Home/Water supply and sanitation/Lack of hot water
Modern man is accustomed to enjoying all the benefits of civilization. One of them is a daily uninterrupted supply of hot water. But in practice it may happen that it is absent. It’s one thing when you were warned about this, but another thing when the water was turned off suddenly, and you don’t know when it will be “returned.” In the first case, you just have to wait for the GW to appear and enjoy life, but in the second situation, you have the right to complain and seek justice.
Reasons for turning off hot water
As practice shows, repair and preventive measures in the area of the pipeline or heating plant are the causative factors for turning off hot water. Owners of real estate who use this type of housing and communal services are warned about this fact in advance through the management organization. If no such messages were received, there was probably an emergency in the water supply system. Often the reason for turning off warm water is the formation of debt on utility bills.
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For your information
Currently, many buildings are far from new and therefore subject to a high degree of wear and tear. Major repairs have to wait a long time, during which pipes and other sewer systems rust and become obsolete. As corrosion develops, the water supply system loses its reliability, and various breakdowns quite often occur on the lines. To avoid such unforeseen situations, representatives of management companies take preventive measures in the summer, which require temporarily turning off hot water. Therefore, it is not surprising that she is absent at this time period.
It is common practice to turn off water during the summer months. The main reasons why this happens:
- start of planned repair work;
- reconstruction of sewerage units and systems;
- prevention of subsequent breakdowns;
- installation and replacement of equipment units;
- debt to pay utility bills.
It is generally accepted that in a number of situations, preventive shutdown of hot water supply occurs “in order to save money.” This is partly true, since depriving the population of breastfeeding for two weeks helps to save resources. But the main purpose of the events is different.
How to formulate a request by phone?
The heating network manager gives explanations only after he is informed of the address or number of the concluded contract, therefore, first of all, you need to introduce yourself (give the address, you don’t have to give your full name). Next, ask your question.
For example. "Hello. You are being disturbed from Lenin Avenue, building 32, apartment 67. There is no hot water in the tap, I discovered this morning. For what reasons is there no hot water supply and when will it be restored?” Further actions depend entirely on the dispatcher's response. Sometimes they calmly explain the situation and inform about the accident.
But it happens when they answer that an accident occurred, but the details are not disclosed, and the timing of repair work is unknown - “Wait!”
But the dispatcher, as an authorized person and representative of the service, is obliged to inform the consumer about:
- The scene of the accident.
- The start date of repair work.
- Estimated time for resumption of DHW supply.
Whatever the accident, the maximum permissible time for restoring the hot water supply is up to 8 hours.
Normative base
General provisions for hot water supply are regulated by the housing code. But there are more specific provisions reflected within the framework of Government Resolution No. 354, adopted on May 6, 2011. It describes the procedures for providing utility services to owners of apartment buildings (MKD). Thus, the regulatory framework implies the following points:
- uninterrupted supply of hot water throughout the year;
- permissible temperature deviation parameters at night (from 0 to 5 o'clock) 5 degrees, during the day (from 5 am to 12 pm) 3 degrees;
- constant compliance of the content and properties of warm water with the norms and rules of general sanitation (this standard is established by SANPIN;
- the pressure indicator in the system within the analysis point is from 0.03 MPa.
According to Decree No. 354, water can be turned off at a certain time and for a strictly regulated period:
- a total of 8 hours over 1 month;
- 4 hours as part of a one-time shutdown;
- day in emergency situations.
The duration of the break is regulated by the same SANPIN, and in its clause 3.1.11 it is noted that during annual maintenance and repairs, the shutdown cannot be more than 14 days.
Step-by-step instructions for action if there is no hot water
Many people, having opened a tap with hot water and faced with its absence, panic and begin to frantically make some decisions. First you need to calm down and act peacefully. The main thing is to understand that turning off water is not a whim of some organization or a momentary desire of the management company, but a necessity. The first step is to contact your homeowners association or management company, depending on how your property is managed. Most likely, these services will provide you with detailed information, as well as a hint where exactly you should contact.
This is not the only measure that a homeowner can take in the absence of hot water supply. If you look at your utility bill, you will be able to see contact phone numbers that you can call if there is a problem with the system. Another acceptable option is to make a call to the emergency dispatch service. Most often, her contacts “hang” among the advertisements at the entrance or inside it.
