Up to what age are children considered minors in Russia?

Author of the article: Yulia Kaysina Last modified: January 2021 50835

The concept of childhood in the everyday sense is quite vague and indefinite. But there are many situations when it is necessary to clearly define the age limits. Purchasing discount tickets, paying benefits, the responsibility of minors before the law, the ability to make transactions on their own behalf and get married - for all this there is a specific age limit. Up to what age are children considered children by law, and in what cases age standards may change.

General provisions

The concept of “childhood” is related to many areas of life, and children’s rights are enshrined in international legislation. As a rule, in all countries the legal limit of childhood is the age of majority, after which a person becomes fully capable. This date differs in different countries; in Russia, citizens who have reached 18 years of age are recognized as adults. Until then, they are considered children (Article 54 of the RF IC), and parents bear responsibility for them.

At the same time, within this age period there is also a gradation associated with a gradual increase in the rights and responsibilities of the child. In addition, the benefits that parents of a minor can enjoy are gradually being reduced. These include as privileges guaranteed by law:

  • child benefits,
  • Holiday to care for the child,
  • right to tax deduction, etc.,
  • benefits provided by different organizations. For example, large discounts or free admission to entertainment events, provision of services by hotels, transport companies, etc.

Periodization of childhood and adolescence

Criteria (years)Name
2-4early childhood
7-10junior schoolchildren
46-60older generation
61-75aged people
more than 76old age

Adolescence and adolescence are complex and important stages in the development of personality. The teenage period lasts from 11-16 to 17-18 years. The boundaries range from 16-17 to 21-25 years. At this time, boys and girls experience serious physiological, psychosexual and intellectual changes. In youth, a worldview is formed and spiritual values ​​are determined. Young people realize their place in adult life and choose the direction of professional development. Teenage uncertainty and doubts are gradually replaced by maturity and awareness of this period.

Rights of minors

Expert commentary

Gorchakov Vladimir


Fundamental rights that give people the opportunity to carry out any actions are enshrined in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Some rights belong to the child from birth - the right to life and freedom, the right to be raised in a family, etc. Others are acquired upon reaching a certain age. This primarily includes the ability to make decisions about where and with whom to live, the right to dispose of property, enter into transactions and similar issues.

From 6-14 years old

Until a child is 6 years old, he cannot independently make decisions regarding his own destiny. Although in some cases his opinion will be asked, for example, if the issue of determining his future place of residence upon adoption or divorce of his parents is being decided, it will not be decisive. After the child turns 6 years old, he has his first legally established rights. According to Article 28 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, he can already:

  • make small everyday transactions, for example, shopping or exchanging inexpensive things with friends;
  • make gratuitous transactions, for example, presenting inexpensive gifts and accepting them;
  • manage money that parents or guardians have given for pocket expenses.

In this case, the legal representatives of the child bear property responsibility for completed transactions. They are also responsible for the harm that will be caused due to the child’s fault.

After a child turns 10 years old, his consent is required when appointing legal representatives (guardians or trustees), determining his place of residence after his parents’ divorce, and also when changing his full name.

From 14-18 years old

When a child turns 14, he is no longer considered a minor. At the same age, he receives a passport, which significantly expands his legal capabilities. 14 year olds can:

  • get a job (in this case, the employer is obliged to create conditions for them in accordance with labor legislation);
  • open accounts and deposits in banks;
  • manage your income independently;
  • make transactions on your own behalf, but if we are talking about a large sum or expensive property, the consent of legal representatives or guardianship authorities will be required;
  • represent your interests in court in the presence of teachers or parents (guardians).

At this age, children are responsible for transactions made, and must also independently compensate for the harm caused (Article 1074 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
Parents compensate for damage only if the minor does not have income or property from which they can pay compensation. However, they will only answer if they are proven guilty of causing harm. For example, due to the lack of proper upbringing of the child and encouragement of his unwanted actions. After 14 years of age, a child can independently choose his/her place of residence. However, if for some reason he wants to live separately from his parents, they must give written consent to this. At the same time, another adult must be next to him. For example, grandparents, adult brothers and sisters, etc. After 16 years of age, with the consent of his parents, he can live alone in the dormitory of the educational institution.

What age is considered transitional?

Transition, or adolescence, is a long and difficult stage in the transformation of a child into an adult.
WHO classifies Adolescence as adolescent children and young people aged 10 to 19 years. Transitional age covers the period of puberty, or puberty, but is not limited to it. After all, a person must grow up not only physically, but also psychologically, and this takes more time. The transition from childhood to adulthood is divided into three stages of Adolescent Development: early, middle and late.

Early adolescence: 10–14 years

Children begin puberty, which is accompanied by intense physical growth and the development of sexual characteristics. In girls, hormonal changes are triggered by PUBERTY 1–2 years earlier than in boys, and last on average 3 years, while in their classmates it lasts 4. The key here is on average. Normally, the process takes from 2 to 6 years.

How to understand Earlier Puberty: Age 9 or 10 for Average US Boy that the child has entered the puberty phase? In girls, their breasts swell first, followed by menstruation a little later. In boys, the testicles become enlarged. Both of them have Why is puberty starting younger? first pubic hairs.

In early adolescence, children live for the moment. They do not yet know how to establish How To Recognize The 3 Stages Of Adolescence cause-and-effect relationships between their actions and far-reaching results. Emotionally, schoolchildren often experience mood swings. Their social circle gradually expands: they go beyond family and close friends, covering various peer groups.

