At what age and where can a child work without breaking the law?

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Published: November 27, 2019

Reading time: 6 min



More and more children in adolescence, and often even earlier, begin to think about their own income. Surely your child will too. A modern child needs money for entertainment, new mobile devices, beautiful clothes. Many people think that under the age of 16 a person, in principle, cannot earn money officially, since this is prohibited by law. However, this opinion is wrong.

  • Let's listen to what the law says
  • Where and at what age are children hired from 16 years to adulthood?
  • From 14 years old
  • Up to 14 years old
  • Mandatory conditions for employment
  • Jobs that you can't take children to
  • How to pay your child's salary
  • Legislation of the Russian Federation on child labor

    According to the Labor Code in the Russian Federation, it is allowed to officially find a job on one’s own initiative from the age of 16. If the desire to earn extra money for pocket money or for a specific purpose arose earlier, the child will need the consent of a parent or official guardian. However, children under 12 years of age will find it difficult to obtain formal employment, even with consent. Until the age of 14, a child can only work in cinematography, concert activities or the circus

    A child aged 14 years and older can work in places where labor:

    • not mentally and physically difficult;
    • interaction with dangerous mechanisms and conditions is excluded;
    • no night shifts;
    • not associated with toxic drugs, alcohol, nicotine, narcotics and other harmful substances;
    • excludes participation in the gambling business, and also does not apply to establishments such as cabaret and club;
    • does not provide for a rotation method.

    The employment of a teenager must be formalized. The applicant will need to bring a number of documents:

    • statement;
    • written consent of parents or guardian;
    • medical examination according to the employer’s model and if it is paid, then at the expense of the employer;
    • passport, and if you don’t have one yet, then a birth certificate;
    • SNILS.

    The employer issues a work record book for the teenager and issues an order for employment. However, he does not have the right to hire a child for a probationary period or to work without official payment.

    Let's listen to what the law says

    An entire chapter is devoted to child labor in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This is Chapter 42 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2001 N197-FZ.

    A number of special conditions under which children can work are enshrined in other chapters of the Labor Code.

    First of all, work should not interfere with the minor’s studies, should not have a negative impact on the psyche and physical development, and should leave time for rest and additional clubs and leisure activities.

    If all conditions are met, at a certain age the child can receive his first professional skills and his first salary.

    Allowed schedule

    Children and teenagers in Russia work according to a specific schedule, which is established by legislation for each age:

    Age, in yearsAmount of working time per week, in hours

    If the child continues education, the amount of working time is reduced:

    Age, in yearsAmount of working time per week while simultaneously studying, in hours

    Daily work is also regulated in hours:

    Age, in yearsAmount of working time per day, in hours

    If the child continues to study, then he has the right to work even fewer hours per day:

    Age, in yearsAmount of working time per day with simultaneous training, in hours

    If the employment takes place officially, then the hourly standards will be strictly observed by the employer. But with unofficial work, the child will control his own workload, or the parent should deal with this issue. It is very rare that an employer tracks how many hours a teenager works, although he cannot always do this, especially if the work is remote.

    How long should a worker last?

    From July 1, 2021, changes were made to the length of the working day for minor citizens of the Russian Federation. Today there are the following rules:

    • Children from 14 to 15 years old work no more than 4 hours;
    • Teenagers from 15 to 16 years old work no more than 5 hours;
    • Teenagers from 16 to 18 years old can work 7 hours.

    If work is combined with study (general education or specialized educational institution), then the length of the working day is halved. This applies to all of the above categories of minor citizens of the Russian Federation. During the summer, this rule does not apply.

    Where to look for vacancies

    Not all employers are enthusiastic about the idea of ​​hiring children aged 12 or 14. Because for the organization this is a big risk, responsibility and paperwork. Therefore, it is better if the child is helped at the initial stage by a parent or an experienced mentor. The most convenient way is to look for vacancies through official sources:

    1. Municipalities run local and regional programs that help employ young people and teenagers. Most often, campaigns take place during the summer holidays. The addresses and coordinates of participating employers can be found at the employment center or the city administration.
    2. Summer labor camps. They most often officially employ children and adolescents aged 14-16 for the summer period. The work is focused on agriculture and manual labor.
    3. Through online job aggregators. In order to avoid fraud, it is advisable to ask a parent or adult mentor for help. He will help you evaluate the proposed conditions and scope of work. At the same time, you should beware of agencies that charge a high percentage for intermediary services for selecting vacancies.
    4. Through acquaintance among relatives who are entrepreneurs or small companies. In this case, you should beware of unfair treatment of the child when he works like an adult and is paid the minimum wage. Here, too, one cannot do without the participation of an adult who will help assess the labor-salary ratio.