Who to call if there is no hot water?
Pipelines supplying hot water often face enormous loads, so organizations responsible for this process are forced to constantly carry out scheduled maintenance work. If the shutdown of hot water is planned, and you were notified about it in advance, there is no need to call anywhere. The water will appear in a maximum of 2 weeks, and everything will be decided. You won't achieve anything by calling, because these services won't be able to supply hot water anyway.
If the outage happened suddenly, you should contact the emergency service, providing your address and personal information. The dispatcher undertakes to provide his name, tell the calling party about the reason for the outage and the stage of work to eliminate the emergency. Be sure to inquire about the time of planned completion of work and the expected time of resumption of water supply. If the dispatcher is unable to provide the necessary information, call the housing inspectorate or the city water utility.
Moscow City Hall hotline for housing and communal services issues around the clock
Let’s say right away that free telephone numbers have not been found in open sources. Only regular landline numbers for calls are provided. So you will have to use one of them.
There are many telephones that belong to various departments and government organizations. But you need to remember one main number -.
During the call you will need:
- Provide your personal information.
- Tell us about the reason for your request.
- Experts will answer basic questions.
- If necessary, they will connect you with the right department in the Government that is responsible for a specific area.
- You can leave a complaint there and get all the information you need.
This number is available 24 hours a day. But if to resolve the issue you need to contact a specific department in the Government, then you will have to call back on a weekday during business hours.
Where to call in Moscow if there is no warm water?
To ensure their own safety, every Moscow resident must obtain several numbers belonging to emergency public services. If the hot water supply is turned off in the capital, you must first contact MOEK. Here are a few more numbers you can call if you encounter a similar problem:
- +7 – this is a “hotline” phone number that can be reached around the clock if there are interruptions in the supply or a complete lack of water (office address is Efremova St., 10);
- +7 , as well as 681 20 54 and number 681 21 45 - these numbers are used if there is a need to complain about the poor quality of the heating options (this is the hotline of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate, which can be reached around the clock);
- + – the number is always available, and you can call it in case of emergency work (the organization is called MOSVODOSTOK).
These phone numbers should be considered the most important, and if hot water is turned off in Moscow, you can call them to clarify the details.
The client should remember that all utilities are committed to providing them with high-quality services, because residents pay the full rate for this.
Supervisory authorities
Unfortunately, not every supplier conscientiously fulfills its obligations under the contract. If we are talking about the housing and communal services sector, an additional type of protection is provided for consumers - the participation of regulatory structures.
For example, the Moszhilinspektsiya operates in MSC, the competence of which includes the implementation of regional housing supervision. Every citizen has the right to submit an appeal to the inspectorate, in particular electronically using the electronic reception.
In the region, the State Housing Inspectorate of the Moscow Region deals with such issues. Hotline number.
Important! If the behavior of utility workers is observed to be negligent and grossly neglectful of their duties, which resulted in significant harm to consumers, you need to contact the prosecutor’s office and the court.
What to do if hot water is cold
Sometimes situations arise when the water from a “hot” tap is lukewarm. It is necessary to tell the management company about this and call its employee to your home if necessary. He will take fluid measurements and draw up a report. If indicators were obtained that differ markedly from the established standard, then the legal requirements to reduce fees in accordance with other tariffs established by law come into force.
If after your call everything remains in its place, but the hot water still does not flow, you need to contact the housing inspectorate that regulates affairs in your region. Typically, such authorities immediately respond to such requests, and also influence employees of management companies by issuing a fine, filing a case with the courts, revoking permission, etc. In addition, the owner of the property can contact the prosecutor’s office, which most often makes decisions in favor of citizens.
Procedure for appeals when water supply is turned off in the city of Moscow
Below are the contact numbers of authorities that can help citizens in the event of a cold or hot water outage. In addition, residents of houses can receive information about planned outages and their duration.
Dispatch service of the city of Moscow
According to experts, as a first step, you can contact the Unified Dispatch Center (UDC) in Moscow by phone number: +7. When applying, a citizen must provide personal information and residential address, as well as the essence of the appeal or complaint.
