Responsibilities for replacing risers in a privatized apartment in 2021

Home/Water supply and sanitation/Replacement of risers in apartment buildings

Despite the fact that most residents are the owners of their apartments and pay for general building needs on a monthly basis, direct replacement of risers and other water supply elements is carried out by representatives of the management company (MC). Their actions are based on the regulatory framework of the laws of the Russian Federation. However, not many apartment owners know their rights if it is necessary to replace common communication elements located in their apartments.

The solution to replacing risers in an apartment building, the identification of responsible persons and the rules of behavior in conflict situations will be given below.

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Normative base

The regulatory framework for the replacement and repair of the water supply system is regulated by:

  • rules for the maintenance of property located in the common possession of the apartment building (RF RF No. 491 dated 08/13/20016);
  • standards for the technical use of housing stock (Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003 No. 170);
  • methodological manual for the operation, maintenance and repair of housing stock MKD 2-04.2004.

Replacement of pipes in the apartment. Who is responsible for this?

Troubles such as pipe leaks in apartments are probably not very uncommon. This is especially true for old housing stock, where pipes have not been replaced . However, the need to install new pipes may arise not only due to some kind of emergency, but also, for example, due to renovations in an apartment, when the owners want to get rid of outdated elements and install modern ones.

When a person is faced with such cases, the first question that arises is: where to turn? Is the management company obligated to change pipes? Do I need to pay extra for this? Can I hire a third party at my discretion?

Who should change risers in an apartment building?

It is a mistake to believe that if the common water risers are used by the residents of the apartments of an apartment building, then the responsibility for replacing them rests entirely with them. Ignorance of the regulatory framework of the Housing Code leads to unnecessary waste of money from the pockets of owners.


Decree of the Russian Federation No. 354, Article 149 (dated May 6, 2011) and Article 161 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation state that repairs, as well as complete replacement of risers in an apartment building, are the responsibility of the Management Company assigned to a specific building.

Every month, each apartment owner receives a receipt for utility bills, which contains the column “maintenance and repairs.” For those funds that come from residents from paying receipts, in particular for maintenance and repairs, all preventive and repair work must be carried out.

Consequently, in the event of a pipe break or other damage to the riser, the housing office is obliged to carry out repair work without charging residents (the reverse action is illegal).

How to assemble a new riser

The new riser is assembled from the bottom up. All sections are polished, removing burrs. This is done to prevent uneven surfaces from becoming debris collecting areas. Fasteners are installed under the sockets; clamps are used for this. The riser is fixed to the wall.

If polypropylene products are installed, use a compensator (pipe). It is put on a cut of an old pipe. At the final stage, the straight section is connected to the pipe. The pipe may not fit well into the socket; in this case, its edge is lubricated with soap.

When the installation work is completed, all joints are carefully coated with sealant.

Replacement standards

According to the standards for replacing risers in an apartment building, they must be replaced in two cases:

  1. Expiration of the operational life of the metal structure.
  2. Complete renovation of the apartment's bathroom.

Living conditions provide for 2 modes of pipe replacement:

  • planned - when the time for replacement has approached;
  • emergency - when the integrity of the pipe has been damaged and a leak has formed.

The warranty period for pipes in apartment buildings is at least 25 years. Even if after this period the structure is intact without leaks, the riser still needs to be replaced.

Increasingly, cast iron pipes are being replaced with polypropylene ones. This is due to a number of advantages of the material:

  • efficiency;
  • ease;
  • strength;
  • environmental safety;
  • resistance to deformation from thermal effects;
  • resistance to corrosion and other influences;
  • sliding structure of the internal walls, which prevents plaque formation;
  • long service life: from 50 to 100 years.

Materials and tools

The easiest way is to replace any pipes with polypropylene ones, especially since you can even purchase pipes with a pressure of 25 bar for high-rise buildings. Most often this is what they do.

Tools for dismantling will be needed:

  • angle grinder (grinder) with a cutting wheel for metal;
  • small sledgehammer 3-5 kg;
  • locksmith's key number 2-3;
  • hammer drill or electric hammer.

