawing up a description of the class team

A positive class description is compiled based on the test results conducted by the class teacher and the school psychologist.

The class teacher, analyzing the characteristics of his students, focuses on creating conditions for the full development of children and developing a sense of independence in them.

To begin with, the teacher indicates the number and age composition of the students and their learning of a foreign language. Next, you can indicate those areas that are most interesting to students. The teacher, working with the class staff, is based on the following principles of education:

  • humanism;
  • creation;
  • conformity with nature;
  • co-creation;
  • individuality;
  • mutual assistance and responsibility.

Sample Characteristics for a Child

Vdadislav is a capable, neat, purposeful, cheerful boy. He approaches his studies with great interest and desire. Of the school subjects, I definitely don’t have a favorite one. During all lessons he listens to the teacher with great interest, all his attention is focused only on the teacher, and is not distracted by extraneous noise. We can draw a small conclusion that the child has a great desire to learn. The boy loves to solve various problems and guess. The boy is active in class. Most of all, Vladik is occupied with educational and play activities.

The boy has a well-developed memory, both visual and auditory, because... He remembers the material well both when explained and when shown. He remembers everything new quickly and reproduces it with high accuracy. He can independently analyze and draw conclusions.

Patterns of activity of the class teacher

In his professional activities, a teacher should not separate teaching from upbringing, otherwise the meaning and value of actions is lost. You cannot teach a child something that is not important for the teacher himself.

When planning work with a class team, the teacher first makes certain demands on himself. He must be a purposeful, democratic, educated, creative, law-abiding person.

Household characteristics for a child from parents sample

In particular, does he abuse alcohol, how does he treat his wife and children, does he greet neighbors and can, if necessary, provide them with all possible help. Accordingly, the information obtained during the conversation is then reflected in the description, but not in a chaotic manner in the form of a narrative, but in compliance with certain rules that have developed over the years, given that we are still talking about an official document considered by serious authorities.

Until how long is it legal to make noise during the day? About this - here. How is a description of the place of residence from neighbors compiled? Drawing up a profile cannot be called a particularly complicated procedure, given that to begin with you just need to politely talk with the residents of a certain house and find out their opinion about a particular person.

Tip 1: How to write a reference for a child to parents

The chairman of the house council or the person in charge of the building can also be asked to characterize the guardians. In this case, you are unlikely to be well informed about the professional qualities of the guardians, but you can see their attitude towards the child and roughly know the situation in the family. Write about this.

When characterizing caregivers, the greatest attention should be paid to how they relate to the child. Write down how long the person under your care has been attending your class or group. Tell us if he experienced difficulties during adaptation, what he looks like, and whether he has developed cultural and hygienic skills. Note the child’s level of development, his communication skills, relationships with adults and with other children. Tell us how willingly the guardians make contact with teachers, and whether they are interested in the child’s successes and failures.

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Characteristics of children for the design of a graduation video album

Natalya Kuznetsova

Characteristics of children for the design of a graduation video album

Each child is unique and inimitable. the “zest” as early as possible.

in the child and direct his desires, strengths and capabilities in the right direction.
I used these epithets when designing my graduation video album .
1. Kind and generous. He is never greedy and shares toys and treats. He is interested in design.

2. He looks mysterious and very shy, but if you get to know him better, he is very sociable, cheerful and good-natured.

3. Tender, soft, friendly. Many girls and boys in our group dream of friendship with her.

4. Calm, modest, peaceful. Disciplined, always listens to what he is told. One of the few who responsibly takes care of household chores.

5. An active girl with pronounced leadership qualities. Charges everyone with positivity, knows how to direct the group’s activities in the right direction. A good actress, she can cope with any role.

6. The most eloquent and sincere. He always says what he thinks, it is almost impossible to convince him of anything.

7. Kind and spontaneous. Always smiling and in a good mood. Never sits idle. Creativity is his calling.

8. Brave, determined, caring. An excellent hostess. Thanks to her, our group room is always in order. He never lets us down at dinner, he always eats well and with appetite.

9. Gentle, sweet and mysterious. Very responsive to requests from adults and children.

10. Future leader. Has clear diction and a commanding voice.

11. Active, lively and very positive. She is interested in many things: She is an athlete, an artist, a singer, and just our charmer.

12. The most active boy. He doesn't sit even for a minute. Loves to run, jump, and play outdoor games.

13. The most exemplary, diligent and patient. He is attentive and sensitive to other children. An example to follow in educational activities.

14. The very “best friend”

- according to surveys
of children in our group .
Many guys would like to be friends with him, because he is kind, cheerful, and always ready to help. Able to negotiate in disputes. 15. Charming and attentive. Most popular among girls. He notices only the good in people and is generous with compliments.

16. Cheerful and active. Very sociable and emotional. In relationships with friends he values ​​honesty and fairness.

17. Our “smart guy”

. Fast as lightning - that's about him. Any task can be completed in a few minutes. He eats the fastest, and is also the first when getting ready for walks and exercises.

