Compensation for dismissal by agreement of the parties - 2021 - 2021
When the parties to an employment contract want to part bloodlessly and end their employment relationship, they resort to
Sample application to bailiffs for a writ of execution
Failure to pay any type of debt often results in a lawsuit. And you don't just need to win
Disadvantages of working under a contract without a work book
Differences between a GPC agreement and a labor agreement: pros and cons for the parties
An employment contract is a written agreement between an employee and an employer, which specifies the rights and
How can a homeowners association collect debts from tenants?
The power was turned off for non-payment without warning - what to do?
Electricity in the 21st century is an attribute of a comfortable human life. Electricity powers household appliances, gadgets,
Additional payment for night work according to the labor code
Shift work schedules often include night work. For the worker, such work carries
Man at the military registration and enlistment office
Dodger's certificate instead of a military ID - how to apply
A military ID is an important document in the life of every man. Its presentation is required when
Consent of residents to transfer residential premises to non-residential premises in an apartment building
Is it possible to transfer to non-residential property without the consent of the owners? It will not be possible to do without the consent of the owners.
How many days before vacation are vacation pay paid by law?
A selection of questions from readers. My vacation pay is being delayed; I have been on vacation since 08/01/19. Do you have
Article 122 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Annual leave: everything an employer needs to know
The right to leave arises for an employee after six months of continuous work for a specific
Article 380 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The concept of a deposit. Form of deposit agreement (current version)
Deposit is one of the concepts, the exact legal meaning of which does not coincide with the everyday one. IN
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