Which notary should I contact to enter into an inheritance?

Where to go to register an inheritance

After the death of the owner, his property is transferred to his heirs. Regardless of the basis of inheritance (law, will, testamentary disposition), potential recipients must take actions provided by law.

Actions of the heir after the death of the owner:

  • find the right notary;
  • apply;
  • collect documents;
  • pay the fee;
  • obtain a certificate;
  • re-register the property in your name.

Is it possible to register an inheritance in a notary office serving another area (area)

At the moment, such a right is available in cities of federal significance, namely in Moscow and St. Petersburg, their regions and suburbs, as well as in some other large cities under the federal program “Inheritance Without Borders.”

This program is still experimental and is designed to simplify the work of notary offices, since many of them are faced with high workload.

Information about whether a specific locality is included in the list of participants in the program can be requested from the notary chamber in person or via the Internet.

Is it possible to register an inheritance with any notary?

The specialist authorized to open an inheritance case and issue documents certifying entry into an inheritance is a notary.

The law strictly regulates which notary you need to contact when registering an inheritance. Therefore, the possibility of contacting any notary office is not provided.

The specialist must perform the following actions:

  • accept the application and documentation;
  • open an inheritance case;
  • wait for all recipients to apply within 6 months from the date of the citizen’s death;
  • issue a certificate of inheritance rights.

The procedure does not differ when inheriting by order and by law.

Important! It is the certificate that is the document that confirms the transfer of property rights in relation to the property of the deceased to the recipients.

To distribute the load on notary offices, a special procedure for conducting inheritance cases is provided. The heir must contact a specialist who meets the following conditions:

  • the last place of registration of the deceased is located on his property;
  • the most expensive piece of real estate or other most valuable property of the deceased is located on an assigned plot;
  • the first letter of the deceased's surname is assigned to it.

Notaries provide for the distribution of inheritance cases, depending on the first letter of the surname of the deceased citizen.

When inheriting by law, you must contact a notary for inheritance at the place of residence of the deceased. However, for this it is necessary to provide a certificate of the last place of registration of the deceased. Otherwise, the notary may refuse to accept the documents.

The procedure for appealing a notary’s refusal can be found in the article: “Appealing against a notary’s actions in court.”

Who is a notary?

The notary takes on part of the functions of the state to protect the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and legal entities. And to put it briefly and clearly, a notary is a person who works with documents and is responsible for their accuracy and legal correctness.

The powers of a notary include the following notarial actions, regardless of whether he is a public servant or a private servant:

  • Issue certificates of ownership of a share in the common property of the spouses;
  • Demonstrate the accuracy of copies of documents and extracts from them;
  • Evidence of the authenticity of signatures on documents;
  • Demonstrate the accuracy of the translation of documents from one language to another
  • Draw up wills and documents for inheritance;
  • Certify the time of presentation of documents and much more.

How to determine which notary opened an inheritance case

If the deceased owner has several recipients, but they do not communicate with each other, then one of the heirs could have already contacted a notary to open an inheritance case. This situation is common in inheritance by law. Let's look at how to find a notary serving the place where the inheritance is opened.

Therefore, before contacting a notary office, it is advisable to find out whether there is an open inheritance case.

The law provides the following search options:

  • through any notary office;
  • through the regional notary chamber;
  • through the service of the Federal Notary Chamber.

Application to the notary's office is carried out personally by the heir. The specialist will review the applicant’s documents and search for data through the unified register of notaries.

Applications to the notary chamber must be made in writing. To do this, a letter is drawn up containing an application, copies of the owner’s death certificate, a document establishing the basis of inheritance, and an inventory of the investment. The maximum period for providing a response is 30 days.

A new search option is the service of the Federal Notary Chamber. The heir will only need his full name. deceased, date of birth and death.

Requirements for those applying for notary services

A notary has the right to demand from people interested in his services:

  • Presentation of all necessary documents, certificates, as well as copies and extracts from them;
  • Written consent of the parties to perform the necessary actions;
  • If necessary, require personal appearance at the place where the notarial act is performed. In addition, it is possible for a notary to visit the interested person by prior arrangement, but this most often comes at an additional cost.

How to choose a notary to register an inheritance?

Options for choosing a notary

No.SituationWhere to apply
1If there is a certificate of the citizen’s last place of residenceNotary who is assigned the territory at the place of residence
2In the absence of a certificate, but in the presence of real estateA specialist who is assigned to the territory on which the property is located
3In the absence of real estate as part of the inheritance estateSpecialist in the location of the deceased's most valuable property
4If the notary refuses to accept the applicationBy a court decision to establish the place of opening of the inheritance

List of documentation for contacting a notary

When contacting a notary office, you must prepare a certain list of data. It is divided into:

  1. Details of the deceased owner.
  2. Documentation regarding the heir.
  3. Documents for inherited property.

The data of the deceased owner includes:

  • death certificate;
  • court decision declaring the owner dead;
  • court decision establishing the fact of death;
  • certificate of the deceased’s last place of residence;
  • document on deregistration of the owner.

Documentation regarding the heir includes:

  • recipient's civil passport;
  • will (if any);
  • data on family ties (in case of inheritance by law);
  • birth certificate of a minor heir;
  • civil passport of the legal representative of the minor recipient;
  • a court decision declaring the recipient incompetent;
  • civil passport of the guardian of the incapacitated recipient;
  • information about the citizen being dependent on the deceased.

