Cleaning of entrances by the management organization: rules, regulations, legislation, where to complain

Cleanliness is the key to health. Every reasonable person knows about this. Everyone is responsible for the order within the walls of their own apartment - those who want to live comfortably clean almost every day. Cleaning entrances is another matter. According to Article 36 of the Housing Code, this territory is a common area, which means that responsibility for it (including maintenance in proper order) lies with the housing and communal services management company (MC) that manages the apartment building.

Consequently, residents of apartment buildings should not and are not obliged to clean their entrance. But what to do if in practice it turns out differently - the housing and communal services management company is in no hurry to maintain the entrance, and the residents take turns putting things in order? You will have to figure it out, write complaints, and defend your legal rights in every possible way. It's not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Cleaning legislation

There is no law that every front door must have its own entrance cleaner. The same entrance cleaner can service 3, 5 or even 10 areas at the same time. But if there is no such specialist at all, then there is a direct violation of legal norms.

The fact that the cleaning of staircases must be carried out by employees of the management company or the contractor with whom the agreement is concluded is reflected in the legal provisions. Namely:

  • “rules and standards for the technical operation of housing stock” No. 170, approved by the Decree of the country’s political system dated September 27, 2003;
  • Decree of the Government of Russia No. 290 of April 3, 2013;
  • GOST of Russia 51617-2000 “Housing and communal services and services. General conditions."

These documents clearly state: who, where and how should clean when it comes to maintaining cleanliness in the entrances. In fact, the entrance cleaner must be guided by these very requirements when carrying out her professional duties.

If residents in residential buildings are confident that the entrance cleaner cannot cope with the tasks assigned to her, flagrantly violates laws regarding the maintenance of entrances, or does not show up at her workplace at all, they have the right to complain about her to her immediate supervisor - the head of a specific housing and communal services management company. Action will be taken against a negligent employee. If the entrance cleaner continues to be equally negligent in her profession, she will simply be fired.

Where to go if nothing has changed

Usually, contacting the Criminal Code or Rospotrebnadshchor is enough to solve a household cleaning problem. But if the Criminal Code does not want to comply with the decisions of the supervisory authorities, then we should move on.

To the prosecutor's office

The prosecutor's office will seriously take up such a case if the previous stages are completed. If there really is a threat to human health or the well-being of the environment, the prosecutor initiates an audit of the activities of the Criminal Code. The result will be an order to eliminate violations, as well as an administrative penalty. In addition, the prosecutor's office will evaluate the work of the authorities.


If the management company does not respond to either oral or written complaints from residents, then they have the right to hold a general meeting of owners and choose a different method of managing the apartment building.

Cleaning schedule

Naturally, the cleaner at the entrance cannot wash the floors around the clock several times a day. There are strictly defined standards that she must comply with. In particular, the cleaning schedule is as follows:

  • Every day, sweep the floors of an apartment building on the first and second floors, including the elevator room and the garbage chute area, with a wet broom;
  • 2 times a week, sweep the floors on all flights of stairs with a wet broom, along with the elevator and the garbage chute platform;
  • wipe the area in front of the garbage disposal every day;
  • Wash the entire front door with a wet cloth 2 times a month;
  • Wipe the walls, ceiling and lampshades in the elevator room 2 times a month;
  • wash the floor in the elevator cabin every day;
  • Clean the windows once a year;
  • Once a week, clean the entrance to the entrance, clean the grille, etc.;
  • Once a year, clean the entrance doors, lampshades, and electrical panels;
  • Wash radiators and railings 2 times a year.

It turns out that cleaning in the entrance is carried out according to the standards, even if the floors in the front entrance are not washed every day. In this case, the entrance cleaner does not break the law, but acts strictly according to the instructions.

Before sounding the alarm and starting proceedings, it is best to familiarize yourself with the cleaning schedule. If the above rules are followed, then cleaning standards are met, which means there are no violations. But it is important not only how often the apartment building is polished, but also the quality of cleaning of the entrance.

Application procedure

If they don’t clean the entrance, where can I complain? First of all, the application should be sent to the management company servicing your home. There is a better chance that the problem will be resolved if you unite with your neighbors and write a collective complaint. But, if no one except you is bothered by the fact that the entrance is not cleaned, try sending a complaint on your behalf.

The management company may not admit its guilt, but in any case, the application must be considered in the manner prescribed by law - 30 working days.