For installation you need to prepare the following tools and materials:

  • soldering kit for plastic pipes with scissors;
  • tee for connecting an apartment;
  • faucet for soldering to plastic, with the transition to residential wiring, taking into account the material of the internal water supply pipes;
  • 2 transition elements for connecting a plastic pipe to a steel pipe (more about them below);
  • 4 meters of pipe (2x2), taking into account the thickness of the ceiling and the approach to neighbors of 20 cm;
  • wall mounting clamps;
  • die for cutting threads on an old steel pipe
  • 2 bends complete with couplings and locknuts if the threaded option is selected.

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Before purchasing materials, you need to think about how plastic pipes will be connected to steel ones, as well as how to connect the apartment. These are the most crucial and difficult moments in replacing the riser.

If the metal of the pipe is in good condition, then the best way is to cut a thread, then install the pipe on a coupling with a lock nut and connect it to the pipe with an adapter plastic coupling with an internal thread.

Such a connection can be serviced, and in the event of a leak, disassembled and repacked. Some contractors immediately screw the coupling onto the threads, guaranteeing that there will be no leaks. As a result, you still have to redo it, and relations with neighbors will be ruined.

Advice! You can cut threads on a pipe using grapple. You can do without a special key by turning it with a plumbing (gas) wrench. The Krupp has a guide skirt, so a reliable thread is obtained.

If the metal is severely corroded and there is doubt about the quality of the thread, then GEBO fittings are installed, specially designed for such a connection.

The pipes should be approximately equal in diameter . It is possible to use crimp clamps consisting of two halves with 4 bolts.

In this case, it is also important that both pipes are approximately the same diameter, and a rubber band is applied at the crimping point, which should compress the clamp. This method is the least reliable of all three.

When choosing a tee and a tap, you should think carefully, or better yet, pre-assemble a sequential chain: tee, tap, suitable threaded connection to the outlet to the apartment.

What is included in replacing risers in an apartment building?

The process of replacing a riser in an apartment building is the direct removal of the old structure for a new one. However, this is not all that is included in the concept of “replacing a riser in an apartment building.”


First, you need to contact the management company and write an application to replace the pipe. The applicant will receive a satisfactory answer if the document is drawn up correctly and the facts supporting it do not raise doubts.

On the appointed day, representatives of the management company turn off the water in the risers and drain the remaining water. After this, craftsmen come from the management company or organization with which the management company has entered into an agreement. They carry out all the necessary procedures for replacing a faulty riser pipe in an apartment building.

  1. The master uses a grinder to cut out old pipes.
  2. Makes markings for new branches.
  3. New pipeline structures are being installed.
  4. They run water to check the tightness of all joints of the new riser.

By law, all necessary elements of the communication system that need to be replaced are delivered to the owner’s apartment. However, situations are not uncommon when the tenant himself, in whose apartment the installation is to be carried out, pays for all consumables and the element of the new pipe itself. By law, all expenses of the owner must be included in the payment of the receipt for the maintenance of common property for the next month.

Dismantling diagram

Dismantling begins by retreating 10 cm from the upper end of the pipe, and then making an incision. Stepping down 1 m from it, make another circular one, performing it in the form of a spiral. This is a precautionary measure so that the grinder disc will not jam. The worker will not be injured if the rebound occurs.

After this, take a hammer and chisel. The cut is tapped until the pipe bursts. If you do everything carefully, it will split along the cut line. If it is very rusty, it can be chipped off in parts.

When installing cast iron risers in old buildings, a caulking method was used or the pipe was fixed in a socket. Finding out how the pipe is held in place is easy. You need to hit it several times with a rubber sledgehammer, and then swing the riser.

An example of a sewerage diagram.

If you use carbolic acid, it will begin to fall out of the socket. If sulfur was used as fastening, blows with a sledgehammer will not budge it. In this case, you should take a blowtorch and start heating the pipe at the junction.