Documentation for the owner's property:

  • legal;
  • legal;
  • cadastral;
  • technical;
  • assessment report.

Important! The main document is an application for acceptance of inheritance.

Sample application

The essence of the distribution of notary offices in inheritance cases

The activities of notaries assigned to a particular office are determined by regulatory documents and are not divided into types.

Therefore, when searching for a suitable lawyer, the following factors are used:

  • The territory assigned to the notary's office.
  • Which group of surnames is a particular notary responsible for? This is the basic rule for the distribution of inheritance cases between specialists. Each of them is responsible for a specific range of letters of the alphabet. And to whomever the surname of the deceased is assigned by the first letter, the notary will open the inheritance case.
  • In the case when the inheritance mass includes several expensive objects, for example, real estate in different areas of the city or populated areas, a notary is selected who is responsible for the site on which the largest or most expensive object of inheritance is located.

When opening a probate case, a lawyer is required to check certain information, namely:

  • Is the death of the testator confirmed? Often a medical report is used for this.
  • The grounds on which a person claiming inheritance can receive it in full or in a share. Family ties are checked, and the wishes of the deceased left in the will are also taken into account.
  • Did the testator have the right of ownership to the objects left by him as an inheritance by law?

Since in order to verify the existence of property rights it is necessary to make requests to certain organizations depending on the type of property, a distribution of notary offices by territorial basis was introduced. This significantly speeds up the process of transferring the right of inheritance to persons claiming the property of the deceased.

When should you enter into an inheritance?

It also takes into account the presence or absence of a will on the part of the testator. If the Document was not executed during the lifetime of the deceased, then the period for entering into the right of inheritance is counted from the first day after the date of death of the testator.

If there is a will, the period is counted from the date when the heirs were declared. Legislative acts indicate that applicants for the inheritance mass or its share must take up the issue of obtaining a certificate within 6 months from the date of death or declaration of heirs.

Moscow notaries in alphabetical order

  • Notaries in Moscow
  • Alphabetically

If you are interested in a specific notary office or you only remember the last name, first name and patronymic of the notary, use the list of all notaries in Moscow, sorted in alphabetical order.
Use other sections of the site to search for notaries by Moscow districts, metro stations and office opening hours. work after 18:00 work on Saturday work on Sunday work on weekends make home visits

Designations: - man, - woman.


  • Ababkova Olga Alexandrovna
  • Abubikerov Rinat Alimzhanovich
  • Abubikerova Ravilya Ravilievna
  • Avdeeva Irina Vladimirovna
  • Averina Elena Leontievna
  • Agamirov Natig Ismailovich
  • Agafonova Irina Viktorovna
  • Agechenkov Vladimir Ivanovich
  • Akimov Gleb Borisovich
  • Akimova Alla Alexandrovna
  • Akimova Oksana Nikolaevna
  • Aksenova Natalia Vitalievna
  • Aksyuchits Irina Valerievna
  • Aleynik Valentina Vladimirovna
  • Aleksakhina Irina Vyacheslavovna
  • Alekseev Sergey Dmitrievich
  • Alekseeva Svetlana Alexandrovna
  • Alenina Anna Anatolyevna
  • Alekhin Evgeniy Vladimirovich
  • Alekhina Elena Alexandrovna
  • Aleshina Zoya Andreevna
  • Aleshkova Irina Borisovna
  • Alferov Alexander Ivanovich
  • Alferov Dmitry Vladimirovich
  • Alferova Larisa Vyacheslavovna
  • Amelkina Elena Alekseevna
  • Andreeva Larisa Nikolaevna
  • Andreeva Tatyana Nikolaevna
  • Anokhina Marina Yurievna
  • Antonnikova Alla Viktorovna
  • Antonova Arina Vladimirovna
  • Antonova Tatyana Alexandrovna
  • Antropova Irina Borisovna
  • Antropova Yaroslava Igorevna
  • Aristova Anna Dmitrievna
  • Arkadyev Sergey Alexandrovich
  • Arseeva Olga Vladimirovna
  • Atoyan Ashot Robertovich
  • Atoyan Marianna Robertovna
  • Atrakhimovich Tatyana Pavlovna
  • Afanasyeva Nadezhda Viktorovna
  • Afonchikova Valentina Dmitrievna
  • Akhmedzhanova Rushaniya Umyarovna

There are 43 notaries in Moscow with last names starting with the letter A.


