Where and how to file a complaint against Yandex Taxi for passengers and drivers

Home/Complaint/Instructions for filing a complaint against Yandex taxi

Not every client is always satisfied with the services provided to him. Even in the largest companies there are problems. Despite the fact that the Yandex taxi service is popular and in demand, famous for its affordable prices and high level of service, sometimes circumstances arise in such a way that the passenger remains dissatisfied. Where you can complain about Yandex taxi in this case – we’ll look at it in the article.

When can you complain about Yandex taxi?

You can complain about the driver, about the Yandex taxi service itself, and about forgotten things.

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  1. Complaints against the driver are common if he did not arrive or did not reach the place of order, did not give change, behaved rudely during the trip, refused to seat the passenger in the cabin, drove carelessly, violating traffic rules.
  2. Complaints about the Yandex taxi service are common in cases of inexplicable debiting of money from the card in the absence of a trip as such, as well as in cases of refusal of service.
  3. Complaints related to items forgotten inside a taxi car. Of course, this is the passenger’s fault, because he behaved extremely inattentively, forgetting this or that thing in the car. But he retains the right to contact the Yandex taxi service.

How to formulate a complaint?

In order for the appeal to really produce any result, it must be correctly drawn up, indicating all the details and details.

To complain about a Yandex Taxi driver by phone or through the application, follow these simple rules and recommendations:

  • the complaint should be stated in as much detail as possible, but concisely;
  • you need to provide as much information as possible about the driver, his car, time of ordering, route, etc.;
  • avoid aggression and emotional phrases;
  • do not share personal impressions and do not judge the driver, but simply impartially and consistently lay out the real facts;
  • use a business-like writing style without fancy words or phrases that are inappropriate in this case.

The more accurately and in detail you present the circumstances, the higher your chances of proving you are right, punishing the driver and, in some cases, returning funds for the trip.

Additionally, we invite you to leave a review of the trip in a special section of our website - Yandex Taxi customer reviews.

Phone number to complain about Yandex taxi

If your goal is to solve the problem with one call, the only option is to contact the number listed on the official website of the Yandex taxi service.


Yandex Taxi support phone numbers depend on the city in which the system operates:

  • +7-499-705-88-88 for Moscow;
  • +7-812-389-33-33 for St. Petersburg;
  • +7-343-226-09-66 for Yekaterinburg.

If you need to clarify the number for a specific region, you should contact the support form on the website in the “Report a violation” section.

How are drivers punished?

When a driver is constantly bombarded with negative reviews and complaints, his rating inevitably drops. If this continues for some time, he will have to re-certify with the company, and he may also be fined, have access to the application blocked, or be fired.

For a more serious punishment for a taxi driver, contact Rospotrebnadzor or the court. This will take more time and effort, but it all depends on the situation - all this is not always justified. From a financial perspective, these proceedings are also unpleasant, so decide for yourself how far you are willing to go.

Options for filing a claim

There are plenty of options for filing complaints about drivers and the work of the Yandex.taxi service. Let's look at the most common of them.

Per driver

  1. Negative rating in the application.
  2. Call the hotline at the numbers listed above.
  3. Writing a negative review to the support service on the organization’s official website.

To the taxi service

The main complaints about customer service are related to problems that arise during payment. The solution is available using the following methods.

  1. Sending a message using the feedback form, which is located on the company’s official website (https://yandex.ru/support/taxi/problem.html).
  2. Contact the VK group (https://vk.com/topic-99946133_32619623).
  3. Call support at the phone numbers listed above.

In case of leaving personal belongings

If you forgot things inside the Yandex taxi vehicle, this is not a reason for a complaint. But there are two courses of action that are likely to help reverse the loss.

  1. If you ordered a taxi through the application, you should look at the interface again. The driver's phone number will be indicated there. The same contacts will be available in an SMS message, which also contains order information.
  2. If the phone number from which the order was made was left at the taxi service, you should contact the feedback form.

For your information
, the most convenient way is to directly contact the Yandex Taxi customer support service. After all, the company has developed a truly convenient and high-quality customer feedback form that allows you to keep in touch with employees on the website, by email, in the application and by phone. Since a complaint is a kind of document, it must be submitted in any written form.

Alternative methods

Along with the ways listed above for creating complaints, there are several more options.

  • Mobile application Yandex-taxi. Here the user can enter several data into a form specially designed for this and leave their contact details for communication.
  • Law enforcement agencies. You should contact such authorities in exceptional cases when, for example, during the trip the driver behaved extremely rudely and aggressively.
  • ROSPOTREBNADZOR. This area of ​​activity falls under the control and supervision of this body. Therefore, if a client sees that the Yandex taxi company cannot resolve the issue that has arisen, he has the right to file a complaint with the consumer rights protection society. This action is relevant in case of outright fraud by the company, violation of traffic rules, or poor quality of service.