As a result of heating, the sulfur mass melts. The pipe is swung, held with pliers or an adjustable wrench, and then removed. The bell is cleaned of carbolic acid or traces of sulfur.

Sulfur fumes are poisonous, so you cannot work without a gas mask. After dismantling is completed, the room must be ventilated.

Part of the pipeline is the tee socket. It is required to connect the sewer pipe running from the kitchen to the toilet with a riser. It is most convenient to install tees made of plastic. To prevent leaks, all joints are coated with sealant.

Step-by-step instructions for replacing risers in an apartment building

A break in the water riser in one apartment requires its immediate replacement. Before carrying out repair work, the owner of an “emergency” apartment must discuss this action with the neighbors of the upper and lower floors. The fact is that the pipes are in a worn state along their entire length, despite the fact that the breakthrough occurred in a certain place. And for reliability, they should be replaced completely, in all apartments. If the neighbors disagree, the installation of a common water supply channel will be carried out only in one apartment.

The next step is to contact the Criminal Code. Their powers include shutting off the riser and draining the water. Next, complete or partial (in a separate apartment) installation of pipes takes place.

According to VSN 58-88 (r) “On the organization and implementation of reconstruction, repair and maintenance of buildings, public utility and social-cultural facilities,” planned replacement of water supply systems should be carried out every 25-30 years. Repair work is carried out inside privatized and non-privatized apartments, as well as in basements and entrances.

When can I get a waiver from the Criminal Code?

Even if apartment owners believe that it is time to replace the risers, this work is not always performed by the management company’s employees. This is due to the fact that work is carried out only in the presence of serious damage or failure of the riser.

Therefore, a refusal to replace the riser may be received in the following situations:

  • there are no compelling reasons for carrying out repairs;
  • apartment owners have large debts for housing and communal services, so the available funds are not enough to complete the process;
  • the accident occurred as a result of mechanical impact on the structure by a citizen;
  • The owner of one apartment independently decides to replace the riser.

In other situations, management company employees are required to accept applications from residents of the house.

Replacing a sewer riser

The sewer riser belongs to the common property of the house, even though it passes through a private apartment (according to Article 290 of the Civil Code). Also, the RF PP No. 491 clause 5 dated 08/13/2006 states: “... the common property includes the drainage system, that is, the sewerage system...”.

Consequently, the management company is responsible for the installation and repair work of the sewer riser in an apartment building. For all the necessary consumables that will be required during the replacement process, as well as for the repair itself, apartment residents pay for it, paying monthly sums of money for receipts with the column “maintenance and repair of housing.”


On the day the sewer riser is replaced, the apartment owner does not have to pay anything.

But, if previously the owner of the apartment independently replaced the sewer pipe, and this fact is proven, then the owner is obliged to fully pay for the subsequent installation of this element of the communication system.

Before starting repairs to the sewer riser of an apartment building, a resident must:

  1. Visit the management company and leave an application for replacement of the emergency element.
  2. Draw up a report with a representative of the service organization, which will describe the condition of the sewer riser and (recommended) attach a photo.
  3. Specify the date and time of the work to be carried out, and notify neighbors about it in a timely manner.
  4. Determine the material of the structure that will be installed in place of the old one, as well as some nuances.

At the appointed time, repairmen come and carry out all the necessary actions to replace the sewer riser.

For your information

Upon completion, a “Certificate of Work Completed” is drawn up between the management company and the repair organization. The owner of the apartment should also keep a copy of this act.

Who can carry out the work?

With the direct management method, the owners themselves determine who can be allowed to carry out work.

Most often, this decision is made by the apartment owner alone. In the future, all responsibility for the defect and damage caused will lie with him or with the organization that performed the work under the contract.

In a house with a management company, work to replace risers is carried out with the consent of the management company, since it is responsible for their safe operation.

Depending on the position of the head of the management company, the following may be allowed to work:

  • qualified employees of the management company itself;
  • specialized organizations or individual entrepreneurs;
  • a private person with the appropriate qualifications.

The responsibility to check the specialization of the organization and the qualifications of its employees lies with the management company.