  • Babak Svetlana Gennadievna
  • Babasheva Tatyana Vladimirovna
  • Badzyma Anna Rostislavovna
  • Badulin Artyom Sergeevich
  • Bazhulina Svetlana Alekseevna
  • Bazdareva Irina Petrovna
  • Baybarash Oksana Viktorovna
  • Baklanova Valentina Olegovna
  • Bakulina Yulia Nikolaevna
  • Balakireva Irina Mikhailovna
  • Balysheva Olga Valentinovna
  • Barabanova Larisa Valentinovna
  • Baranova Olga Nikolaevna
  • Baranovskaya Lyudmila Igorevna
  • Barmina Anna Vladimirovna
  • Basov Sergey Gennadievich
  • Basova Anna Grigorievna
  • Bakhanovich Tamara Stanislavovna
  • Bakhareva Anzhelika Vladimirovna
  • Bakhtadze Elmira Yurievna
  • Begichev Alexander Valerievich
  • Begichev Evgeniy Valerievich
  • Begicheva Varvara Alekseevna
  • Belitskaya Galina Alexandrovna
  • Belova Natalya Evgenievna
  • Belootchenko Elena Alexandrovna
  • Belyavskaya Alina Viktorovna
  • Belyakova Aliya Olegovna
  • Bibisheva Amalia Romanovna
  • Bizyakin Anatoly Vasilievich
  • Biryukova Olga Mikhailovna
  • Bobkova Irina Andreevna
  • Boytsova Veronika Yurievna
  • Bokuchava Revaz Avtandilovich
  • Bondareva Irina Anatolyevna
  • Boriskina Elena Anatolyevna
  • Borisova Elena Vladimirovna
  • Bochikashvili Georgy Mirianovich
  • Boyarskaya Natalia Vitalievna
  • Bragina Olga Ivanovna
  • Bryksina Elena Vitalievna
  • Bubliy Dmitry Stanislavovich
  • Bukiya Naira Raminovna
  • Bulavinova Alla Pavlovna
  • Bulaeva Olga Nikolaevna
  • Bulatova Irina Borisovna
  • Bunina Elena Alekseevna
  • Bureinikova Leonora Leonidovna
  • But Inna Viktorovna
  • Busheva Olga Vasilievna

There are 50 notaries in Moscow with last names starting with the letter B.


  • Valdaev Vladimir Evgenievich
  • Valueva Svetlana Yurievna
  • Vasiliev Vladimir Mikhailovich
  • Vasilyeva Larisa Viktorovna
  • Vasilyeva Lyubov Andreevna
  • Vasilyeva Maria Vsevolodovna
  • Vasilyeva Yulia Vasilievna
  • Vasina Anna Alekseevna
  • Vaske Petr Andreevich
  • Verbitskaya Larisa Yakovlevna
  • Veselova Elena Nikolaevna
  • Veselova Olga Sergeevna
  • Vinnik Marina Yurievna
  • Vinogradova Olga Yurievna
  • Vlasova Svetlana Semenovna
  • Vokina Olga Mikhailovna
  • Volkova Tatyana Lvovna
  • Volkova Yulia Stanislavovna
  • Vorobyova Olga Anatolyevna
  • Voroshilina Anna Valerievna
  • Vroblevskaya Larisa Eduardovna
  • Vrublevskaya Tatyana Vyacheslavovna
  • Wursta Inna Nikolaevna
  • Vyaznikova Olga Vasilievna

There are 24 notaries in Moscow with last names starting with the letter V.


  • Gabanyan Nina Georgievna
  • Gagarina Natalya Dmitrievna
  • Gaidukov Dmitry Mikhailovich
  • Gasparova Kristina Gurgenovna
  • Gemaldinova Dina Maksutovna
  • Gerasimova Marina Dmitrievna
  • Gerasimova Tatyana Alekseevna
  • Germanova Galina Stepanovna
  • Giblov Mikhail Ivanovich
  • Gimkaeva Natalya Iosifovna
  • Glagoleva Lyudmila Vitalievna
  • Glazkova Svetlana Viktorovna
  • Glinkina Yulia Alekseevna
  • Gliyants Ekaterina Vladimirovna
  • Glukhov Sergey Ivanovich
  • Gogolev Nikolay Vladimirovich
  • Goleminov Boris Nikolaevich
  • Golodnova Irina Yurievna
  • Golysheva Lyudmila Borisovna
  • Gomonov Valery Borisovich
  • Goncharov Philip Yurievich
  • Goncharova Ekaterina Vladimirovna
  • Goncharova Larisa Nikolaevna
  • Goncharova Olesya Sergeevna
  • Goncharova Ella Grigorievna
  • Gorbatenko Nikolay Vladimirovich
  • Gorbunov Nikolay Alexandrovich
  • Gorbushina Svetlana Serafimovna
  • Gorelovskaya Anna Ivanovna
  • Gorshkov Vladimir Vyacheslavovich
  • Gorshkov Nikolay Yurievich
  • Goryaynova Nina Zenonasovna
  • Gosteva Natalya Mikhailovna
  • Gracheva Larisa Yurievna
  • Grinenko Svetlana Vladimirovna
  • Gromyko Zhanna Valentinovna
  • Gromyko Tatyana Vasilievna
  • Gruzdova Anastasia Pavlovna
  • Guzhavina Svetlana Vladimirovna
  • Gulenko Tamara Pavlovna
  • Guseva Larisa Serafimovna

There are 41 notaries in Moscow with last names starting with the letter G.


  • Davydova Galina Aleksandrovna
  • Davydova Evgenia Petrovna
  • Davydova Olga Sergeevna
  • Dalieva Larisa Petrovna
  • Dvoryanchikova Elena Anatolyevna
  • Degtyareva Natalya Konstantinovna
  • Deytsev Sergey Evgenievich
  • Demidova Natalia Vladimirovna
  • Demina Nonna Valerievna
  • Demchenko Olga Borisovna
  • Denisov Timofey Gennadievich
  • Denisova Elena Eduardovna
  • Derevianko Natalya Nikolaevna
  • Dick Inna Eduardovna
  • Dmitrieva Elena Alexandrovna
  • Dolgov Mikhail Alekseevich
  • Dolina Vera Alekseevna
  • Dormidontova Lyubov Yurievna
  • Dorofeeva Rita Ivanovna
  • Druganova Margarita Viktorovna
  • Dunaeva Olga Yurievna
  • Dyukanova Elena Igorevna

There are 22 notaries in Moscow with last names starting with the letter D.