18. Very active and versatile. He attends all possible clubs in our garden, as well as outside it. Inventor and "ringleader"

our group. Loves to organize theatrical performances.

19. Curious, honest, confident in her own abilities. He actively expresses himself in creativity - he dances, sings, and loves to draw. Has a keen sense of works of art.

20. Smart and reasonable. He always finishes what he starts.

21. "Soft"

, very pleasant to talk to. Kind, sympathetic, easily finds a common language with everyone in our group, but prefers a narrow circle of friends. Entertainer and organizer of outdoor games. He knows the rules of the games, tries to convey them to his comrades, and monitors their compliance.

22. Stylish and pretty. He knows what he wants and tries to achieve it.

23. The smartest and most savvy. Master of solving riddles.

24. The most diligent girl. Her work is distinguished by its purity of execution and accuracy. Future excellent student, I hope.

25. Energetic and tireless. Of all the routine moments in the garden, he prefers a walk. He is interested in sculpting. Sculpts quickly, skillfully and accurately. His works are distinguished among others by their originality and creativity.

26. A very sensible, intellectually developed boy. A wonderful craftsman. Loves to make crafts from paper, natural materials, and various types of construction sets.

27. Friendly and cheerful. The smile never leaves her face. "Administrator"

our group is always aware of all matters, keeps order.

28. Hardworking and independent. Ready to help in any matter, even the most difficult, if asked correctly.

29. Modest, soft and sincere. And at the same time very active, purposeful and independent. Inventive and talented in artistic activities.

Characteristics for a student - development base

Based on your own observations, teachers, class teacher, about the student or neighbors, you need to find out how much time the parent devotes to being with the child, whether he accompanies him to school or picks him up from kindergarten, whether he monitors educational achievements, whether he shows concern for absence of children and participates in parent-teacher meetings at school. It is very important that a pen or pencil intended for children starting to learn corresponds to their age characteristics, capabilities and psychophysiological characteristics. And he does it specifically under your supervision (if you are a teacher).

small volume of the property is 800-900 characters, the largest is not limited and can contain reports on work with the student, a mini-dossier on the child. Please help me find the standard of the devil from the matter for the offspring at the military registration and enlistment office. Sex is almost the same basic need as eating.

Family characteristics: recommendations for compilation, structure, how to collect information

The living conditions in which ———————— live are satisfactory. The apartment is relatively tidy and is cleaned regularly. ______________ has a workplace for studying, where conditions are created for studying and preparing homework.

Adults create conditions for the proper development of children, show interest in the affairs and studies of their eldest daughter and granddaughter ________. Both parents are interested in the child’s studies and are active helpers. Mom attends all parent-teacher meetings.

Criteria for assessing the development of personality traits

To objectively assess the child’s condition, one should be guided by criteria that determine the degree of development of a particular personality quality.

  1. Work ability.
      High—the ability to perceive material is maintained throughout the entire school day, but the ability to perceive material is lost.
  2. Ability to think independently
      High - the student analyzes the taught material, identifies the problem, and is ready to discuss and put forward versions.
  3. Medium - looks for ways to solve the problem by analogy with previously occurring situations, but independently.
  4. Low - unable to make independent decisions, turns to teachers and other children for help.
  5. Self-control.
      High - the ward does not require supervision from an adult, takes a responsible approach to preparing homework, studies and retells the assigned material without reminders.
  6. Medium - a one-time reminder of the need to study and complete tasks may be required, which in general does not affect the learning process.
  7. Low - no self-control.
  8. to the perception of the material.
  9. Medium - information is absorbed well, but at the end of the day fatigue sets in.
  10. Low - the child gets tired quickly, shows lethargy, in the middle of school
  11. Speed ​​of learning material and completing tasks.
      High - learns according to the proposed program at a good pace, quickly “grabs” the material.
  12. Average - learning speed is within the norm, does not stand out from the class.
  13. Low - it takes longer than other students to prepare assignments.
  14. The ability to highlight the main thing in the material
      High - knows how to isolate the main idea and omit minor details. Capable of analysis and drawing conclusions.
  15. Medium – has problems with analytics and summarizing, which does not affect the process of acquiring knowledge as a whole.
  16. Low - the ability to highlight the essence of the material is absent.

Sample of writing a character reference for a child

  1. Common data. Full Name. Date of Birth.
  2. Place of birth and address. Where he lives.
  3. Family composition. Who does he live with? How many people are in the family?
  4. Current health status.
  5. Write characteristics about the author. Who is he to the child? Full Name. Teacher, class teacher, head of an orphanage, and so on.
  6. Assess the student's behavior. How much he likes to visit this or that establishment. How active? Communication with peers.
  7. If kindergarten is taken into account. Describe the baby's independence. What can he do? How proactive and inquisitive he is.
  8. Describe in as much detail as possible. How much the child loves to study, his academic performance, the desire for knowledge, how developed. How one behaves with peers, attitude towards teachers, pedagogues, educators. What interests? Favorite type of game. Write in as much detail as possible.