But the apartment owner should not neglect this either. Especially in terms of control during the execution of work.

The following documents or their copies certified by the head of the organization can serve as confirmation of specialization:

  • extended extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities indicating the types of activities;
  • documents on certification of responsible persons issued by Gostekhnadzor, the qualification commission of the organization itself;
  • information on the official website of the organization;
  • order for the enterprise on assigning qualifications to an employee.

Attention! Often, owners themselves carry out work to replace the riser, and even without the consent of the management company. In this case, in addition to compensation for damage, there may be administrative liability for damage to water supply networks, and in case of significant damage, even criminal liability.

Payment for replacement

The answer to the question regarding payment for replacing a riser in an apartment building is contained in Government Decree of the Russian Federation No. 491 dated August 13, 2006. The document determines what is common property, who is responsible for its maintenance and accordingly pays for its repair and replacement.

According to PP No. 491 and its section “Rules for maintaining the property of an apartment building,” each apartment owner pays for the maintenance and repair of all communications in the building. The same information is contained in Article 158 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation “Expenses of owners of premises in an apartment building”: all owners of apartments in apartment buildings are involved in the costs of maintaining and repairing common property.

Thus, all costs for replacing the water supply riser in an apartment building are paid by the housing and communal services from the funds that all apartment owners contribute monthly, depositing money for receipts for the maintenance of common property.

Standard service life of water pipes according to SNIP

Faced with such a problem as the need to replace water supply risers, the question automatically arises of how much money from which budget will be used to carry out repairs of this kind. Apartment owners contribute monthly funds to pay for housing services, a certain percentage of which is withdrawn for major repairs. Thus, the amount intended for repair work grows every month and, if necessary, is spent. When the need arises to change water supply risers, these are the materials that are taken.

In some cases, when individuals contact a housing maintenance office with a request for major repairs, employees of this service ask for a certain amount of money to be paid for it. According to the current norms of the Housing Code, apartment owners are not required to provide any money for major repairs. If they try to achieve this from them, then these actions are regarded as a gross violation of the law. In such situations, you can safely file a complaint with the court.

As practice shows, when submitting a written request to the management service with a request to change the water supply risers, residents of an apartment building often receive a refusal, supported by a number of justifications. Most often, the reasons why management offices do not carry out repairs are the following:

  • Lack of funds. The fact that the housing organization does not have the money to replace the risers is not an excuse. Since every month apartment owners contribute a certain amount, which goes towards needs of this nature, when a request is received from them for repairs, the accumulated money must be spent. Material resources may not be available only if a short period of time has passed since the last major overhaul.
  • Presence of debtors in the house. In almost every multi-storey building there are several individuals who do not pay utility bills and are listed as debtors. This is precisely what many management offices use as a reason to refuse to replace water supply risers. Since most consumers still pay their fees for using housing services on time, they should not suffer because of debtors. In this regard, a reason of this kind for refusal is illegal.

Both apartment owners and management companies should be involved in repair work. The location of the pipeline is taken into account. It also takes into account whose property this or that engineering structure is.

The rules established by Government Decree No. 491 dated August 13, 2006 classify risers as common property. The document states that they are considered common property only up to the point where the first disconnecting device or joint is located.

A resident should not change the riser in an apartment building, since its maintenance is carried out by the management company. It also carries out both emergency work and routine repairs of the pipeline.

Methodological manual MDK 2-04.2014, valid in all regions of Russia, instructs the Criminal Code to replace both water supply and heating poles. Moreover, the first ones are repaired to the point where pipes are laid inside a private home. The heating riser is replaced by the CC only up to the point of its junction with other outlet pipes.

RF PP No. 491 provides a description according to which all branches from risers are owned by homeowners. This applies to any type of pipe. This means that the owners are responsible for paying for any expenses and services that arise in this area. In communication systems, other parts represent the common property of the house. In this case, the management company becomes responsible for eliminating any defects and problems.

Typically, replacement is carried out under two types of circumstances. Either when a complete renovation of the bathroom is carried out, or if the service life of the metal structure has expired.

