Determining the need to improve housing conditions According to the provisions and norms that have entered into legal force
Official website of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation A very useful explanation was made by the Judicial Collegium for Civil Cases
Home/Time off/For previously worked time There has been a situation in everyone’s life when, for some reason, he
During work, sometimes unpleasant incidents occur with consequences of varying severity, as a result of which
Blog Having conducted more than 800 seminars for management companies and homeowners associations, I can
1. The decision of the arbitration court in a case considered through summary proceedings shall be made immediately after
At birth, each person is assigned an individual first name, patronymic and last name, the registration of which takes place through
The concept of imprisonment. Signs The content of the concept of “deprivation of liberty” is disclosed in Part 1 of Art. 56
When getting married, using a double surname is a long-standing tradition that was actively practiced in the pre-revolutionary period.