Housing and communal services
To find the area you need, just use our map. Vacant land plot on the cadastral
Methods of registration The donation procedure includes several stages: approval; drawing up a contract; signing; assurances; registration and
The inviolability of the home presupposes a kind of protective shelter for a person from external problems, people and contacts. But
Home / Purchase and sale of apartments / Secondary and new housing / Application for state registration
Article updated: September 15, 2021 Mitrofanova SvetlanaLawyer. Work experience - 15 years "Dachnaya
If it is not possible to find out the required data about the requested plot using a cadastral map, then
Today we need to understand how an apartment is re-registered to a particular citizen. Actually
Home/Apartment building/Responsible tenant Renting an apartment is a natural process, especially when it is impossible to save money
The need to temporarily register a minor at a new address may arise due to various life circumstances.
Be that as it may, shared ownership can help a citizen out in cases where