Within two hours (or at a convenient time for the applicant), the management company must send a commission to check the quality and timeliness of all work on cleaning the entrance. If an employee of the management company does not come, then the residents have the right to draw up an act on their own (the signatures of two owners and the building manager are sufficient).

Consideration of the application

A sample act will help you draw up the paper correctly. It is advisable to attach photographs of uncleaned areas with the date and time of shooting.

If for any reason the application is rejected or not considered, you should contact the state housing supervision authorities with a statement of administrative violation.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 493 dated June 11, 2013 approved the “Regulations on State Housing Supervision”, according to which the identification of administrative offenses in the field of housing is carried out by the authorized body - the state housing supervision. It is better to submit the complaint to him in person so that the paper is registered.

In accordance with Article 28.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the prosecutor's office has the right to initiate proceedings for any administrative offense.

If the cleanliness of the entrance is no longer maintained after inspection by state supervision authorities, do not wait for their next visit, take action immediately. The following authorities can also influence the management company (homeowners association, housing department) and force them to eliminate violations within 45 days:

  • Rospotrebnadzor, which respond to requests for low-quality services;
  • Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision - you should contact it if there is such dirt and stench in the entrances that it threatens the health of the residents.

Important! Before contacting, try to record the condition of the entrance - photographs and videos will be an excellent help when filing complaints.

Cleaning quality

Everyone has their own concept of cleanliness. The sample for cleaning entrances cannot be uniform, if only because all the front doors are in a different condition: new apartment buildings “boast” of fresh renovations, old “Stalin” ones are tired of the “dust of times”.

How to make sure that the procedure was completed at the proper level? After the cleaner finishes her work, pay attention to the condition of the landings and floors:

  • are there any traces of garbage, cigarette butts, packets of chips, beer cans (according to statistics, this type of garbage is most often found in front doors);
  • are there any large clots of dust, puddles on the floor, lumps of dirt;
  • Is there a smell of spoiled garbage?

Drawings on the walls

Home-grown artists who choose walls as an easel can be found in many homes. As stated in the law, the frequency of cleaning entrances and staircases, which includes washing walls, is once every 15 days. It’s not difficult to calculate how many times a month the walls should be scrubbed – only two.

But sometimes a utility specialist is simply unable to cope with such inscriptions. Often they are not removed with standard household chemicals that an employee carries with him for cleaning staircases. Residents can only wait for scheduled repairs and drive away the pests themselves.

Sample application

There is a sample form for completing the corresponding application. Complaints submitted in free form are not accepted by either the management company or the state housing supervision authorities.

The main columns of the application are: locality, address, full name, essence of the complaint. A sample application for an administrative offense under Article 7.22 of the Code of Administrative Offenses “Violation of the rules for the maintenance and repair of residential buildings” can be downloaded from us. You can also download a complaint template for poor cleaning of the entrance and use it to write your complaint.

The standard application form includes the following information:

  • addressee: to whom the claim is sent;
  • details of the applicant with a mandatory contact telephone number;
  • the essence of the complaint with references to legislation, regulations and other regulations;
  • please understand the situation and take action;
  • signature and date.

The application can be supplemented with attachments - acts and conclusions of visiting commissions of the Criminal Code, State Housing Inspectorate, Rospotrebnadzor, Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, etc. For greater persuasiveness, you can attach photographs of the deplorable state of the internal common area.

Important! Make sure that the application is registered and one copy remains in your hands. Otherwise, it will be impossible to prove the fact of contacting one or another authority.

Knowing where to call if the entrance is not cleaned, and who to send complaints to, do not forget to carefully study the agreement with the management company. It may turn out that these types of work are not the responsibility of the service organization, and the residents themselves must take care of cleanliness.

Where and how to write a complaint

If citizens know exactly how often they are required to spruce up their entrance by law, but in practice these requirements are not met, SANPIN is not observed, residents of an apartment building have the right to write a complaint. You should proceed as follows:

  • first, the complaint is filed in the name of the head of the housing and communal services management company, in which the essence of the complaint is described in free form and asked to understand the situation;
  • if the letter remains unanswered, then the next authority is Rospotrebnadzor;
  • if ignored, you must contact the Housing Inspectorate of the city or district;
  • If this doesn’t help, go straight to the Prosecutor’s Office.

In the complaint (can be made in any form) it is important to indicate that the residents of the house do not like the way the management company employee cleans their house. Describe what is included in the concept of “dislike.”

All citizens should understand that the utility fee already includes expenses and a tariff for polishing. This is the work of professionals already paid for by the residents of the apartment building. And, like any job, this one must be done, if not perfectly, then at least well.