Pipe replacement also takes place in two modes, planned and emergency. The latter suggests that the integrity of the product was compromised, which is why estrus appeared.

In apartment buildings, the standard warranty period for pipes is less than 25 years. Replacement is necessary, even if the structure has retained its integrity after so much time.

Cast iron pipes are often replaced with polypropylene pipes. This is due to the advantages of new designs:

  • Long service life.
  • Sliding internal walls, on which almost no plaque forms.
  • Resistance to corrosion and other formations.
  • Protection against deformation due to thermal effects.
  • Environmental Safety.
  • Strength.
  • Ease.
  • Economy.

What documents are issued to the property owner?

Upon completion of the installation of the MKD water riser pipe, a “Certificate of Work Completed” must be drawn up, which will state the following:

  • date of drawing up the contract;
  • serial number of the agreement according to which the act is issued;
  • the volume of work performed and all actions taken;
  • cost of work;
  • name of the person performing the repair work;
  • signatures of the contractor and the customer.

This document is made in 2 copies, one of which is given to the contractor, and the second remains with the customer. The contractor is the organization that replaces the damaged element. The customer can be the management company (in which case one copy remains with them and is not given to the owner of the apartment) or directly the owner of the property.

Even if the agreement was drawn up by a representative of the management company and the repair company, the apartment owner should make himself a copy of this act.

Features of connecting to the wiring

In the place where the vertical pipeline will connect to the wiring in the apartment, install a tee measuring 32/20/32. To facilitate installation of the tee, its end is lubricated with liquid soap. The elements are fixed by soldering.

When planning to install a heated towel rail in the bathroom, two additional tees are installed on the pipeline

An important point: when installing tees, it is preferable not to use a coupling, but a soldered connection.

After installing the shut-off valve, check for leaks. If there is none, fix the assembled structure to the wall.

To do this, using a building level, pre-mark points in the wall for making holes for installing clips. Fastening elements are placed every 100-150 cm.

From the moment the last connection is made, the installed section of the network can be filled with water no earlier than an hour later. To ensure a sufficient level of moisture resistance and sound absorption, the places where pipes pass through the ceilings are concreted throughout the entire thickness. These and other finishing activities are carried out only after testing the structure.

Is it possible to refuse to replace risers in an apartment building?

“Is it possible to refuse to replace the riser?” - a pressing question for those residents who have undergone a major renovation of the apartment, because the proposed general house procedure implies some damage to the owner’s property in the bathroom. Is it possible to write a refusal?

Based on the information contained in clause 5 of PP No. 491, risers in apartment buildings are common property. According to the law, none of the residents has the right to prevent representatives of the contractor (MC), as well as emergency services, State control and supervision authorities from inspecting the current condition of communication equipment and carrying out repair work. A control inspection should be carried out no more than once every 90 days, and in case of an emergency - at any time.

Thus, apartment owners do not have the opportunity to refuse to replace common communication systems in an apartment building. In response to the refusal, the management company or HOA has the right to sue.

When can they refuse, and how can they force housing and communal services to fulfill their duties?

The management company has the right to refuse free replacement of the heating riser in the following cases:

  • the damage to the structure was due to the fault of the residents;
  • the heating system was subjected to independent intervention without making appropriate changes to the technical passport;
  • there were serious violations in the operation of the heating system by the owner;
  • existence of arrears in payment of operating costs;
  • the groundlessness of the performance claim, confirmed by an independent expert;
  • the owner’s desire to carry out a radical reconstruction of the system.

It is important to consider that the management company is obliged to provide replacement only in case of serious damage that could cause an emergency, as well as in accordance with the schedule of major repairs after the end of its service life.

If the owner wants to replace the riser without proper reasons, but only for the purpose of modernization, then the management company may require additional payment for more expensive materials and equipment. The company, based on the results of its own inspection, may, instead of replacing the riser, limit itself to a full repair if this solves the problem.