  • Evdokimova Marina Ivanovna
  • Edokova Svetlana Ivanovna
  • Elin Sergey Mikhailovich
  • Elina Yulia Sergeevna
  • Emelyanova Galina Vasilievna
  • Eremina Angelika Anatolyevna
  • Ermolova Evgenia Vladimirovna
  • Efimenko Lyudmila Grigorievna
  • Efimova Elena Viktorovna
  • Efremova Elena Leonidovna

There are 10 notaries in Moscow with last names starting with the letter E.


  • Zhalaletdinova Elmira Adelshanovna
  • Zhlobo Igor Gennadievich
  • Zhukov Sergey Mikhailovich
  • Zhukova Alexandra Valerievna
  • Zhuravleva Marina Nikolaevna

There are 5 notaries in Moscow with last names starting with the letter Z.


  • Zabarko Raisa Isaakovna
  • Zabelina Anna Igorevna
  • Zagrai Igor Leonidovich
  • Zaichikova Olga Petrovna
  • Zapryagaeva Olga Vladimirovna
  • Zakhvatkina Olga Aleksandrovna
  • Zolotova Yulia Viktorovna
  • Zubovskaya Valentina Alekseevna
  • Zueva Victoria Evgenievna
  • Zyunina Elena Vilievna

There are 10 notaries in Moscow with last names starting with the letter Z.


  • Ivanov Alexander Andreevich
  • Ivanov Boris Sergeevich
  • Ivanov Mikhail Alekseevich
  • Ivanova Venera Dzhonovna
  • Ivanova Maria Vladimirovna
  • Ivanova Svetlana Borisovna
  • Ignatenko Alexandra Vladimirovna
  • Izgorodina Maria Andreevna
  • Izmailova Nadezhda Ivanovna
  • Ilyina Olga Lvovna
  • Ioffe Gennady Lvovich
  • Isaeva Maria Igorevna
  • Iutina Svetlana Leonidovna
  • Ishmukhametov Ruslan Akhmetovich
  • Ishchenko Anna Alexandrovna

There are 15 notaries in Moscow with last names starting with the letter I.


  • Kabanova Galina Aleksandrovna
  • Kabysh Tatyana Nikolaevna
  • Kadeikin Alexander Alexandrovich
  • Casanova Elena Yurievna
  • Kalachev Oleg Anatolievich
  • Kalinina Olga Alexandrovna
  • Kamalova Yulia Khamitovna
  • Kamenskaya Galiya Adiyatullovna
  • Kamyshnaya Tamara Alexandrovna
  • Kapitonova Tatyana Sergeevna
  • Kapura Olga Igorevna
  • Karamzinov Vasily Vladimirovich
  • Karaseva Ksenia Igorevna
  • Karlin Viktor Alexandrovich
  • Karnaukhova Aigul Engelsovna
  • Karpova Evgenia Nikolaevna
  • Kataeva Gayane Arsenovna
  • Kashkarova Elena Gennadievna
  • Kashurin Yuri Nikolaevich
  • Kvitko Fedor Alexandrovich
  • Kerentseva Svetlana Valentinovna
  • Kizyakovskaya Tamara Pavlovna
  • Kireeva Larisa Nikolaevna
  • Kiryukhina Zoya Viktorovna
  • Klochkova Elena Viktorovna
  • Kobyakov Dmitry Dmitrievich
  • Kovaleva Svetlana Nikolaevna
  • Kovalevskaya Olga Vitalievna
  • Kovalchak Irina Yaroslavovna
  • Kozhevnikova Izobella Aleksandrovna
  • Kozlova Elena Nikolaevna
  • Kozlova Lyubov Mikhailovna
  • Kozlova Natalia Viktorovna
  • Kozlova Emma Sergeevna
  • Kolganov Igor Vladimirovich
  • Kolesnik Irina Evgenievna
  • Kolesnikova Olga Mikhailovna
  • Kolodezeva Tatyana Anatolyevna
  • Kolomiets Natalya Petrovna
  • Kolomiets Tatyana Nikolaevna
  • Kolomiets Tatyana Sergeevna
  • Kolosova Elena Nikolaevna
  • Komolykh Elena Vladimirovna
  • Konina Olga Valerievna
  • Konovalov Igor Viktorovich
  • Konovalova Anna Alexandrovna
  • Konyakhin Evgeniy Leonidovich
  • Korneev Mikhail Valerievich
  • Korneeva Angelina Valentinovna
  • Korobova Yulia Mikhailovna
  • Koroleva Irina Gennadievna
  • Queen Marina Ilyinichna
  • King Victoria Alekseevna
  • Korsik Vladimir Konstantinovich
  • Korsik Konstantin Anatolevich
  • Korsik Maria Alexandrovna
  • Koryagina Anna Valerievna
  • Kosenko Dana Vyacheslavovna
  • Kostikov Andrey Igorevich
  • Kotova Olga Valentinovna
  • Kocheva Victoria Mikhailovna
  • Kravtsov Alexey Ivanovich
  • Kravchenko Alexey Anatolievich
  • Krasnov German Evgenievich
  • Krupnova Leila Gennadievna
  • Krylatykh Elena Gennadievna
  • Krylova Svetlana Ivanovna
  • Krylova Yulia Vladimirovna
  • Kryukova Lyudmila Nailevna
  • Kubasov Igor Evgenievich
  • Kudinova Elena Leonidovna
  • Kudryashova Victoria Germanovna
  • Kuznetsov Ivan Nikolaevich
  • Kuznetsov Nikolay Alexandrovich
  • Kuznetsov Nikolay Ivanovich
  • Kuznetsova Valeria Viktorovna
  • Kuznetsova Natalia Eduardovna
  • Kuznetsova Natalya Viktorovna
  • Kuznetsova Natalya Irikovna
  • Kuznetsova Nina Sergeevna
  • Kuznetsova Yulia Alexandrovna
  • Kuzovkov Alexey Viktorovich
  • Kuklina Natalya Vasilievna
  • Kulikova Galina Nikolaevna
  • Kulikova Ekaterina Gennadievna
  • Kulikova Natalia Evgenevna
  • Kulbekov Eduard Evgenievich
  • Kupreichik Elena Nikolaevna
  • Kuptsov Nikolay Andreevich
  • Kurbatova Anna Sergeevna
  • Kutepova Marina Andreevna
  • Kutilina Marina Vitalievna