    If difficulties arise with official employment, then you can consider options for “unofficial” work. Now there are a lot of vacancies for a 12-year-old child, which can be filled not only during the holidays, but also during school hours. For example, walking dogs, caring for house plants, or posting flyers. At the same time, what is most important to the employer is the applicant’s desire not only to earn money, but also to responsibly carry out the responsibilities assigned to him.

    Sexual exploitation of a child

    Children often become objects of sexual exploitation or slavery. They are forced to engage in sexual activity, participate in the filming of pornographic films, or engage in prostitution.

    All these are the same variations of labor exploitation, only with the presence of aggravating circumstances in the form of violence. Children trustingly enter into sexual relationships that they do not understand, ashamed to tell their parents or other people about it.

    Teenagers respond to sexual slavery out of mercantile interests, because criminals promise them high income and secret participation.

    Such crimes are much tougher in our country. The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation has several articles regulating such exploitation.

    In particular, the following liability options are possible:

    • Trafficking in persons against minors is punishable in accordance with Art. 127.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation with imprisonment from 3 to 10 years.
    • Coercion into prostitution in accordance with Art. 240 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is punishable by imprisonment from 3 to 8 years.
    • Creation of pornographic films with the participation of children in accordance with Art. 242.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is punishable by imprisonment for up to 10 years.

    The International Convention on the Rights of the Child addresses issues of sexual exploitation in Art. 34 and Art. 35.

    The problem of exploitation of child labor is particularly acute in developing countries or third world countries.

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    This is especially developed in the countries of Africa and Asia. There, children from a young age are forced to sell drugs or work around the clock so as not to die of hunger.

    The exploitation of child labor in Russia is a problem that has not been completely resolved and requires detailed elaboration in the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    It is necessary not only to strictly regulate the punishment for illegal labor of minors in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, but also to conduct informational and educational conversations in Russian families, promoting a free and happy childhood.

    What type of work is offered to children?

    Different types of work are suitable for children of different age groups. What a 15-17 year old teenager can do, will not always be appropriate to offer to a 12 or 13 year old child. However, some boys and girls, after mastering the basics of a profession as a part-time summer job, choose it as the basis for future education or permanent work.

    Work from 12 to 14 years old

    Work from the category for 12 to 14 years old may be suitable for older teenagers:

    Profession and descriptionprosMinuses
    Promoter. Distribution of booklets, flyers, leaflets. Invitation to participate in tastings. Putting on and wearing full-length themed costumes. Hourly payment. You can work a flexible schedule, taking into account availability in other places. Not all children can easily communicate with strangers and make contact with passers-by.
    Walking the dogs. Caring for other animals and plants. Teaches responsibility and adherence to schedules. They offer hourly or weekly pay. You can only trust those children who love plants and animals. They can also follow the basic principles and rules of care.
    Posting advertisements or placing promotions in mailboxes.The work is hourly or based on production, for example, for 10,000 copies. Flexible work schedule. Can be performed at any convenient time. The customer does not always need an area close to the child’s place of residence. Traveling to other areas can be costly and inconvenient. Production directly depends on weather conditions.
    Copywriter-rewriter. Writing texts for websites on the Internet. Compiling short stories, articles or posts for social networks or thematic groups. The acquired skills can become the basis for choosing a future adult profession. Helps to coherently present and structure a large amount of information. To achieve a stable income you will have to spend a lot of time and study different material. If you work through copywriting exchanges, the payment will be low, but you can get it consistently. If you look for an employer on your own, you are much more likely to fall for a scammer and end up without any salary at all.

    No matter what informal part-time job a child under 14 years of age does, the parent should not let the situation take its course. A teenager should know that in an unusual situation or in case of deception on the part of the employer, they will be able to help and support him.

    Vacancies for children 14-16 years old

    In the range of 14-16 years, the list of vacancies for a child becomes a little wider, but it is necessary to evaluate his individual capabilities and abilities. Those who love mobile work should look at some professions, and those who by temperament prefer solitary work should look at others. With informal hiring, the student can decide for himself where he can work and how many hours a week.

    Profession and descriptionprosMinuses
    Courier. Delivery of parcels, documents and letters to specified addresses. Piecework or time-based payment. Exploring different routes. Opportunity to make useful contacts for future employment in a more promising position in a well-known company Lots of time on your feet. Physical fatigue. When choosing an employer, you should carefully study the tasks so as not to become a participant in illegal or unlawful transactions.
    Shop assistant. Provide useful advice to customers on choosing a product. Helps develop communication skills. Most often they offer time-based payment with a stable salary every one or two weeks. To give useful advice, you will need to carefully study the product and be able to present it. This is not always possible for teenagers, so mastering a profession takes a lot of time at the initial stage.
    Working on the phone. Conducting calls using a ready-made database or answering calls. Helps develop business communication skills with strangers. Stable volume of work. Fixed or piecework salary. You can choose convenient hours for work. Monotonous work that quickly becomes boring. It’s even more difficult if you have to call clients and offer them something yourself. This is not always something an unprepared teenager can do.