The owner can challenge an unreasonable refusal to provide a free replacement. He can file a complaint with the Housing Inspectorate or the courts. It is completely unacceptable to refuse with reference to the presence of damaged elements of the central heating system inside the apartment. It is illegal to demand additional payment to increase the cost of materials and services if it has not been agreed upon in advance with the owner.

Possible conflicts and their resolution

When replacing a riser in an apartment, its owner may encounter situations that prevent repair work . Conflict cases may be as follows:

  1. Refusal of the management company to replace faulty equipment.
  2. Neighbors disagree with replacing the riser in an apartment building.

There is no point in delaying their decision, especially if replacement of the emergency element is required in the very near future.

When contacting the management company with an application to replace the riser in an apartment building, you may encounter a refusal to carry out the work. The reasons may be different, but most often the management organization refers to the serviceability of the communication system. In this case, the owner has every right to sue the management company, as well as to recover monetary compensation from them for the damage caused.

A common emergency pipeline often leaks not only in one apartment, but also in neighbors above or below. Or the riser is in unusable condition and requires a total replacement, and not just a separate “fragment”. Therefore, installation should be carried out in several apartments. But there are often cases when some of the owners refuse to carry out the necessary work.

It is possible to solve the problem through conversations, but they do not always lead to the desired result. In this situation, the best solution would be a trial. But it is not other apartment owners who must apply to the court, but the management company. In his application to the judicial authorities, the representative of the management company puts forward a demand to the court to force the owner to replace the riser.

For your information

Litigation is not a quick process, but it is effective. According to his decision, the owner obstructing the repair undertakes not only to allow repairmen to replace the pipe, but also to install the concealing box (if there is one). The judge can significantly speed up the process of the case by satisfying the plaintiff’s request in accordance with Art. 212 of the Civil Procedure Code.

Which pipes to choose

If you need to replace the old riser with a plastic one, you can use the following pipes:

  • metal;
  • ceramic;
  • polymer.

PVC pipes for internal sewerage.
Ceramic ones are expensive. The products are not afraid of the negative effects of aggressive chemicals, which is why such pipes are often installed in enterprises. But they are not needed in apartments.

Polymer pipes are lightweight. They are good because even after several years of service, growths do not appear on their inside.

There are products made from polyvinyl chloride and polypropylene on sale. The first material is durable, it is resistant to ultraviolet radiation, but when burned and strongly heated, it releases harmful substances. Sewage drains have a low temperature, so such pipes can be used.

Polypropylene has no such disadvantages. The products are easy to install; all the work can be done on your own. Pipes have a long service life and can withstand sudden temperature changes.

Metal pipes can be steel or cast iron. The former are distinguished by their strength and resistance to high temperatures. But steel is susceptible to corrosion, so such risers are not installed in apartments.

Products made of cast iron are more expensive than others, but among their advantages can be noted their resistance to corrosion. They are durable and will last for many years.

Among the disadvantages, we can note the large weight, so it will be difficult to install the riser. Cast iron pipes become overgrown on the inside, which reduces their permeability.

Complaint about poor quality replacement of risers in an apartment building

If the emergency riser is replaced poorly, the apartment owner has the right to file a complaint against the organization responsible for this matter. The complaint is submitted in writing to the State Housing Inspectorate of a specific region of Russia. It indicates the name and address of the owner where the emergency water riser is located.

The complaint consists of a statement and a request. The application must refer to Art. 161 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation “General requirements for the management of an apartment building” and indicate that the repair work did not eliminate the emergency situation. The petition contains the applicant’s request to oblige the management company to correct the problems in accordance with the standards.

It would not be amiss to attach to the complaint photographic materials proving poor quality work, as well as an act drawn up between the tenant and the management company.

general information

In old houses, sewer risers and pipes in bathrooms are made of cast iron - a reliable, but not the most durable material.

Sooner or later, such pipes begin to fail, after which there is a danger of leakage, pipe splitting, property damage and financial liability.

In order to prevent sad consequences, the riser and sewer branches should be replaced. In such a situation, owners often make do on their own and change the riser in the apartment themselves.