Long observations will help determine character, behavior, attitude towards peers, attitude towards parents and teachers. Identify one or another aggression towards people. The characteristics sheet must take into account all negative and positive factors.

The procedure for compiling characteristics

  1. At the very beginning of the characteristics, you need to indicate who exactly we are talking about. It is necessary to indicate the child's first and last name. Without this data, it will be unknown who exactly we are talking about.
  2. Indicate the exact name of the institution. To have a clear idea of ​​where exactly the child is studying.
  3. Indicate the date, month and year of birth.
  4. It is compiled in more detail, all the positive and negative qualities.
  5. Write about your parents. The relationship between mother and child and father.
  6. Clearly state the family relationship between the spouses, if such information is available. Don't rely on the words of strangers. Write specifically to the fact.


Information about the child is compiled taking into account all his data, these are:

  1. FULL NAME. Full Name.
  2. Date, month and year of birth.
  3. Write brief information about your family. Full name of mother and father, as well as other living relatives. Date of birth of parents and relatives. How many people are in the family? Describe the living conditions in the family.
  4. Write the name of the group you are visiting. Where did you come from: kindergarten, secondary school, orphanage.
  5. Behavior during the adaptation period.
  6. Degree of cultural and hygienic skills.

Features of cognitive activity

Cognitive activity of children:

  1. Describe how developed attention is.
  2. How well does he perceive information?
  3. How well he orients himself in space.
  4. Pay attention to memory. How developed is it? And which memory prevails?
  5. Feature of speech. Is speech well developed? Is reading well developed?
  6. Thinking. How well developed is thinking? How quickly he makes decisions in a given situation.
  7. How well does the child absorb information: at school, in kindergarten, etc.

Features of work activity

Here you can find out how much children love to work. How well they remember and develop thinking.

This includes:

  1. Labor skills. State.
  2. Ability to use pencil, pen, marker, and ruler.
  3. What characteristics can be given to products created by a schoolchild or preschool child?
  4. How independent are children? How well they complete the assigned tasks.
  5. Does he understand the purpose of his work?

Features of gaming activities

Play activities influence children. It helps to be more active and develop character through games:

  1. How active is the baby? Does he take the initiative into his own hands?
  2. What character is in the game. How he behaves.
  3. What games do you like? Which ones does he play most often? What style of play does he prefer? Attitude during play with peers.
  4. How he devotes himself to the game. How quickly he stops liking him.

Features of the emotional-volitional sphere

  1. Nervous system of a child. What type: highly excitable, balanced, violent, unstable, inhibitory.
  2. How children relate to their peers. What mood most often prevails, relationships with adults.
  3. What character traits are: conscientious, obedient, helpful, gentle, attentive, kind. What are the negative traits: constantly lies, does not complete tasks, does not listen, is often stubborn.
  4. What does he do best? Perhaps he draws well, sings, dances, does physical exercises related to some section.
  5. Here it is worth making a general conclusion about the student. How well does he assimilate the program? If you have mental problems, pay special attention. If the child is uncontrollable, you should write about his transfer to another institution. The child may have defects.
  6. Place a date and signature at the end of the completed description.

How to write a testimonial for a child from parents

Also, the recommended sheet may include a lot of important information about your health status. Especially if the child has a special illness. It may be associated with birth or acquired over time.

When drawing up a recommendation sheet, parents themselves play a major role. It is worth paying attention to the psychological state of the mother and father. Particular attention should be paid to visiting study groups. What does a student at the institution like to do in his free time? What subjects does the child have aptitude for? Celebrate school performance. If there are any certificates you also need to write.

Who writes?

The characteristics can be:

  • teachers;
  • educators;
  • psychologists.

Most often, a group of specialists who are in direct contact with the student works on the document. Simply put, among the entire teaching staff, the choice will fall on those teachers who teach any subjects for the child, but most often the compiler becomes the class teacher. If the institution has a psychologist, then a specialist must be involved in drawing up the document.

His professional opinion will help create a comprehensive analysis, and not just an assessment of the student’s mental development. It is the psychologist who can notice the first manifestations of a reaction to intrafamily problems.


The psychologist assesses the psycho-emotional state. This specialist plays the role of a “bridge” between children with their hidden problems and adults who cannot always understand the child. Psychologists help to find a common language and they are the first to “ring the bell” if signs of severe emotional stress appear in the child’s behavior, which most often becomes a reaction to events in family life.

Expert opinion

Maria Lokshina

Family law expert since 2010

Characteristics without an assessment by a psychologist are considered incomplete.

Classroom teacher

Characteristics for schoolchildren are drawn up by teachers with the assistance of psychologists. The first give a general assessment of academic performance, personal qualities, behavioral characteristics, adaptation in a team, and level of intellectual development.

Psychologists help assess the student’s mental state. The class teacher can informally involve other teachers in drawing up the characteristics, who will help him make the correct assessment.

A kindergarten teacher

Kindergarten staff (teachers) provide characteristics for children of preschool age. If the institution has specialists of a narrow profile (speech therapist, psychologist), then they are also involved in working on the document. If there are none, then the teacher draws up a description independently.

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