    The work of a copywriter may be suitable for children starting from the age of 12, but such a part-time job is much more suitable for older schoolchildren. This directly depends on the child’s interests, as well as the ability to competently work through and present the material. Or the ability to creatively present your own ideas in thematic communities for peers.

    In order to master new and promising professions, it is advisable for schoolchildren to focus not only on immediate income, but also to study how the job market will change in the next 3-5 years.

    Work for teenagers 16-18 years old

    Teenagers from the age category of 16-18 years old can master more “adult” professions:

    Profession and descriptionprosMinuses
    Waiter. Bartender assistant. Flexible work schedule. Helps you acquire useful skills for part-time work during your student years. Not everyone can work in the service industry and communicate with a large number of strangers. All the more important are the personal qualities of the applicant, such as accuracy, politeness and diligence.
    Animator. Work at children's exhibitions, entertainment, birthdays and holidays. Develops artistic skills and the ability to work with a large audience. You can select orders based on your study schedule. Piece payment, but if working in an agency, then weekly or salary. Not everyone is accepted for this type of work. More often they choose teenagers who already know how to work with children or large teams.
    Tutor. Teaching younger students in those subjects that are best taught. Helps develop communication and teaching skills. It forces you to study the program deeper and at the same time learn new things yourself. You can choose a convenient time for classes. Not every parent of a potential student would want their child to be mentored by another student. Therefore, participants in olympiads and conferences are more likely to get a job.
    Car wash, loader assistant. Any other physical labor that a teenager can do. You can agree on piecework and time-based wages and choose a flexible schedule.This type of work is more suitable for boys than for girls. More often than not, they pay little for work, but demand a lot.

    Most teenagers after 16 years of age perceive themselves as adults, so they can sometimes take on difficult tasks. Parents or guardians should closely monitor the child's activities to ensure that the child does not compromise his or her health.

    General recommendations when employing a child

    Regardless of where a teenager lives in Moscow, Chelyabinsk, Voronezh, Kostroma or Belgorod, he can get a job via the Internet and earn his first money. But it is better to involve a parent or any other adult mentor in the process, who will help you take the first steps and not face fraud.

    Unscrupulous employers are as common in real life as they are online. They may not pay wages or impose unbearable responsibilities on the child. Therefore, it is advisable for young workers to attract more experienced people who will help resolve the situation and defend their rights.

    about the author

    Klavdiya Treskova - higher education with qualification “Economist”, with specializations “Economics and Management” and “Computer Technologies” at PSU. She worked in a bank in positions from operator to acting. Head of the Department for servicing private and corporate clients. Every year she successfully passed certifications, education and training in banking services. Total work experience in the bank is more than 15 years. [email protected]

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    Hiring Russian citizens aged 14-18

    President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin signed changes to labor legislation that relate to the employment of people under the age of majority. The amendments stipulate separately the summer and school periods. This is Federal Law No. 139-FZ. He made changes to the rules for employing citizens aged 14-15 years. Employment contracts will be concluded in a new way. The law changed some provisions of Article 63 of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

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    1. Artyom
      09.29.2021 at 23:59 Hello, I’m 12 years old and would like to earn money, but at the same time I’m not on the street, the salary doesn’t matter to me, the main thing is that it’s paid, please tell me.
      Reply ↓ Kadyrkul
      03.10.2021 at 08:04

      The same

      Reply ↓


    Punishment for violating children's work rules

    The child himself, who was striving for quick employment, will not bear any responsibility, nor will his parents who allowed illegal labor. Only the employer will be held responsible in such a situation.

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    So, if an employer does not officially register employment relations with teenagers or makes errors in this registration, a penalty may be applied to him.


    • A fine of 1,000 to 5,000 rubles – for officials;
    • For individual entrepreneurs – a fine of 1,000 to 5,000 rubles or administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days;
    • For legal entities - a fine of 30,000 to 50,000 rubles or administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days.

    Such measures are prescribed in Art. 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and are punished for violations of labor and labor protection legislation.

    For each individual violation of the rules of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, punishment is provided in accordance with Art. 4.4 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

    Employers are often not afraid to violate the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and exploit child labor by deceiving teenagers and not paying them wages. Few of them will complain about the behavior of the company in which they worked.

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