Registration of minor children in a privatized apartment

According to the laws of the Russian Federation, if a child is under 14 years old, he is automatically registered with one of the parents. If the apartment is owned by other people, then the procedure is carried out in any case, but in order to carry it out it is necessary to fulfill some requirements and collect a package of documents.

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How to register a child in a privatized apartment?

To carry out the registration procedure for a privatized apartment, you should follow a number of instructions:

  • If a minor has registration at a different address, you must first extract from the previous place of registration;
  • Contact the parents at the territorial office of the Federal Migration Service, fill out an application in form No. 6, if the procedure is carried out by a trusted person, then a power of attorney with consent to carry out all actions, which is certified by a notary, is required;
  • The homeowners confirm in writing that the minor is allowed to register, however, if the owners are against it, the procedure will be carried out in any case, since the minor is registered in an apartment with one of the parents;
  • Fill out all the necessary documents that confirm your registration in a privatized apartment, and check in on the arrival card.

The registration procedure for a privatized apartment is absolutely free; it requires 2-3 days after submitting all documents.

Registration procedure

Registration is completed in several stages:

  • It is necessary to obtain a birth certificate (an important condition for newborns);
  • Collect all documents without which the process is impossible;
  • Bring them to the designated facility.

Good to know! It was relatively recently introduced that you can register a child in a privatized apartment through the management company, without having to contact the passport office. The specialist will arrange everything in accordance with the law.

Required documents

To register a minor in a privatized apartment, you must provide a package of documents to the Housing Office:

  • A special application form from both parents to register the child, if the children are over 15 years old, then he fills out such a document himself;
  • Birth certificate; if you are 16 years old at the time of the procedure, you must show your passport;
  • A receipt showing that the fee has been paid in full;
  • If parents are registered at different addresses, then one of them receives confirmation from the management company at the place of registration in the form of a certificate indicating that the child is not registered with him, this is done in order to avoid receiving double registration;
  • If parents have different places of registration, one of them writes that they are not against registration with the other parent;
  • If he was previously registered in another apartment, it is necessary to provide a certificate of departure from his previous place of residence.

Document processing takes up to 10 days. Before the procedure, the employee writes a receipt that he has received all the necessary documents for the procedure.

Where to go?

To register children in a privatized apartment, you should contact one of the special institutions:

  • Passport Office;
  • Management company or housing office;
  • Multifunctional Center;
  • Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Migration Issues;
  • The service can be obtained through the government services portal.

Let's celebrate! In any of the above institutions, specialists will accept an application from the parents and all the necessary documents to register the minor in the apartment.

Registration dates

The process usually takes from 3 to 9 days. If parents need to register their children in a fairly short time, they should contact the migration service directly. In this case, the registration procedure is completed within 1-3 days.

If parents decide to register their child using the government services portal, then the time for providing the service increases, since after 9-10 days it is necessary to go to a special institution to confirm all copies of the documents provided , after which a specialist will send them for review.

Certification and registration of the document

Before submitting a package of documents, all papers, including the application, must be certified by the head of the territorial office where the registration procedure will take place.

Advice! If there is a branch of the MFC in the city, it is better to apply there - the reception of citizens at the centers is orderly and proceeds quickly.

Also, these organizations have an impressive database of residential areas and persons registered there, so in addition to the application, a minimum set of papers will be required. Russians can apply for registration at their place of residence for free . The state duty exists only for foreigners and is 350 rubles.

What rights does registration give a child?

After he is registered in a privatized apartment, he is endowed with the rights:

  • The right to inherit a share of the apartment, in addition, he becomes the heir of the first step;
  • Can freely use the living space;
  • A minor cannot be deprived of the living space in which he is registered until the same or better conditions are provided;
  • Possibility of queuing for kindergarten;
  • School choice;
  • Receiving certain social benefits;
  • Providing free medical care;
  • Obtaining the necessary documents, which include SNILS, medical policy and TIN.

Note from lawyers! In addition, the discharge procedure is very complicated, and this is monitored by the guardianship authorities. Therefore, before registering a minor child in a privatized apartment, it is necessary to weigh all the conditions for his presence in it.

Registration after 14 years

When one turns fourteen years old, the question of whether one minor child can be officially registered in an apartment is decided differently.