Not everyone knows that sewer and other risers can be replaced at the expense of the management company.

Replacement of pipes in the apartment. How to proceed?

The rules for maintaining common property in an apartment building state that the responsibility of the management company ends at the section of pipe where the first drain valve from the riser is located. Next comes a plot that belongs only to the owners of a particular apartment. This means that they are responsible for its operation and maintenance in working and safe condition. If something breaks in this area, the owner of the premises eliminates the defects at his own expense. It’s a completely different question if you need to repair or replace risers —vertical pipes. This is common property that is managed by the housing office. If something happens to these pipes, for example, they leak, you need to go there.

But practice shows that utility workers are not always willing to make contact and come to help at the first call. They often look for reasons not to change the risers themselves. To protect yourself in this situation, you should not contact the management company verbally, but write a statement. Moreover, with a copy, which it is recommended to keep with you. The housing office must put its resolution on it, i.e. give an official response. The application must write that the pipes need to be replaced for such and such reasons.

If the answer is negative, you must request an inspection of the communications and draw up a report on their technical condition. If, as a result of this work, utility workers again refuse to change the pipes, it is worth taking a written response from them again, indicating the reasons. This document will be useful to the apartment owner if in the future the riser breaks and the neighbors are flooded. Then it will be possible to file a lawsuit against the management company for compensation for material and, possibly, moral damage.

There is another option for solving the problem with old public pipes. You can replace the pipes yourself , or rather, hire a third party. But even in this case, you should first contact the management company according to the scheme described above. It cannot be ruled out that the hired specialists will do the work poorly, then the “piece of paper” will again help solve the problems that arise in this regard.

It is also worth remembering that if public utilities agree to change the risers, then the owners of apartments in the entire entrance will have to pay for it.

However, sometimes the management company may refuse to replace pipes with good reason. So, if the owner of an apartment is making renovations and decides to move the pipes in the bathroom because they interfere with the implementation of design ideas, he should do the transfer of communications .

Key Aspects

In order to properly organize the replacement process, it is necessary to take into account some nuances:

  • replacing and repairing a riser in a single apartment will not provide any particular benefits if the entire pipe system, including basements, has not been replaced;
  • risers are necessary elements of engineering communications; if there are malfunctions in their operation, emergency situations arise that can cause irreparable harm to health;
  • in legislative documents they are not designated as personal property, they belong to the management company that maintains the house. This serves as some limitation when replacing by the property owner;
  • replacement of sewerage and water supply pipes and risers is included in the overhaul, contributions for which are paid by all residents of the house under the EPD. If there are many beneficiaries living in an apartment building, then the funds collected by the management company may not be enough, so additional contributions will need to be collected from residents who do not have privileges. In such cases, they put forward their own replacement conditions;
  • The lifespan of the house is 25 years, after which major repairs are required. But ongoing audits extend this period, but this cannot be done indefinitely;
  • the management company may not carry out major repairs during this period of time. In the same way, the owner of any equipment is not obliged to repair it if it is in good working order and working. This allows both the management organization and the residents to maneuver in this matter;
  • a riser that has undergone emergency restoration work in the interval between major repairs is considered emergency until it is completely replaced, even if only a hole was welded in it through which only a small volume of water flowed;
  • To recognize it as an emergency, traces of repairs made are necessary. At the same time, the statute of limitations does not matter; if there are many such signs, then it is the fault of the management company, which did not carry out major repairs on time.
  • engineering communications in the house need to be periodically repaired, be it replacing the sewer riser, water supply or heating;
  • Even a non-specialist can install pipes inside an apartment, but a professional is needed to replace the riser.

How to write an application for pipe replacement?

Such a document is drawn up in free form. It just needs to tell you about the situation that has developed and requires prompt intervention from the management company.

It would not be superfluous to mention that the apartment owner who submits the application is a conscientious payer for all items of utility costs, does not allow delays, and therefore has the right to count on the timely provision of quality services. The application should be written to the head of the housing office. If you still have difficulties writing an application, you can use a template. Samples should be available in every housing office.

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