After this, the citizen will be connected to the Call Center specialist responsible for this area. To obtain information more quickly, residents of the building can access the Moscow House portal service on the Internet and, by indicating their address, receive information about the telephone number of the dispatch service of the Management Company responsible for the service. The sequence of working with this portal is as follows:
- go to the website of the Houses of Moscow portal;
- indicate the address of the house in the search bar and start searching;
- in the information about the house that appears, select the field about the management company;
- The uploaded information will indicate the contact number of the dispatch service of the service organization and reception hours.
Dispatch service of the city of Moscow for housing and communal services
Using the contact number, you can contact directly the Dispatch Service of the city of Moscow for housing and communal services issues. In addition, the website of the city administration Mos.ru (address: https://mos.ru/) contains contact information for public utilities, including Mosgaz, Mosvodokanal and others.
Filing a complaint
If there are reasonable claims from residents regarding compliance with cold or hot water supply standards, a complaint should be filed against the actions of utility services and their responsible persons. First of all, you should complain to the management organization servicing the house. You can then file a complaint with the local administration. If you have Internet access, you can submit a complaint electronically through the State Services portal. In addition, it is possible to contact Rospotrebnadzor, which is responsible for the quality of services provided to citizens.
In the event of a gross or systematic violation of the quality and timing of the supply of cold and hot water, citizens can bring the prosecutor's office to this issue. Particular weight will be given to the submitted application by the presence of a collective complaint, to which previously sent appeals can be attached.
Inaction on the part of the Management Company regarding the issue of illegal water shut-off may serve as grounds for residents to appeal to the courts, including for the recovery of moral damages or harm to health.
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Separately, it is worth noting that each owner, making payments for the use of hot water, has the right to receive hot water, and not slightly warm water, and also one that meets strict hygienic standards for cleaning and composition.
Watch a video about turning off water:
When can I recalculate hot water?
According to the general norms of legislation (Resolution No. 354), conversion operations for payment of GW can be carried out in a number of situations.
- For each hour in which the permissible duration of the supply interruption was exceeded. In this case, the calculation is made in the amount for the estimated time in which the excess occurred. The amount of the fee is subject to reduction by 0.15% of the amount determined for the same period.
- For every 3 degrees of temperature error (deviation from the norm). In this case, the payment amount is reduced by 0.1% of the amount determined for this billing period. If the temperature at the point of analysis is below 40 degrees, payment for each hour is made as for cold water.
- In case of non-compliance of the composition and properties of HS with the requirements of Russian legislation related to technical regulation. The amount is reduced by the amount of the fee calculated for each day of provision of poor-quality service.
- For each hourly period of hot water supply in total during the billing period in which the pressure deviation occurred. If the error is less than 25%, there is a decrease of 0.1% per hour. If it differs by more than 25%, the amount is subject to reduction by the amount of the fee calculated for each day of provision of inadequate quality service.
Recovery time is not specified
There are also situations where the water is turned off without warning, and they inform you that you should not wait for connection either today or tomorrow. If the resumption of filing is unknown, many people think that their rights have been violated. If such a situation occurs in Voronezh, then you can call several organizations at once:
- emergency service,
- housing and communal services committee at the municipality,
- City administration,
- Reception of the City Duma.
The best option is if the calls come from different people . This will make it clear that the situation really worries the residents and will force the staff of the institutions to take any measures. For example, you can team up with your neighbors, and together you can achieve better results.
Today it is possible to submit written requests via the Internet. To do this, you can go to the website of the Housing Inspectorate, Rospotrebnadzor or the Prosecutor's Office. There are special online applications that allow you to resolve problems as quickly as possible .
IMPORTANT! You should have phone numbers at hand where you can call emergency services and find out information about water outages.
This situation often occurs when the water is turned off at night. Practice shows that it also happens that instead of hot water, barely warm water flows in the pipes. This is a sign that utilities are skimping on supplying homes. But at the same time you pay for hot water.
You need to follow government regulations. So hot water should have a temperature of 65-75 degrees .
In such a situation, you can contact the housing and communal services department and draw up an appropriate report on violation of accepted standards.
Read also: Hot water supply for an apartment building.
After this, utility companies must send a commission, which is obliged to record the exact temperature of the hot water.
A report is also drawn up, after which the cause of the low temperature is established.
This could be an emergency or a low level of service for residents. Be that as it may, after drawing up the act, utility companies are obliged to recalculate .