There are 92 notaries in Moscow with last names starting with the letter K.


  • Labzova Larisa Georgievna
  • Lavrova Natalia Alexandrovna
  • Lazareva Elena Valerievna
  • Lazareva Larisa Nikolaevna
  • Levina Natalya Sergeevna
  • Levochkina Irina Aleksandrovna
  • Lexakova Ekaterina Olegovna
  • Lemekhova Arina Evgenievna
  • Leonova Dina Tanovna
  • Leonova Olga Mikhailovna
  • Lesnyak Natalya Anatolevna
  • Litovskaya Anna Vladimirovna
  • Litovsky Konstantin Vladimirovich
  • Loginov Artem Yurievich
  • Loginov Yuri Stepanovich
  • Lozhkin Valery Leonidovich
  • Lomteva Tatyana Alexandrovna
  • Lopatchenko Irina Anatolyevna
  • Lugovsky Alexander Alexandrovich
  • Lugovsky Konstantin Alexandrovich
  • Lushchikova Irina Anatolevna
  • Lykova Natalia Alexandrovna
  • Lysyakova Olga Sergeevna

There are 23 notaries in Moscow with last names starting with the letter L.


  • Mayorov Petr Yurievich
  • Makarenko Alexey Alekseevich
  • Makarov Anton Petrovich
  • Makarova Natalya Borisovna
  • Makarova Olga Alexandrovna
  • Makeshina Raisa Vladimirovna
  • Maleshin Dmitry Yaroslavovich
  • Malina Elena Mikhailovna
  • Maltseva Lyubov Alexandrovna
  • Maltseva Svetlana Viktorovna
  • Malyutina Tamara Vasilievna
  • Malyares Faina Izrailevna
  • Mamontova Oksana Sergeevna
  • Markov Oleg Valerievich
  • Markova Olga Borisovna
  • Markhanova Alexandra Ivanovna
  • Marchenko Anna Nikolaevna
  • Maskinskaya Tatyana Vsevolodovna
  • Mateichuk Evgeniy Igorevich
  • Matiosov Vladimir Viktorovich
  • Makhonina Olga Nikolaevna
  • Matsulenko Yulia Yurievna
  • Meleshin Alexander Borisovich
  • Melnikova Valentina Ivanovna
  • Melnikova Vera Alekseevna
  • Melnikova Irina Vasilievna
  • Melnichenko Ekaterina Olegovna
  • Meshkova Tatyana Vasilievna
  • Mizintsev Nikolay Anatolievich
  • Mikadze Manana Ramazovna
  • Mikaelyan Artyom Rafikovich
  • Mikaelyan Laura Surenovna
  • Mikaelyan Sergey Rafikovich
  • Militsina Tatyana Sergeevna
  • Miller Nikolai Nikolaevich
  • Minaeva Liliya Leontievna
  • Mirakina Olga Yurievna
  • Mironova Inna Mikhailovna
  • Mironova Irina Vyacheslavovna
  • Miroshnichenko Marina Viktorovna
  • Mishakova Olga Mikhailovna
  • Mishanin Yuri Vasilievich
  • Mishanina Tatyana Gennadievna
  • Mozgunova Natalya Sergeevna
  • Moiseev Boris Modestovich
  • Moiseeva Lilia Vladimirovna
  • Moiseeva Tatyana Evgenevna
  • Mokroborodova Elena Genrikhovna
  • Molokova Nina Vladimirovna
  • Moltyaninova Kristina Vadimovna
  • Moltyaninova Nellya Lvovna
  • Momatiuk Marina Narkissovna
  • Moroz Marina Alexandrovna
  • Mosolova Elena Petrovna
  • Music Sergey Anatolyevich
  • Mulukaeva Olga Rolandovna
  • Muravleva Irina Nikolaevna
  • Musaelyan Yana Lvovna
  • Mustafina Rauza Kasimovna
  • Mursey Tatyana Vyacheslavovna
  • Myakinchenko Dmitry Sergeevich

There are 61 notaries in Moscow with last names starting with the letter M.