Average adolescence: 15–17 years

Puberty ends: physically, teenagers can procreate, but psychologically they are not yet ready for parenthood. In girls, growth slows down, but in boys it is still intense.

Young people are already able to solve complex problems; they know how to look into the future and plan for it. They want to break away from their family, but at the same time they need parental support and the feeling of security that their native walls give them.

The company of peers becomes the center of social life. A teenager is very dependent on the opinions of friends; they often become the main authorities for him.

Late adolescence: over 18 years of age

According to various sources, this period can last up to 21 years and even up to 24 years. By its completion, young people begin to think rationally, gain emotional stability and real, not imaginary, independence. They are able to build their lives independently, without the help of their parents, and in their decisions they rely on themselves, and not on the opinions of friends. By the way, many remain stuck in late adolescence for the rest of their lives.

Early recognition of legal capacity

In some cases, a child may be recognized as fully capable before reaching 18 years of age. To do this he must:

  1. Get married. The minimum age for marriage is 16 years, and the reason must be valid. The law does not have an exact definition of this provision, but in practice, pregnancy is often the basis for marriage of persons under 18 years of age.
  2. Go through the emancipation procedure. If a child works under an employment contract or has become an individual entrepreneur, that is, he actually provides for himself, he can apply to the guardianship authority with a request to recognize him as fully capable. But this is possible only with the consent of legal representatives - parents or guardians. If they do not give their consent to emancipation, only a court can recognize the minor as legally competent.

Expert commentary

Gorbunova Olga


After a person has become fully capable, he acquires all the rights of a citizen of the Russian Federation: he can hold public office, participate in elections, dispose of his property without restrictions, etc.

What are the characteristics of children of adolescence

A teenager is faced with a double burden: on the one hand, he is stormy from hormones, on the other, he matures psychologically and breaks away from his family. A real revolution is taking place in the brain of adolescents, which is expressed in the following behavioral characteristics. Why 14 is the riskiest age for a teenager.

They are very embarrassed by the stares

Teenagers feel anxious if they know that their peers or parents are watching them. They may even sweat from exertion.

They make unprofitable decisions under the influence of the company

Teenagers aged 13–16 years are not as willing to take risks when they are alone. It’s another matter in the company of peers. They would rather harm themselves than lose face in front of others. Moreover, this behavior is also observed at a later age - up to 21 years.

14 years old is called Why 14 is the riskiest age for a teenager: a teenager is more inclined than ever to take risks and make rash decisions under the influence of peers.

Their memory deteriorates

Some studies show that between the ages of 12 and 14, teens have a harder time remembering and may experience poor performance as a result. Perhaps this is due to hormonal changes.

They are not motivated by punishment

Neuropsychologists have established The Computational Development of Reinforcement Learning during Adolescence that at the ages of 12 to 17 years, the best incentive for good study is rewards. But teenagers are much less susceptible to punishment than people aged 18–32 years.

They are in search of themselves

Hence the tendency to experiment with appearance: dye your hair, get tattoos, dress provocatively.

How to pay the state fee for a passport at Sberbank

Most often, citizens use the services of Sberbank. In general, payment can be made through any bank, but citizens traditionally automatically go to Sberbank. And there are three payment options through this financial institution:

  • through her cash register. In this case, the cashier must provide a receipt for payment;
  • through the bank's payment terminal. The details have already been entered into the system, payment can be made either from a Sberbank card or in cash;
  • through the Sberbank Online system. The details are also already in the system; you just need to enter the payer’s information.

Most citizens use payment terminals through which they can pay in cash. The device menu is intuitive; you just need to press the appropriate buttons to pay exactly the required fee.

How to pay the state fee for a passport through the Sber terminal:

  • go to the device, select the payments and transfers section in the menu;
  • in it, select the option of paying state duties and fees;
  • select the Federal Tax Service of the region or city in which the passport will be issued;
  • indicate the option of the state service, in our case - “state fee for a passport at 14 years old”;
  • enter the personal data of the person who will receive the main document of the Russian Federation;
  • the system will select the necessary details and indicate the amount to be paid;
  • All you have to do is deposit the money and be sure to take the receipt, it is confirmation of payment of the fee.

If you have a paper version of the payment receipt with a QR code in your hands, you just need to bring it to the scanner, the system will immediately read the data and display the details.

If we are considering where to pay the state fee for a passport, then the easiest way to do this is for those who have access to the Sberbank Online system. They can make a payment remotely without any details by debiting money from their card. The operation is performed in the payments section, where you need to select the required type of state duty and indicate the payer’s details. Detailed information in the material - Payment of state duty through Sberbank Online for a passport.

But in the case of remote payment, there is an important point - you need a receipt to confirm the payment. When submitting documents for a passport, you may be asked for a printed receipt. It's better to take care of this and print the document.

Where can I get the details of the state fee for a passport?

Previously, you first had to go to the same OUFMS, stand in line, take the details and go to the bank to pay. Now the procedure for issuing a Russian citizen’s main document has been radically simplified and often avoids queues and bureaucracy altogether.

Just 5-7 years ago, obtaining a passport or replacing it was a whole epic, but now citizens receive a document without particularly straining. It is not even necessary to take the details for paying the state fee for a passport to the OUFMS. You can receive them via remote channels, and if you pay through banking or bank terminals, then they will already be “built-in” into the system.

If you choose a payment method that requires the details themselves, use the following methods to obtain them:

  • contact a convenient MFC branch;
  • refer to the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

If you plan to pay the passport fee through banking or an ATM, in this case you do not need paper details. They will already be entered into the system.

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