It will be possible to register one person in housing where no one is registered. You can also continue to apply for documents to live with your mother or father.

For registration you will need only three documents:

  • statement,
  • guardian's approval
  • basis for use of living space.

The service is provided free of charge. After fourteen years, the question of whether a child can be registered is decided with the approval of the homeowners.

The personal presence of the minor is required during registration. He must present his passport.

Is it possible to register a child in a privatized apartment without the consent of the residents?

There are frequent cases when situations arise in which parents want to register a child in a privatized apartment, but the residents are against it.

In this case, it is possible to register the baby, but the opinion of the owners is not taken into account. This is explained in laws that put the interests of children above those of adults.

At the same time, the right of registration in a privatized apartment is regulated by the following laws:

  • Civil Code (Article 20, registration together with one of the parents);
  • Housing Code (does not require the consent of homeowners to place a child with one of the parents);
  • Criminal Code (control over the provision of information about registration; incorrect information entails liability, in some cases even imprisonment is possible);
  • Code of Administrative Offenses (imposition of a fine if registration is not completed within a certain period established by law).

In order not to violate the laws of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to register the child within the established period, regardless of the consent of the homeowners.

Possible locations

What to do if there is nowhere to register? Can a person not be registered anywhere?

The law obliges all citizens who primarily live in the same area to register.

In accordance with Russian Federation Law No. 5342-1, which determines citizens’ choice of place of residence within Russia, registration records have been introduced. Under one condition - living in a residential building .

Residential premises include: a dormitory, a boarding house for the elderly, a shelter hotel, a mobile housing type, rented housing, a boarding school for veterans (disabled people).

Evasion from registration entails liability in the form of a monetary penalty (Article 19.15.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). Registration at a dacha is possible if the premises meet all the criteria that make regular residence possible.

To obtain permanent registration you need:

  • passports of the owner of the living space and the person who is registering;
  • document confirming the ownership of the home;
  • written consent from other property owners;
  • certificate of family size;
  • if the living space is state-owned - a registration permit (read about registration in a municipal apartment);
  • a lease agreement or other basis confirming the right to use housing.

Federal Migration Service authorities are required to complete registration within three days if all documents are collected correctly, and after three days a mark is placed in the passport .

over 90 days - must register .

Places of stay include: hotel, healthcare facility, holiday home, boarding house, sanatorium facility, camping, tourist base.

To obtain temporary registration in such places, a simplified procedure is provided - by submitting an application to the administration of the institution with the presentation of a passport.

When a family that does not have its own housing moves and rents housing , its members are required to register at the place of stay (

Nuances when registering a minor

When carrying out the procedure for registering a minor, there are some nuances:

  • If the baby is registered separately from the mother, her consent to the procedure is required; if separately from the father, then such consent is not required;
  • If registration is carried out together with parents, then the consent of other relatives or homeowners is not required;
  • Both parents must be present during the registration procedure;
  • If one of the parents has a share of real estate, then he has the right to register the child there, even if its area is less than the established minimum.

You can register in a privatized apartment in any case, even if the homeowners do not give consent. In this case, the minor is fully protected by law.

Let's celebrate! The entire registration procedure is a simple process that can be completed in a short time. The main thing is to collect all the necessary documents and contact specialists in time to receive the service.

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Basic provisions

A minor child under 14 years of age cannot be registered alone. Where the mother or father is registered, the children also need to register there. The rule is established by clause 2 of Art. 20 of the Civil Code.

You need to fill out an application, attach your passport and birth documents for your children. Approval from the father may be required when the parents are divorced or live in different apartments.

Between themselves, the mother and father decide which of them will register the child in the apartment. If agreement is not reached, the dispute is referred to the court.

Children's rights are protected by law. It doesn’t matter whether the square footage of the apartment allows you to register one more tenant, and what other owners think about it. No one can stop you from registering your child.

If there has been no privatization, the rights of the child must be taken into account when transferring housing into private ownership. The children's share is highlighted.

Design algorithm

Initially, when we register 1 minor, it is necessary to prepare documents:

  1. After the birth of the baby, you must immediately contact the registry office to obtain a certificate. The period for application is limited to one month.
  2. If mom and dad live separately, you need to get dad's approval for the baby to live with the mother.
  3. Order an extract from the BTI.

When the documentation is ready, it must be submitted to authorized officials.

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