  • Nazarova Galina Alekseevna
  • Nevmyanova Anisya Abbyasovna
  • Nevmyanova Karina Zinnurovna
  • Nechaeva Marina Igorevna
  • Nechaeva Svetlana Vasilievna
  • Nechaeva Tatyana Evgenevna
  • Nikityuk Nadezhda Yurievna
  • Nikiforov Vladimir Nikolaevich
  • Nikiforov Leonid Gennadievich
  • Nikiforova Elena Viktorovna
  • Nikiforova Larisa Vasilievna
  • Nikiforova Svetlana Alexandrovna
  • Nikolaev Andrey Evgenievich
  • Nikolaeva Marina Vasilievna
  • Nikolaeva Svetlana Gennadievna
  • Nikonova Svetlana Anatolevna
  • Nisht Zinaida Lvovna
  • Nisht Tatyana Alexandrovna
  • Novikov Andrey Nikolaevich
  • Novikova Victoria Vladimirovna
  • Novikova Irina Leonidovna
  • Novikova Natalya Nikolaevna
  • Novopashina Ulyana Semenovna
  • Noskovich Svetlana Anatolevna

There are 24 notaries in Moscow with last names starting with the letter N.


  • Obraztsova Elena Petrovna
  • Obraztsova Tatyana Valentinovna
  • Ovsyannikova Tatyana Vyacheslavovna
  • Odintsova Tatyana Gennadievna
  • Ozeranskaya Aurora Viktorovna
  • Oleinik Natalia Ivanovna
  • Oleynova Anastasia Gennadievna
  • Oleynova Antonina Ivanovna
  • Olefirenko Elena Viktorovna
  • Opariy Larisa Alexandrovna
  • Oputina Lyubov Vasilievna
  • Orlova Dina Vladimirovna
  • Orlova Marina Anatolyevna
  • Orlova Svetlana Valentinovna
  • Osipova Svetlana Andreevna
  • Osokina Ekaterina Viktorovna

There are 16 notaries in Moscow with last names starting with the letter O.


  • Pavlov Sergey Sergeevich
  • Pavlova Oksana Vasilievna
  • Panarin Alexander Vasilievich
  • Panaetova Marina Nikolaevna
  • Panferova Elena Borisovna
  • Panfilova Elena Viktorovna
  • Paramonov Alexey Mikhailovich
  • Parkhomchuk Inna Yurievna
  • Pashkovsky Gennady Borisovich
  • Pestretsova Tatyana Andreevna
  • Petrov Alexey Anatolievich
  • Petrova Ekaterina Georgievna
  • Pilia Inga Alekseevna
  • Plankin Andrey Alexandrovich
  • Platonova Elena Mikhailovna
  • Platonova Ksenia Vladimirovna
  • Plotnikova Anfisa Vladimirovna
  • Poddubskaya Larisa Mikhailovna
  • Podmogilnaya Irina Nikolaevna
  • Pokrovskaya Natalia Veniaminovna
  • Pokrovsky Stanislav Yurievich
  • Pokrovsky Yuri Mikhailovich
  • Polupanova Elena Vasilievna
  • Polynkov Andrey Viktorovich
  • Polyakov Mikhail Gennadievich
  • Polyakova Irina Vasilievna
  • Ponomareva Ekaterina Gennadievna
  • Popov Ivan Alexandrovich
  • Popova Lidiya Mikhailovna
  • Popovkin Nikolay Alexandrovich
  • Pospelova Natalia Nikolaevna
  • Potemkina Valentina Dmitrievna
  • Potemkina Yulia Alexandrovna
  • Pototskaya Yulia Viktorovna
  • Potravko Elena Viktorovna
  • Privalova Galina Petrovna
  • Prilepskaya Ekaterina Alexandrovna
  • Prokopova Irina Dmitrievna
  • Prokoshenkova Elena Evgenevna

There are 39 notaries in Moscow with last names starting with the letter P.


  • Radinskaya Natalya Vasilievna
  • Radinsky Sergey Andreevich
  • Radchenko Ilya Vladimirovich
  • Raynova Nelly Mikhailovna
  • Ralko Vasily Vasilievich
  • Ralko Vasily Vasilievich
  • Ralko Olesya Vasilievna
  • Ratiani Valentina Shotaevna
  • Revyakina Vera Mikhailovna
  • Repin Nikolay Viktorovich
  • Reshetnikova Natalya Nikolaevna
  • Rogozhina Tatyana Nikolaevna
  • Romanova Maria Vyacheslavovna
  • Romasheva Tatyana Gennadievna
  • Rostova Elena Nikolaevna
  • Rudenko Andrey Yurievich
  • Rudkina Marina Yurievna
  • Rudov Andrey Viktorovich
  • Rudova Tatyana Anatolyevna
  • Rusakova Elena Petrovna
  • Rusakova Nina Sergeevna
  • Rybina Olga Nikolaevna
  • Ryzhov Konstantin Borisovich
  • Ryabis Danila Alexandrovich
  • Ryabov Roman Vasilievich
  • Ryabtsev Igor Nikolaevich
  • Ryazantseva Inna Nikolaevna

There are 27 notaries in Moscow with last names starting with the letter R.