Please note:
When filing a complaint against Yandex taxi with the supervisory service, you should pay special attention to the nuances of filing a complaint. It includes three parts. The first is information about the Yandex taxi service branch and the applicant. The second is the essence of the complaint, indicating the circumstances that led to the complaint. The third is a conclusion and a list of supporting documents. The review period is 30 days. After this time, the applicant will receive an official response.

  • Going to court. If extremely serious disagreements arise with the Yandex taxi service, an appeal to the courts is a last resort. The period during which the application will be processed is 10 days maximum. If the judge considers that there are insufficient grounds for the complaint, the case will not be opened.

Complaint to Rospotrebnadzor

In addition to all the above-mentioned methods of filing complaints with Yandex Taxi, you can complain to Rospotrebnadzor. Open the page of the official website with an online reception for citizens to study useful information and find contacts for communication. The application form itself is on another page, but please review all the details and instructions for completing and submitting the form first.

You can also log in to the government services portal if you are registered on it. A complaint sent to Rospotrebnadzor must be reviewed within a month, after which you will receive a response to the specified e-mail.

Writing a complaint against a Yandex Taxi driver on the Rospotrebnadzor website will not return your money for the trip, but will allow you to punish the unscrupulous driver. Thus, the taxi company will get rid of such employees, and the quality of the services provided will increase. If all passengers silently tolerate rudeness and other antics of taxi drivers, this will not lead to anything good.

Step-by-step instructions for filing a claim

The procedure for filing a complaint depends on the method chosen. The most common is to use the feedback form on the official website of the Yandex taxi company.

On the left there is a list of possible tasks:

You need to select the “write to support” option. Then you should act based on the specific situation. Most often, users report violations. This can be done on the page https://yandex.ru/support/taxi/report-abuse.html.

Fill in the field with the phone number, date and time at which the car was delivered, the client’s name and comment.

After clicking the “Submit” button, a window will appear:

Within 24 hours, the operator will call you back and clarify the details, as well as provide answers to all questions.

If you had to contact Rospotrebnadzor, this is how you need to act.

  1. Draw up a complaint statement in accordance with the content indicated above.
  2. Collect documents proving your use of Yandex Taxi and the lack of results from this action.
  3. Bring the package of documents in person or send them by registered mail.

Reasons for filing complaints

Everything in the company is controlled, so every driver’s mistake or careless attitude towards his work can be punished. This service has many advantages that other similar companies do not have. When a passenger remains dissatisfied with something, he has every right to complain about the Yandex Taxi driver by phone, through the application or the official website.

There may be many reasons that prompted him to do this:

  • The passenger noticed that he was being driven in circles or the driver was following a confusing route, artificially increasing the length of the route.
  • The driver turned on the meter before the passenger got into the car. The client is waiting for the vehicle, and the driver has put a mark in the application that the boarding has already been completed and the car has moved along the route.
  • The taxi driver checked in to arrive at the client’s place, although he was still on his way.
  • The passenger ordered a car through a mobile application, but it was never delivered to the specified address.
  • The car does not meet the requirements for cleanliness and quality according to current tariffs, or the passenger noted the lack of conditions for a comfortable trip.
  • Violation of traffic rules by the driver.
  • The taxi driver is under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • The driver is rude, smokes in the cabin, talks loudly on the phone or refuses to change/turn off the music.

This is just a general list of reasons why you can write a complaint to Yandex Taxi, but in general you can complain about a taxi driver in other cases if you don’t like something about his actions.

There are cases when the driver deliberately overstates the cost of the trip to the passenger. In this case, you need to check the amount indicated in the application. If there is a fact of deception, be sure to write a complaint. In addition, before ordering, you can find out how much Yandex Taxi costs for your route.

Mobile app

Each client installs the Yandex Taxi ordering application on their phone. In the “Leave a review” tab, you can report driver violations or poor quality work of the taxi fleet. The controversial situation is described in detail. Information about the driver, car number, and contact information about the applicant are also written.

The service values ​​its clients. Therefore, they try not to delay the consideration of the application. If violations are detected on the part of the driver, disciplinary measures will be taken against him. The client may be offered a bonus as compensation for damages - a free trip on his next order.

How to write a complaint?

A written complaint about non-compliance with the quality of the purchased product is written by the client himself in free form. The following must be indicated in your application :

  1. Information about the recipient of the complaint (name of the taxi service or government agency).
  2. Information about the passenger (full name of the client, his address and contact information).
  3. Date, time and place of the trip, its cost and duration.
  4. The essence of the complaint: a description of violations or attitude on the part of Yandex.Taxi towards the client.
  5. The request of the sender of the complaint, his signature and the date of the status of the complaint.