If the problem is technical in nature, then the organization must take care of its elimination. For example, they can send an employee to troubleshoot problems, and he will be able to determine the nature of the problem on the spot. So the specialist will need to inspect the communications and take measurements, if necessary. The water temperature, by the way, should be checked with a special water thermometer while it is pouring from the tap .
The norm is considered to be a temperature of 50 to 70 degrees, otherwise you need to insist on drawing up a report. Even if employees refuse to sign the paper, try to achieve the desired result . One copy should remain in your hands.
Step-by-step instructions for completing a recalculation
If hot water is unavailable for a long time or is of insufficiently good quality or does not meet current sanitation standards, the accounting department of the management company carries out recalculation measures. This requires examination of the fact of violation of the legislation on hot water supply. The homeowner contacts the water utility and asks for a complaint registration number. This will act as evidence in court proceedings.
After receiving the registration data number about the complaint, a statement is written to the management company. It is within the authority of this organization that the payment for hot water supply is recalculated. If representatives of the water utility are aware of the events that caused the lack of hot water, they report this by phone. If not, then they have to go to the place to clarify the circumstances. If the fact of lack of hot water is confirmed, tariffs are reduced according to consumption standards. Recalculation is not carried out in the absence of water, which does not imply exceeding the legal time frame.
Response Services
All residents of Moscow and the region should know where to call if hot or cold water is turned off without warning in an apartment. After all, this information will help protect yourself from dishonest acts on the part of the supplier, and also prepare for possible everyday difficulties.
Applications via MSK are accepted by:
- unified dispatch service;
- Department of Housing and Communal Services of Moscow - +7 (495)6817367, +7 (495) 681-05-49;
- JSC "Mosvodokanal" (24 hours a day);
Important! A citizen can also receive information support through the hotline of the Unified Information Service of Moscow - +7 (495) 777-77-77. The service operates around the clock.
If residents of the Moscow region have their water turned off without warning, they can complain to the city water utility or the organization that provides the population with central heating. As a general rule, if the delivery conditions are violated, you first need to notify the resource supplying organization, whose contacts can usually be found on the receipt. Another option is to contact the management company that services the apartment building. The telephone number of the management company is often posted on information stands near the entrance to the building.
Nuances of action
- Do not rush to immediately file a complaint and call higher authorities. Turning off hot water is a common procedure in apartment buildings.
- The first one who is responsible for non-provision or poor quality of services is the management company. It can be influenced by higher authorities.
- If actions to disconnect the hot water supply are illegal, it is necessary to file a complaint, make a recalculation and demand compensation for losses from the guilty party, as well as the imposition of an administrative fine on it.
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Complaints about illegal actions of the water utility
Before filing a complaint, you need to find out why there is no water in the house.
If such a circumstance is related to factors provided for by law, filing a complaint will be useless. Otherwise, the consumer can protect his rights. What to do and where to call if there is no hot water? First of all, you can contact the head of housing and communal services.
You should make a phone call first. If this does not help, a statement is drawn up addressed to the manager, which outlines the essence of the problem and the demand to correct the situation.
Residents of apartment buildings are recommended to draw up a collective statement. Who can you complain to if there is no hot water and the head of the housing office is inactive? You can contact a higher authority.
This authority is the State Housing Inspectorate. The powers of this department include supervision of life support systems connected to residential buildings. You can also contact Rospotrebnadzor, whose employees are required to monitor the quality of services provided to the population. Regardless of which department citizens apply to, they will need to make a written application.
Submission order
What to do if the water is turned off? After the calls, a written statement should be made. It is issued on paper (A4 format). It contains the full name of the organization to which the citizen is applying, as well as the personal data of the applicant. After this, the essence of the problem that has arisen is described (no hot and cold water), and demands are made (to resume its supply).
It is recommended to include references to the legislative acts described above. It is worth noting that if the housing office did not send a warning about the disconnection, this should also be stated in the complaint.
Attention! An application submitted to government agencies must necessarily contain the applicant’s full name and registered address.
Anonymous applications will not be considered.
After the document has been drawn up, you must personally visit one of the branches of the selected department and submit the paper. You can also use the “Government Services” service. To do this, you need to register in the system, and then use the “Send an appeal or complaint” option.
It is recommended to contact the authorities in the following order:
- Housing office management.
- Housing inspection.
- Rosportebnadzor.
The department will consider the complaint within a few days, after which a written response will be sent to the applicant. He will come to the address specified in the citizen’s application.