  • Savelyev Alexander Evgenievich
  • Savina Olga Nikolaevna
  • Savkina Irina Pavlovna
  • Savchenko Natalya Borisovna
  • Sagin Alexander Alexandrovich
  • Sadovnikova Tatyana Vyacheslavovna
  • Sadykova Zifa Abdulkhaerovna
  • Salakhov Akif Gazi ogly
  • Samokhina Elena Mikhailovna
  • Samokhodkina Irina Ivanovna
  • Samochatova Elena Vladimirovna
  • Saranov Alexey Nikolaevich
  • Sarychikhina Elena Yurievna
  • Safonova Alisa Alekseevna
  • Selenkova Vera Sergeevna
  • Selivanova Anna Yurievna
  • Selivanova Marina Konstantinovna
  • Semennikova Larisa Gennadievna
  • Semenova Anna Nikolaevna
  • Semenova Galina Leonidovna
  • Semenova Elena Vladimirovna
  • Semchukova Elena Anatolyevna
  • Sergeeva Zhuzhuna Shotaevna
  • Sergeeva Irina Alekseevna
  • Sergeeva Natalia Yurievna
  • Sergeenkov Alexander Vladimirovich
  • Sergeantova Svetlana Vyacheslavovna
  • Serova Anna Alekseevna
  • Serova Margarita Vladimirovna
  • Sibgatulina Farida Ferdinantovna
  • Sivakov Alexander Vasilievich
  • Sivakova Galina Ivanovna
  • Siverskova Elena Yurievna
  • Sidorov Kirill Evgenievich
  • Sidorova Elena Anatolyevna
  • Sidoruk Natalya Nikolaevna
  • Simkina Olga Pavlovna
  • Sinelshchikov Mikhail Yurievich
  • Sinelshchikova Lyudmila Vladimirovna
  • Sitnikova Olga Vyacheslavovna
  • Sklenazh Svetlana Rudolfovna
  • Skurlatov Alexander Viktorovich
  • Skurlatov Petr Alexandrovich
  • Smirnova Marina Sergeevna
  • Smirnova Oksana Vsevolodovna
  • Smirnova Olga Vladimirovna
  • Smirnova Yulia Vyacheslavovna
  • Smorgunova Elizaveta Anatolyevna
  • Sobolevskaya Tatyana Vladimirovna
  • Sozonov Mikhail Alexandrovich
  • Sokolova Anastasia Viktorovna
  • Sokolova Ekaterina Valerievna
  • Sokolova Marina Valentinovna
  • Soloviev Igor Alekseevich
  • Soloviev Nikolay Alekseevich
  • Solovyeva Elena Vyacheslavovna
  • Solovyeva Olga Yurievna
  • Sopin Vadim Nikolaevich
  • Sopina Tatyana Ivanovna
  • Sosina Irina Alekseevna
  • Soshnikova Yulia Stanislavovna
  • Starikova Ekaterina Vladimirovna
  • Stepanova Alevtina Ivanovna
  • Stepanova Nadezhda Sergeevna
  • Stepashkina Inna Vladimirovna
  • Strukova Olga Eduardovna
  • Strunin Evgeniy Vasilievich
  • Sugrobov Valery Viktorovich
  • Sugrobov Pavel Valerievich
  • Surova Tatyana Petrovna
  • Surovtseva Olga Alexandrovna
  • Surtsukova Nina Vladimirovna
  • Sukhova Elvira Viktorovna
  • Suchkov Vasily Ilyich
  • Syromyatnik Andrey Vasilievich
  • Sycheva Irina Aleksandrovna

There are 76 notaries in Moscow with last names starting with the letter S.


  • Tarasov Anton Alexandrovich
  • Tarasov Vladimir Viktorovich
  • Tarasova Vera Leonardovna
  • Tarasova Irina Vyacheslavovna
  • Tarasova Lyubov Alexandrovna
  • Terebkov Alexey Vladimirovich
  • Terebkova Olga Vladimirovna
  • Terentyeva Elena Yurievna
  • Tikhonova Irina Viktorovna
  • Tkachenko Irina Ivanovna
  • Tkachenko Maxim Alexandrovich
  • Topoltseva Natalia Viktorovna
  • Totsky Nikolay Nikolaevich
  • Tochkin Dmitry Valerievich
  • Trubnikova Larisa Anatolyevna
  • Turchina Marina Andreevna

There are 16 notaries in Moscow with last names starting with the letter T.


  • Ulyanskaya Olga Dmitrievna
  • Urazova Rimma Rashidovna

There are 2 notaries in Moscow with a last name starting with the letter U.


  • Fadeeva Elena Alexandrovna
  • Fayzulina Dilyara Shamilyevna
  • Fartukov Andrey Mikhailovich
  • Fatykhova Svetlana Misbakhovna
  • Fedorenko Oksana Anatolevna
  • Fedorova Lyudmila Nikolaevna
  • Fedorchenko Alexander Vyacheslavovich
  • Fedoryshkina Natalya Borisovna
  • Fedulina Irina Vladimirovna
  • Fedulova Galina Anatolevna
  • Felde Marina Gennadievna
  • Filatova Olga Anatolyevna
  • Filatova Svetlana Viktorovna
  • Filina Elena Anatolyevna
  • Filippova Irina Vladimirovna
  • Fomin Vladimir Anatolievich
  • Frolova Tatyana Viktorovna
  • Frolova Yulia Alexandrovna
  • Furchakova Tatyana Evgenevna

There are 19 notaries in Moscow with last names starting with the letter F.


  • Khaldeeva Natalya Lvovna
  • Halme Irena Yurievna
  • Khamidullina Aigul Amirovna
  • Khanina Tatyana Alexandrovna
  • Kharcheva Ekaterina Vladimirovna
  • Kharcheva Marina Nikolaevna
  • Khodakovskaya Galina Viktorovna
  • Khodnevich Elena Alexandrovna
  • Khokhlov Igor Anatolievich
  • Khyshiktueva Inna Olegovna

There are 10 notaries in Moscow with last names starting with the letter X.