The complaint should also be accompanied by evidence of violations by the taxi company or a specific driver. If there is evidence of payment (check, bank statement, screenshot of the order in the Yandex.Taxi application), then they must also be attached to the application.

The head of the taxi service (regional representative of the service) is obliged to respond to the passenger’s request within 10 days from the date of receipt of the complaint. The application can be submitted in person to the office or sent by mail.

In order for the conflict to be resolved as quickly as possible, it is necessary to indicate in the complaint the number of the taxi car, the date and time of the trip, the place of departure and arrival . When accepting a passenger’s complaint, a representative of Yandex Taxi or a government agency is required to mark the receipt of the complaint. Therefore, the claim is written in two copies: one copy is submitted for consideration, and the second remains with the applicant.

In what cases will the driver be punished?

All received complaints are checked. Technical service employees are conducting a short investigation to resolve the following issues:

  1. To what extent is the information received from a dissatisfied client true?
  2. How guilty is the driver with whom the customer dealt in the current situation?

In case of technical problems that occurred independently of the driver, he will not be punished. Sanctions will be imposed if the carrier violated the regulatory code, which all Yandex Taxi operators must follow. Complaints confirmed by technical support lower the taxi driver’s rating in the service’s applications, which deprives the driver of the opportunity to accept the most profitable orders. When a carrier's rating falls below 4, its Taximeter account is automatically blocked.

A negligent employee will be able to return to driving only 60 days after the start of the ban. By this time, negative reviews will lose their force and will no longer influence the rating.

Employees who violate the law are permanently denied access to the Taximeter. To hold them accountable, a complaint to technical support is not enough. Such problems are a matter for the court and Rospotrebnadzor.

What answer should I expect?

Yandex Taxi carefully monitors the quality of passenger transportation services, so, as a rule, a complaint to the operator or company representative will be enough. Based on the results of its consideration, the perpetrator will be subject to disciplinary punishment, and the client will be provided with compensation. For example, additional bonuses for travel expenses.

If the driver’s violation is serious, then you should file a written complaint with the company and state regulatory authorities. Based on the results of consideration of the application , an inspection will be carried out and its results will be transferred to the applicant .

As a rule, a driver or translator may receive an administrative penalty in the form of a fine or a criminal penalty if its violation falls under the scope of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The police can punish a driver for rudeness, threats against a passenger or violation of traffic rules at the request of the client. In case of material claims of the consumer, a claim should be filed with the court, which will accurately assess the conflict and determine the amount of payments. For example, due to an accident with a Yandex.Taxi car or if a passenger was injured during a trip.

What do complaints lead to?

Complaints and negative reviews are a necessary tool that allows customers to assert their rights and improve the quality of the Yandex Taxi service. By correctly contacting the technical service, you can punish inadequate drivers and even deprive them of their jobs. Complaining to support staff is the easiest way to get back the money that was used to pay for poor-quality or unprovided service.

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Submit your application

Dissatisfaction with the taxi service: reasons and grounds

According to the general rules of taxi operations, the car presented to the client must be clean, in technically sound condition and have the identification marks of the carrier (taxi service emblems). The driver should not be rude, try to deceive the client and demand additional payment from him for the trip.

The most common reasons for complaints about Yandex Taxi are:

  • Unsatisfactory condition of the ordered vehicle;
  • Rudeness or deception on the part of the driver or dispatcher;
  • Exceeding the previously established cost of the trip;
  • Violation of traffic rules by the driver;
  • Writing off money using an unauthorized method.

Rudeness on the part of a driver cannot always be determined solely by his rudeness. Refusal to complete a trip, lack of change, the taxi driver’s reluctance to drive up to the specified route point - all this can serve as a reason for a complaint and an inspection of the taxi fleet for violations.

The calculation of the cost of the trip can be determined either fixedly (at the beginning of the journey) or by meter. The driver does not have the right to deliberately increase the cost of the trip by choosing a longer route.

All violations must be recorded . For example, on photos or video materials, a voice recorder. If a taxi driver violates traffic rules, the passenger has the right to call the traffic police. The report issued by the police officer will also be evidence of the client's complaint.

Let's learn about the features of filing a claim for poor quality services by reading a special article prepared by the editors of our website.

Features and nuances

The reasons for filing a claim with the company may be:

  • dirt in the car;
  • rudeness of the taxi driver and refusal to provide comfortable travel conditions;
  • an inexperienced driver who violates traffic rules and drives carelessly;
  • counter fraud;
  • driving along a long route and getting stuck in traffic jams;
  • early switching on of the meter;
  • visible extension of travel time.

The Yandex Taxi aggregator cares about its reputation.
These manipulations are aimed at getting more money for travel. An application with a claim to the service is submitted in case of any infringement of the client’s rights. There must be a reason for the complaint.

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