You can also draw up a kind of agreement with the management company. It prescribes how stairwells should be cleaned with the participation of residents. In this case, the Management Company may reduce or even eliminate the fee for cleaning staircases. But this fact is written down on paper, otherwise it is considered insignificant.

But when cleaning dirty entrances turns into a duty for residents of WNM, then this is a direct violation of the law. Cleaning of residential apartment buildings by the owners of apartments in them is not the norm. It is important to understand that cleaning the dirty entrances of apartment buildings lies on the shoulders of the management company; the company can be punished for failure to comply with this responsibility.

Where to complain if they are poorly cleaned and constantly dirty

If the entrance is not cleaned, the floor is not washed properly, and the garbage is not taken out - this is a direct violation of contractual obligations on the part of the management company.
In such a situation, you need to contact government authorities, following a certain hierarchy.

To the head of the management company

Before complaining, you should try to resolve the conflict peacefully. To do this, they draw up an appeal to the management of the management company, preferably a collective one. It describes the points that residents are not happy with (poor cleaning) and demands that the schedule be brought to the established standard.

It is also indicated here that in case of a negative outcome, citizens plan to complain to higher authorities.

To Rospotrebnadzor

This is an executive authority for which such a situation is core: failure to fulfill contractual obligations by the management company, which makes the sanitary and epidemiological situation in the house unfavorable. This is fraught with the proliferation of rodents that carry infections dangerous to humans and environmental pollution.

Rospotrebnadzor has sufficient powers to solve this problem. An unscheduled inspection will be scheduled, based on the results of which the management company will be obliged to eliminate violations and, possibly, apply an administrative penalty.

To the State Housing Inspectorate

The main function of this government body is to supervise the activities of enterprises in the field of housing and communal services. Maintaining a satisfactory sanitary condition of the entrance is the direct responsibility of the management company. If she evades, you can complain to the inspectorate. Within thirty days the appeal will be reviewed and an order will be issued.

IMPORTANT! Appeals to government authorities can be sent through online services on their official websites, or use the capabilities of the electronic resources of RosZhKKH or State Services.

Where to call

To get telephone advice on the issue of unsatisfactory performance of the management company, you can call the following numbers:

  • Rospotrebnadzor hotline 8-800-100-0004;
  • hotline of the State Housing Inspectorate (individually for each region, can be found on the official website);
  • RosZHKH is a non-state portal that brings together professionals in the housing and communal services sector who will provide legal support.

IMPORTANT! It is better to make a complaint in writing or through online services, since it will be difficult to prove anything during a phone call.

What surfaces should be treated?

Particular attention is paid to objects that all residents come into contact with in one way or another . These are railings, public buttons, door handles. The virus rarely lingers on walls, so these surfaces are disinfected as usual. The list of sanitary works includes treatment of the following surfaces:

  • entrance lobby;
  • intercom;
  • first floor hall;
  • elevator – outside and inside;
  • staircases and landings;
  • steps and railings;
  • ventilation grates;
  • mailboxes;
  • vestibules and corridors;
  • garbage chutes;
  • window sills

Each time, disinfection is carried out with the same intensity. Even if at first glance it seems that the entrance remains clean. But there is one subtlety. Disinfection of entrances from coronavirus should not be confused with regular cleaning aimed solely at removing dirt.


At stops, near metro stations and train stations, snow should be cleared immediately after the end of the snowfall, and in the case of prolonged intense snowfall - after every five centimeters of precipitation. Five hours are allotted for complete cleaning after the end of the snowfall.

If the snow at stops and near metro stations is not cleared, report this to the contact by phone: +7 (495) 539-54-54 or 3210 (when calling from a mobile phone). Applications are accepted daily from 08:00 to 20:00.

How are entrances treated against coronavirus?

Solutions that are used to treat residential entrances must be safe for humans and be on the list approved by Rospotrebnadzor. The list includes:

  • chlorine-containing preparations (chloramine);
  • ethyl and isopropyl alcohols;
  • surfactants with antibacterial properties;
  • products based on active oxygen (hydrogen peroxide);
  • tertiary amines with antiviral properties;
  • low-toxic ammonium compounds;
  • guanidine derivatives, etc.

These products have a wide spectrum of action and are effective against coronavirus infection. The selection and correct preparation of the drug is the responsibility of the company that assumes processing responsibilities. Even the most powerful antiseptic can be ineffective if diluted and used incorrectly.

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