  • Tsabria Vakhtang Davidovich
  • Tsarelungo Alexander Borisovich
  • Tsvetkov Andrey Sergeevich
  • Tsvetkov Maxim Sergeevich
  • Tsvetkov Sergey Alexandrovich
  • Tsvetkova Alexandra Semenovna
  • Tsvetkova Elena Sergeevna
  • Tsymbarenko Alla Gennadievna

There are 8 notaries in Moscow with last names starting with the letter C.


  • Chervov Alexey Mikhailovich
  • Cherkasova Elena Anatolyevna
  • Chernigov Igor Olegovich
  • Chernitsyna Olga Yurievna
  • Chernova Ekaterina Ivanovna
  • Chernova Irina Vladimirovna
  • Chernova Irina Evgenevna
  • Chernykh Anna Alekseevna
  • Chernyavsky Oleg Vasilievich

There are 9 notaries in Moscow with last names starting with the letter C.


  • Shabarina Elena Vyacheslavovna
  • Shagakova Elena Vladimirovna
  • Shaikevich Maria Leonidovna
  • Shamba Nazira Tarasovna
  • Shapovalova Nadezhda Petrovna
  • Sharapova Ekaterina Petrovna
  • Sharafetdinov Nuriman Feizrakhmanovich
  • Sharina Tamara Arsenyevna
  • Sharkova Margarita Moiseevna
  • Sharova Olga Nikolaevna
  • Shvachkina Marina Vladimirovna
  • Shvets Andrey Gennadievich
  • Shebzukhov Akhmed Mukharbekovich
  • Sheveleva Maria Alekseevna
  • Shevchenko Svetlana Nikolaevna
  • Shilova Anzhelika Evgenievna
  • Shindina Natalia Petrovna
  • Shifrina Olga Anatolyevna
  • Shishkina Olga Viktorovna
  • Shkunova Svetlana Vasilievna
  • Shlein Nikita Viktorovich
  • Shmelev Konstantin Averyanovich
  • Shtukaturova Valentina Nikolaevna
  • Shugaeva Svetlana Veniaminovna
  • Shurshakova Elena Evgenievna

There are 25 notaries in Moscow with last names starting with the letter Sh.


  • Shchekochikhin Petr Alexandrovich
  • Shchekochikhina Svetlana Anatolyevna
  • Shcherbakova Vera Vladimirovna
  • Shcherbakova Natalya Nikolaevna
  • Shchetinin Igor Alekseevich
  • Shchetkin Evgeniy Viktorovich
  • Shchukina Natalya Stanislavovna

There are 7 notaries in Moscow with last names starting with the letter Shch.


  • Elgart Linda Gennadievna

There is 1 notary in Moscow with a last name starting with the letter E.


  • Yudashkina Zinaida Vitalievna
  • Yuldashev Mikhail Yurievich
  • Yuldasheva Tatyana Vasilievna
  • Yurova Anna Alexandrovna
  • Yusov Sergey Evgenievich
  • Yusupova Nailya Idrisovna

There are 6 notaries in Moscow with last names starting with the letter Y.


  • Yagudina Venera Mansurovna
  • Yakimenko Mikhail Alexandrovich
  • Yakimenko Olga Vladimirovna
  • Yakovenko Inna Alekseevna
  • Yakubova Tatyana Olegovna
  • Yakushev Kirill Viktorovich
  • Yakusheva Lyubov Ivanovna
  • Yakushevskaya Irina Ivanovna
  • Yakushenko Evgenia Alexandrovna
  • Yarkina Marina Vladimirovna
  • Yastrebov Dmitry Vladislavovich

There are 11 notaries in Moscow with last names starting with the letter Y.

What documents are needed to take possession of the property of the deceased?

Heirs can take ownership of the deceased’s property in one of two available ways:

  1. in accordance with the law;
  2. by will.

If the document was drawn up by the testator during his lifetime in a legally competent manner and contains information about all objects of the estate, this facilitates the work of the notary and simplifies the procedure for the applicants for the inheritance themselves.

In this case, they will be required to provide identification documents.

In each specific case, the notary may require additional documents. Persons entering into the right of inheritance can immediately consult a notary’s office where to apply to obtain the necessary papers.

Usually a certificate from the last place of residence of the deceased and a death certificate of the testator are required.

If the testator did not leave a will, it will be necessary to prove the existence of a family connection between him and his potential heirs.

To obtain the right to inherit real estate, the following package of documentation is often required:

  • A paper that records the testator's ownership of the property of the estate.
  • Technical and cadastral passport for living space.
  • A certificate from the BTI indicating the cost of an apartment, house or other type of housing as of the date of death of the deceased.
  • A certificate from the tax office confirming that the property has no tax arrears.
  • Statement of absence of encumbrances on real estate. It can be obtained from the Unified State Register.

If the right of inheritance to a car is issued, the composition of the package of papers changes. The notary will need to provide:

  • PTS, also known as the registration certificate of the car.
  • The estimated value of the vehicle at the time of the deceased's death.
  • STS - certificate of registration of the inherited vehicle.
  • Contract for the purchase of a car.

These are the most common objects for which the right of inheritance is required. This may also include securities, bank accounts and deposits, shares in a business, etc. An exact list of required papers is requested from the notary in charge of the inheritance case.

The notary chamber has the ability to check powers of attorney for authenticity. Additionally, a citizen can check whether the inherited property is pledged, and also find out about the tariffs for legal services.

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